Document Number: P0242R0
Audience: Library Evolution Working Group
Matt Calabrese ([email protected])

Standard Library Support for Void


This paper assumes the updated void type described in P0146R11 and provides operator overloads for standard input and output with void such that generic code which deals with input and output will be compatible with void types. In addition to that, it also declares a specialization of std::hash for void.


With the updated void type described in P0146R11, void may be instantiated and used as an object. Because of this, users may expect the standard library to support the type in similar ways that it does for many other built-in types, such as arithmetic types. One place where support may be desirable is with iostreams, allowing an instance of void to be input or output without users having to explicitly provide their own operator overloads. The desire for such support can come up in generic code that outputs the result of a function call using a standard output stream, for example. It would be useful if such generic code would work with void return types, and without users having to handle the type in a special manner. Similar concerns come up regarding function templates that hash the value of a dependent type.


Undeclared Insertion and Extraction for void

An alternative to providing operator overloads for insertion and extraction of void could be to simply leave these operators undeclared in the standard, allowing users to define their own, if needed. This has some problems:

Non-Empty Input and Output for void

Though it is recommended that operators for input and output should be provided for void, what the precise behavior of those operators should be is somewhat subjective. This proposal recommends treating input and output of void as formatted input and output functions that effectively do nothing other than return a reference to the passed-in stream. Alternatively, it could be specified that output and input deal with a consistent string, such as "void," "{}," of "0", but this is unnecessary and introduces a cost to the input and output of void that does not need to exist.

Undeclared std::hash support for void

An alternative to providing a std::hash specialization for void could be to leave such a specialization undeclared in the standard, allowing users to define their own, if needed. This has some problems:

Proposed Solution

This proposal suggests adding << and >> operator overloads for std::basic_ostream and std::basic_istream respectively, along with a declared specialization of std::hash for void.

Add a void specialization of std::hash to the synopsis in §20.9.12 [unord.hash] paragraph 1:

template <> struct hash<void>;

Add paragraphs to the end of § [istream::extractors]:

template<class charT, class traits>
basic_istream<charT,traits>& operator>>(basic_istream<charT,traits>& in,
                                        void& v);
Effects: Behaves like a formatted input function ( of in.
Returns: *this.

Add section § Void inserter function templates [ostream.inserters.void]:

template<class charT, class traits>
  basic_ostream<charT,traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<charT,traits>& out,
                                          void v);
Effects: Behaves as a formatted output function ( of out.
Returns: *this.


[1] Matt Calabrese: "Regular Void"