Doc No: SC22/WG21/N1630 J16/04-0070 Date: March 21, 2004 Project: JTC1.22.32 Reply to: Robert Klarer IBM Canada, Ltd. [email protected]

Minutes of ISO WG21 Meeting, March 21, 2004

1. Opening and introductions

Sutter called the meeting to order at 18:10(GMT+10:00) on March 21, 2004. There were 5 countries represented.

1.1 Welcome from host

P. J. Plauger, speaking on behalf of Whitesmiths discussed arrangements for this meeting.

1.2 Roll call of technical experts

Name Country HOD?
Steve Adamczyk USA
Matt Austern USA
Walter Brown USA
Steve Clamage USA
Francis Glassborow UK Yes
Lois Goldthwaite UK & France Yes (France)
Robert Klarer Canada Yes
Clark Nelson USA Yes
Tana Plauger USA
Tom Plum USA
Herb Sutter (Convenor)
Detlef Vollman Switzerland Yes

1.3 Adopt agenda

A TG5 (C++ CLI) liaison report was added to the agenda as item 2.2.5. Agenda adopted as amended by unanimous consent.

1.4 Select drafting committee.

Adamczyk, Clamage, Vollman, and Sutter were named to the drafting committee.

1.5 Approve minutes from last meeting

Approved by unanimous consent.

1.6 Review action items from previous meeting

A working draft of the revised standard has been prepared by Pete Becker, with the assistance of many others. This draft is based on ISO/IEC 14882:2003 (C++ 2003). Incorporated into this draft are the resolutions to the many Defect Reports that have been approved since the completion of technical work on C++ 2003. Andrew Koenig, who is Project Editor, has not attended the last few meetings and will not attend this one. Becker is prepared to stand in as Project Editor, and his employer, Dinkumware Ltd. will support this work.

Sutter has appointed Pete as Project Editor by unanimous consent.

2. Status, liaison, and action item reports

2.1 Small group status reports

2.2 Liaison Reports

2.2.1 SC22 report

2.2.2 SC22/WG14 (C) report

deferred to Monday session

2.2.3 SC22/WG15 (POSIX) report

deferred to Monday session

2.2.4 SC22/WG20 (Internationalization) report

deferred to Monday session

2.2.5 TG5 (C++ CLI) report

TG5 liaisons are Glassborow, P. J. Plauger, T. Plauger, Adamczyk, Plum.

Plum reported that anyone who participates on a JTC1 panel is now entitled to participate as a liaison with the TG5 work; you just have to let the head of your national body panel know. If you participate as a liaison you will get a login and password at the ECMA site; you may read the TG5 liaison reflector, and TG5 will try to do all of its technical work on that reflector. ECMA will also set up a TG5 documents reflector.

WG21 liaisons who attended the Melbourne meeting in person last week were Glassborow, Goldthwaite, and Meredith.

TG5 is still hoping to release a specification in September. Failing that, the alternative target is March, 2005.

3. New Business

3.1 Defect Report procedures

P. J. Plauger explained that this item must remain on the agenda, as it is an SC22 requirement. However, it is acceptable for the committee to announce that it has no intention of producing a Technical Corrigendum to C++ 2003.

3.2 Status of RR and TC

It was agreed that this item is no longer needed, as the TC is now published.

3.3 Performance TR status

Goldthwaite reported that the recent ballot on "ISO/IEC PDTR 18015 -- Technical Report on C++ Performance" resulted exclusively in yes-without-comments votes. The final ballot will commence soon. Since it is awaiting the outcome of the final ballot, the Performance Working Group will not meet this week.

Sutter noted that SC22 has agreed in principle to make this TR freely available.

3.3 Library TR status and planning

Austern reported that the goal of the Library Working Group is to resolve all major technical work at this meeting and to finish substantive work on the Library TR at the next meeting. Austern also noted that, although this was the goal, it will be difficult to achieve.

4. Review and approve resolutions and issues

Access to the reflectors

Nelson noted that we already have individuals subscribed to the reflectors who are not members of any national body, have no official standing, and have never attended any meeting. We have no specific policy, however, dictating who may or may not have access to the reflectors. Nelson suggested that individuals who have participated, either by attending a meeting or contributing in the past to reflector discussion, should be permitted continued access to the reflectors. As well, individuals who are members of national bodies are automatically granted access.

Clamage recalled that there had been discussion by e-mail that people who had been recommended by committee members could be granted or retain access to the reflectors.

P. J. Plauger recommended that this be left to the discretion of the convenor.

Glassborow agreed that this should be left to the discretion of the convenor, but observed that there are people who can contribute who do not satisfy the criteria that Nelson identified.

T. Plauger noted that contributors should be encouraged to pay membership dues.

Sutter noted that his disposition as Convenor is that few people would be granted access to the reflectors without paying membership dues.

It was agreed by unanimous consent to explicitly grant authority to the Convenor to decide which non-members may access the reflectors.

P. J. Plauger suggested that it probably wouldn't hurt to grandfather people who are already on the list. At the same time, it may be worthwhile to poll people who have not recently participated to determine whether they have continued interest in the reflectors.

Action item for Nelson: review the list of reflector subscribers to identify individuals who no longer qualify for access to the reflectors and ask them if they want to remain subscribers.

Document availability

Sutter noted that all committee documents will be made freely available except for membership lists, TG5 liaison reports, and possibly Working Drafts.

It was agreed by unanimous consent to make Working Drafts public documents.

There was concensus that the Working Drafts would be identified in the front matter as being incomplete, incorrect, and inconsistent.

5. Closing process

5.1 Establish next agenda

A TG5 liaison report was added to the agenda as item 2.2.5.

5.2 Future meetings

The next meeting will take place during the week of October 17th 2004 in Redmond, Washington. The host will be Microsoft Corp.

The Spring 2005 meeting will take place in Norway. Dates TBD. Germany has been suggested as an alternative location.

The Fall 2005 meeting will take place during September in Canada -- most likely in Nova Scotia. Dates TBD. WG21/J16, WG14/J11, and the SC22 plenary will meet consecutively at this location.

5.3 Future mailings

deferred to Friday session

5.4 Review action items

5.5 Other Business

5.6 Thank the host

5.7 Adjournment