C++ Standard Library Issues to be moved in Jacksonville

Doc. no. P0165R1

Revised 2016-02-12 at 23:02:13 UTC

Project: Programming Language C++
Reply to: Marshall Clow <[email protected]>

Ready Issues

2192. Validity and return type of std::abs(0u) is unclear

Section: 26.8 [c.math] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Daniel Krügler Opened: 2012-10-02 Last modified: 2015-11-04

Priority: 2

View other active issues in [c.math].

View all other issues in [c.math].

View all issues with Tentatively Ready status.


In C++03 the following two programs are invalid:

  1. #include <cmath>
    int main() {
  2. #include <cstdlib>
    int main() {

because none of the std::abs() overloads is a best match.

In C++11 the additional "sufficient overload" rule from 26.8 [c.math] p11 (see also LWG 2086) can be read to be applicable to the std::abs() overloads as well, which can lead to the following possible conclusions:

  1. The program

    #include <type_traits>
    #include <cmath>
    static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(std::abs(0u)), double>(), "Oops");
    int main() {
      std::abs(0u); // Calls std::abs(double)

    is required to be well-formed, because of sub-bullet 2 ("[..] or an integer type [..]") of 26.8 [c.math] p11 (Note that the current resolution of LWG 2086 doesn't fix this problem).

  2. Any translation unit including both <cmath> and <cstdlib> might be ill-formed because of two conflicting requirements for the return type of the overload std::abs(int).

It seems to me that at least the second outcome is not intended, personally I think that both are unfortunate: In contrast to all other floating-point functions explicitly listed in sub-clause 26.8 [c.math], the abs overloads have a special and well-defined meaning for signed integers and thus have explicit overloads returning a signed integral type. I also believe that there is no problem accepting that std::fabs(0u) is well-defined with return type double, because the leading 'f' clearly signals that we have a floating point function here. But the expected return type of std::abs(0u) seems less than clear to me. A very reasonable answer could be that this has the same type as its argument type, alternatively it could be a reasonably chosen signed integer type, or a floating point type. It should also be noted, that the corresponding "generic type function" rule set from C99/C1x in 7.25 p2+3 is restricted to the floating-point functions from <math.h> and <complex.h>, so cannot be applied to the abs functions (but to the fabs functions!).

Selecting a signed integer return type for unsigned input values can also problematic: The directly corresponding signed integer type would give half of the possible argument values an implementation-defined result value. Choosing the first signed integer value that can represent all positive values would solve this problem for unsigned int, but there would be no clear answer for the input type std::uintmax_t.

Based on this it seems to me that the C++03 state in regard to unsigned integer values was the better situation, alerting the user that this code is ambigious at the moment (This might be change with different core-language rules as described in N3387).

[2013-04-20, Bristol]

Resolution: leave as new and bring it back in Chicago.

[2013-09 Chicago]

This issue also relates to LWG 2294

STL: these two issues should be bundled

Stefanus: do what Pete says, and add overloads for unsigned to return directly

STL: agree Consensus that this is an issue

Walter: motion to move to Open

STL: no wording for 2294

Stefanus: move to open and note the 2 issues are related and should be moved together

Stefanus: add and define unsigned versions of abs()

[2014-02-03 Howard comments]

Defining abs() for unsigned integers is a bad idea. Doing so would turn compile time errors into run time errors, especially in C++ where we have templates, and the types involved are not always apparent to the programmer at design time. For example, consider:

template <class Int>
analyze(Int x, Int y)
  // ...
  if (std::abs(x - y) < threshold)
    // ...
  // ...

std::abs(expr) is often used to ask: Are these two numbers sufficiently close? When the assumption is that the two numbers are signed (either signed integral, or floating point), the logic is sound. But when the same logic is accidentally used with an arithmetic type not capable of representing negative numbers, and especially if unsigned overflow will silently happen, then the logic is no longer correct:

auto i = analyze(20u, 21u);  // Today a compile time error
    // But with abs(unsigned) becomes a run time error

This is not idle speculation. Search the net for "abs unsigned" here or here.

In C++11, chrono durations and time_points are allowed to be based on unsigned integers. Taking the absolute value of the difference of two such time_points would be easy to accidentally do (say in code templated on time_points), and would certainly be a logic bug, caught at compile time unless we provide the error prone abs(unsigned).

[2015-02, Cologne]

GR: Do we want to make the changes to both <cmath> and <cstdlib>?
AM: I think so; we should provide consistent overloads.
GR: Then we're imposing restrictions on what users put in the global namespace.
AM: I'm not so worried about that. Users already know not to use C library names.
VV: So what are we going to do about unsigned integers? AM: We will say that they are ill-formed.
AM: Does anyone volunteer to send updated wording to Daniel? GR, can you do it? GR: Sure.
GR: To clarify: we want to make unsigned types ill-formed?
AM: With promotion rank at least unsigned int.
GR: And NL suggests to just list those types.

Conclusion: Merge the resolution into a single issue.

Previous resolution from Daniel [SUPERSEDED]:

This wording is relative to N3376.

  1. Change 26.8 [c.math] p11 as indicated:

    -11- Moreover, except for the abs functions, there shall be additional overloads sufficient to ensure:


[2015-03-03, Geoffrey Romer provides improved wording]

In the following I've drafted combined wording to resolve LWG 2192 and 2294. Note that the first two paragraphs are taken verbatim from the P/R of LWG 2294, but the third is newly drafted:

[2015-05-05 Lenexa: Howard to draft updated wording]

[2015-09-11: Howard updated wording]

[2015-10, Kona Saturday afternoon]

HH: abs() for unsigned types is really dangerous. People often use abs(x - y), which would be a disaster.

TK: That's why you need a two-argument abs_diff(x, y), especially for unsigned types.

JW: Lawrence has a proposal for abs_diff in the mailing.

STL: As an alternative to considering promotions, I would just ban all unsigned types, even unsigned char.

STL: Does the PR change any implementation? Is the final paragraph just a consequence?

HH: It's a consequence. It could just be a note.

VV: Ship it as is.

STL: Editorial: capitalize the first letter in the Note.

Move to Tentatively ready.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4527.

  1. Insert the following new paragraphs after 26.8 [c.math] p7:

    -6- In addition to the int versions of certain math functions in <cstdlib>, C++ adds long and long long overloaded versions of these functions, with the same semantics.

    -7- The added signatures are:

    long abs(long); // labs()
    long long abs(long long); // llabs()
    ldiv_t div(long, long); // ldiv()
    lldiv_t div(long long, long long); // lldiv()

    -?- To avoid ambiguities, C++ also adds the following overloads of abs() to <cstdlib>, with the semantics defined in <cmath>:

    float abs(float);
    double abs(double);
    long double abs(long double);

    -?- To avoid ambiguities, C++ also adds the following overloads of abs() to <cmath>, with the semantics defined in <cstdlib>:

    int abs(int);
    long abs(long);
    long long abs(long long);

    -?- If abs() is called with an argument of type X for which is_unsigned<X>::value is true and if X cannot be converted to int by integral promotion (4.5 [conv.prom]), the program is ill-formed. [Note: arguments that can be promoted to int are permitted for compatibility with C. — end note]

2253. [arrays.ts] dynarray should state which container requirements aren't met

Section: 99 [arrays.ts::dynarray.overview] Status: Ready Submitter: Jonathan Wakely Opened: 2013-04-23 Last modified: 2016-02-12

Priority: 0

View all issues with Ready status.


Addresses: arrays.ts

99 [dynarray.overview] p2 says:

"Unless otherwise specified, all dynarray operations have the same requirements and semantics as specified in 99 [container.requirements]."

Some differences from 99 [container.requirements] are not explicitly specified, including at least the lack of a default constructor, copy assignment and swap member.

The wording could be similar to [array.overview] which says "An array satisfies all of the requirements of a container and of a reversible container (99 [container.requirements]), except that a default constructed array object is not empty and that swap does not have constant complexity."

