ISO/ IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 N0790

** Title: Allocator Cleanup
** Author: Nathan Myers <[email protected]>
** Document: WG21/N0790 = X3J16/95-0190
** Sections: [lib.allocator.requirements], [lib.allocator.default],
             [and many sections in Clauses 21 and 23].
** Description
It is obvious, to anyone who looks, that the interface for Allocator
is not pretty.  It has generality, but is not very nice to use.  It
involves using very long names, and calling functions with a messy
notation.  It turns out it can be markedly improved.
** Discussion
In Monterey, Bill Plauger suggested what would (if it worked) have
been a substantial syntactic simplification of the Allocator
requirements, and of the default allocator.  It had some technical
problems, which I agreed to look into and, if they could be solved,
write up a detailed proposal.  This is that proposal.
The essence of the change is as follows:
The current Allocator interface, as implemented in the default
allocator, looks something like:
  template <class T>
    class allocator {
      allocator(const allocator&);
      template <class T>
        struct types {
          typedef T*   pointer;
          typedef T&   reference;
      template <class T>
        typename types<T>::pointer
        address(typename types<T>::reference x);
      template <class T, class U>
        typename types<T>::pointer
        allocate(size_type, typename types<U>::const_pointer hint);
      template <class T>
        void deallocate<types<T>::pointer p);
Most of its members are templates, and common uses of them require
explicit "template f<>()" notation.  Use of this allocator as a
template parameter in a collection looks like:
!  template <class T, class Allocator = allocator>
     class Container {
       template <class T> class Treenode;
!      typedef typename Allocator::types<Treenode<T> >::pointer
!         Treenode_ptr;
       template <class T>
         struct Treenode { Treenode_ptr left_, right_; T t; };
       Container(const Allocator& alloc = Allocator())
         : alloc_(alloc), root_(0) {}
       void aMember();
!      Allocator alloc_;
       Treenode_ptr root_;
   template <class T, class Allocator>
     void Container::aMember()
!      Treenode_ptr p = new(
!        alloc_.template allocate< Treenode<T> >(1, this)) Treenode<T>;
       alloc_.template destroy<Treenode<T> >(p);
       alloc_.template deallocate<Treenode<T> >(p);
(The lines marked "!" are those that change in the next example.)
While this is all very general, it would be better if it were
shorter and had less punctuation and repetition.  Now, suppose
allocator looked, instead, like this:
  template <class T>                                   // 1
    class allocator {
      template <class U>
        allocator(const allocator<U>&);                // 2
      template <class U>
        struct rebind { typedef allocator<U> other; }; // 3
      typedef T*   pointer;
      typedef T&   reference;
      pointer address(reference x);
      template <class U>
        pointer allocate(size_type, typename allocator<U>::const_pointer hint);
      void deallocate(pointer p);
This looks better already.  The first thing to notice is that
most of the template members have disappeared, and most of the
names are shorter.  Here's what use of it looks like:
!  template <class T, class Allocator = allocator<void> >  // 4
     class Container {
       template <class T> class Treenode;
+      typedef typename Allocator::rebind< Treenode<T> >::other
+        Treenode_allocator;                               // 5
!      typename Treenode_allocator::pointer Treenode_ptr;  // 6
       template <class T>
         struct Treenode { Treenode_ptr left_, right_; T t; };
       Container(const Allocator& alloc = Allocator())
         : alloc_(alloc), root_(0) {}                      // 7
       void aMember();
!      Treenode_allocator alloc_;
       Treenode_ptr root_;
   template <class T, class Allocator>
     void Container::aMember()
!      Treenode_ptr p = new(alloc_.allocate(1, this)) Treenode<T>;  // 8
The lines marked "!" are changed, and those marked "+" are new.
Most are about the same length or shorter, but the last one is
lots shorter, which is good because that's the one you have to
type (and read) over and over again.
Let's look at what is happening in the new version of the allocator.
1. allocator is a template (again).  However, container templates
   take, as a parameter, an instantiation and not the template itself.
2. It has a template copy constructor, so it can construct an
   allocator<T> from any allocator<U>.
3. Interestingly, it has a template class member named "rebind".
   This is effectively a template typedef: if the name Allocator
   is bound to SomeAllocator<T>, then Allocator::rebind<U>::other
   is the same type as SomeAllocator<U>.
4. In the header for the class template Container, the default
   value for template parameter Allocator is an instantiation of
   the default allocator template.
5. The typedef for Treenode_allocator is a bit long, because the
   language doesn't have real template typedefs.  [c'est la vie]
6. The declaration of member typedef Treenode_ptr is short and
7. In the constructor for Container the template copy constructor is
   used to copy (via implicit conversion) the Allocator argument to
   the Treenode_allocator data member.
8. In the definition of Container<>::aMember(), we can see the member
   allocate() called with no "<>", and only one mention of Treenode<T>.
   This was the goal: the most common use is simple and comprehensible.
The bottom line is that this alternative formulation has exactly
the same semantic power as the status quo, but the notation is
more natural.  Most uses of it don't involve qualifying names with
"template <>", or "typename".  Further, most uses are shorter because
they don't have to mention an intervening member template.
The primary effect on the WP of this change (outside of clause 20)
is that all uses of the sequence "Allocator::types<T>::" become
"allocator_type::", and the declaration of allocator_type changes.
Details are expressed below.  The changes are largely mechanical.
A side benefit of this change is that a substantial subset of its full
power can be implemented on a compiler that lacks member templates, if
it supports default arguments.
