Doc. no:  P0285R0 
Date:     2016-02-14
Audience: Concurrency
Reply-To: Christopher Kohlhoff <[email protected]>

Using customization points to unify executors

1. Introduction

The concept of an executor exists in a number of use cases, including:

  • Submitting parcels of work to a background thread pool.
  • Event-driven and asynchronous programming models, like those used in low latency networking.
  • Parallel algorithms.

The requirements on executors in these use cases differ, as evidenced by the divergence between the proposals before the committee. However, there is also a clear area of commonality: the underlying execution context, such as a thread pool, may apply to all use cases. As users, we want to be able to have a single thread pool object that can be used for all of the above use cases. In real world applications, the use cases do not always exist in isolation.

This paper proposes a design to reconcile the executor models where:

  • We can have a single definition for each kind of execution context (such as a thread pool).
  • We use a customization point mechanism (as proposed in N4381 Customization Points and utilised in the draft Ranges Technical Specification) as a means to associate the distinct executor types with each execution context. This mechanism can also be used to detect whether a particular kind of executor is supported.

In this paper we will introduce a trivial executor concept, for background work management, and an event executor concept, designed to meet the needs of event-driven and asynchronous programming such as networking. We will also illustrate how additional executor type requirements (like those needed to support parallel algorithms) can be added in an extensible fashion using customization points. The paper also includes an executor-aware async function as an example of customization point use.

2. Design discussion

2.1. Library vocabulary

The central concept of this library is the executor as a policy. An executor embodies a set of rules about where, when and how to run a submitted function object. Executors are intended to be lightweight, copyable, and with interfaces defined by type requirements, similar to the other -ors of the standard library, iterators and allocators.

An execution context is the venue where the submitted function objects are executed. Where executors are lightweight and cheap to copy, an execution context is typically long-lived and non-copyable. It may contain additional state such as timer queues, socket reactors, or hidden threads to emulate asynchronous functionality.

For example, we say that a thread_pool is an execution context, and that it has an executor. The thread pool contains long-lived state, namely the threads that persist until the pool is shut down. The thread pool's executor embodies the rule: run functions in the pool and nowhere else.

2.2. Granularity of executor type requirements

The proposed text included in this paper defines type requirements for two different kinds of executor:

  • Trivial executors, intended for simple use cases such as submitted parcels of work to a background thread pool.
  • Event executors, designed to meet the needs of event-driven designs and asynchronous operations as used in network programming. It is specifically intended to meet the execution needs of the draft Networking Technical Specification.

A concrete execution context, such as the proposed text's thread_pool, can support both kinds of executor. The precise design of these executors is beyond the scope of this particular discussion, and readers are invited to read papers such as P0008R0, P0112R1, and P0113R0 for more information.

This approach breaks down executor type requirements into small, coherent units that focus on the intended use cases. This offers a simpler design and better extensibility than a monolithic Executor concept, such as the executor_traits approach of P0058. Additional executor type requirements may be non-intrusively added, and we will illustrate this extensibility below by showing how parallel algorithm executors might be introduced.

2.3. Customization points

To obtain a trivial executor for an execution context we use get_trivial_executor:

std::experimental::thread_pool pool;
auto ex = std::experimental::get_trivial_executor(pool);

Similarly, to obtain an event executor we use get_event_executor:

std::experimental::thread_pool pool;
auto ex = std::experimental::get_event_executor(pool);

Both get_trivial_executor and get_event_executor are customization points, which are function objects as described in N4381. This pattern is extensively utilised by the draft Ranges Technical Specification.

Users may hook the customization point non-intrusively by providing a free function of the same name in their namespace:

namespace my_namespace {
  class my_thread_pool { ... };
  class my_trivial_executor { ... };
  my_trivial_executor get_trivial_executor(my_thread_pool&);

or intrusively as a friend function:

namespace my_namespace {
  class my_trivial_executor { ... };
  class my_thread_pool {
    friend my_trivial_executor get_trivial_executor(my_thread_pool&);

Alternatively, the default get_trivial_executor implementation may be used, which automatically calls a get_trivial_executor member function if one is present:

namespace my_namespace {
  class my_trivial_executor { ... };
  class my_thread_pool {
    my_trivial_executor get_trivial_executor();

The expression std::experimental::get_trivial_executor(E) is a valid expression if, and only if, it produces a syntactically valid trivial executor. This means we can use it in conjunction with SFINAE to detect at compile time whether a given execution context supports a particular kind of executor.

2.4. Supporting new executor type requirements

To introduce a new kind of executor we follow the steps below. For the sake of exposition, let us assume we are adding a new parallel executor.

