Document Number:P0194R1, ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG21
Project:Programming Language C++
Audience:Reflection(SG7) / EWG
Authors: Matúš Chochlík ([email protected])
Axel Naumann ([email protected])

Static reflection

Table of Contents


This paper is the fifth revision of the proposal to add support for compile-time reflection to standard C++. We propose that the compiler shall generate metaobjects — representations of certain program declarations, which can be reasoned-about at compile time. These metaobjects can then be used, through a set of operations to obtain various pieces of metadata, like declaration names, lists of scope members, information about specifiers, and so on. The metaobjects are implemented as anonymous types conforming to defined concepts, and the operations are implemented as class templates.

This paper is accompanied by another paper — P0385R0, which discusses the use cases, rationale, design decisions, future evolution of the proposed reflection facility and contains multiple examples of use and replies to frequently asked questions.

Revision history

Revision 1 (N3996)

Describes the method of static reflection by the means of compiler-generated anonymous types. Introduces the first version of the metaobject concepts and some possiblities of their implementation. Also includes discussion about the motivation and the design rationale for the proposal.

Revision 2 (N4111)

Refines the metaobject concepts and introduces a concrete implementation of their interface by the means of templates similar to the standard type traits. Describes some additions to the standard library (mostly meta-programming utilities), which simpilfy the use of the metaobjects. Answers some questions from the discussion about N3996 and expands the design rationale.

Revision 3 (N4451)

Incorporates the feedback from the discussion about N4111 at the Urbana meeting, most notably reduces the set of metaobject concepts and refines their definitions, removes some of the additions to the standard library added in the previous revisions. Adds context-dependent reflection.

Revision 4 (P0194R0)

Further refines the concepts from N4111; prefixes the names of the metaobject operations with get_, adds new operations, replaces the metaobject category tags with new metaobject traits. Introduces a nested namespace std::meta which contains most of the reflection-related additions to the standard library. Rephrases definition of meta objects using Concepts Lite. Specifies the reflection operator name — reflexpr. Introduces an experimental implementation of the reflection operator in clang. Drops the context-dependent reflection from N4111 (will be re-introduced later).

Revision 5 (P0194R1)

Dropped all metaobject traits except is_metaobject. All metaobject classification is now done by using the concepts. We assume that the following syntax of the Concepts specification is implemented:

template <T>
constexpr bool Concept = unspecified;

and also assuming that the Concepts TS Issue 29 is resolved and that Concept<T> is a generally usable boolean expression, so that the following is valid code:

static_assert(Concept<T>, " ... ");

using U = std::conditional_t<Concept<T>, T1, T2>;

if(Concept<T>) { /* ... */  }

The meta::Scoped concept has been renamed to meta::ScopeMember. The meta::Constant and meta::Specifier concepts, and several new operations have been added.

The aliases for the operation templates returning metaobjects had previously the _t suffix; this has been changed to the _m suffix. For example:

get_type_t -> get_type_m
get_scope_t -> get_scope_m
get_aliased_t -> get_aliased_m
get_data_members_t -> get_data_members_m

Proposed wording

Insert a new element in Table 1, C++ library headers of [general.namespaces], named <experimental/reflexpr>.

Insert a new section:

? Compile-time reflection [refl]

?.1 General description [refl.general]

Compile-time constant metadata describing various aspects of a compiled program are provided indirectly by the means of types generated by the compiler — Metaobjects. A Metaobject is an anonymous type reflecting (representing) a particular declaration in a C++ program, the base-level program declaration. It can be reasoned-about at compile-time and provides access to metadata describing various properties of the reflected declaration through a set of templates. The Metaobject types themselves are opaque, without any visible internal structure. Values of such a Metaobject type cannot be created.

The Metaobjects are generated on demand by the compiler as the result of the invocation of the reflexpr operator.

