Simplifying simple uses of <random>

Document number: P0347R0
Date: 2016-05-30
Audience: SG6 Numerics, Library Evolution Working Group
Reply-to: R. "Tim" Song <[email protected]>, Melissa O'Neill <[email protected]>


This paper proposes adding to the standard library a class template random_generator, which functions as a thin wrapper over an underlying uniform random number generator to simplify seeding and common simple tasks, improving convenience and correctness.


C++11's <random> facility is elegantly designed and easily extensible, but performing even the simplest tasks requires substantial boilerplate that is easy to get wrong, which is a significant problem for beginners, and even seasoned programmers.

Consider the following admittedly silly program written using the proposed facility:

#include <random>
#include <iostream>
int main()
    std::mt19937_rng rng; // nondeterministically seeded, convenience typedef for std::random_generator<std::mt19937>
    std::cout << "Greetings from Office #" << rng.uniform(1,17) // uniform integer in [1, 17]
              << " (where we think PI = "  << rng.uniform(3.1,3.2) << ")\n\n" // uniform real in [3.1, 3.2)
              << "We " << rng.pick({"welcome",
                                    "look forward to synergizing with",
                                    "will resist",
                                    "are apathetic towards"})
                       << " our management overlords\n\n";

    std::cout << "On the 'business intelligence' test, we scored "
              << rng.variate(std::normal_distribution<>(70.0, 10.0))
              << "%\n";

and its current rough equivalent:

#include <random>
#include <iostream>
int main()
    std::random_device rd; // assume unsigned int is 32 bits
    std::seed_seq sseq {rd(), rd(), rd(), rd(), rd(), rd(), rd(), rd()};
    std::mt19937 engine(sseq); // seeded with 256 bits of entropy from random_device

    auto strings = {"welcome",
                    "look forward to synergizing with",
                    "will resist",
                    "are apathetic towards"

    std::cout << "Greetings from Office #" << std::uniform_int_distribution<>(1,17)(engine) // uniform integer in [1, 17]
              << " (where we think PI = "  << std::uniform_real_distribution<>(3.1, 3.2)(engine) << ")\n\n" // uniform real in [3.1, 3.2)
            << "We " << *(strings.begin() + std::uniform_int_distribution<>(0, std::size(strings) - 1)(engine))
                       << " our management overlords\n\n";

    std::cout << "On the 'business intelligence' test, we scored "
              << std::normal_distribution<>(70.0, 10.0)(engine)
              << "%\n";

Putting aside the convoluted seeding procedure for a moment (we note that it would be even more convoluted if manually writing out all the calls is undesirable or impractical, such as when seeding a std::mt19937 with enough entropy to cover its entire state), it's obvious that even the simplest tasks such as "picking a random element from a list" or "pick a random number from this range" require substantial typing. With the extra complexity, it's also easier to get wrong - accidentally mixing up the two uniform_{int,real}_distributions, or getting the range size wrong for "pick a random element". And there's no easy way to write that pick-with-braced-initializer-list line without creating a variable that may never be used again.

Some might object that while *(strings.begin() + std::uniform_int_distribution<>(0, std::size(strings) - 1)(engine)) seems ugly, std::uniform_int_distribution<>(1,17)(engine) is not too unreasonable. But imagine explaining this code to the new programmer: uniform_int_distribution is a class template, and the empty angle brackets is needed to tell the compiler to use the default result type (which is int); we then construct a temporary uniform_int_distribution object passing the desired range as arguments, which can then be called on a random number engine to produce the desired value. That is a lot of scaffolding (template arguments, temporary function objects) to support what is conceptually a simple task ("pick a random integer between 1 and 17"). This complexity makes some users avoid <random> completely and write rand() % 17 + 1 instead - with all the attendant correctness issues. Similar concerns about <random>'s lack of approachability motivated std::experimental::randint in Library Fundamentals v2 TS, but the facility it provides is limited to uniformly distributed integers and the interface is largely orthogonal to the facilities in <random> - it is no easier for a randint user to "upgrade" to <random> than a rand user.


