
Additions to Filesystem supporting Relative Paths

Document Number: P0011R0
Date: 2015-09-25
Revises: None
Project: Programming Language C++
Project number: TS 18822
Reply-to: Jamie Allsop ([email protected])
Nicolai Josuttis ([email protected])


This paper proposes the addition of several convenience functions to the File System TS - N4099 to make handling of relative paths easier.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

The File System TS - N4099 introduces relative paths.

  • They are defined in section 4.18 relative path [fs.def.relative-path]
  • A decomposition method relative_path() is described in section 8.4.9 path decomposition [path.decompose]
  • Two query methods to determine if a path either has_relative_path() or is_relative() described in 8.4.10 path query [path.query]

However there is no way to create a relative path as a path relative to another. Methods are however provided to create absolute and canonical paths.

1.1 absolute()

In section 15.1 Absolute [fs.op.absolute] of the File System TS - N4099 we have:

path absolute(const path& p, const path& base=current_path());
  • Returns: An absolute path composed according to the following table.
p.has_root_directory() !p.has_root_directory()
p.has_root_name() return p return p.root_name() / absolute(base).root_directory() / absolute(base).relative_path() / p.relative_path()
!p.has_root_name() return absolute(base).root_name() / p return absolute(base) / p
  • [Note: For the returned path, rp, rp.is_absolute() is true. —end note]

  • Throws: As specified in Error reporting (7).

1.2 canonical()

In section 15.2 Canonical [fs.op.canonical] of the File System TS - N4099 we have:

path canonical(const path& p, const path& base = current_path());
path canonical(const path& p, error_code& ec);
path canonical(const path& p, const path& base, error_code& ec);
  • Overview: Converts p, which must exist, to an absolute path that has no symbolic link, ".", or ".." elements.

  • Returns: A path that refers to the same file system object as absolute(p,base). For the overload without a base argument, base is current_path(). Signatures with argument ec return path() if an error occurs.

  • Throws: As specified in Error reporting (7).

  • Remarks: !exists(p) is an error.

  • [Note: Canonical pathnames allow security checking of a path (e.g. does this path live in /home/goodguy or /home/badguy?) —end note]

2. Motivation and Scope

By providing operations to achieve absolute and canonical paths there is no impediment to providing a similar operation relative() (exposition only) that attempts to return a new path that is relative to some start path.

For example:

path relative(const path& p, const path& start = current_path());
path relative(const path& p, error_code& ec);
path relative(const path& p, const path& start, error_code& ec);

This could return a path, if possible, that is relative to start. The implementation can make use of absolute() and canonical() when determining the relative path, if the paths exist.

The File System TS is based on the ​boost::filesystem library and it too suffers from this anomaly. There are open tickets for this in ​Boost Trac:

and it is the subject of several posts on StackOverflow for example:

2.1 relative

The basic use case is:

path Path  = "/a/d";
path Start = "/a/b/c";

auto RelPath = relative( Path, Start );

assert( RelPath == path("../../d") );
assert( Path == normalize( Start/RelPath ) );

Other languages typically provide a similar function.

2.1.1 Python relpath()

For example python provides os.path.relpath():

os.path.relpath(path[, start])

Return a relative filepath to path either from the current directory or from an optional start directory. This is a path computation: the filesystem is not accessed to confirm the existence or nature of path or start.

start defaults to os.curdir

Note: If no such relative path exists then the function will return '.' - the dot path representing the current directory.

2.1.2 Java relativize()

Similarly Java provides provides java.nio.file.Path.relativize():

Path relativize(Path other)

Constructs a relative path between this path and a given path.

Relativization is the inverse of resolution. This method attempts to construct a relative path that when resolved against this path, yields a path that locates the same file as the given path. For example, on UNIX, if this path is "/a/b" and the given path is "/a/b/c/d" then the resulting relative path would be "c/d". Where this path and the given path do not have a root component, then a relative path can be constructed. A relative path cannot be constructed if only one of the paths has a root component. Where both paths have a root component then it is implementation dependent if a relative path can be constructed. If this path and the given path are equal then an empty path is returned.

For any two normalized paths p and q, where q does not have a root component,


When symbolic links are supported, then whether the resulting path, when resolved against this path, yields a path that can be used to locate the same file as other is implementation dependent. For example, if this path is "/a/b" and the given path is "/a/x" then the resulting relative path may be "../x". If "b" is a symbolic link then is implementation dependent if "a/b/../x" would locate the same file as "/a/x".


other - the path to relativize against this path


the resulting relative path, or an empty path if both paths are equal


IllegalArgumentException - if other is not a Path that can be relativized against this path

2.1.3 Go Rel()

As part of the filepath package Go provides the Rel() function:

func Rel(basepath, targpath string) (string, error)

Rel returns a relative path that is lexically equivalent to targpath when joined to basepath with an intervening separator. That is, Join(basepath, Rel(basepath, targpath)) is equivalent to targpath itself. On success, the returned path will always be relative to basepath, even if basepath and targpath share no elements. An error is returned if targpath can't be made relative to basepath or if knowing the current working directory would be necessary to compute it.

