Document number	 N3338=12-0028
Date	         2012-01-16
Project	         Programming Language C++
Reference        ISO/IEC IS 14882:2011(E)
Reply to         Stefanus Du Toit
                 [email protected]

C++ Editor's Report, January 2012

N3337 is the latest C++ draft specification. The only changes since N3291 are editorial.

Summary of changes

The following editorial changes were made:


Special thanks go out to Pete Becker, the previous project editor, for all his efforts in maintaining the specification this far, and his help in getting started on a daunting task.

Thank you to all of the people listed in the changes above who submitted editorial problems, and apologies to any who were missed in some of the early changes.

If you would like to report an issue, please follow these instructions.