The actual metadata can be obtained by instantiating templates constituting the interface of the Metaobjects. Each template serves a particular purpose and provides a single piece of metadata. These templates are collectively referred to as Metaobject operations.

Metaobjects reflecting different kinds of declarations conform to different Metaobject concepts and have different interfaces — sets of templates applicable to the Metaobjects. These concepts can also be used for Metaobject classification.

Metaobject concepts form a generalization-specialization hierarchy, with meta::Object being the common generalization for all Metaobjects.

?.2 Metaobject trait[refl.trait]

A new UnaryTypeTraitis_metaobject is added to section [] to distinguish between Metaobject types generated by the compiler and all other types.

namespace std {
namespace experimental {

template <typename T> struct is_metaobject;
template <typename T> constexpr bool is_metaobject_v
  = is_metaobject<T>::value;

} // namespace experimental
} // namespace std

is_metaobject_v<int>;                   // false
is_metaobject_v<void>;                  // false
is_metaobject_v<string>;                // false
is_metaobject_v<reflexpr(int)>;         // true
is_metaobject_v<reflexpr(std)>;         // true
is_metaobject_v<reflexpr(std::string)>; // true

— end example]

?.3 Header <experimental/reflexpr> synopsis[refl.synopsis]

namespace std {
namespace experimental
namespace meta {

// metaobject concepts
template <typename T> concept bool Object;
template <Object T> concept bool ObjectSequence;
template <Object T> concept bool Reversible;
template <Object T> concept bool Named;
template <Object T> concept bool Specifier;
template <Object T> concept bool Typed;
template <Object T> concept bool ScopeMember;
template <Object T> concept bool Scope;
template <Object T> concept bool Alias;
template <Object T> concept bool ClassMember;
template <Object T> concept bool Linkable;
template <Object T> concept bool Namespace;
template <Object T> concept bool GlobalScope;
template <Object T> concept bool NamespaceAlias;
template <Object T> concept bool Type;
template <Object T> concept bool TypeAlias;
template <Object T> concept bool Class;
template <Object T> concept bool Enum;
template <Object T> concept bool EnumClass;
template <Object T> concept bool Constant;
template <Object T> concept bool Variable;
template <Object T> concept bool DataMember;
template <Object T> concept bool MemberType;
template <Object T> concept bool EnumValue;

// metaobject operations
template <Object T1, Object T2> struct reflects_same;
template <Object T> struct get_source_location;
template <ObjectSequence T> struct get_size;
template <ObjectSequence T1, size_t Index> struct get_element;
template <Named T> struct get_name;
template <Typed T> struct get_type;
template <ScopeMember T> struct get_scope;
template <Alias T> struct get_aliased;
template <ClassMember T> struct is_public;
template <ClassMember T> struct is_protected;
template <ClassMember T> struct is_private;
template <ClassMember T> struct get_access_specifier;
template <Linkable T> struct is_static;
template <Type T> struct get_reflected_type;
template <Class T> struct get_elaborated_type_specifier;
template <Class T> struct get_data_members;
template <Class T> struct get_all_data_members;
template <Class T> struct get_member_types;
template <Class T> struct get_all_member_types;
template <Enum T> struct get_enum_values;
template <Constant T> struct get_constant;
template <Variable T> struct get_pointer;