2.2 normalize

In addition to reason about relative paths in the context of asserting that an absolute path can be combined with a relative path to create a new absolute path we also need a normalize facilty. A basic use-case for this might be:

path Path = "/a/b/c/../.././d/."
auto NormalPath = normalize( Path );

assert( NormalPath == path("/a/d") );

Python and Java both provide their equivalents of this function. Note this is not the same as a canonical() function. A normalize() function is purely focused on the collapsing of redundant current ".", parent ".." and path separators at the lexical level. To achieve a normalised path in the presence of a path that exists on the filesystem then canonical() should be used as some elements of the path may be symlinks.

2.2.1 Python normpath()

Python provides os.path.normpath():


Normalize a pathname by collapsing redundant separators and up-level references so that A//B,A/B/, A/./B and A/foo/../B all become A/B. This string manipulation may change the meaning of a path that contains symbolic links. On Windows, it converts forward slashes to backward slashes. To normalize case, use normcase().

2.2.2 Java normalize()

Jave provides java.nio.file.Path.normalize():

Path normalize()

Returns a path that is this path with redundant name elements eliminated.

The precise definition of this method is implementation dependent but in general it derives from this path, a path that does not contain redundant name elements. In many file systems, the "." and ".." are special names used to indicate the current directory and parent directory. In such file systems all occurrences of "." are considered redundant. If a ".." is preceded by a non-".." name then both names are considered redundant (the process to identify such names is repeated until is it no longer applicable).

This method does not access the file system; the path may not locate a file that exists. Eliminating ".." and a preceding name from a path may result in the path that locates a different file than the original path. This can arise when the preceding name is a symbolic link.


the resulting path or this path if it does not contain redundant name elements; an empty path is returned if this path does have a root component and all name elements are redundant

2.2.3 Go Clean()

Go provides the Clean() function in the filepath package:

func Clean(path string) string

Clean returns the shortest path name equivalent to path by purely lexical processing. It applies the following rules iteratively until no further processing can be done:

  1. Replace multiple Separator elements with a single one.
  2. Eliminate each . path name element (the current directory).
  3. Eliminate each inner .. path name element (the parent directory) along with the non-.. element that precedes it.
  4. Eliminate .. elements that begin a rooted path: that is, replace "/.." by "/" at the beginning of a path, assuming Separator is '/'.

The returned path ends in a slash only if it represents a root directory, such as "/" on Unix or C:\ on Windows.

If the result of this process is an empty string, Clean returns the string ".".

2.2.4 C++ Boost.Filesystem normalize()

Earlier versions of Boost.Filesystem included a normalize() member function of path but it was removed in version 1.34 as part of the revamp of the library for a TR2 proposal. It's specification is shown below:

path & normalize();

Postcondition: m_name is in normalized form.

Returns: *this

Normalized form

Normalized form is the same as canonical form, except that adjacent name, parent-directory elements are recursively removed. Thus a non-empty path in normal form either has no directory-placeholders, or consists solely of one directory-placeholder. If it has parent-directory elements, they precede all name elements.

Canonical form

All operations modifying path objects leave the path object in canonical form. An empty path is in canonical form. A non-empty path is converted to canonical form as if by first converting it to the conceptual model, and then:

  • Repeatedly replacing any leading root-directory, parent-directory elements with a single root-directory element. Rationale: Both POSIX and Windows specify this reduction; specifying it for canonical form ensures portable semantics for other operating systems.
  • Removing each directory-placeholder element.
  • If the path is now empty, add a single directory-placeholder element.

The rationale for the removal of normalize() (and canonize() which was also a path member) was:

The Boost implementation has basic_path functions canonize() and normalize() which return cleaned up string representations of a pathname. They have been removed from the proposal as messy to specify and implement, not hugely useful, and possible to implement by users as non-member functions without any loss of functionality or efficiency. There was also a concern the proposal was getting a bit large.

These functions can be added later as convenience functions if the LWG so desires.. —Beman Dawes

However both functions are hugely useful and also specifiable. In fact canonical() is part of the File System TS - N4099. normalize() is most useful when considered in the context of a relative path which does not represent a real path on the filesystem. Consider the question of creating path from a start path and a relative path - lexically. normalize() is required in order to create an easily interpreted representation.

2.3 remove_common_prefix and common_prefix

Lastly the implementation relative generally requires a function that can remove a common prefix, or at least return the common prefix from a number of paths passed to it. In the case of relative that would be path and start but in the general case it could be a range of paths.

