ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG21 EWG P0157R0 - 2015-11-07
Lawrence Crowl, [email protected]
Kinds of Disappointments
Traditional Approaches
Return Status
Intrusive Special Value
Status via Out Parameter
Return a Pair
Long Jump
Throw Exception
Recent Approaches
Provide Two functions
Expected or Unexpected
Status and Optional Value
Advisory Information
Efficiency of Return
Ease of Return
Recommendation to the Standard
Recommendation to Programmers
When a function fails to do what we want, we are disappointed. How do we report that disappointment to callers? How do we handle that disappointment in the caller?
In the discussion of a couple of new approaches to handling disappointment, the Evolution Working Group wanted general advice to programmers on how to answer those questions for their application. This paper provides that advice.
There are many kinds of disappointments and programmers will want to report and handle them differently.
Of these excamples, the last two are not errors. Hence, we use the term disappointment instead of error.
There are traditional C and C++ approaches to reporting and handling disappointments.
The most common C approach is to return a status, typically as an int or enum, with success as a distinct value. There are a few problems with this approach.
Instead of returning a status and displacing the natural return value, some C functions impose special disappointment semantics on one value of the return type. Typically, that value is a null pointer, zero, or negative one. There are problems.
which inhibits concurrency.
Another common C-like approach is to have an 'out' parameter for the status. This approach has the benefit of not intruding on the natural return. However, it too has problems.
Another solution is to return a pair of status and value.
In practice, these would then be tie
'd to separate variables.
While not yet common in C,
this approach appears in other languages with built-in multiple return values.
for the approach in the Go programming language.)
This approach has essentially the same attributes as the approaches above. The primary difference is that one need to declare a separate variable to hold the 'other' return object.
Some applications use long jump to handle disappointments. The problem is that long jump has no mechanism to clean up state in intermediate frames. Consequently, it is usable only in very constrained situations where either there is no state in intermediate frames or the program can abandon that state. Given this constraint, we do not consider it further.
The C++ exception mechanism addresses the problems above.
Unfortunately, the exception mechanism introduced other problems.
We can group traditional approaches into two broad categories by examining their attributes.
attribute | status-based | exception-based |
normal logic is clearer when disappointments are normally | addressed and redone | passed on to other code |
the effect of ignoring disappointment is | often undefined behavior | local variable destruction and exception propagation |
disappointments are applicable when | known in advance | not known in advance |
some form of default construction is | required | not required |
handling overhead is inefficient when disappointments are | rare | not rare |
accomodating real-time constraints is | easier | harder |
The first three attributes are variations on actionable. A corrupt file system is rare and unlikely to be actionable in the caller. On the other hand, an empty queue is likely common and likely actionable.
In summary, the status-based approach is best when disappointments are actionable and not rare or when there are hard real-time constraints, while the exception-based approach is best when disappointments are not actionable and rare.
The problem with traditional approaches is that whether or not a disappointment is actionable or rare may depend on the calling environment, but the implementation of the function does not. Whether the environment has real-time constraints may not be known to the programmer of the function.
As an example, a function reading a system file can expect to find it present, while a function looking for a user's dot file can expect to find it not present. A more program-internal example is an application that knows it will not fill a queue, and so a full queue indicates a rare error. On the other hand, another application may rely on a full queue to provide flow control.
Programs will be clearer, more efficient and more robust when we can leave at least some of the choice in mechananism to the caller.
There have been several new approaches to handling disappointment developed and deployed recently. All these approaches address the primary problem of the character of the disappointment being known only in the calling environment.
The first solution is to provide two versions of each function, one providing a status and one throwing an exception. This approach enables choice of mechanism at each call site.
In N3533 C++ Concurrent Queues, the non-throwing function returns a status.
In N4100 Programming Languages — C++ — File System Technical Specification, the non-throwing function writes the status through a reference parameter. N2838 Library Support for Hybrid Error Handling proposed a change to standard library specifications so that
void f(error_code& ec=throws());
would stand both overloads of the function, the one without the reference parameter throwing and the one with the reference parameter not throwing.
The non-throwing function in this approach shares the problem of effectively requiring a default constructor with the traditional pure-status approach.
While less likely in practice, with two functions it is still possible to request a status, ignore it and access a missing result. Whether or not this access is undefined behavior depends on whether or not the default constructor produces an object with defined behavior. In any case, the default object is unlikely to produce what one wants.
