2002 J16/WG21 Document List

Doc. No.: J16/02-0000R1

Accredited Standards Committee*
INCITS, InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards
*Operating under the procedures of the American National Standards Institute
INCITS Secretariat, Information Technology Industry Council (ITI)
1250 Eye Street NW, Suite 200; Washington DC 20005
Telephone 202-737-8888; Fax 202-638-4922;
Email: [email protected]

Date: 2002-05-10
Reply to: Clark Nelson
Phone: +1-503-712-8433
Email: [email protected]

WG21 Number J16 Number Title Author Date Mailing Previous Version Subgroup
SD-1 02-0000R1 2002 J16/WG21 Document List Clark Nelson 02-05-10 02-05
SD-2 02-0001R1 ISO WG21 and ANSI J16 Membership List Clark Nelson 02-05-10 02-05
N1344 02-0002 Namespaces and Library Versioning Herb Sutter 02-03-01 02-03 Library
N1345 02-0003 Type Traits Proposal John Maddock 02-03-07 02-03 Library
N1346 02-0004 Agenda: J16 Meeting No. 34, WG21 Meeting No. 29, April 22-26, 2002 Steve Clamage 02-03-11 02-03
N1347 02-0005 C++ Standard Core Language Active Issues, Revision 21 J. Stephen Adamczyk 02-03-11 02-03 N1341=01-0055 Core
N1348 02-0006 C++ Standard Core Language Defect Reports, Revision 21 J. Stephen Adamczyk 02-03-11 02-03 N1342=01-0056 Core
N1349 02-0007 C++ Standard Core Language Closed Issues, Revision 21 J. Stephen Adamczyk 02-03-11 02-03 N1343=01-0057 Core
N1350 02-0008 C++ Standard Library Active Issuess List (Revision 21) Matt Austern 02-03-12 02-03 N1337=01-0052 Library
N1351 02-0009 C++ Standard Library Defect Report List (Revision 21) Matt Austern 02-03-12 02-03 N1338=01-0053 Library
N1352 02-0010 C++ Standard Library Closed Issues List (Revision 21) Matt Austern 02-03-12 02-03 N1339=01-0054 Library
N1353 02-0011 Local Classes and Linkage Anthony Williams 01-10-15 02-03 Core
N1354 02-0012 Proposed C99 Library Additions to C++ P.J. Plauger 02-03-10 02-03 Library
N1355 02-0013 Technical Report on C++ Performance (DRAFT) Martin. J. O'Riordan 02-03-13 02-03 N1336=01-0051 Performance
N1356 02-0014 Predictable data layout for certain non-POD types R.W. Grosse-Kunstleve & D. Abrahams 02-03-12 02-03
N1357 02-0015 Minutes of ISO WG21 Meeting, April 21, 2002 Herb Sutter 02-04-21 02-05
N1358 02-0016 Minutes of ANSI J16 and ISO WG21 Co-located Meeting, 22-26 April 2002 Herb Sutter 02-04-22 02-05
N1359 02-0017 Technical Report on C++ Performance (DRAFT) Martin J. O'Riordan 02-05-09 02-05 N1355=02-0013 Performance
N1360 02-0018 const-correctness and other safety issues in clause 27: input/output library Walter Brown & Marc Paterno 02-05-07 02-05 Library
N1361 02-0019 Library Technical Report Proposals and Issues List (Revision 3) Beman Dawes 02-04-30 02-05 N1325=01-0039 Library
N1362 02-0020 Agenda for October 2002 Meeting of WG21 Tom Plum 02-04-26 02-05
N1363 02-0021 C++ Support for Delegation Lois Goldthwaite 02-05-08 02-05 Evolution
N1364 02-0022 Evolution WG Proposal Skeleton Herb Sutter 02-05-02 02-05 Evolution
N1365 02-0023 October 2002 meeting information in Santa Cruz CA P.J. Plauger 02-04-17 02-05
N1366 02-0024 C++ Standard Core Language Active Issues, Revision 22 J. Stephen Adamczyk 02-05-10 02-05 N1347=02-0005 Core
N1367 02-0025 C++ Standard Core Language Defect Reports, Revision 22 J. Stephen Adamczyk 02-05-10 02-05 N1348=02-0006 Core
N1368 02-0026 C++ Standard Core Language Closed Issues, Revision 22 J. Stephen Adamczyk 02-05-10 02-05 N1349=02-0007 Core
N1369 02-0027 C++ Standard Library Active Issuess List (Revision 22) Matt Austern 02-05-10 02-05 N1350=02-0008 Library
N1370 02-0028 C++ Standard Library Defect Report List (Revision 22) Matt Austern 02-05-10 02-05 N1351=02-0009 Library
N1371 02-0029 C++ Standard Library Closed Issues List (Revision 22) Matt Austern 02-05-10 02-05 N1352=02-0010 Library
N1372 02-0030 Proposed C99 Library Additions to C++ (Revised) P.J. Plauger 02-05-10 02-05 N1354=02-0012 Library