[2013-09 Chicago:]

Move to Deferred. This feature will ship after C++14 and should be revisited then.

[2014-06-06 pre-Rapperswil]

This issue has been reopened as arrays-ts.

[2014-06-16 Rapperswil]

Move to Ready

[2014/11 Urbana]

Held at Ready status, pending clarification of Arrays TS

Proposed resolution:

  1. Add to 99 [dynarray.overview] p2:

    -2- A dynarray satisfies all of the requirements of a container and of a reversible container (99 [container.requirements]), except for default construction, assignment and swap. Unless otherwise specified, all dynarray operations have the same requirements and semantics as specified in 99 [container.requirements].

2255. [arrays.ts] dynarray constructor ambiguity

Section: 99 [arrays.ts::dynarray.cons] Status: Ready Submitter: Jonathan Wakely Opened: 2013-04-23 Last modified: 2016-02-12

Priority: 0

View all issues with Ready status.


Addresses: arrays.ts

These constructors can interact badly::

template<class Alloc>
  dynarray(size_type c, const Alloc& alloc);
dynarray(size_type c, const T& v);

Unless the second argument is a value of exactly the type T you will get the first constructor, i.e. all of these will fail to compile:

dynarray<long> dlong(1, 1);   // 1 is not long
dynarray<float> dflt(1, 1.0);  // 1.0 is not float
dynarray<int*> dptr(1, nullptr);  // nullptr is not int*
dynarray<void*> doh(1, 0);  // 0 is not void*

The nullptr case is particularly annoying, a user trying to do the right thing by saying nullptr instead of NULL still gets the wrong result.

The constructor taking an allocator requires that "Alloc shall meet the requirements for an Allocator" but doesn't actually say "shall not participate in overload resolution unless ..."

I believe we have no precedent for using SFINAE to check "the requirements for an Allocator" because it's a pretty complicated set of requirements. We could say it shall not participate in overload resolution if Alloc is implicitly convertible to value_type.

Alternatively, we could follow the same approach used by other types that can be constructed with an unconstrained allocator type and use std::allocator_arg_t as the first argument instead of adding an allocator after the other arguments.

[2013-09 Chicago:]

Move to Deferred. This feature will ship after C++14 and should be revisited then.

[2014-06-06 pre-Rapperswil]

This issue has been reopened as arrays-ts.

[2014-06-16 Rapperswil]

Move to Ready for alternative A

Previous resolution [SUPERSEDED]:

  1. Either use the correct way to unambiguously call a constructor taking any type of allocator, i.e. change the constructors to take dynarray(std::allocator_arg_t, const Alloc&, ...) by modifying both the synopsis 99 [dynarray.overview] p2 and 99 [dynarray.cons] before p9 like so:

    template <class Alloc>
      dynarray(allocator_arg_t, const Alloc& a, size_type c, const Alloc& alloc);
    template <class Alloc>
      dynarray(allocator_arg_t, const Alloc& a, size_type c, const T& v, const Alloc& alloc);
    template <class Alloc>
      dynarray(allocator_arg_t, const Alloc& a, const dynarray& d, const Alloc& alloc);
    template <class Alloc>
      dynarray(allocator_arg_t, const Alloc& a, initializer_list<T>, const Alloc& alloc);
  2. or constrain the problematic constructor by adding a new paragraph to 99 [dynarray.cons]:

    template <class Alloc>
      dynarray(size_type c, const Alloc& alloc);
    template <class Alloc>
      dynarray(size_type c, const T& v, const Alloc& alloc);
    template <class Alloc>
      dynarray(const dynarray& d, const Alloc& alloc);
    template <class Alloc>
      dynarray(initializer_list<T>, const Alloc& alloc);

    -9- Requires: Alloc shall meet the requirements for an Allocator ( [allocator.requirements]).

    -10- Effects: Equivalent to the preceding constructors except that each element is constructed with uses-allocator construction ( [allocator.uses.construction]).

    -?- Remarks: The first constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless Alloc is not implicitly convertible to T.

[2014/11 Urbana]

Held at Ready status, pending clarification of Arrays TS

Proposed resolution:

  1. Use the correct way to unambiguously call a constructor taking any type of allocator, i.e. change the constructors to take dynarray(std::allocator_arg_t, const Alloc&, ...) by modifying both the synopsis 99 [dynarray.overview] p2 and 99 [dynarray.cons] before p9 like so:

    template <class Alloc>
      dynarray(allocator_arg_t, const Alloc& a, size_type c, const Alloc& alloc);
    template <class Alloc>
      dynarray(allocator_arg_t, const Alloc& a, size_type c, const T& v, const Alloc& alloc);
    template <class Alloc>
      dynarray(allocator_arg_t, const Alloc& a, const dynarray& d, const Alloc& alloc);
    template <class Alloc>
      dynarray(allocator_arg_t, const Alloc& a, initializer_list<T>, const Alloc& alloc);

2276. Missing requirement on std::promise::set_exception

Section: 30.6 [futures] Status: Ready Submitter: Jonathan Wakely Opened: 2013-07-30 Last modified: 2016-02-12

Priority: Not Prioritized

View all other issues in [futures].

View all issues with Ready status.


The standard does not specify the behaviour of this program:

#include <future>
#include <cassert>

struct NonTrivial
  NonTrivial() : init(true) { }
  ~NonTrivial() { assert(init); }
  bool init;

int main()
  std::promise<NonTrivial> p;
  auto f = p.get_future();

The standard doesn't forbid making the state ready with a null exception_ptr, so what should get() return? There's no stored exception to throw, but it can't return a value because none was initialized.

A careful reading of the standard shows 30.6.4 [futures.state] p8 says "A shared state is ready only if it holds a value or an exception ready for retrieval." One can infer from the fact that set_exception() makes the state ready that it must store a value or exception, so cannot store "nothing", but that isn't explicit.

The promise::set_exception() and promise::set_exception_at_thread_exit() members should require p != nullptr or should state the type of exception thrown if p is null.

[2015-02 Cologne]

Handed over to SG1.

[2015-05 Lenexa, SG1 response]

SG1 provides P/R and requests move to SG1-OK status: Add Requires clauses for promise (30.6.5 [futures.promise]) set_exception (before p18) and set_exception_at_thread_exit (before p24): Requires: p is not null.

[2015-10, Kona issue prioritization]

Priority 0, move to Ready

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4431.

Add Requires clauses for promise (30.6.5 [futures.promise]) set_exception (before p18) and set_exception_at_thread_exit (before p24): Requires: p is not null.
  1. Change 30.6.5 [futures.promise] as depicted:

    void set_exception(exception_ptr p);

    -??- Requires: p is not null.

    -18- Effects: atomically stores the exception pointer p in the shared state and makes that state ready (30.6.4).

    void set_exception_at_thread_exit(exception_ptr p);

    -??- Requires: p is not null.

    -24- Effects: Stores the exception pointer p in the shared state without making that state ready immediately. […]

2450. (greater|less|greater_equal|less_equal)<void> do not yield a total order for pointers

Section: 20.9.6 [comparisons] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Joaquín M López Muñoz Opened: 2014-10-30 Last modified: 2015-11-04

Priority: 2

View other active issues in [comparisons].

View all other issues in [comparisons].

View all issues with Tentatively Ready status.


less<void>::operator(t, u) (and the same applies to the rest of void specializations for standard comparison function objects) returns t < u even if t and u are pointers, which by 5.9 [expr.rel]/3 is undefined except if both pointers point to the same array or object. This might be regarded as a specification defect since the intention of N3421 is that less<> can substitute for less<T> in any case where the latter is applicable. less<void> can be rewritten in the following manner to cope with pointers:

template<> struct less<void>

  typedef unspecified is_transparent;

  template <class T, class U>
  struct pointer_overload : std::is_pointer<std::common_type_t<T, U>>

  template <
    class T, class U,
    typename std::enable_if<!pointer_overload<T, U>::value>::type* = nullptr
  auto operator()(T&& t, U&& u) const
    -> decltype(std::forward<T>(t) < std::forward<U>(u))
    return std::forward<T>(t) < std::forward<U>(u);

  template <
    class T, class U,
    typename std::enable_if<pointer_overload<T, U>::value>::type* = nullptr
  auto operator()(T&& t, U&& u) const
    -> decltype(std::declval<std::less<std::common_type_t<T, U>>>()(std::forward<T>(t), std::forward<U>(u)))
    std::less<std::common_type_t<T, U>> l;
    return l(std::forward<T>(t), std::forward<U>(u));


This wording is relative to N4140.

