secure_clear (update to N2505)

C Document number: N2599
C++ Document number: P1315 [latest]
Date: 2020-10-20
Author: Miguel Ojeda <[email protected]>
Project: ISO JTC1/SC22/WG14: Programming Language C
Project: ISO JTC1/SC22/WG21: Programming Language C++


Sensitive data, like passwords or keying data, should be cleared from memory as soon as they are not needed. This requires ensuring the compiler will not optimize the memory overwrite away. This proposal adds a secure_clear-like function (C) and a secure_clear-like function template (C++) that guarantee users that a memory area is cleared.


N2599 – Update to N2505:

The problem

When manipulating sensitive data, like passwords in memory or keying data, there is a need for library and application developers to clear the memory after the data is not needed anymore [1][2][3][4], in order to minimize the time window where it is possible to capture it (e.g. ending in a core dump or probed by a malicious actor). Recent vulnerabilities (e.g. Meltdown, Spectre-class, Rowhammer-class…) have made this requirement even more prominent.

In order to ensure that the memory is cleared, the developer needs to inform the compiler that it must not optimize away the memory write, even if it can prove it has no observable behavior. For C++, extra care is needed to consider all exceptional return paths.

For instance, the following C++ function may be vulnerable, since the compiler may optimize the memset call away because the password buffer is not read from before it goes out of scope:

void f()
    constexpr std::size_t size = 100;
    char password[size];

    // Acquire some sensitive data
    get_password_from_user(password, size);

    // Use it for some operations
    use_password(password, size);

    // Attempt to clear the sensitive data
    std::memset(password, 0, size);

On top of that, use_password could throw an exception so std::memset is never called (i.e. assume the stack is not overwritten and/or that the memory is held in the free store).

There are many ways that developers may use to try to ensure the memory is cleared as expected (i.e. avoiding the optimizer):

Or they may use a pre-existing solution whenever available:

Regardless of how it is done, none of these ways is — at the same time — portable, easy to recognize the intent (and/or grep for it), readily available and avoiding compiler implementation details. The topic may generate discussions in major projects on which is the best way to proceed and whether an specific approach ensures that the memory is actually cleansed (e.g. [15][16][17][18][19]). Sometimes, such a way is not effective for a particular compiler (e.g. [20]). In the worst case, bugs happen (e.g. [21][22]).

C11 (and C++17 as it was based on it) added memset_s (K. to give a standard solution to this problem [4][23][24]. However, it is an optional extension (Annex K) and, at the time of writing, several major compiler vendors do not define __STDC_LIB_EXT1__ (GCC [25], Clang [26], MSVC [27], icc [28]). Therefore, in practical terms, there is no standard solution yet for C nor C++. A 2015 paper on this topic, WG14’s N1967 “Field Experience With Annex K — Bounds Checking Interfaces” [29], concludes that “Annex K should be removed from the C standard”.

Other languages offer similar facilities in their standard libraries or as external projects:

The basic solution

We can standarize current practise by providing a C secure_clear-like function that takes a memory range (a pointer and a size) to be erased, guaranteeing that it won’t be optimized away:

secure_clear(password, size);

As well as a secure_clear-like function template for C++ that takes a reference to a non-pointer trivially_copyable object to scrub it entirely:


The precise names and interfaces depend on the semantics we want. Three main alternatives are proposed in a later section.

Note that the intention here is not to discuss Annex K in its entirety (e.g. to make it mandatory). Instead, we want to focus on a specific need that projects have right now (clearing sensitive data from memory), as explained in the previous sections.

An alternative solution would be to just make memset_s mandatory. However:

Further issues and improvements

While it is a good practise to ensure that the memory is cleared as soon as possible, there are other potential improvements when handling sensitive data in memory:

Most of these extra improvements require either non-portable code, operating-system-specific calls, or compiler support as well, which also makes them a good target for standardization. A subset (e.g. encryption-at-rest and locking/pinning) may be relatively easy to tackle in the near future since libraries/projects and other languages handle them already. Other improvements, however, are well in the research stage on compilers, e.g.:

Furthermore, discussing the addition of security-related features to the C and C++ languages is rare. Therefore, this paper attempts to only spearhead the work on this area, providing access to users to the well-known “guaranteed memory clearing” function already used in the industry as explained in the previous sections.

Some other related C++ improvements based on the basic building blocks can be also thought of, too:

There are, as well, other related library features:

Note: at WG21 Kona 2019 [35] it was polled whether the compiler should be free to implement further guarantees (e.g. clearing cache/registers containing it) and/or whether we should encourage them to do so. The result was neutral, so further input from experts from both WG14 and WG21 was seeked to decide this point.

Note: given this function imposes unusual restrictions/behavior, this paper was forwarded to WG21 EWG at Kona 2019 [35], and then to WG21 SG1 at Cologne 2019 [43].

Proposal (C)

This proposal suggests three main alternatives for the addition of a secure_clear-like function, sorted from least to most similar to the existing Annex K memset_s interface.