template <Object T1, Object T2>
  constexpr auto reflects_same_v = reflects_same<T1, T2>::value;
template <ObjectSequence T>
  constexpr auto get_size_v = get_size<T>::value;
template <ObjectSequence T1, size_t Index>
  using get_element_m = typename get_element<T1, Index>::type;
template <Named T>
  constexpr auto get_name_v = get_name<T>::value;
template <Typed T>
  using get_type_m = typename get_type<T>::type;
template <ScopeMember T>
  using get_scope_m = typename get_scope<T>::type;
template <Alias T>
  using get_aliased_m = typename get_aliased<T>::type;
template <ClassMember T>
  constexpr auto is_public_v = is_public<T>::value;
template <ClassMember T>
  constexpr auto is_protected_v = is_protected<T>::value;
template <ClassMember T>
  constexpr auto is_private_v = is_private<T>::value;
template <ClassMember T>
  using get_access_specifier_m = typename get_access_specifier<T>::type;
template <Linkable T>
  constexpr auto is_static_v = is_static<T>::value;
template <Type T>
  using get_reflected_type_t = typename get_reflected_type<T>::type;
template <Class T>
  using get_elaborated_type_specifier_m = typename get_elaborated_type_specifier<T>::type;
template <Class T>
  using get_data_members_m = typename get_data_members<T>::type;
template <Class T>
  using get_all_data_members_m = typename get_all_data_members<T>::type;
template <Class T>
  using get_member_types_m = typename get_member_types<T>::type;
template <Class T>
  using get_all_member_types_m = typename get_all_member_types<T>::type;
template <Enum T>
  using get_enum_values_m = typename get_enum_values<T>::type;
template <Constant T>
  constexpr auto get_constant_v = get_constant<T>::value;
template <Variable T>
  const auto get_pointer_v = get_pointer<T>::value;

} // namespace meta
} // namespace experimental
} // namespace std

?.4 Metaobject concepts[refl.concepts]

Concept Requirements Optional restrictions Description

template <typename T>
concept bool Object;

meta::Object is a concept modelled by stateless anonymous types generated by the compiler which allow access to metadata reflecting specific program declarations.

template <typename T>
concept bool ObjectSequence;

meta::ObjectSequence is an ordered sequence of metaobjects.

template <typename T>
concept bool Reversible;

meta::Reversible is a metaobject that can be reverted to the original declaration.

template <typename T>
concept bool Named;

meta::Named reflects a named declaration.

template <typename T>
concept bool Specifier;

meta::Specifier reflects a specifier (const, virtual, static, noexcept, public, etc.).

template <typename T>
concept bool Typed;

meta::Typed reflects a base-level declaration with a type (for example a variable).

template <typename T>
concept bool ScopeMember;

meta::ScopeMember reflects a declaration nested in a scope (like the global scope, namespace, class, strongly-typed enums, etc.).

template <typename T>
concept bool Scope;

meta::Scope reflects a scope.

template <typename T>
concept bool Alias;

meta::Alias reflects a type or namespace alias.

template <typename T>
concept bool ClassMember;

meta::ClassMember reflects a class member.

template <typename T>
concept bool Linkable;

meta::Linkable reflects a declaration with storage duration and/or linkage.

template <typename T>
concept bool Namespace;

meta::Namespace reflects a namespace.

template <typename T>
concept bool GlobalScope;

meta::GlobalScope reflects the global scope.

template <typename T>
concept bool NamespaceAlias;

meta::NamespaceAlias reflects a namespace alias.

template <typename T>
concept bool Type;

meta::Type reflects a type.

template <typename T>
concept bool TypeAlias;

meta::TypeAlias reflects a type alias or typedef.

template <typename T>
concept bool Class;

meta::Class reflects a class.

template <typename T>
concept bool Enum;

meta::Enum reflects an enumeration.

template <typename T>
concept bool EnumClass;

meta::EnumClass reflects a strongly typed enumeration.

template <typename T>
concept bool Constant;

meta::Constant reflects a compile-time constant value.

template <typename T>
concept bool Variable;

meta::Variable reflects a variable.

template <typename T>
concept bool DataMember;

meta::DataMember reflects a class data member.

template <typename T>
concept bool MemberType;

meta::MemberType reflects a class member type (typedef, class, union, enum).

template <typename T>
concept bool EnumValue;

meta::EnumValue reflects an enum value.

