
InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards
INCITS Secretariat, Information Technology Industry Council (ITI)
1250 Eye St. NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20005
Telephone 202-737-8888; Fax 202-638-4922

Date: June 13, 2007
Reply to: Jennifer Garner
Phone: (202) 626-5737
Email: [email protected]

To: INCITS Technical Committee and Task Group Members
Subject: 2008 Fees for Participation on INCITS Technical Committees and Task Groups
INCITS Secretariat

Dear INCITS Technical Committee and Task Group Members,

The InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS) serves in two major roles:
INCITS members participate in the development of standards and exercise US TAG responsibilities including the ability to influence global ICT standards decisions through their participation on US delegations to international meetings.  

INCITS Secretariat services are provided by employees of the Information Technology Industry Council (ITI). The INCITS Secretariat supports the progression of standards through the domestic SDO process through the establishment, maintenance and oversight of the program's ANSI accredited procedures and processes.   In response to the INCITS community's interest in getting our standards into the hands of the broadest base possible, most of the INCITS standards are available in electronic format for $30.

The Secretariat serves as the US TAG Administrator in monitoring and distributing international issues and documents to ensure timely US responses. INCITS serves as the US Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for ISO/IEC JTC 1, 2 Special Working Groups of ISO/IEC JTC 1, 14 Subcommittees of ISO/IEC JTC 1, 61 Working Groups associated with those SCs, one ISO TC and 5 Working Groups in ISO.  INCITS provides the financial support for the US-held international Secretariats administered by ANSI (JTC 1, JTC 1/SC 22 and JTC 1 Special Working Group on Directives) and INCITS/ITI (JTC 1 Special Working Group on Accessibility).  

The INCITS program is funded largely by participation fees.  Executive Board dues and fees were increased in 2003 with the decision to merge INCITS with the JTC 1 TAG.  Technical Committee and Task Group fees have remain unchanged since 2001.

During the course of the 2006 INCITS strategic review, it was acknowledged that the existing IT infrastructure was outdated and no longer met the needs of the INCITS community.  Comments from participants at the annual TC Officers' Symposiums have echoed these concerns.  

We have reached a point where we must raise TC and TG service fees to fund the INCITS Secretariat services, meet our commitments to US participation and leadership in the international standards community by funding the US-held international Secretariats administered by ANSI and INCITS/ITI, and build the modern IT infrastructure necessary to provide the INCITS members with the services they need and deserve.   A demonstration of an IT infrastructure solution will be presented during the July 16-17, 2007 INCITS TC Officers' Symposium.

The Executive Board has agreed that the 2008 budget should anticipate a significant IT infrastructure investment and that revenue must be increased to cover the anticipated expense.  At the April 2007 INCITS Executive Board meeting, the following new fee structure was approved for 2008:
2008 Fee Structure (by organization)
Although the INCITS Secretariat and Executive Board regret this necessary fee increase, we are confident that INCITS remains the most cost effective forum for developing domestic standards and influencing ISO/IEC JTC 1.

Best regards,

Jennifer Garner
Director, INCITS Standards Programs