Preliminary Agenda for 3–7 April, 2017
WG 14/N 2102

Dates and Times

3 April, 2017  09:00 – 12:00  Lunch  13:30 – 16:30
4 April, 2017  09:00 – 12:00  Lunch  13:30 – 16:00
5 April, 2017  09:00 – 12:00  Lunch  13:30 – 16:30
6 April, 2017  09:00 – 12:00  Lunch  13:30 – 16:30

6–7 April, 2017: WG 23 meeting co-located; any C-related items will be discussed on 7 April (see WG 23 agenda)

Meeting Location

IBM Canada Software Lab - Toronto
8200 Warden Avenue
Markham, ON, Canada, L6G 1C7

Meeting information

Venue information: N 2084

Local contact information

Rajan Bhakta ([email protected])

1. Opening Activities

1.1 Opening Comments (Bhakta, Keaton)
1.2 Introduction of Participants/Roll Call
1.3 Procedures for this Meeting (Keaton)
1.4 Approval of Previous Minutes [N 2100]
1.5 Review of Action Items and Resolutions
1.6 Approval of Agenda
1.7 Identify National Bodies Sending Experts

2. Reports on Liaison Activities

2.1 SC 22
2.2 PL22.11/WG 14
2.3 PL22.16/WG 21
2.4 PL22
2.5 WG 23
2.7 Other Liaison Activities

3. Reports from Study Groups

3.1 C Floating Point activity report
3.2 CPLEX activity report

4. Teleconference Meeting Reports

4.1 Report on any teleconference meetings held

5. Future Meetings

5.1 Future Meeting Schedule
5.2 Future Mailings

6. Document Review

7. Defect Reports

7.1 Discussion on the Defect Report Process
7.2 IS 9899:2011 Defect Reports
7.3 TS 17961:2013+Cor 1:2016 Defect Reports
7.4 TS 18661 Defect Reports

8. Other Business

9. Resolutions and Decisions reached

9.1 Review of Decisions Reached
9.2 Review of Action Items

10. Thanks to Host

11. Adjournment

Agenda for the PL22.11/US TAG Meeting, Tuesday of the meeting week at 16:00

  1. Approval of Agenda
  2. Approval of Previous Minutes
  3. INCITS Antitrust Guidelines and Patent Policy
  4. INCITS official designated member/alternate information
  5. Identification of PL22.11 Voting Members
    1. PL22.11 Members Attaining Voting Rights at this Meeting
    2. Prospective PL22.11 Members Attending their First Meeting
  6. Members in Jeopardy
    1. Members in jeopardy due to failure to return Letter Ballots
    2. Members in jeopardy due to failure to attend Meetings
      1. Members who retained voting rights by attending this meeting
      2. Members who lost voting rights for failure to attend this meeting
    3. Members who previously lost voting rights who are attending this meeting
  7. Procedures for Forming a US Position
  8. New Business
  9. Next Meeting
  10. Adjournment