Example: common_prefix():

path Path1 = "/a/b/c/d/e/f";
path Path2 = "/a/b/c/j/k";

auto Common = common_prefix( Path1, Path2 );

assert( Common = path("/a/b/c") );

Example: remove_common_prefix():

path Path1 = "/a/b/c/d/e/f";
path Path2 = "/a/b/c/j/k";

auto Common = remove_common_prefix( Path1, Path2 );

assert( Common = path("/a/b/c") );
assert( Path1 = path("d/e/f") );
assert( Path2 = path("j/k") );

Python provides a function that is similar but flawed in that it only compares character-by-character allowing invalid paths to be returned.

2.3.1 Python commonprefix()

Python provides a similar function call commonprefix():


Return the longest path prefix (taken character-by-character) that is a prefix of all paths in list. If list is empty, return the empty string (''). Note that this may return invalid paths because it works a character at a time.

2.4 proximate

In addition to relative outlined in section 2.1 discussions and usage experience identified 2 primary use cases for the feature, relative which have distinct semantics. In essence if we have a path Path and a start directory Start that we want to determine a traversal path from, then there appear to be two desired semantics:

Use Case 1 To obtain, if one exists, a relative path RelPath from Start to Path such that if one exists we can say that Path is equivalent to Start/RelPath. For example,

Start Path Relative Path
"/a/b/c" "/a/d" "../../d"
"/a/d" "/a/b/c" "../b/c"
"C:\x" "C:\y" "..\y"
"C:\x" "D:\y" no relative path

Use Case 2 To obtain the nearest path or proximate path proximate, from Start to Path. If a relative path from Start to Path exists then that will be the proximate path otherwise absolute(path) will itself be the proximate path. Essentially the proximate path is the shortest (or shallowest) traversal from Start to Path. For example,

Start Path Proximate Path
"/a/b/c" "/a/d" "../../d"
"/a/d" "/a/b/c" "../b/c"
"C:\x" "C:\y" "..\y"
"C:\x" "D:\y" "D:\y"

This proposal captures these different semantics with distinct names and favours the term proximate to refer to the second use case. It is worth noting that while proximate() can be trivially implemented in terms of relative() it captures a vocabulary semantic that communicates a clear intent and should therefore be considered part of the vocabulary of path operations.

3. Overview of Proposal

In a nutsell the proposal is to add the following operations to the File System TS - N4099.

path common_prefix( const path& p1, const path& p2 );
template<class InputIteratorT>
  path common_prefix( InputIterator first, InputIterator last );
template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator>
  path common_prefix( InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator out );
path common_prefix( initializer_list<path> );

path lexically_relative( const path& p, const path& start );
path lexically_proximate( const path& p, const path& start );

path normalize(const path& p);

path proximate(const path& p, const path& start = current_path());
path proximate(const path& p, error_code& ec);
path proximate(const path& p, const path& start, error_code& ec);

path relative(const path& p, const path& start = current_path());
path relative(const path& p, error_code& ec);
path relative(const path& p, const path& start, error_code& ec);

path remove_common_prefix( path& p1, path& p2 );
template <class ForwardIterator>
  path remove_common_prefix( ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last );

For specific behaviour you may refer forward to the proposed wording.

The following tables of example operations summarise the basic capabilities supported.

3.1 relative and proximate examples

We propose the following behaviour for the two basic functions returning a relative or proximate path:

Note: (bikeshed-warning) Throughout the proposal the term Path is used to refer to the path that we are trying to navigate to and Start is used to refer to the path we are trying to navigate from. Alternative names might be To and From, or Path and From respectively. The standardese does of course use the lowercase form.

Start (From) Path (To) Relative Path Proximate Path
"/a/b/c" "/a/d" "../../d" "../../d"
"/a/d" "/a/b/c" "../b/c" "../b/c"
"/a/b" "/a/b/c" "./c" "./c"
"/a/b/c" "/a/b/c" "." "."
"//r2/a/b/c" "//r1/a/b/c" path() "//r1/a/b/c"
"C:\x" "C:\y" "..\y" "..\y"
"C:\x" "D:\y" path() "D:\y"

Note: path() represents an invalid path, which is empty.

It is important to note that lexically_relative() and lexically_proximate() do not throw exceptions and always return a valid value. In contrast the non-lexical forms report errors as specified in Error reporting in the File System TS - N4099.