  1. Change 20.9.6 [comparisons] p14 as indicated:

    -14- For templates greater, less, greater_equal, and less_equal, the specializations for any pointer type yield a total order, even if the built-in operators <, >, <=, >= do not. For template specializations greater<void>, less<void>, greater_equal<void>, and less_equal<void>, the call operator with arguments whose common type CT is a pointer yields the same value as the corresponding comparison function object class specialization for CT.

[2015-02, Cologne]

AM: Is there any way this will be resolved elsewhere? VV: No. AM: Then we should bite the bullet and deal with it here.

MC: These diamond operators are already ugly. Making them more ugly isn't a big problem.

JY found some issue with types that are convertible, and will reword.

Jeffrey suggests improved wording.

[2015-05, Lenexa]

STL: when diamond functions designed, this was on purpose
STL: this does go against the original design
STL: library is smarter and can give a total order
MC: given that the original design rejected this, give back to LEWG
STL: original proposal did not talk about total order
STL: don't feel strongly about changing the design
STL: no objections to taking this issue with some wording changes if people want it
MC: not happy with wording, comparing pointers — what does that mean?
STL: needs careful attention to wording
STL: want to guarantee that nullptr participates in total ordering
STL: all hooks into composite pointer type
MC: move from new to open with better wording
STL: to check updates to issue after Lenexa

[2015-06, Telecom]

MC: STL on the hook to update. He's shipping something today so not here.
MC: also add link to N4229

[2015-10, Kona Saturday afternoon]

STL was on the hook for wording, but STL: I don't care. The architecture on which this is an issue does not exist.
STL: We will also need to incorporate nullptr. TK: I think that's implied, since the wording is in terms of the resulting operation, not the deduced types.
STL: Seems legit. MC: I guess I'm OK with this. TK: I'm weakly in favour, so that we can get people to use transparent comparators without worrying.
STL: There's no change to implementations.
Move to Tentatively ready.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4296.

  1. Change 20.9.6 [comparisons] p14 as indicated:

    -14- For templates greater, less, greater_equal, and less_equal, the specializations for any pointer type yield a total order, even if the built-in operators <, >, <=, >= do not. For template specializations greater<void>, less<void>, greater_equal<void>, and less_equal<void>, if the call operator calls a built-in operator comparing pointers, the call operator yields a total order.

2520. N4089 broke initializing unique_ptr<T[]> from a nullptr

Section: [unique.ptr.runtime.ctor] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Ville Voutilainen Opened: 2015-07-19 Last modified: 2015-11-04

Priority: 2

View all issues with Tentatively Ready status.


According to the wording in [unique.ptr.runtime.ctor]/1, this won't work:

unique_ptr<int[], DeleterType> x{nullptr, DeleterType{}};

U is not the same type as pointer, so the first bullet will not do.
U is not a pointer type, so the second bullet will not do.

An easy fix would be to add a new bullet after the first bullet, like so:

[2015-10, Kona Saturday afternoon]

MC: Is it the right fix?

GR: It'd be awefully surprising if we had an interface that accepts null pointer values but not std::nullptr_t. I think the PR is good.

STL: Are any of the assignments and reset affected? [No, they don't operate on explicit {pointer, deleter} pairs.]

VV: This is already shipping, has been implemented, has been tested and works fine.

Move to Tentatively ready.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4527.

  1. Change [unique.ptr.runtime.ctor] as indicated:

    template <class U> explicit unique_ptr(U p) noexcept;
    template <class U> unique_ptr(U p, see below d) noexcept;
    template <class U> unique_ptr(U p, see below d) noexcept;

    -1- These constructors behave the same as the constructors that take a pointer parameter in the primary template except that they shall not participate in overload resolution unless either

    • U is the same type as pointer, or

    • U is nullptr_t, or

    • pointer is the same type as element_type*, U is a pointer type V*, and V(*)[] is convertible to element_type(*)[].

2522. [fund.ts.v2] Contradiction in set_default_resource specification

Section: 99 [fund.ts.v2::memory.resource.global] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Tim Song Opened: 2015-07-28 Last modified: 2015-11-04

Priority: 2

View all issues with Tentatively Ready status.


Addresses: fund.ts.v2

[memory.resource.global]/p7-8 says that the effects of set_default_resource(r) are

If r is non-null, sets the value of the default memory resource pointer to r, otherwise sets the default memory resource pointer to new_delete_resource().

and the operation has the postcondition

get_default_resource() == r.

When r is null, however, the postcondition cannot be met, since the call sets the default memory resource pointer to new_delete_resource(), and so get_default_resource() would return the value of new_delete_resource(), which is obviously not null and so cannot compare equal to r.

Previous resolution from Tim Song [SUPERSEDED]:

This wording is relative to N4480.

  1. Edit [memory.resource.global]/p8 as follows:

    -6- memory_resource* set_default_resource(memory_resource* r) noexcept;

    -7- Effects: If r is non-null, sets the value of the default memory resource pointer to r, otherwise sets the default memory resource pointer to new_delete_resource().

    -8- Postconditions: get_default_resource() == r if r is non-null; otherwise, get_default_resource() == new_delete_resource().


[2015-09-15 Geoffrey Romer comments and suggests alternative wording]

Let's just strike 99 [memory.resource.global]/p8. The problem is that p8 is restating p7 incorrectly, but the solution is not to restate p7 correctly, it's to stop trying to restate p7 at all.

[2015-10, Kona Saturday afternoon]

Move to Tentatively ready


Daniel adjusts wording to lib. fund. v2.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4529.

  1. Edit [memory.resource.global]/p8 as follows:

    -6- memory_resource* set_default_resource(memory_resource* r) noexcept;

    -7- Effects: If r is non-null, sets the value of the default memory resource pointer to r, otherwise sets the default memory resource pointer to new_delete_resource().

    -8- Postconditions: get_default_resource() == r.


2523. std::promise synopsis shows two set_value_at_thread_exit()'s for no apparent reason

Section: 30.6.5 [futures.promise] Status: Ready Submitter: Tim Song Opened: 2015-07-31 Last modified: 2015-11-04

Priority: 0

View other active issues in [futures.promise].

View all other issues in [futures.promise].

View all issues with Ready status.


In 30.6.5 [futures.promise], the class synopsis shows

void set_value_at_thread_exit(const R& r);
void set_value_at_thread_exit(see below);

There's no apparent reason for having void set_value_at_thread_exit(const R& r);, especially as that signature isn't really present in the specializations (particularly promise<void>). Note that the similar set_value only has a void set_value(see below);

While we are here, 30.6.5 [futures.promise]/p1 says that the specializations "differ only in the argument type of the member function set_value", which missed set_value_at_thread_exit.

[2015-10, Kona issue prioritization]

Priority 0, move to Ready

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4527.

  1. Edit 30.6.5 [futures.promise], class template promise synopsis, as indicated:

    namespace std {
      template <class R>
      class promise {
        // setting the result
        void set_value(see below);
        void set_exception(exception_ptr p);
        // setting the result with deferred notification
        void set_value_at_thread_exit(const R& r);
        void set_value_at_thread_exit(see below);
        void set_exception_at_thread_exit(exception_ptr p);
  2. Edit 30.6.5 [futures.promise]/1 as indicated:

    -1- The implementation shall provide the template promise and two specializations, promise<R&> and promise<void>. These differ only in the argument type of the member functions set_value and set_value_at_thread_exit, as set out in its descriptiontheir descriptions, below.