We propose a class template random_generator that operates as a simple wrapper over an underlying URNG, with the following features:

Design decisions

Default construction seeds the engine to an unpredictable state

A pain point in using <random> is correct nondeterministic seeding. It is therefore crucial to random_generator's design that its default constructor performs this seeding automatically.

This means that the default constructor also requires the underlying URNG type to be a random number engine.

All uniform random number generators are supported

Notably, this includes random_device. The only member functions that require engines are the default constructor and seed(). For a random_generator<random_device>, the constructor that forwards its arguments can be used:

random_generator<random_device> rng(std::in_place);

The proposed wording reuses std::in_place_t as the tag type, but a different one can be used.

Provide convenience member functions for common tasks.

Making a random selection and generating a uniformly distributed value within a range are two of the most common use cases for random number generators and are directly supported by the member function templates pick, choose and uniform. Shuffling and sampling are also supported via the member function templates shuffle and sample. Together, these covers all of the utility functions offered by Python's random package.

Provide a stepping stone to the full C++11 random number generation facility

random_generator makes it easy to gradually introduce new users to the full majesty of <random>. The simplest uses of random_generator will accustom the user to the the idea of generators-as-objects, while the member function templates variate and generate will introduce the idea of distributions.

Responses to potential concerns

In your sample code, what's wrong with just writing "std::mt19937 rng(std::random_device{}());" (as done in many online examples) and not using seed_seq? Aren't you making it more convoluted than necessary?

That seeds the random number generator with a single (probably 32-bit) integer, which means that

There's a proposal already to simplify seeding with std::random_device.

We are happy to see that proposal, which goes a long way towards addressing the usability issues with seeding random number engines with random_device. However, std::random_device is allowed to utilize a random number engine, and is known to do so on at least one platform, and in practice it is difficult for a program to detect whether an engine is being used behind the scenes (random_device::entropy always returns zero on several major implementations). Thus, that proposal does not fully address the seeding problem.

But why would an implementation that doesn't support nondeterministic random_device support your nondeterministic seeding scheme?

There are other sources of entropy which can be used by the implementation as a fallback for seeding purposes, even though they would not be able to power std::random_device. We note that the per-thread engine in the Library Fundamentals v2 TS is also required to be initialized to an unpredictable state.

Most functions construct (or encourage the construction of) a distribution object on every call, which can be wasteful. What happened to "you don't pay for what you don't use"?

In our view, for a user of random_generator, part of what they are paying for is the convenience, including the convenience of not having to construct a distribution object themselves. Users who desire the very last bit of performance can construct their own distribution objects once and reuse them, possibly with different parameter objects. We do provide a generate member function template for the common case of generating multiple random numbers all from the same distribution.

Why member functions? What happened to the lesson of std::basic_string and its 103 127 128 130 member functions?

We do agree that basic_string's design is not exactly something that should be emulated. However, we think that random_generator here plays a very different role from basic_string that make the analogy inapposite. (Several of the points below were raised by Zhihao Yuan on std-proposals, with which we agree.)

First, random_generator is a thin glue layer that wraps any URNG, in the standard library or outside. std::basic_string is a concrete string class, with many analogues in other code bases.

Second, unlike things like find_first_of or replace, which applies equally well to all sequences, including non-char ones, pick, choose, uniform, etc. don't really apply outside the random number context. Our generate is not std::generate.

Third, the design of random_generator intentionally favors convenience over maximal efficiency (see the previous question), so our member functions are not necessarily the most efficient - for instance, calling pick, choose, and uniform multiple times may not be as efficient as the hand-written version if the distribution object is stateful. Packaging them together provides a simple rule of thumb - "if you care about getting every last bit of performance, don't use random_generator", which seems preferable to "if you care about getting every last bit of performance, don't use these X different things".