[Note: Metaobjects reflecting anonymous types, anonymous namespaces or the global scope do not satisfy the meta::Named concept. This means that they do not implement the meta::get_name operation. See below. — end note]


static_assert(meta::Named<reflexpr(int)>, "");
static_assert(meta::Named<reflexpr(string)>, "");

auto l = [](void) { };
static_assert(!meta::Named<reflexpr()>, "");
static_assert(!meta::Named<reflexpr(::)>, "");
static_assert(!meta::Named<reflexpr(decltype(l))>, "");

— end example]

[Note: Metaobjects reflecting the global scope do not satisfy the meta::ScopeMember concept. This means that they do not implement the meta::get_scope operation. See below. — end note]


static_assert(meta::ScopeMember<reflexpr(int)>, "");
static_assert(meta::ScopeMember<reflexpr(string)>, "");

static_assert(!meta::ScopeMember<reflexpr(::)>, "");
static_assert(!meta::ScopeMember<reflexpr(decltype(l))>, "");

— end example]

[Note: Metaobjects reflecting strongly-typed enumerations conform to the meta::Scope concept, regular enumerations do not. — end note]


enum weak_enum { a, b, c };
enum class scoped_enum { d, e, f };

using meta_we = reflexpr(weak_enum);
using meta_se = reflexpr(scoped_enum);

static_assert(meta::Enum<meta_we>, "");
static_assert(meta::Enum<meta_se>, "");

static_assert(!meta::Scope<meta_we>, "");
static_assert( meta::Scope<meta_se>, "");

— end example]

?.5 Metaobject operations[refl.ops]

A MetaobjectOperation returns a single piece of metadata describing a particular aspect of the declaration reflected by a Metaobject. It is a class template taking one or more arguments, at least one of which is a model of the Metaobject concept. The result of a MetaobjectOperation can be either a compile-time constant value a const pointer or a type.
?.5.1 Boolean constant result[refl.ops.bool]

All MetaobjectOperation templates returning a boolean value derive publicly and unambiguously from true_type or false_type.

For example:

struct MetaobjectOperation
 : integral_constant<bool, implementation-defined>
{ };
?.5.2 Integral or enum constant result[]

All MetaobjectOperation templates returning an integer or enum value derive publicly and unambiguously from a specialization of integral_constant with apropriate integer or enum type as the first argument.

For example:

struct MetaobjectOperation
 : integral_constant<integral-or-enum-type, implementation-defined>
{ };
?.5.3 String constant result[refl.ops.str]

All MetaobjectOperation templates returning a character string instantiate into a type equivalent to the following:

struct MetaobjectOperation
	typedef const char value_type[N+1];
	static constexpr value_type value;

where N is the length of the returned string and the last element in the value character array is the '\0' character. The member names value_type, value, type are publicly and unambiguously available in such MetaobjectOperation.

?.5.4 Metaobject result[refl.ops.metaobj]

The MetaobjectOperation templates yielding another Metaobject instantiate into a type equivalent to the following:

struct MetaobjectOperation
	typedef meta::Object type;

The member name type is publicly and unambiguously available in such MetaobjectOperation.

?.5.5 Type result[refl.ops.type]

The MetaobjectOperation templates yielding a non-Metaobject type instantiates into a type equivalent to the following:

struct MetaobjectOperation
	typedef unspecified type;

The member name type is publicly and unambiguously available in a MetaobjectOperation.

?.5.6 Pointer result[refl.ops.ptr]

The MetaobjectOperation templates returning a pointer or a class data member pointer instantiate into a type equivalent to the following:

struct MetaobjectOperation
	typedef conditional_t<
		unspecified-type unspecified-class::*,
	> value_type;