2537. Constructors for priority_queue taking allocators should call make_heap

Section: [priqueue.cons.alloc] Status: Ready Submitter: Eric Schmidt Opened: 2015-09-19 Last modified: 2015-11-04

Priority: 0

View all issues with Ready status.


priority_queue constructors taking both Container and Alloc arguments should finish by calling make_heap, just as with the constructors that do not have allocator parameters.

The current reading of [priqueue.cons.alloc], if followed strictly, would effectively require calling code to ensure that the container argument is already a heap, which is probably not what was intended.

[2015-10, Kona issue prioritization]

Priority 0, move to Ready

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4527.

  1. Change [priqueue.cons.alloc] as indicated:

    template <class Alloc>
    priority_queue(const Compare& compare, const Container& cont, const Alloc& a);

    -4- Effects: Initializes c with cont as the first argument and a as the second argument, and initializes comp with compare; calls make_heap(c.begin(), c.end(), comp).

    template <class Alloc>
    priority_queue(const Compare& compare, Container&& cont, const Alloc& a);

    -5- Effects: Initializes c with std::move(cont) as the first argument and a as the second argument, and initializes comp with compare; calls make_heap(c.begin(), c.end(), comp).

2539. [fund.ts.v2] invocation_trait definition definition doesn't work for surrogate call functions

Section: 99 [fund.ts.v2::meta.trans.other] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Mike Spertus Opened: 2015-09-25 Last modified: 2015-11-04

Priority: Not Prioritized

View all issues with Tentatively Ready status.


Addresses: fund.ts.v2

In Library Fundamentals 2 (N4529) 3.3.2p3 [meta.trans.other], the definition of invocation traits for a class object f considers when f is called via a function call operator that is matched by the arguments but ignores the possibility that f may be called via a surrogate call function (C++14 [over.call.object] p2), in which case, the definition of the invocation parameters may be either incorrect or even unsatisfiable.

[2015-10, Kona Saturday afternoon]

AM: Do we have this trait yet? JW: No, it cannot be implemented without compiler support.

Move to tentatively ready

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4529.

  1. In Library Fundamentals 2, change [meta.trans.other] as indicated:

    -3- Within this section, define the invocation parameters of INVOKE(f, t1, t2, ..., tN) as follows, in which T1 is the possibly cv-qualified type of t1 and U1 denotes T1& if t1 is an lvalue or T1&& if t1 is an rvalue:

    • […]

    • If f is a class object, the invocation parameters are the parameters matching t1, ..., tN of the best viable function (C++14 §13.3.3) for the arguments t1, ..., tN among the function call operators and surrogate call functions of f.

    • […]

2545. Simplify wording for bind without explicitly specified return type

Section: [func.bind.bind] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Tomasz Kamiński Opened: 2015-10-05 Last modified: 2016-01-04

Priority: 3

View all other issues in [func.bind.bind].

View all issues with Tentatively Ready status.


The specification of the bind overload without return type as of [func.bind.bind] p3, uses the following expression INVOKE(fd, std::forward<V1>(v1), std::forward<V2>(v2), ..., std::forward<VN>(vN), result_of_t<FD cv & (V1, V2, ..., VN)>) to describe effects of invocation of returned function.

According to the definition from [meta.trans.other] result_of_t<FD cv & (V1, V2, ..., VN)> is equivalent to decltype(INVOKE(declval<FD cv &>(), declval<V1>(), declval<V2>(), ..., declval<VN>())). When combined with the definition of INVOKE from 20.9.2 [func.require] p2, the expression INVOKE(fd, std::forward<V1>(v1), std::forward<V2>(v2), ..., std::forward<VN>(vN), result_of_t<FD cv & (V1, V2, ...., VN)>) is equivalent to INVOKE(fd, std::forward<V1>(v1), std::forward<V2>(v2), ..., std::forward<VN>(vN)) implicitly converted to decltype(INVOKE(declval<FD cv &>(), declval<V1>(), declval<V2>(), ..., declval<VN>())) (itself).

It is also worth to notice that specifying the result type (R) in INVOKE(f, args..., R) does not in any way affect the selected call. As a consequence the use of wording of the form INVOKE(fd, std::forward<V1>(v1), std::forward<V2>(v2), ..., std::forward<VN>(vN), result_of_t<FD cv & (V1, V2, ..., VN)>) does not and cannot lead to call of different overload than one invoked by INVOKE(fd, std::forward<V1>(v1), std::forward<V2>(v2), ..., std::forward<VN>(vN)).

In summary the form INVOKE(fd, std::forward<V1>(v1), std::forward<V2>(v2), ..., std::forward<VN>(vN), result_of_t<FD cv & (V1, V2, ..., VN)>) is a convoluted way of expressing INVOKE(fd, std::forward<V1>(v1), std::forward<V2>(v2), ..., std::forward<VN>(vN)), that only confuses reader.

[2015-10, Kona Saturday afternoon]

STL: I most recently reimplemented std::bind from scratch, and I think this issue is correct and the solution is good.

Move to Tentatively ready.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4527.

  1. Change [func.bind.bind] p3 as indicated:

    template<class F, class... BoundArgs>
    unspecified bind(F&& f, BoundArgs&&... bound_args);


    -3- Returns: A forwarding call wrapper g with a weak result type (20.9.2). The effect of g(u1, u2, ..., uM) shall be INVOKE(fd, std::forward<V1>(v1), std::forward<V2>(v2), ..., std::forward<VN>(vN), result_of_t<FD cv & (V1, V2, ..., VN)>), where cv represents the cv-qualifiers of g and the values and types of the bound arguments v1, v2, ..., vN are determined as specified below. The copy constructor and move constructor of the forwarding call wrapper shall throw an exception if and only if the corresponding constructor of FD or of any of the types TiD throws an exception.


2557. Logical operator traits are broken in the zero-argument case

Section: 20.10.8 [meta.logical] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Geoffrey Romer Opened: 2015-11-05 Last modified: 2016-02-07

Priority: 0

View other active issues in [meta.logical].

View all other issues in [meta.logical].

View all issues with Tentatively Ready status.


The conjunction trait in 20.10.8 [meta.logical] seems intended to support invocation with zero arguments, e.g. conjunction<>::value, which is likely to be a useful feature. However, the specification doesn't actually make sense in the zero-argument case. See 20.10.8 [meta.logical]/p3:

The BaseCharacteristic of a specialization conjunction<B1, …, BN> is the first type B in the list true_type, B1, …, BN for which B::value == false, or if every B::value != false the BaseCharacteristic is BN.

If "B1, ..., BN" is an empty list, then every B::value != false, so the BaseCharacteristic is BN, but there is no BN in this case.

(If LWG concludes that conjunction intentionally requires at least one argument, I would appreciate their confirmation that I can editorially remove the mention of true_type, which seems to have no normative impact outside the zero-argument case.)

Similar comments apply to the disjunction trait, and to the corresponding traits in the Fundamentals working paper, see LWG 2558.

[2016-02, Issues Telecon]

P0; move to Tentatively Ready.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4567.

  1. Revise 20.10.8 [meta.logical] as follows:

    template<class... B> struct conjunction : see below { };


    -3- The BaseCharacteristic of a specialization conjunction<B1, ..., BN> is the first type Bi in the list true_type, B1, ..., BN for which Bi::value == false, or if every Bi::value != false, the BaseCharacteristic is BNthe last type in the list. [Note: This means a specialization of conjunction does not necessarily have a BaseCharacteristic of either true_type or false_type. — end note]


    template<class... B> struct disjunction : see below { };


    -6- The BaseCharacteristic of a specialization disjunction<B1, ..., BN> is the first type Bi in the list false_type, B1, ..., BN for which Bi::value != false, or if every Bi::value == false, the BaseCharacteristic is BNthe last type in the list. [Note: This means a specialization of disjunction does not necessarily have a BaseCharacteristic of either true_type or false_type. — end note]


2558. [fund.ts.v2] Logical operator traits are broken in the zero-argument case

Section: 99 [fund.ts.v2::meta.logical] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Geoffrey Romer Opened: 2015-11-05 Last modified: 2016-02-07

Priority: 0

View other active issues in [fund.ts.v2::meta.logical].

