Doc No: SC22/WG21/N1790 J16/05-0050 Date: 2005-04-10 Project: JTC1.22.32 Reply to: Robert Klarer IBM Canada, Ltd. [email protected]

Minutes of ISO WG21 Meeting, April 10, 2005

1. Opening and introductions

Sutter called the meeting to order at 16:00(GMT+1:00) on April 10, 2005. Seven countries were represented.

1.1 Welcome from host

Simonsen, speaking on behalf of Standards Norway, discussed arrangements for this meeting.

ADSL service was provided by RAP. DKUUG provided a projector. Dinkumware, particularly Chris Walker provided the network and Wiki for the meeting.

1.2 Roll call of technical experts

Name Country HOD?
Steve Adamczyk USA
Pete Becker USA
Walter Brown USA
Steve Clamage USA
Gabriel Dos Reis France Yes
Francis Glassborow (WG14 liaison)
Lois Goldthwaite UK Yes
Seiji Hayashida Japan Yes
Robert Klarer Canada Yes
Dietmar Kühl Germany Yes
Clark Nelson USA Yes
Thorsten Ottosen Denmark & UK Yes (Denmark)
Tana Plauger USA
Keld Simonsen Norway Yes
Terje Slettebø UK
Bjarne Stroustrup USA
Herb Sutter (Convenor)

1.3 Adopt agenda

Agenda adopted by unanimous consent.

1.4 Select drafting committee.

Adamczyk, Kühl, and Brown were named to the drafting committee.

1.5 Approve minutes from last meeting

Approved by unanimous consent.

1.6 Review action items from previous meeting

Action item for Nelson: review the list of reflector subscribers to identify individuals who no longer qualify for access to the reflectors and ask them if they want to remain subscribers. This item remains open. Nelson will get the subscriber list from Koenig and compare that with the membership list.

2. Status, liaison, and action item reports

2.1 Small group status reports

Library Working Group (LWG)

Hinnant will assume the role of chair of the LWG from Austern.

Nelson asked whether Austern will remain Project Editor to TR1 and TR2. Sutter responded that he will check with Austern.

Core Working Group (CWG)

Adamczyk reported that the CWG intended to process DRs and to work with the EWG at this meeting, as usual.

Evolution Working Group (EWG)

2.2 Liaison Reports

2.2.1 SC22 report

Sutter reports:

2.2.2 SC22/WG14 (C) report

deferred to Monday session

2.2.3 TG5 (C++ CLI) report

deferred to Monday session

3. New Business

3.1 Defect Report procedures

Sutter advised that, at future meetings, this agenda item will be deferred to the Monday session.

3.2 Library TR status and planning

To be deferred to Monday, since neither Hinnant nor Austern is present.

Organize evening sessions

No evening sessions were organized.

4. Review and approve resolutions and issues

5. Closing process

5.1 Establish next agenda

5.2 Future meetings

October 2-7, 2005: Mont Tremblant, QC, Canada. WG21/J16, WG14/J11, and the SC22 plenary will meet consecutively at this location.

Sutter reported that current plan is to begin Monday night and continue through Saturday. This raises the possibility of moving the C++ meeting back to a Sunday start. Sutter invited comment on this possibility.

Sutter will take an action item to update SD5.

Brown objected to the coincidence of the WG21 meeting with Rosh Hashannah. Sutter expressed regret about this, but noted that it's probably far too late to correct this serious problem, since the contract with the hotel has already been signed.

The Spring 2006 meeting will be held in Berlin. Possible dates are the weeks of March 19, March 26, and April 2. Final dates will be determined by the host.

The Fall 2006 meeting will be hosted by Intel in Portland, OR or Boston, MA. Sutter will take a straw poll to see who prefers Boston and who prefers Portland. OOPSLA is the week of October 22nd. WG21 will meet before or after OOPSLA, during the week of the 15th or the week of the 29th.

5.3 Future mailings

deferred to Friday session

5.4 Review action items

5.5 Other Business

We'll break up for lunch each day at 11:55am and return from lunch at 1:00pm each day.

5.6 Thank the host

5.7 Adjournment