The functions relative() and proximate() both consider Path and Start's realisation on the actual filesystem and therefore take into consideration the presence of symbolic links. The specifications are written in terms of canonical() where this is the case. For example, consider the following structure.

current_path() // some common root
    |   |
    |   +--[b]
    |   |   |
    |   |   +--[c]
    |   |       |
    |   |       +--testfile
    |   |
    |   +--[d]
    |       |
    |       +--(e) -> (../../a/b)
    |   |
    |   +--(n) -> (a)
            +--(z) -> (m/n/d)

For example if we start in [y] we will see the following path [y] -> [z] -> [e] -> [c] -> testfile. Some example relative paths are shown:

Start (From) Path (To) Relative Lexically Relative
"x/y/z" "a/b/c/testfile" "../b/c/testfile" "../../../a/b/c/testfile"
"m/n" "a/b/c/testfile" "./b/c/testfile" "../../a/b/c/testfile"
"a/b/c/testfile" "m/n" "../../.." "../../../../m/n"
"a/b/c/testfile" "a/d/e" "../.." "../../../d/e"
"a/b/c/testfile" "a/d" "../../../d" "../../../d"
"x/y" "a/d/e" "../../a/b" "../../a/d/e"
"a/d/e" "x/y" "../../x/y" "../../../x/y"

An initial reading of the previous table may have some surprises so it is worth noting the following:

The symbolic link from a/d/e to a/b means (on Unix) that if I change directory to a/d/e I will be in a/b even though the shell will signal that I am in a/d/e. You can see the real directory in the shell with pwd -P.

Thus after cd a/d/e:

  • ls ../e normally is an error
    • Instead you have to use ls ../d/e
  • ls ../../../x normally is an error
    • Instead you have to use ls ../../x

And the fact that cd ../e and cd ../../../x work and that cd .. brings you into a/d is also a courtesy of the shell (you can use cd -P to disable this behaviour).

3.2 normalize examples

Path Normalize Path
"/a/d" "/a/d"
"../../d" "../../d"
".//./././../../d" "../../d"
"/a/b/c/../../d" "/a/d"
"/a/d/../b/c" "/a/b/c"
"/a/d/." "/a/d"
"/a/d/./" "/a/d"
"/a/d/./.." "/a"
"./a/d/" "./a/d"
"C:\y" "C:\y"

3.3 common_prefix examples

Path1 Path2 Path3 Common Prefix
"/a/b/c/d" "/a/b/c/e" "/a/b/c/f" "/a/b/c"
"/a/b/c/d" "/a/b/c/e" "/a/b/j/k" "/a/b"
"/a/b/c/d" "/a/b/c/e" "/a/b" "/a/b"
"/a/b/c/d" "/a/b/c/e" "/m/n/o" path()

3.4 remove_common_prefix examples

In Path1 In Path2 In Path3 Common Prefix Out Path1 Out Path2 Out Path3
"/a/b/c/d" "/a/b/c/e" "/a/b/c/f" "/a/b/c" "d" "e" "f"
"/a/b/c/d" "/a/b/c/e" "/a/b/j/k" "/a/b" "c/d" "c/e" "j/k"
"/a/b/c/d" "/a/b/c/e" "/a/b" "/a/b" "c/d" "c/e" path()
"/a/b/c/d" "/a/b/c/e" "/m/n/o" path() "/a/b/c/d" "/a/b/c/e" "/m/n/o"

4. Design Discussion

There is a clear demarcation in the File System TS - N4099 between operations that may touch the file system (such as exists()), and the path class itself which is a purely lexical abstraction used to store a representation of a conceptual path that may or may not have a realisation in a physical file system.

4.1 Free function operations or path members or both

Given that there already exists a separation between non-member operations that touch the file system and path with its lexical-only modifiers an argument can be made for retaining this distinction with the new proposed operations. For example having normalize() (or make_normal()) and relativize() (or make_relative()) members that are lexical only.

A remove_common_prefix() (or common_prefix()) function makes most sense as a free function as it could operate on 2 or more paths at the same time.

In the case of a relative() free function the expectation would be that this could implicitly touch the file system, like canonical() and absolute() (for example to default start to current_path()).

Such a separation would nicely separate the need to specify whether a call to relative() should touch the file system as the expected behaviour would be obtained in each case. The member function would be lexical only (as expected) and the free function would "do the right thing" should the paths in question exist on the file system (symlinks be resolved and so on).

This proposal has favoured keeping all functions as free functions and specifically qualifies the lexical-only versions of relative and proximate. This is in keeping with existing practice elsewhere in the library, c.f. compare() and lexicographical_compare().

4.2 relative and proximate

This section will re-cap on use cases for relative() (or indeed relativize()/make_relative()) and proximate() before looking again the options we have for the return value of each under different conditions.

Use Case 1 To obtain, if one exists, a relative path rel_path from start to path such that on exists we can say that path is equivalent to start/rel_path. For example,

Start (From) Path (To) Relative Path
"/a/b/c" "/a/d" "../../d"
"/a/d" "/a/b/c" "../b/c"
"C:\x" "C:\y" "..\y"
"C:\x" "D:\y" no relative path

Use Case 2 To obtain the nearest path or proximate path proximate, from start to path. If a relative path from start to path exists then that will be the proximate path otherwise absolute(path) will itself be the proximate path. Essentially the proximate path is the shortest traversal from start to path. For example,

Start (From) Path (To) Proximate Path
"/a/b/c" "/a/d" "../../d"
"/a/d" "/a/b/c" "../b/c"
"C:\x" "C:\y" "..\y"
"C:\x" "D:\y" "D:\y"

As proximate() can be implemented in terms of relative() we will look at that first.

