Mike Spertus, Symantec
[email protected]

Variadic lock_guard

The basic idea of this proposal is that std::lock_guard would benefit from being variadic to support multiple locks analogously to how std::lock does.

lock_guard is a very useful and widely used way to manage the lifetimes of lock ownership. std::mutex mtx; void f(){ std::lock_guard<mutex> lck(mtx); // Mutex will be unlocked however scope is exited   /* ... */ }

Unfortunately, if more than one lock needs to be required, life gets unnecessarily complicated

void swap(MyType const &l, MyType const &r) { std::lock(l.mtx, r.mtx); std::lock_guard<std::mutex> llck(l.mtx, std::adopt_lock); std::lock_guard<std::mutex> rlck(r.mtx, std::adopt_lock); /* ... */ }

This is a lot more advanced and error-prone than the single lock case. For example, you often see the deadlock-invitingvoid swap(MyType const &l, MyType const &r) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> llck(l.mtx); std::lock_guard<std::mutex> rlck(r.mtx); /* ... */ } or the exception-unsafe void swap(MyType const &l, MyType const &r) { std::lock(l.mtx, r.mtx); /* ... */ l.mtx.unlock(); r.mtx.unlock(); }

These are exactly the kinds of complexities that are easily avoided by std::lock_guard in the single-lock case. Wouldn't it be great if std::lock_guard was variadic so it also worked with multiple locks?void swap(MyType const &l, MyType const &r) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex, std::mutex> lck(l.mtx, r.mtx); /* ... */ } And that is exactly what we are proposing!

This can work in the presence of shared locking as well (just like std::lock does) as shown in the following example shared by Howard Hinnant#include <mutex> #include <shared_mutex> class X { using Mutex = std::shared_timed_mutex; using ReadLock = std::shared_lock<Mutex>; mutable Mutex mut_; // more data public: // ... X& operator=(const X& x) { if (this !=&x) { ReadLock rl(x.mut_, std::defer_lock); std::lock_guard<Mutex, ReadLock> lck(mut_, rl); // assign data ... } return *this; } // ... }; which improves clarity while eliminating three lines of code

We do not propose creating a “make function” because std::lock_guard is not movable (which we suspect is the reason std::lock_guard didn't have a make function in the first place), because we believe the two-lock case is most important in practice, because we want to keep this proposal simple, and because something along the lines of N3602/N4471 may offer a more general solution that obviates the entire issue. For now, we think that the already useful std::lock_guard class is strictly better when variadic.


Modify § [thread.lock.guard] as follows
namespace std {
  template <class Mutex>
  template <typename ...MutexTypes>
  class lock_guard {
    typedef Mutex mutex_type;  // If sizeof...(MutexTypes) == 1
    explicit lock_guard(mutex_type& m);
    lock_guard(mutex_type& ...m, adopt_lock_t);
    explicit lock_guard(MutexTypes&... m);
    lock_guard(MutexTypes&... m, adopt_lock_t);
    lock_guard(lock_guard const&) = delete;
    lock_guard& operator=(lock_guard const&) = delete;
    mutex_type&tuple<MutexTypes*...> pm; // exposition only
An object of type lock_guard controls the ownership of a lockable objects within a scope. A lock_guard object maintains ownership of a lockable objects throughout the lock_guard object's lifetime (3.8). The behavior of a program is undefined if the lockable objects reference by pm does not exist for the entire lifetime of the lock_guard object. The supplied MutexTypes type shall meet the BasicLockable requirements (
explicit lock_guard(mutex_type&MutexTypes&... m);
Requires: If mutex_typea MutexTypes type is not a recursive mutex, the calling thread does not own the corresponding mutex element of m.
Effects:m.lock()For each element e of m, e.lock()
Postcondition: &pm == &mtie(&m...)

lock_guard(mutex_type&MutexTypes&... m, adopt_lock_t);
Requires: The calling thread owns all the mutexes in m.
Postcondition: &pm == &mtie(&m...)
Throws: Nothing.

Effects: pm.unlock() For each 0 ≤ i < sizeof...(MutexTypes), get<i>(pm)->unlock()

Appendix: Example implementation

We interrupt this proposal for a message from our sponsor (N4064)

This proposal is a great advertisement for how the seemingly technical N4064 on improving pair and tuple can make trivial what would otherwise take some tricky metaprogramming. With N4064, the implementation could be as simple as template<typename ...Ts> struct lock_guard { explicit lock_guard(Ts&... ts) : mutexes(ts...) {} lock_guard(Ts&... ts, std::adopt_lock_t) : mutexes(ts..., std::adopt_lock_t()) {} tuple<lock_guard<Ts>...> mutexes; }; template<typename T> struct lock_guard<T> { /* As in C++14 */ };

We now return to our regularly scheduled proposal

Without the fixes in N4064, the best way to implement seems to be to use the for_each_in_tuple infrastructure posted by Andy Prowl on Stack Overflow to lock and unlock all the mutexes in the tuple. #include<mutex> #include<tuple> using std::tuple; // Taken from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16387354/template-tuple-calling-a-function-on-each-element namespace detail { template<int... Is> struct seq { }; template<int N, int... Is> struct gen_seq : gen_seq<N - 1, N - 1, Is...> { }; template<int... Is> struct gen_seq<0, Is...> : seq<Is...>{}; template<typename T, typename F, int... Is> void for_each(T&& t, F f, seq<Is...>) { auto l = { (f(std::get<Is>(t)), 0)... }; } } template<typename... Ts, typename F> void for_each_in_tuple(std::tuple<Ts...> const& t, F f) { detail::for_each(t, f, detail::gen_seq<sizeof...(Ts)>()); } // End of for_each_in_tuple implementation struct locker { template<typename T> void operator()(T &t) { t.lock(); } }; struct unlocker { template<typename T> void operator()(T &t) { t.unlock(); } }; template<typename ...Ts> struct lock_guard { public: explicit lock_guard(Ts&... ts) : mutexes(ts...) { for_each_in_tuple(mutexes, locker()); } lock_guard(Ts&... _Mtx, std::adopt_lock_t) : mutexes(ts...) {} ~lock_guard() { for_each_in_tuple(mutexes, unlocker()); } lock_guard(const lock_guard&) = delete; lock_guard& operator=(const lock_guard&) = delete; private: tuple<Ts&...> mutexes; }; template<typename T> struct lock_guard<T> { public: typedef T mutex_type; explicit lock_guard(T& _Mtx) : mtx(_Mtx) { mtx.lock(); } lock_guard(T& _Mtx, std::adopt_lock_t) : mtx(_Mtx) {} ~lock_guard() { mtx.unlock(); } lock_guard(const lock_guard&) = delete; lock_guard& operator=(const lock_guard&) = delete; private: T& mtx; };