Step 1: Define the type requirements

We begin by defining the new ParallelExecutor type requirements. These requirements refine the Executor type requirements by adding member functions such as execute, and async_execute. A type that satisfies the ParallelExecutor requirements represents an execution model for determining how parallel algorithms are performed. For example, we might implement the type requirements to utilise a work stealing thread pool. (Note: This example is not intended to prescribe how these type requirements will look. It is expected that this analysis and design would be done by experts in this field.)

Step 2: Define the trait

Next we define a helper trait that lets us determine whether some type T satisfies the syntactic requirements of a ParallelExecutor.

namespace parallel {
  template<class T> struct is_parallel_executor;
} // namespace parallel

Step 3: Define the customization point

Then we define a get_parallel_executor customization point. The customization point is implemented using the mechanism described in N4381.

namespace parallel {
  namespace {
    constexpr unspecified get_parallel_executor = unspecified;
} // namespace parallel

The effect of the expression parallel::get_parallel_executor(E) for some expression E is equivalent to:

(E).get_parallel_executor() if, for its type X, is_parallel_executor<X>::value is true. If is_parallel_executor<X>::value is false, the program is ill-formed with no diagnostic required.

— Otherwise, get_parallel_executor(E) if, for its type X, is_parallel_executor<X>::value is true, with overload resolution performed in a context that includes the declaration void get_parallel_executor(auto&) = delete; and does not include a declaration of parallel::get_parallel_executor. If is_parallel_executor<X>::value is false, the program is ill-formed with no diagnostic required.

— Otherwise, parallel::get_parallel_executor(E) is ill-formed.

Whenever parallel::get_parallel_executor(E) is a valid expression, the type of parallel::get_parallel_executor(E) satisfies the requirements for ParallelExecutor. This allows us to use SFINAE to detect whether a parallel executor is supported.

Since it is possible to implement our parallel executor in terms of a trivial executor, we may also wish to introduce a new, penultimate case above, that automatically adapts trivial executors to the ParallelExecutor requirements:

— Otherwise, make_parallel_executor_adapter(std::experimental::get_trivial_executor(E)) if std::experimental::get_trivial_executor(E) is a valid expression.

Step 4: Define a template alias

To make it easier for users to name the executor type, we provide a template alias:

namespace parallel {
  template<class T> using parallel_executor_t
    = decltype(get_parallel_executor(declval<T&>()));
} // namespace parallel

Step 5: Use the customization point

Finally, we use the new customization point when implementing our parallel algorithms. For example:

template<class E, class RandomAccessIterator>
auto parallel_sort(E& e, RandomAccessIterator begin, RandomAccessIterator end)
  -> decltype(parallel::get_parallel_executor(e), void())
  parallel_executor_t<E> ex = get_parallel_executor(e);

This algorithm can then be used with the thread_pool class defined in this proposal:

std::experimental::thread_pool pool;
parallel_sort(pool, big_vector.begin(), big_vector.end());

2.5. Defining core executor requirements to support composition

One of the motivations for having lightweight, copyable executors is to allow us to encapsulate all sorts of additional information and behaviour on a fine-grained basis, such as:

  • Priority.
  • Preferred CPU affinity.
  • Security credentials or impersonation context.
  • How exceptions should be handled.

Sometimes, however, we will need to store information for longer than the lifetime of an individual executor object. As an example, let us say we want to implement a delayed_trivial_executor<> adapter which delays execution of a function object until some time has been reached. This would likely be implemented in terms of a timer queue, and we need this timer queue to live for as long as the underlying execution context (such as a thread pool).

For this reason, the core Executor requirements specify that all executors have an associated execution_context object. The execution_context is a polymorphic set that is indexed by type, and allows us to:

— store long-lived data; and

— register a callback to be notified when execution context shuts down.

Thus, to implement our delayed_trivial_executor<> adapter we begin by defining our timer queue as an execution_context's service:

template<class Clock>
class timer_queue : std::experimental::execution_context::service
  timer_queue(std::experimental::execution_context& owner)
    // launch a new background thread to wait for timers to expire

  void shutdown() noexcept override
    // Join the thread and discard any unexecuted functions from the queue.

  void enqueue(typename Clock::time_point expiry, std::function<void()> f)
    // Add the function to the queue with the specified expiry time.

  // Timer queue state
  // ...

Our lightweight executor adapter is then implemented in terms of this timer queue:

template<class InnerExecutor, class Clock>
class delayed_trivial_executor
  explicit delayed_trivial_executor(
      const InnerExecutor& inner_executor,
      typename Clock::duration delay)
    : inner_executor_(inner_executor), delay_(delay)

  auto context() const noexcept { return inner_executor_.context(); }

  bool operator==(const delayed_trivial_executor& other) const noexcept
    return inner_executor_ == other.inner_executor_ && delay_ == other.delay_;

  bool operator!=(const trivial_executor& other) const noexcept
    return !(*this == other);

  template<class F> void execute(F f)
    auto& timer_q =

    timer_q.enqueue(Clock::now() + delay_,
        [inner_executor_, f=std::move(f)] mutable

  InnerExecutor inner_executor_;
  typename Clock::duration delay_;

3. Proposed text

3.1. Library summary

Table 1. Library summary





A fixed-size thread pool


Throughout this Technical Specification, the names of the template parameters are used to express type requirements, as listed in the table below.

