Doc No: SC22/WG21/N1552
Date: November 14, 2003
Project: JTC1.22.32
Reply to: Robert Klarer
IBM Canada, Ltd.
[email protected]
Minutes of ISO WG21 Meeting, October 26, 2003
1. Opening and introductions
Sutter called the meeting to order at 18:10(GMT-10:00) on October 26, 2003. There were 6 countries represented.
1.1 Welcome from host
Plum welcomed the Working Group to Kona and discussed meeting arrangements for the week.
1.2 Roll call of technical experts
Name |
Country |
HOD? |
Steve Adamczyk |
Matt Austern |
Walter Brown |
Steve Clamage |
Gabriel Dos Reis |
France |
Yes |
Francis Glassborow |
UK |
Yes |
Lois Goldthwaite |
UK |
Seiji Hayashida |
Japan |
Robert Klarer |
Canada |
Yes |
Ichiro Koshida |
Japan |
Yes |
Clark Nelson |
Yes |
Tana Plauger |
Tom Plum |
Keld Simonsen |
Norway |
Yes |
James Slaughter |
UK |
Bjarne Stroustrup |
Herb Sutter |
(Convenor) |
1.3 Adopt agenda
The agenda was adopted as written.
1.4 Select drafting committee
Steve Adamczyk, Robert Klarer, and Gabriel Dos Reis were named to the drafting committee.
1.5 Approve minutes from previous meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved by unanimous consent.
1.6 Review action items from previous meeting
Action item for Sutter: check to see whether WG21/J16 needs permission from the ISO Secretariat to make the "Changes and Context" document produced during preparation of TC1 available to the public on the committee's website.
To be covered in 2.2.1.
1.10 Recognize documents
No documents were recognized.
2. Status, liaison and action item reports
2.1 Small group status reports
2.2 Liaison Reports
2.2.1 SC22 report
Sutter reported that document "ISO/IEC PDTR 18015 -- Technical Report on C++ Performance" is now out for PDTR Approval Ballot. This precludes committee discussion of the TR until the ballot concludes. After the current ballot, two more ballots on this document are required by ISO procedures.
Goldthwaite asked whether a ballot resolution meeting is required for subsequent ballots. Sutter responded that a ballot resolution meeting is required only if there are comments on those ballots.
Sutter indicated that the committee must name backup Project Editors for the Performance TR, for the Library TR and for the Standard. It was noted that Plum has already volunteered to act as backup editor of the standard.
Sutter also reported that WG21 has requested permission to make the Performance TR freely available when it has passed final ballot. SC22 has agreed to this request, and is recommending this decision to JTC1.
Sutter: (from action item -- see above) Implicitly, the Working Group has permission to make committee documents that are not in fact standards freely available. This implies that the Context and Changes document corresponding to TC1 can be made available on the committee website. Furthermore ISO has granted explicit permission to the Working Group to distribute the Context and Changes document on the web.
Simonsen observed that TRs are routinely made freely available.
2.2.2 SC22/WG14 (C) report
[ defer to Monday session]
2.2.3 SC22/WG15 (POSIX) report
[ defer to Monday session]
2.2.4 SC22/WG20 (Internationalization) report
[ defer to Monday session]
3. New business
Defect Report procedures
Sutter observed that the committee is no longer processing Defect Reports, but rather comments on the base document for the next major revision of the standard. In light of this, Sutter asked the group for their opinion as to whether this item should continue to appear in the agenda for future meetings, be removed from the agenda for future meetings, or remain, but under a different heading. The concensus opinion was that this item should remain as-is, with the understanding that little meeting time would be devoted to it.
Status of RR and TC
See 2.2.1.
Performance TR status and planning
Library TR status and planning
Austern reported that there is now a draft of the Library Extensions TR.
Austern also noted that the Library Working Group (LWG) is no longer accepting new library proposals for possible inclusion in the TR, with the exception of P J Plauger's proposal relating to C99 compatibility.
Austern expects that new issues will continue to be opened and resolved as errors in the draft are discovered.
4. Review and approve resolutions and issues
5. Closing process
5.1 Establish next agenda
The next agenda will be the same as for this meeting.
approved by unanimous consent
5.2 Future meetings
Sutter reviewed the schedule for future meetings:
- March 21-26, 2004: Sydney, Australia. Host is Whitesmiths Australia.
- October 17-22, 2004: Redmond, Washington. Host is Microsoft.
- Spring 2005 (dates TBA): Oslo, Norway.
- Fall 2005 (dates TBA): Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada.
5.3 Future mailings
[ defer to Friday session ]
5.4 Review action items
5.5 Any other business
5.6 Thanks to host
The host was thanked. Applause.
5.7 Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned by unanimous consent.
Meeting adjourned at 18:57(GMT-10:00).