View all other issues in [fund.ts.v2::meta.logical].

View all issues with Tentatively Ready status.


Addresses: fund.ts.v2

The conjunction trait in 99 [meta.logical] seems intended to support invocation with zero arguments, e.g. conjunction<>::value, which is likely to be a useful feature. However, the specification doesn't actually make sense in the zero-argument case. See 99 [meta.logical]/p3:

The BaseCharacteristic of a specialization conjunction<B1, …, BN> is the first type B in the list true_type, B1, …, BN for which B::value == false, or if every B::value != false the BaseCharacteristic is BN.

If "B1, ..., BN" is an empty list, then every B::value != false, so the BaseCharacteristic is BN, but there is no BN in this case.

(If LWG concludes that conjunction intentionally requires at least one argument, I would appreciate their confirmation that I can editorially remove the mention of true_type, which seems to have no normative impact outside the zero-argument case.)

Similar comments apply to the disjunction trait, and to the corresponding traits in the C++ working paper, see LWG 2557.

[2016-02, Issues Telecon]

P0; move to Tentatively Ready.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4562.

  1. Revise 99 [meta.logical] as follows:

    template<class... B> struct conjunction : see below { };


    -3- The BaseCharacteristic of a specialization conjunction<B1, ..., BN> is the first type Bi in the list true_type, B1, ..., BN for which Bi::value == false, or if every Bi::value != false, the BaseCharacteristic is BNthe last type in the list. [Note: This means a specialization of conjunction does not necessarily have a BaseCharacteristic of either true_type or false_type. — end note]


    template<class... B> struct disjunction : see below { };


    -6- The BaseCharacteristic of a specialization disjunction<B1, ..., BN> is the first type Bi in the list false_type, B1, ..., BN for which Bi::value != false, or if every Bi::value == false, the BaseCharacteristic is BNthe last type in the list. [Note: This means a specialization of disjunction does not necessarily have a BaseCharacteristic of either true_type or false_type. — end note]


2559. Error in LWG 2234's resolution

Section: 19.3 [assertions] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Tim Song Opened: 2015-11-07 Last modified: 2016-02-07

Priority: 0

View other active issues in [assertions].

View all other issues in [assertions].

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The resolution of LWG 2234 says that assert(E) is a constant subexpression if "NDEBUG is defined at the point where assert(E) appears".

This is incorrect, as noted in one of STL's comments in that issue's discussion, but was apparently overlooked.

The proposed resolution below just borrows STL's phrasing from the discussion.

[2016-02, Issues Telecon]

P0; move to Tentatively Ready.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4567.

  1. Change 19.3 [assertions] p2 as indicated:

    An expression assert(E) is a constant subexpression (17.3.28 [defns.const.subexpr]), if

    • NDEBUG is defined at the point where assert(E) appearsassert is last defined or redefined, or

    • […]

2560. is_constructible underspecified when applied to a function type

Section: [meta.unary.prop] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Richard Smith Opened: 2015-11-14 Last modified: 2016-02-07

Priority: 0

View other active issues in [meta.unary.prop].

View all other issues in [meta.unary.prop].

View all issues with Tentatively Ready status.


What is is_constructible<void()>::value? Per [meta.unary.prop] p8:

The predicate condition for a template specialization is_constructible<T, Args...> shall be satisfied if and only if the following variable definition would be well-formed for some invented variable t:

T t(declval<Args>()...);

[Note: These tokens are never interpreted as a function declaration. — end note]

The problem here is that substituting in T as a function type doesn't give a variable definition that's not well-formed (by 1.3.27 [defns.well.formed], well-formed means that it doesn't violate any syntactic or diagnosable semantic rules, and it does not). Instead, it gives a logical absurdity: this wording forces us to imagine a variable of function type, which contradicts the definition of "variable" in 3/6, but does so without violating any diagnosable language rule. So presumably the result must be undefined behavior.

It seems that we need an explicit rule requiring T to be an object or reference type.


As one of the authors of N3142 I would like to express that at least according to my mental model the intention for this trait was to be well-defined for T being a function type with the result of false regardless of what the other type arguments are. It would seem like a very unfortunate and unnecessary complication to keep the result as being undefined. First, this result value is symmetric to the result of is_destructible<T>::value (where the word covers function types explicitly). Second, if such a resolution would be applied to the working paper, it wouldn't break existing implementations. I have tested clang 3.8.0, gcc 5.x until gcc 6.0, and Visual Studio 2015, all of these implementations evaluate is_constructible<void()>::value to false.

[2016-02, Issues Telecon]

P0; move to Tentatively Ready.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4567.

  1. Change [meta.unary.prop], Table 49 — "Type property predicates", as indicated:

    Table 49 — Type property predicates
    Template Condition Preconditions
    template <class T, class... Args>
    struct is_constructible;
    For a function type T,
    is_constructible<T, Args...>::value
    is false, otherwise
    see below
    T and all types in the
    parameter pack Args shall
    be complete types,
    (possibly cv-qualified)
    void, or arrays of
    unknown bound.

2565. std::function's move constructor should guarantee nothrow for reference_wrappers and function pointers

Section: [func.wrap.func.con] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Tim Song Opened: 2015-12-05 Last modified: 2016-02-07

Priority: 0

View all other issues in [func.wrap.func.con].

View all issues with Tentatively Ready status.

Discussion: [func.wrap.func.con]/5 guarantees that copying a std::function whose "target is a callable object passed via reference_wrapper or a function pointer" does not throw exceptions, but the standard doesn't provide this guarantee for the move constructor, which makes scant sense.

[2016-02, Issues Telecon]

P0; move to Tentatively Ready.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4567.

[Drafting note: The inserted paragraph is a copy of [func.wrap.func.con]/5, only changing "copy constructor" to "copy or move constructor". It does not attempt to fix the issue identified in LWG 2370, whose P/R will likely need updating if this wording is adopted.]

  1. Insert after [func.wrap.func.con]/6:

    function(function&& f);
    template <class A> function(allocator_arg_t, const A& a, function&& f);

    -6- Effects: If !f, *this has no target; otherwise, move-constructs the target of f into the target of *this, leaving f in a valid state with an unspecified value.

    -?- Throws: Shall not throw exceptions if f's target is a callable object passed via reference_wrapper or a function pointer. Otherwise, may throw bad_alloc or any exception thrown by the copy or move constructor of the stored callable object. [Note: Implementations are encouraged to avoid the use of dynamically allocated memory for small callable objects, for example, where f's target is an object holding only a pointer or reference to an object and a member function pointer. — end note]

2566. Requirements on the first template parameter of container adaptors

Section: 23.6 [container.adaptors] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Tim Song Opened: 2015-12-08 Last modified: 2016-02-07

Priority: 0

View all other issues in [container.adaptors].

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As noted in this StackOverflow question, 23.6 [container.adaptors] doesn't seem to place any requirement on the first template parameter (T) of stack, queue, and priority_queue: the only use of T is in the default template argument (which need not be used) for the second template parameter (Container), while all of the operations of the adaptors are defined using Container's member typedefs.

This permits confusing and arguably nonsensical types like queue<double, deque<std::string>> or priority_queue<std::nothrow_t, vector<int>>, which presumably wasn't intended.

[2016-02, Issues Telecon]

P0; move to Tentatively Ready.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4567.

  1. Edit 23.6.1 [container.adaptors.general]/2 as indicated:

    -2- The container adaptors each take a Container template parameter, and each constructor takes a Container reference argument. This container is copied into the Container member of each adaptor. If the container takes an allocator, then a compatible allocator may be passed in to the adaptor's constructor. Otherwise, normal copy or move construction is used for the container argument. The first template parameter T of the container adaptors shall denote the same type as Container::value_type.