4.2.1 Return value when asking for a relative path

Given a path Path and a start path Start then there are four possible situations:

  1. a relative path exists
  2. the paths are the same
  3. no relative path exists
  4. error (from calling other operations internally)

There are a number of options of what to return for each situation. These are enumerated as follows:

Scenario Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
relative path exists relative path relative path relative path
the paths are the same path(".") path(".") path()
no relative path exists path() error error
error error error error

The basic assumption is that should a relative path RelPath from the start path Start to path Path exist then it should hold that:

Path == normalize(Start/RelPath)

This holds for all options shown.

Note, if Start exists the implied assumption is that Start is canonical( OriginalStart ) so that the normalize() operation only affects RelPath. This issue is discussed at length in section 4.2.6 Just Working however in general the above assumption serves as an accurate mental model of the expected semantics.

Option 1 is attractive because it additionally allows general use to not result in an error, minimising the extra code required while retaining intuitive use. For example we can write code like this:

auto RelPath = relative( Path, Start );

if( !RelPath.empty() )
    // use relative path
    // perhaps use Path directly

It allows use-case 2 (proximate path) to be trivially conceptualised in terms of relative(). For example:

path proximate( const path& Path, const path& Start )
    auto RelPath = relative( Path, Start );
    return RelPath.empty() ? Path : RelPath;

Similarly it also paves the way to more script-like usage should explicit operator bool be added to path to indicate if a path is empty(). This is not proposed and is shown only for usage comparison with languages such as Python. For example we could write:

if( auto RelPath = relative( Path, Start ) )
    // use RelPath
    // use Path

or define proximate() as:

path proximate( const path& Path, const path& Start )
    if( auto RelPath = relative( Path, Start ) ) return RelPath;
    return Path;

In order to support Option 2 and Option 3 it would be necessary to additionally specify a new error condition:

enum class filesystem_errc {
    no_relative_path_exists = implementation defined non zero value

A similar implementation of proximate() using Option 2 or Option 3 therefore might look as follows:

path proximate( const path& Path, const path& Start )
    error_code Error;
    auto RelPath = relative( Path, Start, Error );
    // Only if relative() can return other errors otherwise we can just use:
    // error_code DontCare;
    if( Error && Error != filesystem_errc::no_relative_path_exists )
        // Actual Error has occured
    return RelPath.empty() ? Path : RelPath;

This is still acceptable but much more verbose and requires cherry-picking the no_relative_path_exists error code so that we may handle this error condition from other potential "real" errors.

It should also be noted at this point that the semantics of Option 1 are in keeping with the semantics that exist in the current File System TS - N4099. Using Boost.Filesystem as a prototype implementation we can highlight this. Consider the code:

    auto Dot   = boost::filesystem::path(".");
    auto Empty = boost::filesystem::path();

    std::cout << "                dot = " << Dot   << std::endl;
    std::cout << "              empty = " << Empty << std::endl;

    std::cout << "    is_dir(  dot  ) : " << std::boolalpha << is_directory(Dot)    << std::endl;
    std::cout << "    is_dir( empty ) : " << std::boolalpha << is_directory(Empty)  << std::endl;

    std::cout << "    status(  dot  ) : " << status(Dot).type()   << std::endl;
    std::cout << "    status( empty ) : " << status(Empty).type() << std::endl;

    std::cout << "       status_error = " << boost::filesystem::status_error   << std::endl;
    std::cout << "       type_unknown = " << boost::filesystem::type_unknown   << std::endl;
    std::cout << "     directory_file = " << boost::filesystem::directory_file << std::endl;
    std::cout << "     file_not_found = " << boost::filesystem::file_not_found << std::endl;

    std::cout << "     current_path() : " << boost::filesystem::current_path() << std::endl;

    std::cout << "  current_path(dot) : " << boost::filesystem::current_path() << std::endl;

    current_path(Empty); // THROWS boost::filesystem::current_path: No such file or directory
    std::cout << "current_path(Empty) : " << boost::filesystem::current_path() << std::endl;

which outputs:

                dot = "."
              empty = ""
    is_dir(  dot  ) : true
    is_dir( empty ) : false
    status(  dot  ) : 3
    status( empty ) : 1
       status_error = 0
       type_unknown = 10
     directory_file = 3
     file_not_found = 1
     current_path() : "/home/ja11sop/std-filesystem-relative/"
  current_path(dot) : "/home/ja11sop/std-filesystem-relative/"
unknown location(0): fatal error: in "...": std::runtime_error:
    boost::filesystem::current_path: No such file or directory

From this we can see that path() and path(".") have different semantics:

  • status( dot ).type() yields directory_file
  • status( empty ).type() yields file_not_found

and further "changing directory" behaves as expected,

  • current_path( dot ) is fine
  • current_path( empty ) is an error

In other words it is possible to use the relative path returned when both paths are the same if the return value is path(".") but not possible if the returned path is path(). These are exactly the semantics that we want to support and makes Option 1 the clear choice.

