Document number: P0163R0
Date: 2015-10-23
Project: ISO JTC1/SC22/WG21, Programming Language C++
Audience: Library Evolution Working Group
Reply to: Arthur O'Dwyer <[email protected]>


1. Introduction
2. Problem: Generic programming and weak_ptr
3. One more motivating example
4. Solution
5. Alternatives rejected at Kona
6. Proposed wording
    6a. Proposed wording for C++17 [util.smartptr.shared]
    6b. Proposed wording for Library Fundamentals V2 [memory.smartptr.shared]
7. References
8. Thanks

1. Introduction

This paper identifies a minor inconvenience in the design of shared_ptr, in that it is impossible to create a weak_ptr from a shared_ptr without explicitly spelling out the type of the weak_ptr, which impedes generic programming. N4537 [N4537] proposed to solve this problem by introducing the member function shared_ptr::unlock(), but this idea was rejected by LEWG at Kona. LEWG strongly supported the idea of providing a member typedef shared_ptr::weak_type, so that's what the present paper proposes, for both C++17 and Library Fundamentals V2.

2. Problem: Generic programming and weak_ptr

Given an arbitrary shared_ptr, write code to "weaken" the object into a weak_ptr with the same shared ownership and stored pointer.

    template<class ObjectType>
    void register_observers(ObjectType& obj)
        auto sptr = obj.get_shared_ptr(); // for example, via shared_from_this
        auto wptr = weak_ptr<ObjectType>(sptr);
        sptr.reset(); // drop the strong reference as soon as possible

Unfortunately, this code is not perfectly generic: it will fail (or at least do the wrong thing) in the case that obj.get_shared_ptr() returns something other than shared_ptr<ObjectType>. For example, it might return shared_ptr<BaseClassOfObjectType>. Or, in an advanced scenario, we might want to be able to "drop in" a replacement class custom_shared_ptr instead of the standard shared_ptr, in which case we would also have to replace weak_ptr in the above code with custom_weak_ptr.

Notice that at least two values of "custom_shared_ptr" exist in the wild: std::experimental::shared_ptr in Library Fundamentals [N4077], and boost::shared_ptr. Neither of these implementations currently provide weak_type. This paper proposes adding weak_type to both C++17 and Library Fundamentals V2.

Notice that the only place in the code sample where an explicit type is used, is in the line concerned with "weakening" sptr. "Weakening" a shared_ptr into a weak_ptr is not an operation that ought to force explicit types into otherwise generic code.

3. One more motivating example

A real-world example of this pattern cropped up recently when Arthur attempted to implement a "task-based programming" library with task cancellation, as described in Sean Parent's "Better Code: Concurrency" [Parent]. In this library, the TaskControlBlock is the central concept; a Future is simply a thin wrapper around a std::shared_ptr<TaskControlBlock>, and a CancellablePackagedTask is a thin wrapper around a std::weak_ptr<TaskControlBlock>. When the last Future referring to a TaskControlBlock is destroyed, the TaskControlBlock itself (if the task has not yet begun to execute) may be destroyed. The implementation of EnqueueTask in this system looks like this:

    template<typename T>
    inline std::weak_ptr<T> Unlock(const std::shared_ptr<T>& sptr)
        return std::weak_ptr<T>(sptr);

    template<typename Func>
    auto EnqueueTask(Func&& func) -> Future<decltype(func())>
        using T = decltype(func());

        auto sptr = std::make_shared<TaskControlBlock<T>>();

        auto task = [
            func = std::forward<Func>(func),
            wptr = Unlock(sptr)
        ]() {
            Promise<T> px { wptr };


        Future<T> fx { std::move(sptr) };
        return fx;
Notice the use of the hand-coded free function Unlock(sptr); that's a workaround for the unwieldy expression std::weak_ptr<TaskControlBlock<T>>(sptr).

4. Solution

We propose adding one new typedef to the standard library. shared_ptr gains a member typedef

    using weak_type = weak_ptr;
This allows us to rewrite the "problem" code above in generic style, naming no types explicitly, as:

    template<class ObjectType>
    void register_observers(ObjectType& obj) {
        auto sptr = obj.get_shared_ptr(); // for example, via shared_from_this
        auto wptr = typename decltype(sptr)::weak_type{sptr};
        sptr.reset(); // drop the strong reference as soon as possible

and the other example becomes:

        auto task = [
            func = std::forward<Func>(func),
            wptr = typename decltype(sptr)::weak_type{sptr}
        ]() {
            Promise<T> px { wptr };

The author is not happy with the proposed style's verbosity, but at least this does solve the generic-programming problem. Also, this proposal avoids introducing any further asymmetry (as would be the case if we introduced a free function std::weaken without std::strengthen).

5. Alternatives rejected at Kona

At Kona (October 2015), the following was proposed and/or straw-polled as N4537: [Issues]

Do we want sptr.unlock() by that name, as proposed in N4537?
(consensus was against)

Do we want that functionality at all, e.g. under the name std::weaken(sptr)?
SF F  N  A  SA
1  1  6  6  1

Should we provide shared_ptr<T>::weak_type?
SF F  N  A  SA
0  10 5  0  1
Therefore, this paper proposes only the member typedef that garnered support.

6. Proposed wording

6a. Proposed wording for C++17

The wording in this section is relative to WG21 draft N4527 [N4527], that is, the draft of the C++17 standard. Class template shared_ptr [util.smartptr.shared]

Edit paragraph 1 as follows.

template class shared_ptr {
  typedef T element_type;
  typedef weak_ptr<T> weak_type;

  //, constructors:

6b. Proposed wording for Library Fundamentals V2

The wording in this section is relative to WG21 draft N4529 [N4529], that is, the draft of Library Fundamentals V2.

8.2.1 Class template shared_ptr [memory.smartptr.shared]

Edit paragraph 1 as follows.

template class shared_ptr {
  typedef typename remove_extent_t<T> element_type;
  typedef weak_ptr<T> weak_type;
  //, shared_ptr constructors

7. References

"Bug 103: Adding Symmetry Between shared_ptr and weak_ptr" (October 2015).
Jonathan Wakely. "Experimental shared_ptr for Library Fundamentals TS" (June 2014).
"Working Draft, Standard for Programming Language C++" (May 2015).
"Working Draft, C++ Extensions for Library Fundamentals, Version 2" (May 2015).
Arthur O'Dwyer. "Adding Symmetry Between shared_ptr and weak_ptr" (May 2015).
"Better Code: Concurrency" (February 2015).

8. Thanks

Thanks to LEWG for feedback on N4537, and to Jonathan Wakely for feedback and for the correct spelling of his surname.