	static const value_type value;
?.5.7 Operation description[refl.ops.desc]
Template Description Result
template <Object T1, Object T2>
struct reflects_same;
indicates if two metaobjects reflect the same base-level declaration.a boolean constant
template <Object T>
struct get_source_location;
returns the source location info of the declaration of a base-level program declaration reflected by a meta::Object. a std::source_location constant
template <ObjectSequence T>
struct get_size;
returns the number of elements in the sequence. a size_t integral constant
template <ObjectSequence T1, size_t Index>
struct get_element;
returns the i-th meta::Object in a meta::ObjectSequence. meta::Object
template <Named T>
struct get_name;
returns the basic name of the a named declaration reflected by a meta::Named.a string constant
template <Typed T>
struct get_type;
returns the meta::Type reflecting the type of a base-level declaration with a type (for example a variable) reflected by a meta::Typed. meta::Type
template <ScopeMember T>
struct get_scope;
returns the meta::Scope reflecting the scope of a declaration nested in a scope (like the global scope, namespace, class, strongly-typed enums, etc.) reflected by a meta::ScopeMember. meta::Scope
template <Alias T>
struct get_aliased;
returns the meta::Named reflecting the original declaration of a type or namespace alias reflected by a meta::Alias. meta::Named
template <ClassMember T>
struct is_public;
returns whether the a class member reflected by a meta::ClassMember was declared with public access.a boolean constant
template <ClassMember T>
struct is_protected;
returns whether the a class member reflected by a meta::ClassMember was declared with protected access.a boolean constant
template <ClassMember T>
struct is_private;
returns whether the a class member reflected by a meta::ClassMember was declared with private access.a boolean constant
template <ClassMember T>
struct get_access_specifier;
returns the meta::Specifier reflecting the access specifier of a class member reflected by a meta::ClassMember. meta::Specifier
template <Linkable T>
struct is_static;
returns whether the a declaration with storage duration and/or linkage reflected by a meta::Linkable was declared with the static specifier.a boolean constant
template <Type T>
struct get_reflected_type;
returns the the base-level type reflected by a meta::Type.the original type reflected by the argument
template <Class T>
struct get_elaborated_type_specifier;
returns a meta::Specifier reflecting the elaborated type specifier (class,struct,union,...) of a class reflected by a meta::Class. meta::Specifier
template <Class T>
struct get_data_members;
returns a meta::ObjectSequence of meta::DataMember(s) reflecting the public data members of a class reflected by a meta::Class. meta::ObjectSequence of meta::DataMember(s)
template <Class T>
struct get_all_data_members;
returns a meta::ObjectSequence of meta::DataMember(s) reflecting all (including the private and protected) data members of a class reflected by a meta::Class. meta::ObjectSequence of meta::DataMember(s)
template <Class T>
struct get_member_types;
returns a meta::ObjectSequence of meta::MemberType(s) reflecting the public member types of a class reflected by a meta::Class. meta::ObjectSequence of meta::MemberType(s)
template <Class T>
struct get_all_member_types;
returns a meta::ObjectSequence of meta::DataMember(s) reflecting all (including the private and protected) member types of a class reflected by a meta::Class. meta::ObjectSequence of meta::DataMember(s)
template <Enum T>
struct get_enum_values;
returns a meta::ObjectSequence of meta::Constant(s) reflecting all enum values of an enumeration reflected by a meta::Enum. meta::ObjectSequence of meta::Constant(s)
template <Constant T>
struct get_constant;
returns the value of a compile-time constant value reflected by a meta::Constant. a constant value of an unspecified, integer or enum type
template <Variable T>
struct get_pointer;
returns a pointer to the a variable reflected by a meta::Variable. If the variable is a class member then the pointer is a class data member pointer, otherwise it is a plain pointer.a regular or class data member pointer

For meta::Types reflecting native types with modifiers like unsigned, long, etc. the get_name operation returns the full type specifier name.


meta::get_name_v<reflexpr(unsigned)>       // "unsigned int"
meta::get_name_v<reflexpr(short)>          // "signed short int"
meta::get_name_v<reflexpr(long long)>      // "signed long long int"
meta::get_name_v<reflexpr(signed char)>    // "signed char"
meta::get_name_v<reflexpr(unsigned char)>  // "unsigned char"
meta::get_name_v<reflexpr(char)>           // "char"