Table 2. Template parameters and type requirements

template parameter name

type requirements


execution context


event executor








trivial executor

3.2. Header <experimental/executor> synopsis

namespace std {
namespace experimental {
inline namespace concurrency_v2 {

  enum class fork_event {

  class execution_context;

  class service_already_exists;

  template<class Service> Service& use_service(execution_context& ctx);
  template<class Service, class... Args> Service&
    make_service(execution_context& ctx, Args&&... args);
  template<class Service> bool has_service(execution_context& ctx) noexcept;

  namespace {
    constexpr unspecified get_trivial_executor = unspecified;

  template<class T> using trivial_executor_t
    = decltype(get_trivial_executor(declval<T&>()));

  template<class T> struct is_trivial_executor;

  namespace {
    constexpr unspecified get_event_executor = unspecified;

  template<class T> using event_executor_t
    = decltype(get_event_executor(declval<T&>()));

  template<class T> struct is_event_executor;

  // async:

  template<class TrivialExecutor, class F, class... Args>
       async(const TrivialExecutor& ex, F&& f, Args&&... args);
  template<class EventExecutor, class F, class... Args>
       async(const EventExecutor& ex, F&& f, Args&&... args);
  template<class E, class F, class... Args>
       async(E& e, F&& f, Args&&... args);

} // inline namespace concurrency_v2
} // namespace experimental
} // namespace std

3.3. Requirements

3.3.1. Customization point objects

A customization point object is a function object (C++ Std, [function.objects]) with a literal class type that interacts with user-defined types while enforcing semantic requirements on that interaction.

The type of a customization point object shall satisfy the requirements of CopyConstructible (C++Std [copyconstructible]) and Destructible (C++Std [destructible]).

All instances of a specific customization point object type shall be equal.

Let t be a (possibly const) customization point object of type T, and args... be a parameter pack expansion of some parameter pack Args.... The customization point object t shall be callable as t(args...) when the types of Args... meet the requirements specified in that customization point object's definition. Otherwise, T shall not have a function call operator that participates in overload resolution.

Each customization point object type constrains its return type to satisfy some particular type requirements.

The library defines several named customization point objects. In every translation unit where such a name is defined, it shall refer to the same instance of the customization point object.

[Note: Many of the customization points objects in the library evaluate function call expressions with an unqualified name which results in a call to a user-defined function found by argument dependent name lookup (C++Std [basic.lookup.argdep]). To preclude such an expression resulting in a call to unconstrained functions with the same name in namespace std, customization point objects specify that lookup for these expressions is performed in a context that includes deleted overloads matching the signatures of overloads defined in namespace std. When the deleted overloads are viable, user-defined overloads must be more specialized (C++Std [temp.func.order]) to be used by a customization point object. —end note]

3.3.2. Proto-allocator requirements

A type A meets the proto-allocator requirements if A is CopyConstructible (C++Std [copyconstructible]), Destructible (C++Std [destructible]), and allocator_traits<A>::rebind_alloc<U> meets the allocator requirements (C++Std [allocator.requirements]), where U is an object type. [Note: For example, std::allocator<void> meets the proto-allocator requirements but not the allocator requirements. —end note] No constructor, comparison operator, copy operation, move operation, or swap operation on these types shall exit via an exception.

3.3.3. Execution context requirements

A type X meets the ExecutionContext requirements if it is publicly and unambiguously derived from execution_context, and satisfies the additional requirements listed below.

In the table below, x denotes a value of type X.

Table 3. ExecutionContext requirements


return type



Destroys all unexecuted function objects that were submitted via an executor object that is associated with the execution context.

3.3.4. Service requirements

A class is a service if it is publicly and unambiguously derived from execution_context::service, or if it is publicly and unambiguously derived from another service. For a service S, S::key_type shall be valid and denote a type (C++Std [temp.deduct]), is_base_of_v<typename S::key_type, S> shall be true, and S shall satisfy the Destructible requirements (C++Std [destructible]).

The first parameter of all service constructors shall be an lvalue reference to execution_context. This parameter denotes the execution_context object that represents a set of services, of which the service object will be a member. [Note: These constructors may be called by the make_service function. —end note]

A service shall provide an explicit constructor with a single parameter of lvalue reference to execution_context. [Note: This constructor may be called by the use_service function. —end note]


class my_service : public execution_context::service
  typedef my_service key_type;
  explicit my_service(execution_context& ctx);
  my_service(execution_context& ctx, int some_value);
  virtual void shutdown() noexcept override;

end example]

A service's shutdown member function shall destroy all copies of user-defined function objects that are held by the service.