** Proposed Resolution
In Clause 22, in [lib.allocator.requirements], change the
names used in the table and descriptions of the table, each
place they appear, as follows:
  Old                                   New
  X::types<T>::pointer           X::pointer
  X::types<T>::const_ pointer    X::const_pointer
  X::types<T>::reference         X::reference
  X::types<T>::const_reference   X::const_reference
  X::types<T>::value_type        X::value_type
  x.template address<T>(r)       X::address(r)
  x.template address<T>(s)       X::address(s)
  x.template allocate<T>(n)      x.allocate(n)
  x.template allocate<T,U>(n)    x.allocate<U>(n,u)
  x.template deallocate<T>(p)    x.deallocate(p)
  x.template max_size<T>()       x.max_size()
  x.template construct<T,U>(p,u) x.construct(p,u);
  x.template destroy<T,U>(p)     x.destroy(p);
And add a member type:
  x.rehost<U>::other             for X an instantiation of XT<T>,
                                 the type XT<U>.
Also, change
  new((void*)x.template allocate<T>(1)) T
  new((void*)x.template allocate<T>(n)) T[n]
  new((void*)x.allocate(1)) T
  new((void*)x.allocate(n)) T[n]
In [lib.memory], in the <memory> synopis, replace
  class allocator;
  class allocator::types<void>;
  void* operator new(size_t N, allocator& a);
  template <class T> class allocator;
  template <> class allocator<void>;
  template <class T> void* operator new(size_t N, allocator<T>& a);
Replace the definition of the default allocator in
[lib.default.allocator] with:
  namespace std {
    template <class T>
    class allocator {
      typedef size_t    size_type;
      typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
      typedef T*        pointer;
      typedef const T*  const_pointer;
      typedef T&        reference;
      typedef const T&  const_reference;
      typedef T         value_type;
      template <class U> struct rehost { typedef allocator<U> other; };
      allocator() throw();
      template <class U> allocator(const allocator<U>&) throw();
      template <class U> allocator& operator=(const allocator<U>&) throw();
      ~allocator() throw();
      pointer address(reference x) const;
      const_pointer address(const_reference x) const;
      template <class U = void>
        pointer allocate(size_type, const U* hint);
      void deallocate(pointer p);
      void construct(pointer p, const T& val);
      void destroy(T* p);
      size_type max_size() const throw();
    template <class T>
      void* operator new(size_t N, allocator<T>& a);
    template <class T, class U>
      bool operator== (const allocator<U>&, const allocator<U>&) throw();
    template <class T, class U>
      bool operator!= (const allocator<U>&, const allocator<U>&) throw();
    // specialization on void, lacks reference, address(),
    //   construct(), destroy() members:
    template <> class allocator<void> {
      typedef size_t    size_type;
      typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
      typedef void*        pointer;
      typedef const void*  const_pointer;
      typedef void         value_type;
      template <class U> struct rehost { typedef allocator<U> other; };
      allocator() throw();
      template <class U> allocator(const allocator<U>&) throw();
      template <class U> allocator& operator=(const allocator<U>&) throw();
      ~allocator() throw();
      template <class U = void>
        pointer allocate(size_type, const U* hint);
      void deallocate(pointer p);
      size_type max_size() const throw();
Delete paragraph 1, and change paragraph 2:
  It is assumed that any pointer types ahve a (possibly lossy)
  conversion to void*, yielding a pointer sufficient for use as
  the _this_ value in a constructor or destructor.
Change the declarations following, in [lib.allocator.members], to
match, and their descriptions.  In particular, describe max_size()
  Returns: the largest value N for which the call
    allocate(N,0) can succeed.
and add a description of operator !=:
  template <class T,class U>
    bool operator!=(const allocator<T>&, const allocator<U>&) throw();
  Returns: false, always.
[We add operator!= so we can declare it throw(), for efficiency.]
Replace the example with the text below:
  [Example: Here is a sample container parameterized on the allocator type.
    template <class T, class Allocator = allocator<void> >
      class Container {
        template <class T> class Treenode;
        typedef typename Allocator::rebind< Treenode<T> >::other
        Treenode_allocator::pointer Treenode_ptr;
        template <class T>
          struct Treenode { Treenode_ptr left_, right_; T t; };
        Container(const Allocator& alloc = Allocator())
          : alloc_(alloc), root_(0) {}
        void aMember();
         Treenode_allocator alloc_;
        Treenode_ptr root_;
    template <class T, class Allocator>
      void Container::aMember()
        Treenode_ptr p = new(alloc_.allocate(1, this)) Treenode<T>;
  and here is an allocator for shared memory:
    template <class T>
    class shared_allocator: public std::allocator<T> {
      class impl {
        impl(void* region);
        void* allocate(size_t);
        void* deallocate(void*);
        friend class shared_allocator<T>;
      impl* impl_;
      template <class U> struct rehost { typedef shared_allocator<U> other; };
      shared_allocator(void* region) : impl_(region) {}
      template <class T>
        shared_allocator(const shared_allocator<T>&) throw();
      template <class T>
        shared_allocator& operator=(const shared_allocator<T>&) throw();
      template <class U>
        pointer allocate(size_t N, const U*)
          { return impl_->allocate(N*sizeof T); }
      void deallocate(T* p)
          { impl_->deallocate(p); }
In Clauses 21 (Strings) and 23 (Containers), change the definition
in each place where Allocator occurs as follows:
1. Replace each occurrence of "typename Allocator::types<T>::" with
2. Change the default Allocator parameter of each template from
   "Allocator = allocator" to "Allocator = allocator<T>".