Document number: P0299R1
Date: 2016-06-24
Author: Torvald Riegel <[email protected]>
Audience: LWG

P0299R1: Forward progress guarantees for the Parallelism TS features

This paper contains wording that clarifies the forward progress requirements in the Parallelism TS. See P0072R1 for background.


First, add the following paragraphs after the paragraphs added by P0296R2 to 1.10.2.

For a thread of execution providing parallel forward progress guarantees, the implementation is not required to ensure that the thread will eventually make progress if it has not yet executed any execution step; once this thread has executed a step, it provides concurrent forward progress guaranteees.

[Note: This does not specify a requirement for when to start this thread of execution, which will typically be specified by the entity that creates this thread of execution. For example, a thread of execution that provides concurrent forward progress guarantees and executes tasks from a set of tasks in an arbitrary order, one after the other, satisfies the requirements of parallel forward progress for these tasks. --- end note]

For a thread of execution providing weakly parallel forward progress guarantees, the implementation does not ensure that the thread will eventually make progress.

[Note: Threads of execution providing weakly parallel forward progress guarantees cannot be expected to make progress regardless of whether other threads make progress or not; however, blocking with forward progress guarantee delegation, as defined below, can be used to ensure that such threads of execution make progress eventually. --- end note]

Concurrent forward progress guarantees are stronger than parallel forward progress guarantees, which in turn are stronger than weakly parallel forward progress guarantees. [Note: For example, some kinds of synchronization between threads of execution may only make progress if the respective threads of execution provide parallel forward progress guarantees, but will fail to make progress under weakly parallel guarantees. --- end note]

When a thread of execution P is specified to block with forward progress guarantee delegation on the completion of a set S of threads of execution, then throughout the whole time of P being blocked on S, the implementation shall ensure that the forward progress guarantees provided by at least one thread of execution in S is at least as strong as P's forward progress guarantees. [Note: It is unspecified which thread or threads of execution in S are chosen and for which number of execution steps. The strengthening is not permanent and not necessarily in place for the rest of the lifetime of the affected thread of execution. As long as P is blocked, the implementation has to eventually select and potentially strengthen a thread of execution in S. --- end note] Once a thread of execution in S terminates, it is removed from S. Once S is empty, P is unblocked.

[Note: A thread of execution B thus can temporarily provide an effectively stronger forward progress guarantee for a certain amount of time, due to a second thread of execution A being blocked on it with forward progress guarantee delegation. In turn, if B then blocks with forward progress guarantee delegation on C, this may also temporarily provide a stronger forward progress guarantee to C.--- end note]

[Note: If all threads of execution in S finish executing (e.g., they terminate and do not use blocking synchronization incorrectly), then P's execution of the operation that blocks with forward progress guarantee delegation will not result in P's progress guarantee being effectively weakened. --- end note]

[Note: This does not remove any constraints regarding blocking synchronization for threads of execution providing parallel or weakly parallel forward progress guarantees because the implementation is not required to strengthen a particular thread of execution whose too-weak progress guarantee is preventing overall progress. --- end note]

Next, adapt 25.2.3 as follows.

Generally, to avoid misinterpretations, replace all occurrences of ``thread'' with ``thread of execution'' (see N4231 for background); given that this is a mechanical change, these changes are not spelled out.

Specify which forward progress guarantees are provided by threads of execution supplied by the library by changing 25.2.3p3 and 25.2.3p4:

The invocations of element access functions in parallel algorithms invoked with an execution policy object of type parallel_execution_policy are permitted to execute in an unordered fashion in either the invoking thread of execution or in a thread of execution implicitly created by the library to support parallel algorithm execution. If the threads of execution created by std::thread provide concurrent forward progress guarantees (see 1.10.2 [intro.progress]), then a thread of execution implicitly created by the library will provide parallel forward progress guarantees; otherwise, the provided forward progress guarantee is implementation-defined. Any such invocations executing in the same thread of execution are indeterminately sequenced with respect to each other. [Note: It is the caller's responsibility to ensure correctness, for example that the invocation does not introduce data races or deadlocks. --- end note]

[ No change to the examples ]

The invocations of element access functions in parallel algorithms invoked with an execution policy of type parallel_vector_execution_policy are permitted to execute in an unordered fashion in unspecified threads of execution, and unsequenced with respect to one another within each thread of execution. These threads of execution are either the invoking thread of execution or threads of execution implicitly created by the library; the latter will provide weakly parallel forward progress guarantees. [Note: This means that multiple function object invocations may be interleaved on a single thread of execution. --- end note]

[Note: This overrides the usual guarantee from the C++ standard, Section 1.9 [intro.execution] that function executions do not interleave with one another. --- end note]

Since parallel_vector_execution_policy allows the execution of element access functions to be interleaved on a single thread, of execution, blocking synchronization, including the use of mutexes, risks deadlock. Thus, the synchronization with parallel_vector_execution_policy is restricted as follows:

A standard library function is vectorization-unsafe if it is specified to synchronize with another function invocation, or another function invocation is specified to synchronize with it, and if it is not a memory allocation or deallocation function. Vectorization-unsafe standard library functions may not be invoked by user code called from parallel_vector_execution_policy algorithms.

[Note: Implementations must ensure that internal synchronization inside standard library routines does not induce deadlockprevent forward progress when those routines are executed by threads of execution with weakly parallel forward progress guarantees. This can be achieved by either avoiding synchronization incompatible with those guarantees, or by executing these routines differently. --- end note]

Insert a new paragraph before paragraph 6:

If an invocation of a parallel algorithm uses threads of execution implicitly created by the library, then the invoking thread of execution will either (1) temporarily block with forward progress guarantee delegation (see 1.10.2 [intro.progress]) on the completion of these library-managed threads of execution, or (2) eventually execute an element access function; the thread will continue to do so until the algorithm is finished. [Note: In blocking with forward progress guarantee delegation in this context, a thread of execution created by the library is considered to have finished execution as soon as it has finished the execution of the particular element access function that the invoking thread of execution logically depends on. ---end note]