3.3.5. Executor requirements

The library describes a standard set of requirements for executors. A type meeting the Executor requirements embodies a set of rules for determining how submitted function objects are to be executed.

A type X meets the Executor requirements if it satisfies the requirements of CopyConstructible (C++Std [copyconstructible]) and Destructible (C++Std [destructible]), as well as the additional requirements listed below.

No constructor, comparison operator, copy operation, move operation, swap operation, or member function context on these types shall exit via an exception.

The executor copy constructor, comparison operators, and other member functions defined in these requirements shall not introduce data races as a result of concurrent calls to those functions from different threads.

Let ctx be the execution context returned by the executor's context() member function. An executor becomes invalid when the first call to ctx.shutdown() returns.

In the table below, x1 and x2 denote (possibly const) values of type X, mx1 denotes an xvalue of type X, and u denotes an identifier.

Table 4. Executor requirements




X u(x1);

Shall not exit via an exception.

post: u == x1 and std::addressof(u.context()) == std::addressof(x1.context()).

X u(mx1);

Shall not exit via an exception.

post: u equals the prior value of mx1 and std::addressof(u.context()) equals the prior value of std::addressof(mx1.context()).

x1 == x2


Returns true only if x1 and x2 can be interchanged with identical effects in any of the expressions defined in these type requirements. [Note: Returning false does not necessarily imply that the effects are not identical. —end note]

operator== shall be reflexive, symmetric, and transitive, and shall not exit via an exception.

x1 != x2


Same as !(x1 == x2).


execution_context&, or E& where E is a type that satifisfies the ExecutionContext requirements.

Shall not exit via an exception.

The comparison operators and member functions defined in these requirements shall not alter the reference returned by this function.

3.3.6. Trivial executor requirements

A trivial executor provides a simple interface for submitting function objects for later execution.

A type X meets the TrivialExecutor requirements if it satisfies the requirements of Executor, as well as the additional requirements listed below.

The trivial executor copy constructor, comparison operators, and other member functions defined in these requirements shall not introduce data races as a result of concurrent calls to those functions from different threads.

The effect of calling execute on an invalid executor is undefined. [Note: The copy constructor, comparison operators, and context() member function continue to remain valid until ctx is destroyed. —end note]

In the table below, x1 denotes a (possibly const) value of type X, and f denotes a MoveConstructible (C++Std [moveconstructible]) function object callable with zero arguments.

Table 5. Trivial executor requirements





Effects: Creates an object f1 initialized with DECAY_COPY(forward<Func>(f)) in the current thread of execution. Calls f1() at most once. The executor shall not block forward progress of the caller pending completion of f1().

Synchronization: The invocation of execute synchronizes with (C++Std [intro.multithread]) the invocation of f1.

3.3.7. Event executor requirements

An event executor implements a set of operations for the tracking and submission of function objects for execution, and represents a set of rules required to support event-driven programs and composable asynchronous operations.

A type X meets the EventExecutor requirements if it satisfies the requirements of Executor, as well as the additional requirements listed below.

The event executor copy constructor, comparison operators, and other member functions defined in these requirements shall not introduce data races as a result of concurrent calls to those functions from different threads.

The effect of calling on_work_started, on_work_finished, dispatch, post, or defer on an invalid executor is undefined. [Note: The copy constructor, comparison operators, and context() member function continue to remain valid until ctx is destroyed. —end note]

In the table below, x1 and x2 denote (possibly const) values of type X, mx1 denotes an xvalue of type X, f denotes a MoveConstructible (C++Std [moveconstructible]) function object callable with zero arguments, a denotes a (possibly const) value of type A meeting the ProtoAllocator requirements, and u denotes an identifier.

Table 6. Event executor requirements





Shall not exit via an exception.


Shall not exit via an exception.

Precondition: A preceding call x2.on_work_started() where x1 == x2.


Effects: Creates an object f1 initialized with DECAY_COPY(forward<Func>(f)) (C++Std [thread.decaycopy]) in the current thread of execution . Calls f1() at most once. The event executor may block forward progress of the caller until f1() finishes execution.

Event executor implementations should use the supplied allocator to allocate any memory required to store the function object. Prior to invoking the function object, the event executor shall deallocate any memory allocated. [Note: Event executors defined in this Technical Specification always use the supplied allocator unless otherwise specified. —end note]

Synchronization: The invocation of dispatch synchronizes with (C++Std [intro.multithread]) the invocation of f1.,a)

Effects: Creates an object f1 initialized with DECAY_COPY(forward<Func>(f)) in the current thread of execution. Calls f1() at most once. The executor shall not block forward progress of the caller pending completion of f1().