— end example]

The get_name invoked on a meta::Alias returns the alias name not the name of the aliased declaration.


using foo = int;
using bar = foo;
namespace std = baz;

meta::get_name_v<reflexpr(int)>    // "int"
meta::get_name_v<reflexpr(std)>    // "std"
meta::get_name_v<reflexpr(foo)>    // "foo"
meta::get_name_v<reflexpr(bar)>    // "bar"
meta::get_name_v<reflexpr(baz)>    // "baz"

— end example]

The get_name operation returns the type, namespace, etc. name without any qualifiers, asterisks, ampersands, angle or square brackets, etc.


using meta::get_name_v;

get_name_v<reflexpr(std::vector<int>)>                          // "vector"
get_name_v<reflexpr(volatile std::size_t* [10])>                // "size_t"
get_name_v<reflexpr(std::set<int>* (*)(std::vector<double>&))>  // ""
get_name_v<reflexpr(std::set<int>* (*pfoo)(std::set<double>&))> // "pfoo"
get_name_v<reflexpr(std::set<int>* foo(std::vector<double>&))>  // "foo"
get_name_v<reflexpr(std::chrono)>                               // "chrono"
get_name_v<reflexpr(std::launch)>                               // "launch"
get_name_v<reflexpr(static)>                                    // "static"
get_name_v<reflexpr(public)>                                    // "public"
get_name_v<reflexpr(class)>                                     // "class"

— end example]

Template type parameters are also considered to be type aliases:


template <typename A, typename B>
void foo(A a, B b)
	using meta::get_name_v;
	using meta::get_aliased_m;

	using mA = reflexpr(A);
	using mB = reflexpr(B);

	cout << "1:" << get_name_v<mA> << endl;
	cout << "2:" << get_name_v<get_aliased_m<mA>> << endl;
	cout << "3:" << get_name_v<get_aliased_m<get_aliased_m<mA>>> << endl;

	cout << "4:" << get_name_v<mB> << endl;
	cout << "5:" << get_name_v<get_aliased_m<mB>> << endl;

using rank_t = int;
rank_t a = 123;
float b = 45.67;

foo(a, b);

produces the following output:


— end example]

The meta::get_name operation cannot be invoked on Metaobjects which do not conform to the meta::Named concept.


auto l = [](void) { };
meta::get_name_v<reflexpr(::)>           // ill-formed
meta::get_name_v<reflexpr(decltype(l))>  // ill-formed

— end example]

[Note: The Metaobjects in a meta::ObjectSequence are ordered according to the order of their declarations in the translation unit. — end note]


struct foo
	typedef int t1;
	typedef float t2;

	t1 a, b, c;
	t2 d;

using meta_foo = reflexpr(foo);

using meta::get_element_m;
using meta::get_data_members_m;
using meta::get_member_types_m;

get_name_v<get_element_v<get_member_types_m<meta_foo>, 0>> // "t1"
get_name_v<get_element_v<get_member_types_m<meta_foo>, 1>> // "t2"

get_name_v<get_element_v<get_data_members_m<meta_foo>, 0>> // "a"
get_name_v<get_element_v<get_data_members_m<meta_foo>, 1>> // "b"
get_name_v<get_element_v<get_data_members_m<meta_foo>, 2>> // "c"
get_name_v<get_element_v<get_data_members_m<meta_foo>, 3>> // "d"

— end example]

[Note: The meta::ObjectSequence returned by meta::get_data_members, meta::get_all_data_members, meta::get_member_types and meta::get_all_member_types do not include Metaobjects reflecting inherited class members. — end note]


struct foo
	typedef int attr_t;
	attr_t a, b, c, d;

struct bar : foo
	float e, f;

using meta_foo = reflexpr(foo);
using meta_bar = reflexpr(bar);

using meta::get_size_v;
using meta::get_data_members_m;
using meta::get_member_types_m;

get_size_v<get_data_members_m<meta_foo>> // 4
get_size_v<get_data_members_m<meta_bar>> // 2

get_size_v<get_member_types_m<meta_foo>> // 1
get_size_v<get_member_types_m<meta_bar>> // 0

