WG14 Document: N1178

Date: 2006/06/19

Defect Report #3nn

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Submitter: Project Editor (Larry Jones)
Submission Date: 2006-06-03
Source: <[email protected]>
Reference Document: N/A
Version: 1.0
Subject: String literals in compound literal initialization

Summary Compound literals, paragraph 3 in ISO/IEC 9899:1999 C Standard says:
If the compound literal occurs outside the body of a function, the initializer list shall consist of constant expressions.
This is to say a string literal, which is neither a constant nor a constant expression, can not be taken to initialize a compound literal with static storage duration. However, this is not the fact.

String literals can not be constants because they are not among constants (defined in Section 6.4.4). When a string literal is used to initialize a compound literal (in the case an array type), the array-to-pointer conversion does not occur ( Lvalues, arrays, and function designators, paragraph 3), and hence the string literal can not be an address constant, which is the only chance to become a constant expression.

Obviously string literals should be mentioned together with constant expressions. It should be:

If the compound literal occurs outside the body of a function, the initializer list shall consist of constant expressions or string literals.

The following paragraph excerpted from Page 125, 6.7.8-4 seems to support the above correction:

All the expressions in an initializer for an object that has static storage duration shall be constant expressions or string literals.

Suggested Technical Corrigendum

Change, paragraph 3, to:

If the compound literal occurs outside the body of a function, the initializer list shall consist of constant expressions or string literals.

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