Document number: P0013R1
Date: 2015-10-23
Project: Programming Language C++, Library Evolution Working Group
Reply-to: Jonathan Wakely <[email protected]>

Logical Operator Type Traits (revision 1)

I. Table of Contents

II. Revision History

III. Introduction

I propose three new type traits for performing logical operations with other traits, conjunction, disjunction, and negation, corresponding to the operators &&, ||, and ! respectively. These utilities are used extensively in libstdc++ and are valuable additions to any metaprogramming toolkit.

// logical conjunction:
template<class... B> struct conjunction;

// logical disjunction:
template<class... B> struct disjunction;

// logical negation:
template<class B> struct negation;

IV. Motivation and Scope

The proposed traits apply a logical operator to the result of one or more type traits, for example the specialization conjunction<is_copy_constructible<T>, is_copy_assignable<T>> has a BaseCharacteristic of true_type only if T is copy constructible and copy assignable, or in other words it has a BaseCharacteristic equivalent to bool_constant<is_copy_constructible_v<T> && is_copy_assignable_v<T>>.

The traits are especially useful when dealing with variadic templates where you want to apply the same predicate or transformation to every element in a parameter pack, for example disjunction<is_nothrow_default_constructible<T>...> can be used to determine whether at least one of the types in the pack T has a non-throwing default constructor.

Practicing metaprogrammers often consider making more of our unary type traits and/or type relationship traits variadic; a request that arises seemingly very often is having something like 'are_same' which would be a variadic is_same. The proposed conjunction trait allows turning any trait into a variadic trait, without adding a plethora of variadic counterparts for individual traits that we already have. The disjunction and negation complete the set.

Quoth Ville: "__and_, __or_ and __not_ as they are already available in libstdc++ are an absolute godsend, not just for a library writer, but for any user who needs to do metaprogramming with parameter packs. Boost.MPL has shipped similar facilities for a very long time, and it's high time we standardize these simple utilities."

To demonstrate how to use conjunction with is_same to make an 'all_same' trait, constraining a variadic function template so that all arguments have the same type can be done using conjunction<is_same<T, Ts>...>, for example:

// Accepts one or more arguments of the same type.
template<typename T, typename... Ts>
  enable_if_t< conjunction_v<is_same<T, Ts>...> >
  func(T, Ts...)
  { }

For the sake of clarity this function doesn't do perfect forwarding, but if the parameters were forwarding references the constraint would only be slightly more complicated: conjunction_v<is_same<decay_t<T>, decay_t<Ts>>...>.

Constraining all elements of a parameter pack to a specific type can be done similarly:

// Accepts zero or more arguments of type int.
template<typename... Ts>
  enable_if_t< conjunction_v<is_same<int, Ts>...> >
  { }

Of course the three traits can be combined to form arbitrary predicates, the specialization conjunction<disjunction<foo, bar>, negation<baz>> corresponds to (foo::value || bar::value) && !baz::value.

V. Impact On The Standard

This is a pure addition with no dependency on anything that isn't already in the 2014 standard. I proposed it for inclusion in the Library Fundamentals TS rather than the International Standard, but in Kona LEWG proposed adding it to both.

VI. Design Decisions

In this proposal the class templates conjunction and disjunction derive from their arguments. An alternative design would be to force a BaseCharacteristic of true_type or false_type, i.e. instead of the proposed design:

  template<class B1> struct conjunction<B1> : B1 { };
we could specify it as:

  template<class B1> struct conjunction<B1> : bool_constant<B1::value> { };

I believe the former is more flexible and preserves more information.

We could require the template arguments themselves to have a BaseCharacteristic of true_type or false_type but I think that would be an unnecessary restriction, they only really require B::value to be convertible to bool. As proposed the traits will work with user-defined traits that have a nested value member of an enumeration type and other forms of trait that don't derive from a specialization of integral_constant.

The variable templates conjunction_v, disjunction_v, and negation_v do not exist in libstdc++, largely because these traits predate G++'s support for variable templates by several years. However the examples above demonstrate their usefulness and adding them is consistent with the other variable templates proposed by N3854.