The proposed wordings are with respect to the N2573 draft.

The suggested names for each alternative have been selected to try to reflect the semantics closely as well as to differentiate between them to facilitate discussion. They have also been picked to be within the space of reserved identifiers within string.h.

Alternative 1: memerase

Compared to the others, this alternative:

Writing an indeterminate value gives freedom to the implementation to choose the best value (or values, or patterns, or randomized values, etc.) for the purposes of erasing the sensitive data, which may depend on the particular hardware or the placement of the memory (e.g. global memory, stack memory, etc.). It also gives freedom to choose a bit pattern that might be a trap representation, which might be useful under certain environments to detect errors.

Furthermore, in principle it allows implementations to write a trap representation that triggers the program to stop.

For the use case of clearing a buffer that will be freed/destroyed, the advantage is that the written value is not important:

void f(void) {
    char s[n];
    // ...
    memerase(s, n);  // No value needed

However, if users are going to reuse the buffer, then they need to set a value explicitly, making such reuse more clear:

memerase(s, n);
memset(s, 42, n);  // Explicitly request a value

Making this case explicit is useful for implementations that may be able to print a diagnostic message if the buffer is read from without having being written again (e.g. similar to uninitialized variable warnings):

memerase(s, n);
printf("%s", s);  // Mistake

Furthermore, the function does not return the pointer as an attempt to prevent reuses of such pointer without careful consideration. It also prevents “hiding” the erasure in a single line like:

memset(memerase(s, n), 42, n);  // Error

which makes it harder to spot (e.g. during a refactor).

Finally, this alternative is the one where avoiding _explicit in the name may be reasonable, since erase feels like performs something different than just a clear/zero/set of memory.

Proposed Wording

After “ The memset function”, add: The memerase function

#include <string.h>
void memerase(void *s, size_t n);

The memerase function copies indeterminate values (converted to unsigned char) into each of the first n characters of the object pointed to by s as a needed side effect ( (Footnote 1). The purpose of this function is to make sensitive information stored in the object inaccessible.

(Footnote 1) The intention is that the memory store is always performed (i.e. never elided), regardless of optimizations. This is in constract to calls to the memset function.

The implementation may not clear other copies of the data (e.g. intermediate values, cache lines, spilled registers, etc.).

Recommended Practice

A call to the memerase function should have similar performance to a call to the memset function.

The implementation should produce a diagnostic message if the written characters of the object pointed to by s are read from before they has been written again (i.e. they can be regarded as uninitialized after the call).

In “B.23 String handling <string.h>”, after the memset line, add:

void memerase(void *s, size_t n);

In “J.6.1 Rule based identifiers”, after the memset line, add:


Alternative 2: memclear_explicit

Compared to the others, this alternative:

For the use case of clearing a buffer that will be freed/destroyed, the advantage of unconditionally writing 0 is that no value needs to be passed:

void f(void) {
    char s[n];
    // ...
    memclear_explicit(s, n);  // No value needed

However, at the same time, if users are going to reuse the buffer, it is common that they need it to be zero-filled, which means they don’t need to do anything else in that case:

memclear_explicit(s, n);
printf("%s", s);          // OK, initialized

Furthermore, since the memory is initialized, returning the pointer makes more sense to be used right away and also mimics the memset interface.

Finally, we add _explicit as a suffix because otherwise memclear(s, n) might be interpreted as just a shortcut for memset(s, 0, n) without the side effect guarantees.

Proposed Wording

After “ The memset function”, add: The memclear_explicit function

#include <string.h>
void *memclear_explicit(void *s, size_t n);

The memclear_explicit function copies the value of 0 (converted to unsigned char) into each of the first n characters of the object pointed to by s as a needed side effect ( (Footnote 1). The purpose of this function is to make sensitive information stored in the object inaccessible.

(Footnote 1) The intention is that the memory store is always performed (i.e. never elided), regardless of optimizations. This is in constract to calls to the memset function.

The implementation may not clear other copies of the data (e.g. intermediate values, cache lines, spilled registers, etc.).

Recommended Practice

A call to the memclear_explicit function should have similar performance to a call to the memset function.


The memclear_explicit function returns the value of s.

In “B.23 String handling <string.h>”, after the memset line, add:

void *memclear_explicit(void *s, size_t n);

In “J.6.1 Rule based identifiers”, after the memset line, add:


Alternative 3: memset_explicit

Compared to the others, this alternative:

The main advantage of this alternative is that it follows memset’s interface, semantics and naming. Users are accustomed to it, and the only difference is that optimizations are not permitted.

Another advantage is that any need for a specific value for the buffer reuse use case is covered.

Proposed Wording

After “ The memset function”, add: The memset_explicit function

#include <string.h>
void *memset_explicit(void *s, int c, size_t n);

The memset_explicit function copies the value of c (converted to unsigned char) into each of the first n characters of the object pointed to by s as a needed side effect ( (Footnote 1). The purpose of this function is to make sensitive information stored in the object inaccessible.