Event executor implementations should use the supplied allocator to allocate any memory required to store the function object. Prior to invoking the function object, the event executor shall deallocate any memory allocated. [Note: Event executors defined in this Technical Specification always use the supplied allocator unless otherwise specified. —end note]

Synchronization: The invocation of post or defer synchronizes with (C++Std [intro.multithread]) the invocation of f1.

[Note: Although the requirements placed on defer are identical to post, the use of post conveys a preference that the caller does not block the first step of f1's progress, whereas defer conveys a preference that the caller does block the first step of f1. One use of defer is to convey the intention of the caller that f1 is a continuation of the current call context. The event executor may use this information to optimize or otherwise adjust the way in which f1 is invoked. —end note]

3.4. Class execution_context

Class execution_context implements an extensible, type-safe, polymorphic set of services, indexed by service type.

namespace std {
namespace experimental {
inline namespace concurrency_v2 {

  class execution_context
    class service;

    // construct / copy / destroy:

    execution_context(const execution_context&) = delete;
    execution_context& operator=(const execution_context&) = delete;
    virtual ~execution_context();

    // execution context operations:

    void notify_fork(fork_event e);


    // execution context protected operations:

    void shutdown() noexcept;
    void destroy() noexcept;

  // service access:
  template<class Service> typename Service::key_type&
    use_service(execution_context& ctx);
  template<class Service, class... Args> Service&
    make_service(execution_context& ctx, Args&&... args);
  template<class Service> bool has_service(const execution_context& ctx) noexcept;
  class service_already_exists : public logic_error { };

} // inline namespace concurrency_v2
} // namespace experimental
} // namespace std

Access to the services of an execution_context is via three function templates, use_service<>, make_service<> and has_service<>.

In a call to use_service<Service>(), the type argument chooses a service. If the service is not present in an execution_context, an object of type Service is created and added to the execution_context. A program can check if an execution_context implements a particular service with the function template has_service<Service>().

Service objects may be explicitly added to an execution_context using the function template make_service<Service>(). If the service is already present, make_service exits via an exception of type service_already_exists.

Once a service reference is obtained from an execution_context object by calling use_service<>, that reference remains usable until a call to destroy().

3.4.1. execution_context constructor


Effects: Creates an object of class execution_context which contains no services. [Note: An implementation might preload services of internal service types for its own use. —end note]

3.4.2. execution_context destructor


Effects: Destroys an object of class execution_context. Performs shutdown() followed by destroy().

3.4.3. execution_context operations

void notify_fork(fork_event e);

Effects: For each service object svc in the set:
— If e == fork_event::prepare, performs svc->notify_fork(e) in reverse order of addition to the set.
— Otherwise, performs svc->notify_fork(e) in order of addition to the set.

3.4.4. execution_context protected operations

void shutdown() noexcept;

Effects: For each service object svc in the execution_context set, in reverse order of addition to the set, performs svc->shutdown(). For each service in the set, svc->shutdown() is called only once irrespective of the number of calls to shutdown on the execution_context.

void destroy() noexcept;

Effects: Destroys each service object in the execution_context set, and removes it from the set, in reverse order of addition to the set.

3.4.5. execution_context globals

The functions use_service, make_service, and has_service do not introduce data races as a result of concurrent calls to those functions from different threads.

template<class Service> typename Service::key_type&
  use_service(execution_context& ctx);

Effects: If an object of type Service::key_type does not already exist in the execution_context set identified by ctx, creates an object of type Service, initialized as Service(ctx), and adds it to the set.

Returns: A reference to the corresponding service of ctx.

Notes: The reference returned remains valid until a call to destroy.

template<class Service, class... Args> Service&
  make_service(execution_context& ctx, Args&&... args);

Requires: A service object of type Service::key_type does not already exist in the execution_context set identified by ctx.

Effects: Creates an object of type Service, initialized as Service(ctx, forward<Args>(args)...), and adds it to the execution_context set identified by ctx.

Throws: service_already_exists if a corresponding service object of type Key is already present in the set.

Notes: The reference returned remains valid until a call to destroy.

template<class Service> bool has_service(const execution_context& ctx) noexcept;

Returns: true if an object of type Service::key_type is present in ctx, otherwise false.

3.5. Class execution_context::service

namespace std {
namespace experimental {
inline namespace concurrency_v2 {

  class execution_context::service
    // construct / copy / destroy:

    explicit service(execution_context& owner);
    service(const service&) = delete;
    service& operator=(const service&) = delete;
    virtual ~service();

    // service observers:

    execution_context& context() noexcept;

    // service operations:

    virtual void shutdown() noexcept = 0;
    virtual void notify_fork(fork_event e) {}

    execution_context& context_; // exposition only

} // inline namespace concurrency_v2
} // namespace experimental
} // namespace std

explicit service(execution_context& owner);

Postconditions: std::addressof(context_) == std::addressof(owner).

execution_context& context() noexcept;

Returns: context_.