Many uses of these traits with parameter packs can be replaced by fold expressions, for example conjunction_v<T...> can be replaced by (true && ... && T::value), however the fold expression will instantiate T::value for every element of the pack, whereas the the proposed behaviour of conjunction and disjunction only instantiates as many elements of the pack as necessary to determine the answer, i.e. they perform short-circuiting with regard to instantiations. This short-circuiting makes conjunction<is_copy_constructible<T>, is_copy_assignable<T>> potentially cheaper to instantiate than the logically equivalent bool_constant<is_copy_constructible_v<T> && is_copy_assignable_v<T>>.

Efficiency aside, the short-circuiting property allows these traits to be used in contexts that would be more difficult otherwise. If we have a trait is_foo such that is_foo<T>::value is ill-formed unless T is a class type, the expression is_class_v<T> && is_foo<T>::value would be unsafe and must be replaced by something using a extra level of indirection to ensure is_foo::value is only instantiated when valid, such as conditional_t<is_class_v<T>, is_foo<T>, false_type>::value. This is almost precisely what conjunction_v<is_class<T>, is_foo<T>> expands to, but conjunction_v expresses the intention more clearly.

The traits were originally proposed with the obvious names, "and", "or" and "not", adjusted to avoid clashing with the alternative tokens of the same names. Another option would have been static_and but the context and angle brackets should be enough to make it obvious these are templates that are evaluated at compile-time, and the shorter names are easier to read. LEWG discussed a number of names, and the eventual preference was for longer names, without a trailing underscore.

LEWG discussed putting these into a new sub-namespace for metaprogramming tools, provisionally called meta, but there was not consensus to do that at this time. The author intends to propose a more complete toolkit in such a namespace at some point.

VII. Technical Specification

For the purposes of SG10, I recommend feature-testing macros named __cpp_lib_logical_traits and __cpp_lib_experimental_logical_traits for the IS and TS respectively.

Changes for the C++ working draft

If the variable templates for type traits are accepted into the C++ working paper then the editor is requested to also add conjunction_v, disjunction_v and negation_v as defined below for the Library Fundamentals TS.

Add to the synopsis in [meta.type.synop]:

// [meta.logical], logical operator traits:
template<class... B> struct conjunction;
template<class... B> struct disjunction;
template<class B> struct negation;

Add a new subclause in [meta]:

3.3.x Logical operator traits [meta.logical]

This subclause describes type traits for applying logical operators to other type traits.

  template<class... B> struct conjunction : see below { };

The class template conjunction forms the logical conjunction of its template type arguments. Every template type argument shall be usable as a base class and shall have a member value which is convertible to bool, is not hidden, and is unambiguously available in the type.

The BaseCharacteristic of a specialization conjunction<B1, ..., BN> is the first type Bi in the list true_type, B1, ..., BN for which Bi::value == false, or if every Bi::value != false the BaseCharacteristic is BN. [Note: This means a specialization of conjunction does not necessarily have a BaseCharacteristic of either true_type or false_type. — end note]

For a specialization conjunction<B1, ..., BN> if there is a template type argument Bi with Bi::value == false then instantiating conjunction<B1, ..., BN>::value does not require the instantiation of Bj::value for j > i. [Note: This is analogous to the short-circuiting behavior of &&. — end note]

  template<class... B> struct disjunction : see below { };

The class template disjunction forms the logical disjunction of its template type arguments. Every template type argument shall be usable as a base class and shall have a member value which is convertible to bool, is not hidden, and is unambiguously available in the type.

The BaseCharacteristic of a specialization disjunction<B1, ..., BN> is the first type Bi in the list false_type, B1, ..., BN for which Bi::value != false, or if every Bi::value == false the BaseCharacteristic is BN. [Note: This means a specialization of disjunction does not necessarily have a BaseCharacteristic of either true_type or false_type. — end note]

For a specialization disjunction<B1, ..., BN> if there is a template type argument Bi with Bi::value != false then instantiating disjunction<B1, ..., BN>::value does not require the instantiation of Bj::value for j > i. [Note: This is analogous to the short-circuiting behavior of ||. — end note]

  template<class B> struct negation : bool_constant<!B::value> { };

The class template negation forms the logical negation of its template type argument. The type negation<B> is a UnaryTypeTrait with a BaseCharacteristic of bool_constant<!B::value>.

