Doc No: SC22/WG21/N1409
Date: November 1, 2002
Project: JTC1.22.32

Reply to: Robert Klarer
IBM Canada, Ltd.
[email protected]

Minutes of ISO WG21 Meeting, October 20, 2002

1. Opening and introductions

Sutter convened the meeting at 18:11 PST on October 20, 2002. There were 7 countries represented.

1.1 Welcome from host

Tana Plauger and Barry Hedquist welcomed the Working Group to Santa Cruz and discussed meeting arrangements for the week.

1.2 Roll call of technical experts


Name Country HOD?
---- ------- ----

Steve Adamczyk USA No
Matt Austern US No
Steve Clamage USA Yes
Gabriel Dos Reis France Yes
Francis Glassborow UK No
Lois Goldthwaite UK No
Robert Klarer Canada Yes
Andrew Koenig USA No
Ichiro Koshida Japan Yes
Jan Kristoffersen Denmark Yes
Tana Plauger USA No
Tom Plum USA (Convenor Emeritus)
Bill Seymour USA No
Herb Sutter (Convenor)

1.3 Select meeting chair

Sutter was selected by unanimous consent

1.4 Select meeting secretary

Klarer was selected by unanimous consent

1.5 Select language

English was selected

1.6 Adopt agenda

Koenig requested discussion of scheduling of technical sessions. In particular, Koenig wanted to know whether there were one or two technical sessions scheduled for Tuesday night. Koenig's concern was that there was insufficient time for two technical sessions on the same night. Tana Plauger indicated that P. J. Plauger's session would be brief, and that there would be plenty of time for both sessions.

Adamczyk asked about scheduling discussion of the move semantics extension proposals. It was agreed that this would be resolved Monday.

The agenda was adopted as written.

1.7 Select drafting committee

Austern, Goldthwaite, Dos Reis, and Adamczyk were named to the drafting committee.

1.8 Approve minutes from previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved by unanimous consent.

1.9 Review action items from previous meeting


1.10 Recognize documents

No documents were recognized.

2. Status, liaison and action item reports

2.1 Small group status reports

2.2 Liaison Reports

2.2.1 SC22 report

Plum described the recent SC22 resolutions that can be located as follows: Plum noted that Herb Sutter was confirmed as convenor of WG21

Plum discussed Resolution 0205 concerning freely available documents.

Koenig suggested that the list of changes for TC1 be given a document number and be made a freely available document. Plum was concerned that it would be inappropriate to make the change list an official, numbered document, as it is expected that the document would consist of about 250 pages, and this would be particularly awkward for subscribers to the hardcopy mailings.

Plum recalled that a previous plan had been to issue two documents; a revised standard and a "changes and context" document. Koenig suggested that the "changes and context" document could not itself be the TC. Koenig observed that the change bars that had been planned for the "changes and context" document cannot, by themselves, provide complete information to the reader about the changes to the IS that the TC prescribes. Plum then noted that it has been agreed that the TC would consist of three parts, the "changes and context" document, the LWG issues list, and the CWG issues list with a revision to reflect the resolution of issue 209.

Plum noted that SC22 has requested a rationale for the publication of the TC as a revision of the standard, rather than a list of corrections. Plum drafted the following rationale:

"The corrected reprint will be more useful, the corrections would affect the index, and there are a substantial number of changes."

There was unanimous agreement that this rationale should be forwarded to SC22.

The ballot for the Performance TR has begun.

2.2.2 SC22/WG11 (Binding Techniques) report

[defer to Monday session]

2.2.3 SC22/WG14 (C) report

[ defer to Monday session]

2.2.4 SC22/WG15 (POSIX) report

Goldthwaite reported that ISO has approved the POSIX standard, and it is expected that it will be published in November.

2.2.5 SC22/WG20 (Internationalization) report

[ defer to Monday session]

3. New business

Defect Report procedures

Status of RR and TC

Future meeting schedules

We have had four offers to host the Spring 2004 meeting, but only one of them was made in writing. The one written offer has been made by Dinkumware, Ltd to host the Spring 2004 meeting in Sydney, Australia.

Microsoft and Bill Seymour have both expressed interest in hosting the Fall 2004 meeting, in Redmond and St. Louis, respectively.

Canada would like to host the Fall 2005 meeting, tentatively in Sydney NS, to co-locate with the SC22 plenary. This meeting would be held in September.

Performance TR status and planning

The Performance TR is now in registration ballot. Simonsen advised that the registration ballot precludes us from altering the document while the ballot remains in progress. So a new revision of the Performance TR cannot be issued until the ballot period has concluded.

Planning five-year decision: revise or reaffirm

Plum reports that we have already been approved to revise.

Library TR status and planning

Sutter asked whether the Library should be merged into the five-year revision. Austern responded that a useful library document could be prepared within a year. Austern suggested that there was some question as to whether the document should be balloted for publication as a TR by that point, or whether it should remain an internal committee document.

Press release planning

No progress has been made with respect to the drafting of a press release about the TC.

4. Review and approve resolutions and issues

5. Closing process

5.1 Select chair for next meeting

Sutter was selected to chair the next meeting by unanimous consent.

5.2 Establish next agenda

The agenda for the next meeting will be the same as for this meeting, except that the item titled "Press release planning" will be removed.

This agenda was approved by unanimous consent.

5.3 Future meetings

The Oxford meeting will be held April 6-11, 2003 Glassborow reported on arrangements.

The Kona meeting will be held during October of 2003.

The following meeting will be held during April of 2004.

5.4 Future mailings

Will be covered tomorrow

5.5 Assign document numbers


5.6 Review action items

Plum will respond to Matthew Deane at SC22 with our rationale for publishing a revised standard.

5.7 Any other business


5.8 Thanks to host

The hosts were thanked. Applause.

5.9 Adjournment

Meeting was adjourned by unanimous consent.

Meeting adjourned at 19:12 PST.