— end example]

[Note: The meta::ObjectSequence returned by meta::get_data_members and meta::get_member_types contain only the Metaobjects reflecting publicly accessible class members. The meta::ObjectSequence returned by meta::get_all_data_members and meta::get_all_member_types contain Metaobjects reflecting all class members including those which are not publicly accessible otherwise. — end note]


struct foo
	typedef int _attr_t;
	_attr_t _a, _b, _c;
	typedef float value_type;
	typedef size_t size_type;
	value_type d;

using meta_foo = reflexpr(foo);

using meta::get_size_v;
using meta::get_name_v;
using meta::get_element_m;
using meta::get_data_members_m;
using meta::get_all_data_members_m;
using meta::get_member_types_m;
using meta::get_all_member_types_m;

get_size_v<get_data_members_m<meta_foo>>     // 1
get_size_v<get_all_data_members_m<meta_foo>> // 4

get_size_v<get_member_types_m<meta_foo>>     // 2
get_size_v<get_all_member_types_m<meta_foo>> // 3

get_name_v<get_element_m<get_data_members_m<meta_foo>, 0>>     // "d"
get_name_v<get_element_m<get_all_data_members_m<meta_foo>, 0>> // "_a"

— end example]

[Note: There is a dual interface for retrieving specifier-related metadata. One is using the meta::Specifier concept and its operations which is more generic, and another using the boolean operations like meta::is_static, meta::is_public, etc. which may be more convenient in simpler use-cases. — end note]


struct S
	int i;
	float f;

using meta_S = reflexpr(S);
using meta_S_i = meta::get_element_m<meta::get_data_members_m<meta_S>, 0>;
using meta_S_f = meta::get_element_m<meta::get_data_members_m<meta_S>, 1>;

using meta::reflects_same_v;
using meta::get_access_specifer_m;

reflects_same_v<reflexpr(private),get_access_specifer_m<meta_S_i>>  // true
reflects_same_v<reflexpr(public), get_access_specifer_m<meta_S_i>>  // false
reflects_same_v<reflexpr(public), get_access_specifer_m<meta_S_f>>  // true

meta::is_private<meta_S_i> // true
meta::is_public<meta_S_i>  // false
meta::is_public<meta_S_f>  // true

— end example]
?.5.8 Utility operations[refl.ops.util]
The unpack_sequence operation applicable to models of meta::ObjectSequence is added to the <reflexpr> header and is equivalent to:

namespace std {
namespace experimental {
namespace meta {

template <ObjectSequence Seq, template <typename ...> class Tpl>
struct unpack_sequence
	typedef Tpl<
		get_element_m<Seq, 0>,
		get_element_m<Seq, 1>,
		get_element_m<Seq, get_size_v<Seq>-1>,
	> type;

template <ObjectSequence Seq, template <typename ...> class Tpl>
using unpack_sequence_t = typename unpack_sequence<Seq, Tpl>::type;

} // namespace meta
} // namespace experimental
} // namespace std

struct foo
	int a,
	bool b;
	char c;
	double d;

template <meta::DataMember ... MDM>
using helper = tuple<meta::get_reflected_type_t<MDM>...>;

using X = meta::unpack_sequence_t<

is_same_v<X, tuple<int, bool, char, double>> // true

— end example]

?.6 The reflection operator[refl.reflexpr]

The value of the reflexpr is a type satisfying meta::Object and other meta concepts, depending on the operand. The returned type is implementation defined. Meta-operations on it describe the operand.