2571. §[map.modifiers]/2 imposes nonsensical requirement on insert(InputIterator, InputIterator)

Section: [map.modifiers] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Tim Song Opened: 2015-12-12 Last modified: 2016-02-12

Priority: 0

View all other issues in [map.modifiers].

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The initial paragraphs of [map.modifiers] currently read:

template <class P> pair<iterator, bool> insert(P&& x);
template <class P> iterator insert(const_iterator position, P&& x);
template <class InputIterator>
void insert(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);

-1- Effects: The first form is equivalent to return emplace(std::forward<P>(x)). The second form is equivalent to return emplace_hint(position, std::forward<P>(x)).

-2- Remarks: These signatures shall not participate in overload resolution unless std::is_constructible<value_type, P&&>::value is true.

Clearly, p2's requirement makes no sense for insert(InputIterator, InputIterator) - it doesn't even have a template parameter called P.

This paragraph used to have text saying "The signature taking InputIterator parameters does not require CopyConstructible of either key_type or mapped_type if the dereferenced InputIterator returns a non-const rvalue pair<key_type,mapped_type>. Otherwise CopyConstructible is required for both key_type and mapped_type", but that was removed by LWG 2005, whose PR was written as if that overload didn't exist in the text.

It looks like the text addressing this overload is redundant to the requirements on a.insert(i, j) in Table 102 that value_type be EmplaceConstructible from *i. If so, then the signature should just be deleted from this section.

[2016-02, Issues Telecon]

P0; move to Tentatively Ready.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4567.

  1. Edit [map.modifiers] as indicated:

    template <class P> pair<iterator, bool> insert(P&& x);
    template <class P> iterator insert(const_iterator position, P&& x);
    template <class InputIterator>
    void insert(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);

    -1- Effects: The first form is equivalent to return emplace(std::forward<P>(x)). The second form is equivalent to return emplace_hint(position, std::forward<P>(x)).

    -2- Remarks: These signatures shall not participate in overload resolution unless std::is_constructible<value_type, P&&>::value is true.

2572. The remarks for shared_ptr::operator* should apply to cv-qualified void as well

Section: [util.smartptr.shared.obs] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Tim Song Opened: 2015-12-13 Last modified: 2016-02-07

Priority: 0

View other active issues in [util.smartptr.shared.obs].

View all other issues in [util.smartptr.shared.obs].

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Discussion: [util.smartptr.shared.obs]/4 says for shared_ptr::operator*

Remarks: When T is void, it is unspecified whether this member function is declared. If it is declared, it is unspecified what its return type is, except that the declaration (although not necessarily the definition) of the function shall be well formed.

This remark should also apply when T is cv-qualified void (compare LWG 2500).

[2016-02, Issues Telecon]

P0; move to Tentatively Ready.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4567.

  1. Edit [util.smartptr.shared.obs]/4 as indicated:

    T& operator*() const noexcept;


    -4- Remarks: When T is (possibly cv-qualified) void, it is unspecified whether this member function is declared. If it is declared, it is unspecified what its return type is, except that the declaration (although not necessarily the definition) of the function shall be well formed.

2574. [fund.ts.v2] std::experimental::function::operator=(F&&) should be constrained

Section: 99 [fund.ts.v2::func.wrap.func.con] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Tim Song Opened: 2015-12-05 Last modified: 2016-02-07

Priority: 0

View other active issues in [fund.ts.v2::func.wrap.func.con].

View all other issues in [fund.ts.v2::func.wrap.func.con].

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Addresses: fund.ts.v2

LWG 2132 constrained std::function's constructor and assignment operator from callable objects for C++14. The constructors of std::experimental::function isn't separately specified in the fundamentals TS and so inherited the constraints from C++14, but the assignment operator is separately specified and presumably needs to be constrained.

[2016-02, Issues Telecon]

P0; move to Tentatively Ready.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4562.

  1. Insert a paragraph after 99 [func.wrap.func.con]/15 as indicated:

    template<class F> function& operator=(F&& f);

    -14- Effects: function(allocator_arg, ALLOCATOR_OF(*this), std::forward<F>(f)).swap(*this);

    -15- Returns: *this.

    -?- Remarks: This assignment operator shall not participate in overload resolution unless declval<decay_t<F>&>() is Callable (C++14 § for argument types ArgTypes... and return type R.

2575. [fund.ts.v2] experimental::function::assign should be removed

Section: 99 [fund.ts.v2::func.wrap.func] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Tim Song Opened: 2015-12-20 Last modified: 2016-02-07

Priority: 0

View other active issues in [fund.ts.v2::func.wrap.func].

View all other issues in [fund.ts.v2::func.wrap.func].

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Addresses: fund.ts.v2

Following the lead of LWG 2385, the assign(F&&, const A&) member function template in std::experimental::function makes no sense (it causes undefined behavior unless the allocator passed compares equal to the one already used by *this) and should be removed.

[2016-02, Issues Telecon]

P0; move to Tentatively Ready.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4562.

  1. Edit 99 [func.wrap.func], class template function synopsis, as indicated:

    namespace std {
      namespace experimental {
      inline namespace fundamentals_v2 {
        template<class R, class... ArgTypes>
        class function<R(ArgTypes...)> {
          void swap(function&);
          template<class F, class A> void assign(F&&, const A&);
      } // namespace fundamentals_v2
      } // namespace experimental
    } // namespace std

2576. istream_iterator and ostream_iterator should use std::addressof

Section: 24.6 [stream.iterators] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Tim Song Opened: 2016-01-01 Last modified: 2016-02-07

Priority: 0

View all other issues in [stream.iterators].

View all issues with Tentatively Ready status.


To defend against overloaded unary &. This includes the constructors of both iterators, and istream_iterator::operator->.

Note that {i,o}stream_type are specializations of basic_{i,o}stream, but the constructors might still pick up an overloaded & via the traits template parameter. This change also provides consistency with std::experimental::ostream_joiner (which uses std::addressof).

[2016-02, Issues Telecon]

P0; move to Tentatively Ready.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4567.

  1. Edit [istream.iterator.cons]/3+4 as indicated:

    istream_iterator(istream_type& s);

    -3- Effects: Initializes in_stream with &saddressof(s). value may be initialized during construction or the first time it is referenced.

    -4- Postcondition: in_stream == &saddressof(s).

  2. Edit [istream.iterator.ops]/2 as indicated:

    const T* operator->() const;

    -2- Returns: &addressof(operator*()).

  3. Edit [ostream.iterator.cons.des]/1+2 as indicated:

    ostream_iterator(ostream_type& s);

    -1- Effects: Initializes out_stream with &saddressof(s) and delim with null.

    ostream_iterator(ostream_type& s, const charT* delimiter);

    -2- Effects: Initializes out_stream with &saddressof(s) and delim with delimiter.

2577. {shared,unique}_lock should use std::addressof

Section: [thread.lock.unique.cons], [thread.lock.shared.cons] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Tim Song Opened: 2016-01-01 Last modified: 2016-02-07

Priority: 0

View all other issues in [thread.lock.unique.cons].

View all issues with Tentatively Ready status.


So that they work with user-defined types that have overloaded unary &.

[2016-02, Issues Telecon]

P0; move to Tentatively Ready.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4567.

  1. Edit [thread.lock.unique.cons] as indicated:

    explicit unique_lock(mutex_type& m);


    -5- Postconditions: pm == &maddressof(m) and owns == true.

    unique_lock(mutex_type& m, defer_lock_t) noexcept;


    -7- Postconditions: pm == &maddressof(m) and owns == false.

    unique_lock(mutex_type& m, try_to_lock_t);


    -10- Postconditions: pm == &maddressof(m) and owns == res, where res is the value returned by the call to m.try_lock().

    unique_lock(mutex_type& m, adopt_lock_t);


    -13- Postconditions: pm == &maddressof(m) and owns == true.