We also note that with member functions, the name of the class provides context, allowing shorter names such as pick and choose to be used without causing ambiguity. Unlike shuffle and to a lesser degree sample, words like pick, choose or uniform do not inherently bring randomness to mind: it is far from obvious that a hypothetical std::pick means "pick randomly", whereas random_generator::pick clearly implies that the picking is done in a random manner.

Finally, we simply do not have that many member functions - our member function count is 19, not 109 :)

Why is your sample semantics different from std::sample?

Because at the time the library this proposal is based on was developed, std::sample didn't exist. We are open to harmonizing our sample's semantics with std::sample, or perhaps rename ours inplace_sample.

Do we really need both pick and choose?

pick deals with containers, and it's natural for it to return a reference to the element picked; choose is passed a pair of iterators, so it's natural for it to return an iterator. We think both are useful and worth providing. pick() is sugar for *choose() much like front() is sugar for *begin().

Impact on the standard

This is a pure extension.

Technical specification

Open questions

Addition to <random> synopsis

template <class URNG = default_random_engine>
class random_generator;
using default_rng = random_generator<>;
using mt19937_rng = random_generator<mt19937>;
using mt19937_64_rng = random_generator<mt19937_64>;

Class template random_generator synopsis

Drafting note: the name URNG brings in the requirement in [rand.req.genl].

template <class URNG = default_random_engine>
class random_generator {
    using urng_type       = URNG;
    urng_type urng_; // exposition only

    template <class... Params>
    explicit random_generator(in_place_t, Params&&... params);

    void seed();

    template <class... Params>
    void seed(Params&&... params);

    URNG& urng() noexcept;

    template <class DistType>
    typename DistType::result_type variate(DistType&& dist);

    template <class Numeric>
    Numeric uniform(Numeric lower, Numeric upper);

    template <class DistType, class ForwardIterator>
    void generate(DistType&& dist, ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last);

    template <class DistType, class Range>
    void generate(DistType&& dist, Range&& range);

    template <class ForwardIterator>
    void generate(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last);

    template <class Range>
    void generate(Range&& range);

    template <class RandomAccessIterator>
    void shuffle(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last);

    template <class Range>
    void shuffle(Range&& range);

    template <class ForwardIterator>
    ForwardIterator choose(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last);

    template <class Range>
    auto choose(Range&& range);

    template <class Range>
    decltype(auto) pick(Range&& range);

    template <class T>
    decltype(auto) pick(std::initializer_list<T> range);

    template <class Size, class ForwardIterator>
    ForwardIterator sample(Size n, ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last);

    template <class Size, class Range>
    auto sample(Size n, Range&& range);

random_generator construction and seeding


Requires: URNG shall satisfy the random number engine requirements ([rand.req.eng]).

Effects: Initializes urng_ to an unpredictable state.

Remarks: Implementations should seed urng_ using at least 256 bits of entropy of reasonable quality. [Note: the seeding need not be cryptographically secure, but should not be trivially weak. — end note] Implementations should ensure that distinct calls to this constructor and to seed() utilize distinct seeds, even if the calls are closely separated in time.

template <class... Params>
explicit random_generator(in_place_t, Params&&... params);

Effects: Direct-non-list-initializes urng_ with std::forward<Params>(params)....

void seed();

Requires: URNG shall satisfy the random number engine requirements ([rand.req.eng]).

Effects: Reseeds urng_ to an unpredictable state.

Remarks: Implementations should seed urng_ using at least 256 bits of entropy of reasonable quality. [Note: the seeding need not be cryptographically secure, but should not be trivially weak. — end note] Implementations should ensure that distinct calls to seed() and to the default constructor utilize distinct seeds, even if the calls are closely separated in time.

template <class... Params>
void seed(Params&&... params);

Requires: URNG shall satisfy the random number engine requirements ([rand.req.eng]).