4.2.2 Return value when asking for a proximate path

Given a path Path and a path Start which we want to determine the proximate path from, we can see there are three possible situations:

  1. relative( Path, Start ) exists
  2. relative( Path, Start ) does not exist
  3. error (from calling other operations internally)

It is simplest to specify proximate() in terms of relative() so that handling of paths (same or different) for which a relative path exists can be handled consistently. Where no relative path exists then Path is returned:

Scenario Result
relative exists relative( Path, Start )
no relative path Path
error error

An error will only arise from some internal call such as to the filesystem.

4.2.3 Two separate functions

Given that there are two clear and distinct use-cases and that there is a reasonable vocabulary to distinguish them this proposal favours having both relative() and proximate(), standardising the vocabulary and making code more readable by making the intent clear.

4.2.4 Lexical only versions

There is often a desire to restrict the behaviour of relative() and proximate() to a purely lexical operation. This is an important use case and should be supported. There are three ways in which this can be achieved:

  1. Provide lexical-only member functions to path, say, make_relative() and make_proximate(), or relative_from() and proximate_from(). If such member functions were provided it may make sense to include a make_normal() or normalize() member also.
  2. Provide alternatively named free-functions that are lexical-only (bikeshed warning). Possible names (considering relative only for simplicity) might be make_relative(), relative_path(), lexically_relative() and so on.
  3. The last option is to specify a tag of some description that is passed to relative() and proximate() that controls whether the operation is lexical-only. At this time it appears that the motivating use-case for this is simply lexical, or not. Other specific use cases (such as normalising paths first but not resolving symlinks) are best left to the user to build on top of a lexical-only function. If that is the case this could essentially be a bool flag.

Having separate lexical-only functions may allow a more optimal specification and a more optimal implementation when compared to a flag based approach. This proposal has favoured the second option. This feels more in keeping with other aspects of the library where the restrictive case is given the more precise name. This proposal has adopted the names lexically_relative() and lexically_proximate().

4.2.5 Controlling base path for relative paths

Rather than adding a separate base parameter to handle relative paths that are passed to relative() or proximate(), complicating the interface (current_path() would be the default) it is expected that users would first wrap the paths passed with absolute() and specify the required base path at that point.

4.2.6 Just Working

One of the most common questions that arises when discussing relative() is:

"Why can't we just provide users with lexically_relative() and let them deal with making it work in any cases where they want to interact with an actual filesystem [and care about symlinks]?"

Well, it turns out that the problem space is far from trivial. In fact there are a number of possibilities to consider when paths may or may not exist on the filesystem. Given two paths p1 and p2 we can say that:

  1. exists(p1) may or may not be true
  2. exists(p2) may or may not be true
  3. normalize(p1) may or may not equal p1
  4. normalize(p2) may or may not equal p2
  5. absolute(normalize(p1) may or may not equal canonical(p1)
  6. absolute(normalize(p2) may or may not equal canonical(p2)
  7. p1.is_relative() may or may not be true
  8. p2.is_relative() may or may not be true

These possibilities that make it hard to correctly write a relative() (and hence proximate()) function. It also is expected that such a function should Just Work. That is, should the paths exist on the filesystem and (say) contain symlinks, then any resultant relative path that is identified must be capable of successfully navigating from the start path start to the path provided p. Given the combinations outlined in the previous list we can see that it is important to correctly specify and implement relative() so that it does indeed do the right thing.

As we mentioned in section "3.1 relative and proximate examples" we specify the behaviour of relative() in terms of canonical() in cases where the paths may exist on the filesystem and that allows us to rely on canonical's specification to behave correctly in the presence of symbolic links. However, as should be clear from the previous list it is not possible to achieve the required behaviour by naively writing something like this:

auto RelPath = lexically_relative( canonical(Path), canonical(Start) );

Much more is required to achieve sensible behaviour.

Stated clearly it is not sufficient to provide just a lexical-only operation and ask people to implement a functional relative() on top of it. It is far too easy to get it wrong and getting it right is not a casually trivial exercise.