    -14- Throws: Nothing.

    template <class Clock, class Duration>
      unique_lock(mutex_type& m, const chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>& abs_time);


    -17- Postconditions: pm == &maddressof(m) and owns == res, where res is the value returned by the call to m.try_lock_until(abs_time).

    template <class Rep, class Period>
      unique_lock(mutex_type& m, const chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& rel_time);


    -20- Postconditions: pm == &maddressof(m) and owns == res, where res is the value returned by the call to m.try_lock_for(rel_time).

  2. Edit [thread.lock.shared.cons] as indicated:

    explicit shared_lock(mutex_type& m);


    -5- Postconditions: pm == &maddressof(m) and owns == true.

    shared_lock(mutex_type& m, defer_lock_t) noexcept;


    -7- Postconditions: pm == &maddressof(m) and owns == false.

    shared_lock(mutex_type& m, try_to_lock_t);


    -10- Postconditions: pm == &maddressof(m) and owns == res where res is the value returned by the call to m.try_lock_shared().

    shared_lock(mutex_type& m, adopt_lock_t);


    -13- Postconditions: pm == &maddressof(m) and owns == true.

    template <class Clock, class Duration>
      shared_lock(mutex_type& m,
                  const chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>& abs_time);


    -16- Postconditions: pm == &maddressof(m) and owns == res where res is the value returned by the call to m.try_lock_shared_until(abs_time).

    template <class Rep, class Period>
      shared_lock(mutex_type& m,
                  const chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& rel_time);


    -19- Postconditions: pm == &maddressof(m) and owns == res where res is the value returned by the call to m.try_lock_shared_for(rel_time).

2579. Inconsistency wrt Allocators in basic_string assignment vs. basic_string::assign

Section: [string::assign] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Marshall Clow Opened: 2016-01-05 Last modified: 2016-02-07

Priority: 0

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In issue 2063, we changed the Effects of basic_string::assign(basic_string&&) to match the behavior of basic_string::operator=(basic_string&&), making them consistent.

We did not consider basic_string::assign(const basic_string&), and its Effects differ from operator=(const basic_string&).

Given the following definition:

typedef std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, MyAllocator<char>> MyString;

MyAllocator<char> alloc1, alloc2;
MyString string1("Alloc1", alloc1);
MyString string2(alloc2);

the following bits of code are not equivalent:

string2 = string1;       // (a) calls operator=(const MyString&)
string2.assign(string1); // (b) calls MyString::assign(const MyString&)

What is the allocator for string2 after each of these calls?

  1. If MyAllocator<char>::propagate_on_container_copy_assignment is true, then it should be alloc2, otherwise it should be alloc1.

  2. alloc2 [string::assign]/1 says that (b) is equivalent to assign(string1, 0, npos), which eventually calls assign(str.data() + pos, rlen). No allocator transfer there.

[2016-02, Issues Telecon]

P0; move to Tentatively Ready.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4567.

  1. Modify [string::assign] p.1 as indicated:

    basic_string& assign(const basic_string& str);

    -1- Effects: Equivalent to *this = strassign(str, 0, npos).

    -2- Returns: *this.

2581. Specialization of <type_traits> variable templates should be prohibited

Section: 20.10.2 [meta.type.synop] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Tim Song Opened: 2016-01-07 Last modified: 2016-02-07

Priority: 0

View all issues with Tentatively Ready status.


20.10.2 [meta.type.synop]/1 only prohibits adding specializations of class templates in <type_traits>. Now that we have _v variable templates, this prohibition should apply to them as well.

[2016-02, Issues Telecon]

P0; move to Tentatively Ready.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4567.

  1. Edit 20.10.2 [meta.type.synop]/1 as indicated:

    -1- The behavior of a program that adds specializations for any of the class templates defined in this subclause is undefined unless otherwise specified.

2582. §[res.on.functions]/2's prohibition against incomplete types shouldn't apply to type traits

Section: 20.10 [meta] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Tim Song Opened: 2016-01-07 Last modified: 2016-02-12

Priority: 0

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Discussion: [res.on.functions]/2.5 says that the behavior is undefined "if an incomplete type is used as a template argument when instantiating a template component, unless specifically allowed for that component."

This rule should not apply to type traits — a literal application would make is_same<void, void> undefined behavior, since nothing in 20.10 [meta] (or elsewhere) "specifically allows" instantiating is_same with incomplete types.

Traits that require complete types are already explicitly specified as such, so the proposed wording below simply negates [res.on.functions]/2.5 for 20.10 [meta].

[2016-02, Issues Telecon]

P0; move to Tentatively Ready.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4567.

  1. Insert a new paragraph after 20.10.2 [meta.type.synop]/1:

    -?- Unless otherwise specified, an incomplete type may be used to instantiate a template in this subclause.

2583. There is no way to supply an allocator for basic_string(str, pos)

Section: 21.4.2 [string.cons] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Pablo Halpern Opened: 2016-01-05 Last modified: 2016-02-07

Priority: 0

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Container and string constructors in the standard follow two general rules:

  1. Every constructor needs a version with and without an allocator argument (possibly through the use of default arguments).

  2. Every constructor except the copy constructor for which an allocator is not provided uses a default-constructed allocator.

The first rule ensures emplacing a string into a container that uses a scoped allocator will correctly propagate the container's allocator to the new element.

The current standard allows constructing a string as basic_string(str, pos) but not basic_string(str, pos, alloc). This omission breaks the first rule and causes something like the following to fail:

typedef basic_string<char, char_traits<char>, A<char>> stringA;
vector<stringA, scoped_allocator_adaptor<A<stringA>>> vs;
stringA s;

vs.emplace_back(s, 2); // Ill-formed

[2016-02, Issues Telecon]

P0; move to Tentatively Ready.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4567.

  1. Change 21.4 [basic.string], class template basic_string synopsis, as indicated

    basic_string(const basic_string& str, size_type pos, size_type n = npos,
                 const Allocator& a = Allocator());
    basic_string(const basic_string& str, size_type pos, size_type n,
                 const Allocator& a = Allocator());             
  2. Change 21.4.2 [string.cons] as indicated

    basic_string(const basic_string& str,
                 size_type pos, size_type n = npos,
                 const Allocator& a = Allocator());

    -3- Throws: out_of_range if pos > str.size().

    -4- Effects: Constructs an object of class basic_string and determines the effective length rlen of the initial string value as the smaller of n and str.size() - pos, as indicated in Table 65.

    basic_string(const basic_string& str, size_type pos, size_type n,
                 const Allocator& a = Allocator());             

    -?- Throws: out_of_range if pos > str.size().

    -?- Effects: Constructs an object of class basic_string and determines the effective length rlen of the initial string value as the smaller of n and str.size() - pos, as indicated in Table 65.

    Table 65 — basic_string(const basic_string&, size_type, size_type, const Allocator&) and basic_string(const basic_string&, size_type, size_type, const Allocator&) effects
    Element Value
    data() points at the first element of an allocated copy of rlen consecutive elements of the string controlled by str beginning at position pos
    size() rlen
    capacity() a value at least as large as size()

2585. forward_list::resize(size_type, const value_type&) effects incorrect

Section: [forwardlist.modifiers] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Tim Song Opened: 2016-01-14 Last modified: 2016-02-07

Priority: 0

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Discussion: [forwardlist.modifiers]/29 says that the effects of forward_list::resize(size_type sz, const value_type& c) are:

Effects: If sz < distance(begin(), end()), erases the last distance(begin(), end()) - sz elements from the list. Otherwise, inserts sz - distance(begin(), end()) elements at the end of the list such that each new element, e, is initialized by a method equivalent to calling allocator_traits<allocator_type>::construct(get_allocator(), std::addressof(e), c).

In light of LWG 2218, the use of allocator_traits<allocator_type>::construct is incorrect, as a rebound allocator may be used. There's no need to repeat this information, in any event — no other specification of resize() does it.