The reflexpr operator takes an id-expression (5.1), or access-specifier (10) as operand, or nothing. The id-expression must be uniquely resolved through regular lookup, as if used outside of the reflexpr operator. Otherwise, the expression is ill-formed.

If the id-expression is a type-name, and the scope of its declaration is a class, then the result of reflexpr is also satisfying MemberType.

The invocation of reflexpr on all other kinds of id-expressions is ill-formed.


reflexpr() // reflects the global namespace
reflexpr(::) // reflects the global namespace
reflexpr(std) // reflects the namespace
reflexpr(std::size_t) // reflects the type
reflexpr(std::launch) // reflects the enum type
reflexpr(std::vector<int>) // reflects the class

reflexpr(1) // ill-formed
reflexpr(std::sin) // ill-formed
reflexpr(std::vector) // ill-formed
reflexpr(is_same_v<void,void>) // ill-formed

— end example]

If the operand is an access-specifier, then the result of reflexpr is satisfying Specifier.

?.6.1 Redeclarations[refl.reflexpr.redecl]

The meta data queried by reflexpr depends on the point of invocation of the operator; only declarations appearing in the translation unit before the invocation of the reflexpr operator will be visible. Subsequent invocations are independent of prior invocations, as if all compiler generated types were unique to each reflexpr invocation.


using meta::get_size_v;
using meta::get_data_members_m;

struct foo;
using meta_foo_fwd1 = reflexpr(foo);
constexpr size_t n1 = get_size_v<get_data_members_m<meta_foo_fwd1>>; // 0

struct foo;
using meta_foo_fwd2 = reflexpr(foo);
constexpr size_t n2 = get_size_v<get_data_members_m<meta_foo_fwd2>>; // 0

using meta::reflects_same_v;

constexpr bool b1 = is_same_v<meta_foo_fwd1, meta_foo_fwd2>;       // unspecified
constexpr bool b2 = reflects_same_v<meta_foo_fwd1, meta_foo_fwd2>; // true

struct foo { int a,b,c,d; };
using meta_foo = reflexpr(foo);
constexpr size_t n3 = get_size_v<get_data_members_m<meta_foo>>;      // 4

constexpr bool b3 = is_same_v<meta_foo_fwd1, meta_foo>;       // false
constexpr bool b4 = reflects_same_v<meta_foo_fwd1, meta_foo>; // true

— end example]
?.6.2 Required header[refl.reflexpr.header]

If the header <reflexpr> is not included prior to a use of reflexpr, the program is ill-formed. This header file makes available the definitions of the concepts and the templates implementing the operations on Metaobjects as described above.

?.6.3 Reverse reflection[refl.reflexpr.rev]

If a Metaobject conforming to the meta::Reversible concept is passed as the argument to the reflexpr operator, then this invocation has the same effect as if the name of the original declaration reflected by the Metaobject was used.

For instance if a meta::Type is passed as the argument, then reflexpr yields the reflected type. In this case the result of reverse reflection is the same as the result of the meta::get_reflected_type operation.


using meta_int = reflexpr(int);
is_same_t<int, reflexpr(meta_int)>; // true
is_same_t<int, meta::get_reflected_type_t<meta_int>>; // true

reflexpr(meta_int) x = 123;   // valid (same as int x;)

struct my_struct
	reflexpr(meta_int) i; // valid (same as int i;)

— end example]

Passing a Metaobject to the reflexpr operator is ill-formed, unless the Metaobject conforms to the meta::Reversible concept. — end note]


Thanks to Ricardo Fabiano de Andrade, Roland Bock and Klaim - Joël Lamotte who provided very valuable feedback, criticism and suggestions.


[P0194R0] Chochlík M., Naumann A. — P0194R0 - Static reflection (revision 4)
[N4451] Chochlík M. — N4451 - Static reflection (revision 3)
[N4111] Chochlík M. — N4111 - Static reflection (revision 2)
[N3996] Chochlík M. — N3996 - Static reflection