Accredited Standards Committee NCITS, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Doc No: J16/01-0000R1
Operating under the procedures of the American National Standards Institute WG21/SD-1
1250 Eye Street NW, Suite 200; Washington, DC 20005 USA Date: 01-04-21
Reply to: William M. Miller
[email protected]
J16 Number WG21 Document Distrib Title Author Prev Version Working
Number Date Date Group
-------------- ------ --------- -------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ ---------------- -------------
J16/01-0000R1 SD-1 01-05-21 01-05-21 2001 J16 Document List William M. Miller -
J16/01-0001R1 SD-2 01-05-21 01-05-21 ISO WG21 and ANSI J16 Membership List William M. Miller -
J16/01-0002 N1288 01-03-12 01-03-28 Agenda, J16 Meeting No.32, WG21 Meeting No. 27, Stephen D. Clamage -
April 30-May 4, 2001
J16/01-0003 N1289 01-03-15 01-03-28 Library issues 225 and 229 Howard Hinnant Library
J16/01-0004 N1290 ???? 01-03-28 Extensions for the programming language C to Jan Kristoffersen Performance
support embedded processors
J16/01-0005 N1291 01-03-20 01-03-28 C++ Standard Library Active Issues List (Revision Matthew Austern 00-0046=N1269 Library
J16/01-0006 N1292 01-03-20 01-03-28 C++ Standard Library Defect Report List (Revision Matthew Austern 00-0048=N1271 Library
J16/01-0007 N1293 01-03-20 01-03-28 C++ Standard Library Closed Issues List (Revision Matthew Austern 00-0047=N1270 Library
J16/01-0008 N1294 01-03-19 01-03-28 October 2001 WG14/WG21 Meeting Jonathan E. Caves -
J16/01-0009 N1295 ???? 01-03-28 Partial Specialization of Function Templates Peter Dimov Core
J16/01-0010 N1296 ???? 01-03-28 User-supplied Specializations of Standard Library Peter Dimov Library
J16/01-0011 N1297 01-03-21 01-03-28 Improved Iterator Categories and Requirements Jeremy Siek Library
J16/01-0012 N1298 01-03-27 01-03-28 C++ Core Language Active Issues, Revision 16 William M. Miller 00-0049=N1272 Core
J16/01-0013 N1299 01-03-27 01-03-28 C++ Core Language Defect Reports, Revision 16 William M. Miller 00-0050=N1273 Core
J16/01-0014 N1300 01-03-27 01-03-28 C++ Core Language Closed Issues, Revision 16 William M. Miller 00-0051=N1274 Core
J16/01-0015 N1301 01-03-22 01-05-21 DTR 14652: Specification Method for Cultural Keld Simonsen Library
J16/01-0016 N1302 01-05-03 01-05-21 Core WG Defect Resolutions William M. Miller Core
J16/01-0017 N1303 01-04-29 01-05-21 Minutes of ISO WG21 Meeting, April 29, 2001 Robert Klarer, Herb -
J16/01-0018 N1304 01-04-29 01-05-21 Minutes of ANSI J16 and ISO WG21 Co-located Herb Sutter, Robert -
Meeting, April 30-May 4, 2001 Klarer
J16/01-0019 N1305 01-05-16 01-05-21 Agenda, SC22/WG21, C++, Redmond, Washington, USA Thomas Plum -
J16/01-0020 N1306 01-05-20 01-05-21 C++ Core Language Active Issues, Revision 18 William M. Miller 01-0012=N1298 Core
J16/01-0021 N1307 01-05-20 01-05-21 C++ Core Language Defect Reports, Revision 18 William M. Miller 01-0013=N1299 Core
J16/01-0022 N1308 01-05-20 01-05-21 C++ Core Language Closed Issues, Revision 18 William M. Miller 01-0014=N1300 Core
J16/01-0023 N1309 01-05-18 01-05-21 Technical Report on C++ Performance (DRAFT) Performance WG 00-0058=N1281 Performance
J16/01-0024 N1310 01-05-10 01-05-21 C++ Standard Library Active Issues List (Revision Matthew Austern 01-0005=N1291 Library
J16/01-0025 N1311 01-05-10 01-05-21 C++ Standard Library Defect Report List (Revision Matthew Austern 01-0006=N1292 Library
J16/01-0026 N1312 01-05-10 01-05-21 C++ Standard Library Closed Issues List (Revision Matthew Austern 01-0007=N1293 Library
J16/01-0027 N1313 01-05-18 01-05-21 Binary Search with Heterogeneous Comparison David Abrahams Library
J16/01-0028 N1314 01-05-17 01-05-21 Notes on standard library extensions Matthew Austern Library