[2016-02, Issues Telecon]

P0; move to Tentatively Ready.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4567.

  1. Edit [forwardlist.modifiers]/29 as indicated:

    [Drafting note: "copies of c" is the phrase used by vector::resize and deque::resize.]

    void resize(size_type sz, const value_type& c);

    -29- Effects: If sz < distance(begin(), end()), erases the last distance(begin(), end()) - sz elements from the list. Otherwise, inserts sz - distance(begin(), end()) elementscopies of c at the end of the list such that each new element, e, is initialized by a method equivalent to calling allocator_traits<allocator_type>::construct(get_allocator(), std::addressof(e), c).

2586. Wrong value category used in scoped_allocator_adaptor::construct()

Section: 20.13.4 [allocator.adaptor.members], [allocator.uses.construction] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Jonathan Wakely Opened: 2016-01-15 Last modified: 2016-02-07

Priority: 0

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20.13.4 [allocator.adaptor.members] p9 says that the is_constructible tests are done using inner_allocator_type, which checks for construction from an rvalue, but then the constructor is passed inner_allocator() which returns a non-const lvalue reference. The value categories should be consistent, otherwise this fails to compile:

#include <memory>
#include <scoped_allocator>

struct X {
  using allocator_type = std::allocator<X>;
  X(std::allocator_arg_t, allocator_type&&) { }
  X(allocator_type&) { }

int main() {
  std::scoped_allocator_adaptor<std::allocator<X>> sa;

uses_allocator<X, decltype(sa)::inner_allocator_type>> is true, because it can be constructed from an rvalue of the allocator type, so bullet (9.1) doesn't apply.

is_constructible<X, allocator_arg_t, decltype(sa)::inner_allocator_type> is true, so bullet (9.2) applies. That means we try to construct the object passing it sa.inner_allocator() which is an lvalue reference, so it fails.

The is_constructible checks should use an lvalue reference, as that's what's actually going to be used.

I don't think the same problem exists in the related wording in [allocator.uses.construction] if we assume that the value categories of v1, v2, ..., vN and alloc are meant to be preserved, so that the is_constructible traits and the initialization expressions match. However, it does say "an allocator alloc of type Alloc" and if Alloc is an reference type then it's not an allocator, so I suggest a small tweak there too.

[2016-02, Issues Telecon]

Strike first paragraph of PR, and move to Tentatively Ready.

Original Resolution [SUPERSEDED]:
  1. Change [allocator.uses.construction] p1:

    -1- Uses-allocator construction with allocator Alloc refers to the construction of an object obj of type T, using constructor arguments v1, v2, ..., vN of types V1, V2, ..., VN, respectively, and an allocator (or reference to an allocator) alloc of type Alloc, according to the following rules:

  2. Change the 2nd and 3rd bullets in 20.13.4 [allocator.adaptor.members] p9 to add two lvalue-references:

    1. (9.2) — Otherwise, if uses_allocator<T, inner_allocator_type>::value is true and is_constructible<T, allocator_arg_t, inner_allocator_type&, Args...>::value is true, calls OUTERMOST_ALLOC_TRAITS(*this)::construct(OUTERMOST(*this), p, allocator_arg, inner_allocator(), std::forward<Args>(args)...).

    2. (9.3) — Otherwise, if uses_allocator<T, inner_allocator_type>::value is true and is_constructible<T, Args..., inner_allocator_type&>::value is true, calls OUTERMOST_ALLOC_TRAITS(*this)::construct(OUTERMOST(*this), p, std::forward<Args>(args)..., inner_allocator()).

  3. Change the 2nd, 3rd, 6th, and 7th bullets in 20.13.4 [allocator.adaptor.members] p11 to add four lvalue-references:

    1. (11.2) — Otherwise, if uses_allocator<T1, inner_allocator_type>::value is true and is_constructible<T1, allocator_arg_t, inner_allocator_type&, Args1...>::value is true, then xprime is tuple_cat(tuple<allocator_arg_t, inner_allocator_type&>(allocator_arg, inner_allocator()), std::move(x)).

    2. (11.3) — Otherwise, if uses_allocator<T1, inner_allocator_type>::value is true and is_constructible<T1, Args1..., inner_allocator_type&>::value is true, then xprime is tuple_cat(std::move(x), tuple<inner_allocator_type&>(inner_allocator())).

    3. […]

    4. (11.6) — Otherwise, if uses_allocator<T2, inner_allocator_type>::value is true and is_constructible<T2, allocator_arg_t, inner_allocator_type&, Args2...>::value is true, then yprime is tuple_cat(tuple<allocator_arg_t, inner_allocator_type&>(allocator_arg, inner_allocator()), std::move(y)).

    5. (11.7) — Otherwise, if uses_allocator<T2, inner_allocator_type>::value is true and is_constructible<T2, Args2..., inner_allocator_type&>::value is true, then yprime is tuple_cat(std::move(y), tuple<inner_allocator_type&>(inner_allocator())).

[2016-02, Issues Telecon]

P0; move to Tentatively Ready.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4567.

  1. Change the 2nd and 3rd bullets in 20.13.4 [allocator.adaptor.members] p9 to add two lvalue-references:

    1. (9.2) — Otherwise, if uses_allocator<T, inner_allocator_type>::value is true and is_constructible<T, allocator_arg_t, inner_allocator_type&, Args...>::value is true, calls OUTERMOST_ALLOC_TRAITS(*this)::construct(OUTERMOST(*this), p, allocator_arg, inner_allocator(), std::forward<Args>(args)...).

    2. (9.3) — Otherwise, if uses_allocator<T, inner_allocator_type>::value is true and is_constructible<T, Args..., inner_allocator_type&>::value is true, calls OUTERMOST_ALLOC_TRAITS(*this)::construct(OUTERMOST(*this), p, std::forward<Args>(args)..., inner_allocator()).

  2. Change the 2nd, 3rd, 6th, and 7th bullets in 20.13.4 [allocator.adaptor.members] p11 to add four lvalue-references:

    1. (11.2) — Otherwise, if uses_allocator<T1, inner_allocator_type>::value is true and is_constructible<T1, allocator_arg_t, inner_allocator_type&, Args1...>::value is true, then xprime is tuple_cat(tuple<allocator_arg_t, inner_allocator_type&>(allocator_arg, inner_allocator()), std::move(x)).

    2. (11.3) — Otherwise, if uses_allocator<T1, inner_allocator_type>::value is true and is_constructible<T1, Args1..., inner_allocator_type&>::value is true, then xprime is tuple_cat(std::move(x), tuple<inner_allocator_type&>(inner_allocator())).

    3. […]

    4. (11.6) — Otherwise, if uses_allocator<T2, inner_allocator_type>::value is true and is_constructible<T2, allocator_arg_t, inner_allocator_type&, Args2...>::value is true, then yprime is tuple_cat(tuple<allocator_arg_t, inner_allocator_type&>(allocator_arg, inner_allocator()), std::move(y)).

    5. (11.7) — Otherwise, if uses_allocator<T2, inner_allocator_type>::value is true and is_constructible<T2, Args2..., inner_allocator_type&>::value is true, then yprime is tuple_cat(std::move(y), tuple<inner_allocator_type&>(inner_allocator())).

2590. Aggregate initialization for std::array

Section: [array.overview] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Robert Haberlach Opened: 2016-01-30 Last modified: 2016-02-07

Priority: 0

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Similar to core issue 1270's resolution, [array.overview]/2 should cover aggregate-initialization in general. As it stands, that paragraph solely mentions copy-list-initialization — i.e. it is unclear whether the following notation is (guaranteed to be) well-formed:

std::array<int, 1> arr{0};

[2016-02, Issues Telecon]

P0; move to Tentatively Ready.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4567.

  1. Change [array.overview] p2 as indicated:

    -2- An array is an aggregate (8.5.1) that can be list-initialized with the syntax

    array<T, N> a = { initializer-list };

    where initializer-list is a comma-separated list of up to N elements whose types are convertible to T.