As an example consider the following possible implementation of relative(). It is certainly readable but not something you would want every user to have to write just to get correct behaviour:

relative( const path& p, const path& start, std::error_code& ec )
    auto real_p = p;
    auto real_start = start;

    if( real_p.is_relative() )
        real_p = absolute( real_p );

    if( real_start.is_relative() )
        real_start = absolute( real_start );

    auto rel_p = normalize( real_p );
    auto rel_start = normalize( real_start );
    auto common_path = remove_common_prefix( rel_p, rel_start );

    bool path_exists = exists( common_path, ec );
    if( ec ) ec.clear();

    if( path_exists )
        common_path = canonical( common_path, ec );
        if( ec ) return path_t();

    path_exists = exists( start, ec );
    if( ec ) ec.clear();

    if( path_exists )
        if( !is_directory( start ) )
            ec.assign( std::errc::not_a_directory, std::generic_category() );
            return path_t();
        real_start = canonical( real_start, ec );
        if( ec ) return path_t();
        real_start = common_path / rel_start;

    path_exists = exists( p, ec );
    if( ec ) ec.clear();

    if( path_exists )
        real_p = canonical( p, ec );
        if( ec ) return path_t();
        real_p = common_path / rel_p;
    return lexically_relative( real_p, real_start );

It goes without saying that for consistency with other file systems operations three overloads are also required to address defaulting the start path and allowing the user to choose between exception handling or error codes.

The implementation can be further complicated by incorrectly handling platform differences. For example Beman Dawes pointed out [1]:

"If one of the elements of an existing path is a symlink and the following element is "..", equivalent(p, normalize(p)) is true on Windows and false on POSIX. Thus code that uses normalize() is non-portable if any of the elements of a path could possibly be symlinks."

He goes on to point out that if relative() is implemented incorrectly it could be unreliable if the returned path has enough ".." elements to overwrite the first element, which must not be "..".

Which is all to say to say it is difficult to get the implementation right and have relative() and proximate() Just Work. They should therefore be provided, and given that they can be clearly specified a great number of possible user errors can be avoided.

4.3 normalize

The specification of a normalize() free function, member or both is relatively straightforward in comparison to relative(). It will be a purely lexical operation. If the path to be normalised exists on the filesystem (and therefore may include symlinks) then canonical() is the best approach to normalisation.

normalize() and canonical() both have value in specifying the effects of relative() which could vary depending on the existance or not of a path.

This proposal believes that a single free-function normalize() is sufficient to provide the needed functionality but would not object to a path member instead, or as well as the free function.

4.4 remove_common_prefix and common_prefix

Identifying (and in many cases removing) a common path prefix shared between mutliple paths is a common operation, and one that is often used in the implementation of relative(). Typically these functions would take two or more path objects (depending on their specification) and return a path object that represents the common prefix shared by all passed paths—if one exists. Such functions could be named remove_common_prefix()—for the case where the prefix is removed from paths passed, and common_prefix()—for the case where the paths passed are left unchanged.

It makes sense for a common_prefix() to provide overloads for both std::initializer_list<path> and one taking a pair of InputIterators. This could be extended further to take an additional OutputIterator parameter so that paths relative to the common path could be output. It also seems to make sense to provide for the most common use-case, a pair of paths, and so provide an overload taking two paths by const reference.

The remove_common_prefix() variant is a little more restricted due to the need to remove any common prefix from the paths that are passed. This rules out having a std::initializer_list<path> overload. The iterator overload would be similar to common_prefix() except that it would take two ForwardIterator parameters. This could be implemented in terms of the three iterator overload of common_prefix() passing first to out. Again providing an overload for the two path common case makes a lot of sense given the additional effort required to utilise the iterator interface.

4.4.1 remove_common_prefix and common_prefix algorithms

It might make sense to propose separate remove_common_prefix and common_prefix algorithms as a general facility and further specify them in terms of std::mismatch().

5. Proposed Wording

This section offers tentative draft wording so that the impact on the File System TS - N4099 can be better appreciated.

Insert the section:

4.18 proximate path [fs.def.proximate-path]

A path that may be absolute or relative but which captures the shortest traversal from one path to another. If the start path shares the same root then proximate path will be relative, otherwise absolute beginning with the root of the path to be traversed to.

and bump the following sub-section numbers up by 0.1.

Modify section:

6 Header synopsis [fs.filesystem.synopsis]

by adding the operational functions shown in the appropriate alphabetical order:

path common_prefix( const path& p1, const path& p2 );
template<class InputIteratorT>
  path common_prefix( InputIterator first, InputIterator last );
template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator>
  path common_prefix( InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator out );
path common_prefix( initializer_list<path> );

path lexically_relative( const path& p, const path& start );
path lexically_proximate( const path& p, const path& start );

path normalize(const path& p);

path proximate(const path& p, const path& start = current_path());
path proximate(const path& p, error_code& ec);
path proximate(const path& p, const path& start, error_code& ec);

path relative(const path& p, const path& start = current_path());
path relative(const path& p, error_code& ec);
path relative(const path& p, const path& start, error_code& ec);

path remove_common_prefix( path& p1, path& p2 );
template <class ForwardIterator>
  path remove_common_prefix( ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last );

Insert the sections:

15.3 Common Prefix [fs.op.common_prefix]

template <class InputIterator>
  path common_prefix( InputIterator first, InputIterator last )
  • Effects: Return a common prefix from the sequence of paths defined by the range [first,last)

  • Returns: a path representing the common prefix if any, otherwise path().

template <class InputIterator, class OutputIterator>
  path common_prefix( InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator out )
  • Effects: Return a common prefix from the sequence of paths defined by the range [first,last). The remaining relative path for each path in the range is placed in out. The path placed in out for an input path first with a common prefix common shall satisy the expression *first == normalize( common/*out ).