Changes for the Library Fundamentals v2 working draft

These changes are the same as the changes for the C++ working draft, except that bool_constant is replaced by integral_constant, because bool_constant is not in the TS, and the _v variable templates are added.

Add to the synopsis in [meta.type.synop]:

// [meta.logical], logical operator traits:
template<class... B> struct conjunction;
template<class... B> constexpr bool conjunction_v = conjunction<B...>::value;
template<class... B> struct disjunction;
template<class... B> constexpr bool disjunction_v = disjunction<B...>::value;
template<class B> struct negation;
template<class B> constexpr bool negation_v = negation<B>::value;

Add a new subclause in [meta]:

3.3.x Logical operator traits [meta.logical]

This subclause describes type traits for applying logical operators to other type traits.

  template<class... B> struct conjunction : see below { };

  template<class... B> constexpr bool conjunction_v = conjunction<B...>::value;

The class template conjunction forms the logical conjunction of its template type arguments. Every template type argument shall be usable as a base class and shall have a member value which is convertible to bool, is not hidden, and is unambiguously available in the type.

The BaseCharacteristic of a specialization conjunction<B1, ..., BN> is the first type Bi in the list true_type, B1, ..., BN for which Bi::value == false, or if every Bi::value != false the BaseCharacteristic is BN. [Note: This means a specialization of conjunction does not necessarily have a BaseCharacteristic of either true_type or false_type. — end note]

For a specialization conjunction<B1, ..., BN> if there is a template type argument Bi with Bi::value == false then instantiating conjunction<B1, ..., BN>::value does not require the instantiation of Bj::value for j > i. [Note: This is analogous to the short-circuiting behavior of &&. — end note]

  template<class... B> struct disjunction : see below { };

  template<class... B> constexpr bool disjunction_v = disjunction<B...>::value;

The class template disjunction forms the logical disjunction of its template type arguments. Every template type argument shall be usable as a base class and shall have a member value which is convertible to bool, is not hidden, and is unambiguously available in the type.

The BaseCharacteristic of a specialization disjunction<B1, ..., BN> is the first type Bi in the list false_type, B1, ..., BN for which Bi::value != false, or if every Bi::value == false the BaseCharacteristic is BN. [Note: This means a specialization of disjunction does not necessarily have a BaseCharacteristic of either true_type or false_type. — end note]

For a specialization disjunction<B1, ..., BN> if there is a template type argument Bi with Bi::value != false then instantiating disjunction<B1, ..., BN>::value does not require the instantiation of Bj::value for j > i. [Note: This is analogous to the short-circuiting behavior of ||. — end note]

  template<class B> struct negation : integral_constant<bool, !B::value> { };

  template<class B> constexpr bool negation_v = negation<B>::value;

The class template negation forms the logical negation of its template type argument. The type negation<B> is a UnaryTypeTrait with a BaseCharacteristic of integral_constant<bool, !B::value>.

VIII. Sample Implementation

Example implementations of and_ and or_ (the originally proposed names) based on Daniel Krügler's code in libstdc++ are shown here:

template<class...> struct and_; // not defined

template<> struct and_<> : true_type { };

template<class B1> struct and_<B1> : B1 { };

template<class B1, class B2>
  struct and_<B1, B2>
  : conditional_t<B1::value, B2, B1>
  { };

template<class B1, class B2, class B3, class... Bn>
  struct and_<B1, B2, B3, Bn...>
  : conditional_t<B1::value, and_<B2, B3, Bn...>, B1>
  { };

template<class...> struct or_; // not defined

template<> struct or_<> : false_type { };

template<class B1> struct or_<B1> : B1 { };

template<class B1, class B2>
  struct or_<B1, B2>
  : conditional_t<B1::value, B1, B2>
  { };

template<class B1, class B2, class B3, class... Bn>
  struct or_<B1, B2, B3, Bn...>
  : conditional_t<B1::value, B1, or_<B2, B3, Bn...>>
  { };

IX. Acknowledgements

Thanks to Daniel Krügler for the original implementation in libstdc++ which inspired this proposal, and to Ville Voutilainen for nudging me to write it up and for providing part of the motivation section.

X. References

N3854, Variable Templates For Type Traits, by Stephan T. Lavavej.