Effects: Equivalent to urng_.seed(std::forward<Params>(params)...);

random_generator underlying engine access

URNG& urng() noexcept;

Returns: urng_.

random_generator random number generation

Given an expression t, define BEGIN_EXPR(t) and END_EXPR(t) as follows:

Drafting note: the intended semantics here is "use std::begin if valid, ADL begin otherwise". (The std::begin that dispatches to .begin() is SFINAE-friendly.) Done in two steps so as to avoid ambiguities due to possible greedy ADL begins.

Question: Should the range-based versions await the Ranges TS?

template <class DistType>
typename DistType::result_type variate(DistType&& dist);

Effects: Equivalent to return dist(urng_);

template <class Numeric>
Numeric uniform(Numeric lower, Numeric upper);

Let UniformDist be uniform_int_distribution<Numeric> if Numeric is an integral type, uniform_real_distribution<Numeric> otherwise. [Note: This implies that Numeric must be one of the allowed types for IntType or RealType in [rand.req.genl]. — end note]

Effects: Equivalent to return variate(UniformDist(lower, upper));

template <class DistType, class ForwardIterator>
void generate(DistType&& dist, ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last);

template <class ForwardIterator>
void generate(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last);

For the second overload, let T be the value type of ForwardIterator, and let dist be uniform_int_distribution<T>() if T is an integral type, and uniform_real_distribution<T>() otherwise. [Note: This implies that T must be one of the allowed types for IntType or RealType in [rand.req.genl]. — end note]

Requires: ForwardIterator shall meet the requirements of a forward iterator ([forward.iterators]).

Effects: Equivalent to:

auto&& d_ = dist;
std::generate(first, last, [&]{return d_(urng_);});
template <class DistType, class Range>
void generate(DistType&& dist, Range&& range);

Effects: Equivalent to generate(dist, BEGIN_EXPR(range), END_EXPR(range));

template <class Range>
void generate(Range&& range);

Effects: Equivalent to generate(BEGIN_EXPR(range), END_EXPR(range));

random_generator shuffling and sampling

template <class RandomAccessIterator>
void shuffle(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last);

Requires: RandomAccessIterator shall meet the requirements of a random access iterator ([random.access.iterators]).

Effects: Equivalent to std::shuffle(first, last, urng_);

template <class Range>
void shuffle(Range&& range);

Effects: Equivalent to shuffle(BEGIN_EXPR(range), END_EXPR(range));

template <class ForwardIterator>
ForwardIterator choose(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last);

Requires: ForwardIterator shall meet the requirements of a forward iterator ([forward.iterators]).

Returns: If first == last, first. Otherwise, an iterator in the range [first, last), such that each iterator in the range has equal probability of being chosen.

Remarks: To the extent that the implementation of this function makes use of random numbers, the object urng_ shall serve as the implementation's source of randomness.

template <class Range>
auto choose(Range&& range);

Effects: Equivalent to return choose(BEGIN_EXPR(range), END_EXPR(range));

template <class Range>
decltype(auto) pick(Range&& range);

template <class T>
decltype(auto) pick(std::initializer_list<T> range);

Effects: Equivalent to return *choose(range);;

template <class Size, class ForwardIterator>
ForwardIterator sample(Size n, ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last);

Requires: ForwardIterator shall meet the requirements of a forward iterator ([forward.iterators]).

In the description below, the + and - operators have the semantics specified in [algorithms.general].

Effects: If n >= last - first, has no effects. Otherwise, reorders elements in the range [first, last), so that each possible sample of size n has equal probability of appearing in the range [first, first + n). The relative order of the elements both inside the sample and outside the sample is preserved.

Returns: first + min(n, last - first).

Remarks: To the extent that the implementation of this function makes use of random numbers, the object urng_ shall serve as the implementation's source of randomness.

template <class Size, class Range>
auto sample(Size n, Range&& range);

Effects: Equivalent to return sample(n, BEGIN_EXPR(range), END_EXPR(range));


We thank Chandler Carruth for his encouragement and support. We also thank Zhihao Yuan, Jeffrey Yasskin, Nicol Bolas, and other members of the std-proposal mailing list for their comments on an earlier draft of this proposal.