3.6. Class template is_trivial_executor

The class template is_trivial_executor can be used to detect executor types satisfying the TrivialExecutor type requirements.

namespace std {
namespace experimental {
inline namespace concurrency_v2 {

  template<class T> struct is_trivial_executor;

} // inline namespace concurrency_v2
} // namespace experimental
} // namespace std

T shall be a complete type.

Class template is_trivial_executor is a UnaryTypeTrait (C++Std [meta.rqmts]) with a BaseCharacteristic of true_type if the type T meets the syntactic requirements for TrivialExecutor, otherwise false_type.

3.7. get_trivial_executor

namespace std {
namespace experimental {
inline namespace concurrency_v2 {

  namespace {
    constexpr unspecified get_trivial_executor = unspecified;

} // inline namespace concurrency_v2
} // namespace experimental
} // namespace std

The name get_trivial_executor denotes a customization point. The effect of the expression concurrency_v2::get_trivial_executor(E) for some expression E is equivalent to:

(E).get_trivial_executor() if, for its type X, is_trivial_executor<X>::value is true. [Note: This means that X meets the syntactic requirements for TrivialExecutor. —end note] If is_trivial_executor<X>::value is false, the program is ill-formed with no diagnostic required.

— Otherwise, get_trivial_executor(E) if, for its type X, is_trivial_executor<X>::value is true, with overload resolution performed in a context that includes the declaration void get_trivial_executor(auto&) = delete; and does not include a declaration of concurrency_v2::get_trivial_executor. If is_trivial_executor<X>::value is false, the program is ill-formed with no diagnostic required.

— Otherwise, concurrency_v2::get_trivial_executor(E) is ill-formed.

Remark: Whenever concurrency_v2::get_trivial_executor(E) is a valid expression, the type of concurrency_v2::get_trivial_executor(E) satisfies the requirements for TrivialExecutor.

3.8. Class template is_event_executor

The class template is_event_executor can be used to detect executor types satisfying the EventExecutor type requirements.

namespace std {
namespace experimental {
inline namespace concurrency_v2 {

  template<class T> struct is_event_executor;

} // inline namespace concurrency_v2
} // namespace experimental
} // namespace std

T shall be a complete type.

Class template is_event_executor is a UnaryTypeTrait (C++Std [meta.rqmts]) with a BaseCharacteristic of true_type if the type T meets the syntactic requirements for EventExecutor, otherwise false_type.

3.9. get_event_executor

namespace std {
namespace experimental {
inline namespace concurrency_v2 {

  namespace {
    constexpr unspecified get_event_executor = unspecified;

} // inline namespace concurrency_v2
} // namespace experimental
} // namespace std

The name get_event_executor denotes a customization point. The effect of the expression concurrency_v2::get_event_executor(E) for some expression E is equivalent to:

(E).get_event_executor() if, for its type X, is_event_executor<X>::value is true. [Note: This means that X meets the syntactic requirements for EventExecutor. —end note] If is_event_executor<X>::value is false, the program is ill-formed with no diagnostic required.

— Otherwise, get_event_executor(E) if, for its type X, is_event_executor<X>::value is true, with overload resolution performed in a context that includes the declaration void get_event_executor(auto&) = delete; and does not include a declaration of concurrency_v2::get_event_executor. If is_event_executor<X>::value is false, the program is ill-formed with no diagnostic required.

— Otherwise, concurrency_v2::get_event_executor(E) is ill-formed.

Remark: Whenever concurrency_v2::get_event_executor(E) is a valid expression, the type of concurrency_v2::get_event_executor(E) satisfies the requirements for EventExecutor.

3.10. Function async

The function template async provides a mechanism to submit a function to an executor, and provides the result of the function in a future object with which it shares a shared state (C++Std [futures.state]).

template<class TrivialExecutor, class F, class... Args>
    async(const TrivialExecutor& ex, F&& f, Args&&... args);
template<class EventExecutor, class F, class... Args>
    async(const EventExecutor& ex, F&& f, Args&&... args);

Requires: F and each Ti in Args shall satisfy the MoveConstructible requirements (C++Std [moveconstructible]). INVOKE(DECAY_COPY(std::forward<F>(f)), DECAY_COPY(std::forward<Args>(args))...) (C++Std [func.require], [thread.decaycopy]) shall be a valid expression.

Effects: Let f be a function object that, when called as f(), calls INVOKE(DECAY_COPY(std::forward<F>(f)), DECAY_COPY(std::forward<Args>(args))...), with the calls to DECAY_COPY() being evaluated in the thread that called async. Any return value is stored as the result in the shared state. Any exception propagated from the execution of INVOKE(DECAY_COPY(std::forward<F>(f)), DECAY_COPY(std::forward<Args>(args))...) is stored as the exceptional result in the shared state.