  • Returns: a path representing the common prefix if any, otherwise path().

path common_prefix( std::initializer_list<path> )
  • Effects: Return a common prefix from the sequence of paths referred to by the initializer_list<path> object.

  • Returns: a path representing the common prefix if any, otherwise path().

path common_prefix( const path& p1, const path& p2 )
  • Effects: Return a common prefix for the paths p1 and p2.

  • Returns: a path representing the common prefix if any, otherwise path().

15.27 Lexically Proximate [fs.op.lexically_proximate]

path lexically_proximate(const path& p, const path& start);
  • Effects: Return the proximate path from start to p. This is a lexical-only analysis.

  • Returns: Returns as if by lexically_relative( p, start ).empty() ? p : lexically_relative( p, start ).

15.28 Lexically Relative [fs.op.lexically_relative]

path lexically_relative(const path& p, const path& start);
  • Effects: Return a relative path from start to p if one exists. This is a lexical-only analysis.

  • Returns: A path representing a relative path from start to p if one exists, path() otherwise. If p and start are the same then "." is returned. If a non-empty path is returned then it will satisfy p == normalize( start / lexically_relative( p, start ) ).

15.29 Normalize [fs.op.normalize]

path normalize(const path& p);
  • Effects: Return a normalized path of p by collapsing all redundant current ".", parent ".." directory elements and directory-separator elements.

  • Returns: A normalized path which may be relative or absolute, though it will not contain any current "." directory element or any parent ".." directory elements after the first non-parent element.

15.31 Proximate [fs.op.proximate]

path proximate(const path& p, const path& start = current_path());
path proximate(const path& p, error_code& ec);
path proximate(const path& p, const path& start, error_code& ec);
  • Effects: Return a proximate path to p from the current directory or from an optional start path.

  • Returns: Returns as if by relative( p, start ).empty() ? p : relative( p, start ).

  • Throws: As specified in Error reporting.

  • Remarks: exists(start) && !is_directory(start) is an error.

15.33 Relative [fs.op.relative]

path relative(const path& p, const path& start = current_path());
path relative(const path& p, error_code& ec);
path relative(const path& p, const path& start, error_code& ec);
  • Effects: Return a relative path to p from the current directory or from an optional start path.

  • Returns: A relative path, if the paths share a common 'root-name', otherwise path(). The relative path returned will satisfy the conditions shown in the following list. The common path is the common path that is shared between p and start. rel_p and rel_start are the divergent relative paths that remain after the common path is removed.

    • if exists(start)
      • if exists(p) then equivalent(start/relative(p,start),p) == true
      • else normalize(canonical(start)/relative(p,start)) == canonical(common)/normalize(rel_p)
    • else
      • if exists(p) then normalize(canonical(common)/rel_start)/relative(p,start)) == canonical(p)
      • else normalize(start/relative(p,start)) == normalize(p)
  • Throws: As specified in Error reporting.

  • Remarks: exists(start) && !is_directory(start) is an error.

15.36 Remove Common Prefix [fs.op.remove_common_prefix]

template <class ForwardIterator>
  path remove_common_prefix( ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last )
  • Effects: Return and remove a common prefix from the sequence of paths defined by the range [first,last). If there is no common prefix the paths in the range [first,last) will remain unchanged.

  • Returns: a path representing the common prefix if any, otherwise path().

path remove_common_prefix( path& p1, path& p2 )
  • Effects: Return and remove a common prefix for the paths p1 and p2. If there is no common prefix the paths p1 and p2 will remain unchanged.

  • Returns: a path representing the common prefix if any, otherwise path().

and all intermediate and following section numbering accordingly. Also update the contents and any cross-references as appropriate.

6. Reference Implementation

A prototype implementation based on Boost.Filesystem along with a fairly comprehensive set of tests, can be found here:

7. Related Proposals and Future Work

Beman Dawes has provided a Filesystem Relative Draft Proposal along with a preliminary implementation in the feature/relative2 branch of the Boost Filesystem Git repository.

Both this proposal and Beman's proposal are very close and it is hoped that a future revision of this paper will address any inconsistencies between the two proposals.


The authors would like to thank Christopher Kohlhoff for his suggestions and feedback and also Jonathan Wakely for his editorial improvements. Thanks also go to thank Beman Dawes for taking the time to review drafts of the paper.


[1] Personal communication