A proposal to add a utility class to represent expected monad
proposes a class template expected
to contain either the normal return object or
an exceptional object, but not both.
A conversion from expected
to bool
enables determining if the expected value is present.
The dereference operator returns an unchecked reference
to the expected value.
The value
member function
returns a checked reference to the expected value.
Accessing a missing result is possible by using the dereference operator. The behavior is undefined if one does so.
A Class for Status and Optional Value
proposes a class template status_value
to contain a status and possibly the normal return object.
A conversion from status_value
to bool
enables determining if the value is present.
The dereference operator returns an checked reference
to the expected value.
The value
member function
returns a checked reference to the expected value.
Accessing a missing result is not possible.
We compare the recent approaches on three points.
The status_value
differs from the expected
in that it always provides a status.
By always having a status
that status can provide advisory information
in addition to the normal return value.
It can say, in effect,
"I was able to satisfy your need this time,
but in the future you need to modify your behavior
to reduce th risk of future disappointment".
A couple of examples are in order.
A hash table insertion returns a status "success but the table is getting full". This allows the calling environment to choose an appropriate time for cleaning or growing the hash table.
A concurrent data structure return a status "success but under contention". This allows the calling environment to defer or ignore non-essential work to keep response time low.
The two-function approach can also provide advisory information in the case where one chooses the status-based function.
With all three approaches, it is possible to ignore advisory information. In the two-function approach, simply use the exception-throwing version. In the other two approaches, use the conversion-to-bool for decisions.
The three approaches have roughly the same efficiency when
the exceptional object is cheap, on the order of an enum.
As exceptional objects become more expensive,
the status-based function and the status_value
pay an increasing cost.
The exception-based function and the expected
avoid paying that cost for the non-exceptional case.
This difference in efficiency
shows most clearly in the file system technical specification.
The specification uses the two-function approach.
The status-based functions
return a error_code
while the exception-based functions
throw a filesystem_error
that contains an error_code
plus additional diagnostic information.
The status_value
type, as is,
encourages simple enumerations for status.
Returning a full filesystem_error
on every call would be relatively expensive.
In constrast,
the expected
would only construct a filesystem_error
at need.
While not a major concern,
the status is required in
construction of a status_value
is simpler than construction of an expected
While use of the two function approach would seem simpler than either of the above, it would likely not prove so in practice. To prevent redundant implementation, the main work is likely to be done in the status-based function and the other exception-based function acts as a wrapper. Thus, the code is likely more complex for the two-function approach.
Both expected
and status_value
provide value
and should be considered for adoption.
Some determine effort to unify the two proposal
would likely result in a more consistent outcome.
There are some technical changes to the proposals that would impove them.
Change the status_value::status
operation to return a reference rather than a value.
This change enables more expensive status types.
Change the expected
dereference operator
to check for a valid expected object.
While the lack of a check is present for efficiency,
that efficiency would likely be gained by an optimizing
compiler recognizing a redundant comparision when the
functions are inlined.
Consider change the expected
to have a single constructor with a discriminator parameter
rather than two auxilary maker functions.
Programmers of a function should consider how to communicate disappoinment to their callers with the following advice, taken in order.
If the function will never disappoint,
use noexcept
and do not have a status.
If there are significant real-time constraints on the program, where the cost of an exception is prohibitive, use a status-based function. In such programs, a strong review program will be necessary to ensure that all disappointments are handled. This path will prohibit some types and programs.
If a disappointment not known in advance, throw an exception. Programmers cannot handle what they cannot know. The most common instance of this case is a function invoking a callback function that throws. The callback function may throw exceptions unknown to the outer function.
If a disappointment is rare and not actionable, throw an exception. The concurrent queue returns a status from most functions, but no status includes a mutex failure. When a mutex fails, the queue operations will throw an exception.
If the function may provide advisory information,
use status_value
Callers can decide whether a disappointment is rare or actionable.
If the exceptional object is expensive to construct,
use expected
Callers can decide whether a disappointment is rare or actionable.
(The exceptional object need/should not have a 'success' value,
as the programmer has access only to the exceptional object on success.)
use status_value
or expected
based on which seems more natural for code explicitly handling disappointment.