In the first overload, performs ex.execute(std::move(f)). In the last overload, performs, std::allocator<void>())

Returns: An object of type future<result_of_t<decay_t<F>(decay_t<Args>...)>> that refers to the shared state created by this call to async.

Remarks: This first overload shall not participate in overload resolution unless is_trivial_executor<TrivialExecutor>::value is true. The last overload shall not participate in overload resolution unless is_event_executor<EventExecutor>::value is true.

template<class E, class F, class... Args>
    async(E& e, F&& f, Args&&... args);

Returns: async(concurrency_v2::get_trivial_executor(e), forward<F>(f), forward<Args>(args)...).

Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution unless concurrency_v2::get_trivial_executor(e) is a valid expression.

3.11. Header <experimental/thread_pool> synopsis

namespace std {
namespace experimental {
inline namespace concurrency_v2 {

  class thread_pool;

} // inline namespace concurrency_v2
} // namespace experimental
} // namespace std

3.12. Class thread_pool

Class thread_pool implements a fixed-size pool of threads.

namespace std {
namespace experimental {
inline namespace concurrency_v2 {

  class thread_pool : public execution_context
    // types:

    class trivial_executor;
    class event_executor;

    // construct / copy / destroy:

    explicit thread_pool(std::size_t num_threads);
    thread_pool(const thread_pool&) = delete;
    thread_pool& operator=(const thread_pool&) = delete;

    // thread_pool operations:

    trivial_executor get_trivial_executor() noexcept;
    event_executor get_event_executor() noexcept;

    void stop();

    void join();

} // inline namespace concurrency_v2
} // namespace experimental
} // namespace std

The class thread_pool satisfies the ExecutionContext requirements.

For an object of type thread_pool, outstanding work is defined as the sum of:

— the total number of calls to the on_work_started function, less the total number of calls to the on_work_finished function, to any event executor of the thread_pool.

— the number of function objects that have been added to the thread_pool via the thread_pool trivial executor or event executor, but not yet executed; and

— the number of function objects that are currently being executed by the thread_pool.

The thread_pool member functions get_trivial_executor, get_event_executor, stop, and join, the thread_pool::trivial_executor copy constructors, member functions and comparison operators, and the thread_pool::event_executor copy constructors, member functions and comparison operators, do not introduce data races as a result of concurrent calls to those functions from different threads of execution.

3.12.1. thread_pool members

explicit thread_pool(std::size_t num_threads);

Effects: Creates an object of class thread_pool containing a number of threads of execution, each represented by a thread object. If specified, the number of threads in the pool is num_threads. Otherwise, the number of threads in the pool is implementation-defined. [Note: A suggested value for the implementation-defined number of threads is std::thread::hardware_concurrency() * 2. —end note]


Effects: Destroys an object of class thread_pool. Performs stop() followed by join().

trivial_executor get_trivial_executor() noexcept;

Returns: A trivial executor that may be used for submitting function objects to the thread_pool.

event_executor get_event_executor() noexcept;

Returns: An event executor that may be used for submitting function objects to the thread_pool.

void stop();

Effects: Signals the threads in the pool to complete as soon as possible. If a thread is currently executing a function object, the thread will exit only after completion of that function object. The call to stop() returns without waiting for the threads to complete.

void join();

Effects: If not already stopped, signals the threads in the pool to exit once the outstanding work is 0. Blocks the calling thread (C++Std [defns.block]) until all threads in the pool have completed.

Synchronization: The completion of each thread in the pool synchronizes with (C++Std [intro.multithread]) the corresponding successful join() return.

3.13. Class thread_pool::trivial_executor

namespace std {
namespace experimental {
inline namespace concurrency_v2 {

  class thread_pool::trivial_executor
    // construct / copy / destroy:

    trivial_executor(const trivial_executor& other) noexcept;
    trivial_executor(trivial_executor&& other) noexcept;

    trivial_executor& operator=(const trivial_executor& other) noexcept;
    trivial_executor& operator=(trivial_executor&& other) noexcept;

    // executor operations:

    thread_pool& context() noexcept;
    template<class Func> void execute(Func&& f);

  bool operator==(const thread_pool::trivial_executor& a,
                  const thread_pool::trivial_executor& b) noexcept;
  bool operator!=(const thread_pool::trivial_executor& a,
                  const thread_pool::trivial_executor& b) noexcept;

} // inline namespace concurrency_v2
} // namespace experimental
} // namespace std

thread_pool::trivial_executor is a type satisfying TrivialExecutor requirements. Objects of type thread_pool::trivial_executor are associated with a thread_pool, and function objects submitted using the dispatch, post, or defer member functions will be executed by the thread_pool.]

3.13.1. thread_pool::trivial_executor constructors

trivial_executor(const trivial_executor& other) noexcept;

Postconditions: *this == other.

trivial_executor(trivial_executor&& other) noexcept;

Postconditions: *this is equal to the prior value of other.