(Footnote 1) The intention is that the memory store is always performed (i.e. never elided), regardless of optimizations. This is in constract to calls to the memset function.

The implementation may not clear other copies of the data (e.g. intermediate values, cache lines, spilled registers, etc.).

Recommended Practice

A call to the memset_explicit function should have similar performance to a call to a memset function call.


The memset_explicit function returns the value of s.

In “B.23 String handling <string.h>”, after the memset line, add:

void *memset_explicit(void *s, int c, size_t n);

In “J.6.1 Rule based identifiers”, after the memset line, add:


Proposal (C++)

This proposal adds a secure_clear-like function template to C++. The name for the function template will be decided based on the one chosen for C.

namespace std {
    template <class T>
        requires is_trivially_copyable_v<T>
            and (not is_pointer_v<T>)
    void secure_clear(T & object) noexcept;

The secure_clear function template is equivalent to a call to secure_clear(addressof(object), sizeof(object)).

The not is_pointer_v<T> constraint is intended to prevent unintended calls that would have cleared a pointer rather than the object it points to:

char buf[100];
char * buf2 = buf;

std::secure_clear(buf);                 // OK, clears the array
std::secure_clear(buf2);                // Error
std::secure_clear(buf2, sizeof(buf2));  // OK, explicit

The return value is void, regardless of the alternative that is chosen on the C side, given that we are taking a reference to an object rather than a pointer and a size.

Example implementation

A trivial example implementation (i.e. relying on OS-specific functions) can be found at [44].


Thanks to Aaron Ballman, JF Bastien, David Keaton and Billy O’Neal for providing guidance about the WG14 and WG21 standardization processes. Thanks to Aaron Ballman, Peter Sewell, David Svoboda, Martin Uecker and others for their input on wording. Thanks to Ryan McDougall for presenting the paper at WG21 Kona 2019. Thanks to Graham Markall for his input regarding the SECURE project and the current state on compiler support for related features. Thanks to Martin Sebor for pointing out the SECURE project. Thanks to BSI for suggesting constraining the template to non-pointers. Thanks to Philipp Klaus Krause for raising the discussion in the OpenBSD list. Thanks to everyone else that joined all the different discussions.


  1. MSC06-C. Beware of compiler optimizations —
  2. CWE-14: Compiler Removal of Code to Clear Buffers —
  3. V597. The compiler could delete the memset function call (…) —
  4. N1381 — #5 memset_s() to clear memory, without fear of removal —
  5. openssl/crypto/ec/curve448/utils.c (old code) —
  6. OPENSSL_cleanse (implementation) —
  7. openssl/crypto/mem.c (old code) —
  8. openssl/crypto/sparccpuid.S (example of assembly implementation) —
  9. memzero_explicit (implementation) —
  10. Options Controlling C Dialect —
  11. bzero, explicit_bzero - zero a byte string —
  12. SecureZeroMemory function —
  13. memzero_explicit
  14. OPENSSL_cleanse
  15. Reimplement non-asm OPENSSL_cleanse() #455 —
  16. How to zero a buffer —
  17. Hacker News: How to zero a buffer ( —
  18. Mac OS X equivalent of SecureZeroMemory / RtlSecureZeroMemory? —
  19. Optimising away memset() calls? —
  20. Bug 15495 - dead store pass ignores memory clobbering asm statement —
  21. Bug 82041 - memset optimized out in random.c
  22. [PATCH] random: add and use memzero_explicit() for clearing data —
  23. N1548 — C11 draft —
  24. memset, memset_s
  25. Test for memset_s in gcc 8.2 at Godbolt —
  26. Test for memset_s in clang 6.0.0 at Godbolt —
  27. Test for memset_s in MSVC 19 2017 at Godbolt —
  28. Test for memset_s in icc 18.0.0 at Godbolt —
  29. N1967 (WG14) — Field Experience With Annex K - Bounds Checking Interfaces —
  30. SecureString Class —
  31. securemem: abstraction to an auto scrubbing and const time eq, memory chunk. —
  32. secstr: Secure string library for Rust —
  33. Sanitizing Sensitive Data: How to get it Right (or at least Less Wrong…) —
  34. Sanitizing Sensitive Data: How to get it Right (or at least Less Wrong…) —
  35. P1315R1 minutes at Kona 2019 —
  36. CppCon 2018: Chandler Carruth “Spectre: Secrets, Side-Channels, Sandboxes, and Security” —
  37. The SECURE Project and GCC - GNU Tools Cauldron 2018 —
  38. The SECURE project and GCC —
  39. The Security Enhancing Compilation for Use in Real Environments (SECURE) project —
  40. What you get is what you C: Controlling side effects in mainstream C compilers —
  41. P1315R1 secure_val: a secure-clear-on-move type —
  42. Portable password input —
  43. P1315R2 minutes at Cologne 2019 —
  44. secure_clear Example implementation —