LEWG, SG14: P0040R0
Brent Friedman
[email protected]

Extending memory management tools

I. Motivation

When implementing containers that do not rely on standard allocators it is often necessary to manage memory directly. This paper seeks to fill gaps in the standard library’s memory management utilities.

II. Summary

The function template destroy calls the destructor for specified elements.
The function template uninitialized_move performs move construction of elements over a range of memory, similar to uninitialized_copy. uninitialized_move_n is also provided.
The function template uninitialized_value_construct performs value-construction of objects over a range of memory.
The function template uninitialized_default_construct performs default-construction of objects over a range of memory.

III. Discussion

Interface changes proposed in the “range” proposals should be mirrored if both are accepted.

destroy first appeared in SGI’s Standard Template Library. It is not known by the author why this algorithm was not inherited into the C++ Standard Library in its initial stages. Several responses have preferred that the algorithm be called destruct, however, destroy maintains convention with SGI and appears to be considered more appropriate use of English.

It is not possible to implement the “no effects” policy for destroy so it is specifically excluded from that rule.

The names uninitialized_value_construct and uninitialized_default_construct explicitly reflect their effects but do not clearly match terminology in other standard library functions. Proposal N3939 has chosen the _noinit suffix to denote value vs. default construction. If LEWG prefers this direction then the algorithms could be renamed to uninitialized_construct and uninitialized_construct_noinit.

Some concern is raised about exception handling with respect to uninitialized_move. If a move-constructor throws, moved-from objects may be left in a poorly defined state. Given that algorithm move has no special support for this case, it is believed that throwing constructors for this algorithm can be treated similarly. It is believed that the “no effects” wording of this section is sufficient as is.
An additional algorithm, uninitialized_move_if_noexcept, could be considered as a resolution to this concern. Given that there is currently no range-based move_if_noexcept algorithm, such a solution is not considered here. It is however trivial to implement such an algorithm – simply forwarding to copy or move as appropriate. The same would hold true for uninitialized algorithms.

IV. Proposed Text

Make the following changes in [specialized.algorithm]:

Modify: In the algorithm<u>s</u> uninitialized_copy <u>and uninitialized_move</u>, the template parameter InputIterator is required…

Modify: In the following algorithms <u>other than destroy</u>, if an exception is thrown there are no effects.


        template<class ForwardIterator>
        void destroy(ForwardIterator begin, ForwardIterator end);
        typedef typename iterator_traits<ForwardIterator>::value_type __t;
        while (begin != end)
    template <class InputIterator, class ForwardIterator>
    ForwardIterator uninitialized_move(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, ForwardIterator result);
        for (; first != last; ++result, ++first)
            ::new (static_cast<void*>(addressof(*result)))
                typename iterator_traits<ForwardIterator>::value_type(std::move(*first));
        return result;
    template <class InputIterator, class ForwardIterator>
    ForwardIterator uninitialized_move_n(InputIterator first, size_t count, ForwardIterator result);    
        for ( ; count>0; ++result, ++first, --count)
            ::new (static_cast<void*>(addressof(*result)))
                typename iterator_traits<ForwardIterator>::value_type(std::move(*first));
        return result;
    template<class ForwardIterator>
    FwdIt uninitialized_value_construct(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last);
        for (; first != last; ++first)
            ::new (static_cast<void*>(addressof(*first)))
                typename iterator_traits<ForwardIterator>::value_type();
        return first;
    template<class ForwardIterator>
    FwdIt uninitialized_default_construct(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last);
        for (; first != last; ++first)
            ::new (static_cast<void*>(addressof(*first)))
                typename iterator_traits<ForwardIterator>::value_type;
        return first;