3.13.2. thread_pool::trivial_executor assignment

trivial_executor& operator=(const trivial_executor& other) noexcept;

Postconditions: *this == other.

Returns: *this.

trivial_executor& operator=(trivial_executor&& other) noexcept;

Postconditions: *this is equal to the prior value of other.

Returns: *this.

3.13.3. thread_pool::trivial_executor operations

thread_pool& context() noexcept;

Returns: A reference to the associated thread_pool object.

template<class Func> void execute(Func&& f);

Effects: Adds f to the thread_pool.

3.13.4. thread_pool::trivial_executor comparisons

bool operator==(const thread_pool::trivial_executor& a,
                const thread_pool::trivial_executor& b) noexcept;

Returns: addressof(a.context()) == addressof(b.context()).

bool operator!=(const thread_pool::trivial_executor& a,
                const thread_pool::trivial_executor& b) noexcept;

Returns: !(a == b).

3.14. Class thread_pool::event_executor

namespace std {
namespace experimental {
inline namespace concurrency_v2 {

  class thread_pool::event_executor
    // construct / copy / destroy:

    event_executor(const event_executor& other) noexcept;
    event_executor(event_executor&& other) noexcept;

    event_executor& operator=(const event_executor& other) noexcept;
    event_executor& operator=(event_executor&& other) noexcept;

    // executor operations:

    bool running_in_this_thread() const noexcept;

    thread_pool& context() noexcept;

    void on_work_started() noexcept;
    void on_work_finished() noexcept;

    template<class Func, class ProtoAllocator>
      void dispatch(Func&& f, const ProtoAllocator& a);
    template<class Func, class ProtoAllocator>
      void post(Func&& f, const ProtoAllocator& a);
    template<class Func, class ProtoAllocator>
      void defer(Func&& f, const ProtoAllocator& a);

  bool operator==(const thread_pool::event_executor& a,
                  const thread_pool::event_executor& b) noexcept;
  bool operator!=(const thread_pool::event_executor& a,
                  const thread_pool::event_executor& b) noexcept;

} // inline namespace concurrency_v2
} // namespace experimental
} // namespace std

thread_pool::event_executor is a type satisfying EventExecutor requirements. Objects of type thread_pool::event_executor are associated with a thread_pool, and function objects submitted using the dispatch, post, or defer member functions will be executed by the thread_pool.]

3.14.1. thread_pool::event_executor constructors

event_executor(const event_executor& other) noexcept;

Postconditions: *this == other.

event_executor(event_executor&& other) noexcept;

Postconditions: *this is equal to the prior value of other.

3.14.2. thread_pool::event_executor assignment

event_executor& operator=(const event_executor& other) noexcept;

Postconditions: *this == other.

Returns: *this.

event_executor& operator=(event_executor&& other) noexcept;

Postconditions: *this is equal to the prior value of other.

Returns: *this.

3.14.3. thread_pool::event_executor operations

bool running_in_this_thread() const noexcept;

Returns: true if the current thread of execution is calling a run function of the associated thread_pool object. [Note: That is, the current thread of execution's call chain includes a run function. —end note]

thread_pool& context() noexcept;

Returns: A reference to the associated thread_pool object.

void on_work_started() noexcept;

Effects: Increment the count of outstanding work associated with the thread_pool.

void on_work_finished() noexcept;

Effects: Decrement the count of outstanding work associated with the thread_pool.

template<class Func, class ProtoAllocator>
  void dispatch(Func&& f, const ProtoAllocator& a);

Effects: If running_in_this_thread() is true, calls DECAY_COPY(forward<Func>(f))() (C++Std [thread.decaycopy]). [Note: If f exits via an exception, the exception propagates to the caller of dispatch(). —end note] Otherwise, calls post(forward<Func>(f), a).

template<class Func, class ProtoAllocator>
  void post(Func&& f, const ProtoAllocator& a);

Effects: Adds f to the thread_pool.

template<class Func, class ProtoAllocator>
  void defer(Func&& f, const ProtoAllocator& a);

Effects: Adds f to the thread_pool.

3.14.4. thread_pool::event_executor comparisons

bool operator==(const thread_pool::event_executor& a,
                const thread_pool::event_executor& b) noexcept;

Returns: addressof(a.context()) == addressof(b.context()).

bool operator!=(const thread_pool::event_executor& a,
                const thread_pool::event_executor& b) noexcept;

Returns: !(a == b).

4. Acknowledgements

The author would like to thank Chris Mysen and Arash Partow for an extensive and insightful discussion of the similarities and differences of the various executor proposals. This paper aims to distill the ideas that were the outcome of that discussion into a concrete form.

The author would also like to thank Eric Niebler for producing the recommendations of N4381 and for providing some pointers on how to integrate this customization point design into proposed wording.