Doc. no. | P0397R0 |
Date: 2016-06-24 | Revised 2016-06-24 at 07:06:31 UTC |
Project: | Programming Language C++ |
Reply to: | Alisdair Meredith <[email protected]> |
Section: 26.8.7 [exclusive.scan], 26.8.8 [inclusive.scan], 26.8.9 [transform.exclusive.scan], 26.8.10 [transform.inclusive.scan] Status: Immediate Submitter: Tim Song Opened: 2016-03-21 Last modified: 2016-06-24
Priority: 1
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When P0024R2 changed the description of {inclusive,exclusive}_scan (and the transform_ version), it seems to have introduced an off-by-one error. Consider what N4582 26.8.8 [inclusive.scan]/2 says of inclusive_scan:
Effects: Assigns through each iterator i in [result, result + (last - first)) the value of
GENERALIZED_NONCOMMUTATIVE_SUM(binary_op, init, *j, ...) for every j in [first, first + (i - result)) if init is provided, or
GENERALIZED_NONCOMMUTATIVE_SUM(binary_op, *j, ...) for every j in [first, first + (i - result)) otherwise.
When i == result, i - result = 0, so the range [first, first + (i - result)) is [first, first) — which is empty. Thus according to the specification, we should assign GENERALIZED_NONCOMMUTATIVE_SUM(binary_op, init) if init is provided, or GENERALIZED_NONCOMMUTATIVE_SUM(binary_op) otherwise, which doesn't seem "inclusive" — and isn't even defined in the second case.
The parallelism TS's version uses GENERALIZED_NONCOMMUTATIVE_SUM(binary_op, *first, ..., *(first + (i - result))) — which is a closed range, not a half-open one. Similar issues affect exclusive_scan, transform_inclusive_scan, and transform_exclusive_scan.[2016-06 Oulu]
Voted to Ready 11-0 Tuesday evening in Oulu
Proposed resolution:
This wording is relative to N4582.
Edit 26.8.7 [exclusive.scan]/2 as indicated:
[Drafting note: when i is result, [first, first + (i - result)) is an empty range, so the value to be assigned reduces to GENERALIZED_NONCOMMUTATIVE_SUM(binary_op, init), which is init, so there's no need to special case this.]
template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class T, class BinaryOperation> OutputIterator exclusive_scan(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator result, T init, BinaryOperation binary_op);-2- Effects: Assigns through each iterator i in [result, result + (last - first)) the value of GENERALIZED_NONCOMMUTATIVE_SUM(binary_op, init, *j, ...) for every j in [first, first + (i - result)).
init, if i is result, otherwise
GENERALIZED_NONCOMMUTATIVE_SUM(binary_op, init, *j, ...) for every j in [first, first + (i - result) - 1).
Edit 26.8.8 [inclusive.scan]/2 as indicated:
template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class BinaryOperation> OutputIterator inclusive_scan(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator result, BinaryOperation binary_op); template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class BinaryOperation> OutputIterator inclusive_scan(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator result, BinaryOperation binary_op, T init);-2- Effects: Assigns through each iterator i in [result, result + (last - first)) the value of
GENERALIZED_NONCOMMUTATIVE_SUM(binary_op, init, *j, ...) for every j in [first, first + (i - result + 1)) if init is provided, or
GENERALIZED_NONCOMMUTATIVE_SUM(binary_op, *j, ...) for every j in [first, first + (i - result + 1)) otherwise.
Edit 26.8.9 [transform.exclusive.scan]/1 as indicated:
template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class UnaryOperation, class T, class BinaryOperation> OutputIterator transform_exclusive_scan(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator result, UnaryOperation unary_op, T init, BinaryOperation binary_op);-1- Effects: Assigns through each iterator i in [result, result + (last - first)) the value of GENERALIZED_NONCOMMUTATIVE_SUM(binary_op, init, unary_op(*j), ...) for every j in [first, first + (i - result)).
init, if i is result, otherwise
GENERALIZED_NONCOMMUTATIVE_SUM(binary_op, init, unary_op(*j), ...) for every j in [first, first + (i - result) - 1).
Edit 26.8.10 [transform.inclusive.scan]/1 as indicated:
template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class UnaryOperation, class BinaryOperation> OutputIterator transform_inclusive_scan(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator result, UnaryOperation unary_op, BinaryOperation binary_op); template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class UnaryOperation, class BinaryOperation, class T> OutputIterator transform_inclusive_scan(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator result, UnaryOperation unary_op, BinaryOperation binary_op, T init);-1- Effects: Assigns through each iterator i in [result, result + (last - first)) the value of
GENERALIZED_NONCOMMUTATIVE_SUM(binary_op, init, unary_op(*j), ...) for every j in [first, first + (i - result + 1)) if init is provided, or
GENERALIZED_NONCOMMUTATIVE_SUM(binary_op, unary_op(*j), ...) for every j in [first, first + (i - result + 1)) otherwise.
Section: [rec.dir.itr.members], [directory_iterator.members] Status: Immediate Submitter: Eric Fiselier Opened: 2016-05-08 Last modified: 2016-06-24
Priority: 1
View other active issues in [rec.dir.itr.members].
View all other issues in [rec.dir.itr.members].
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In [rec.dir.itr.members] the following members are specified as having the requirement "*this != recursive_directory_iterator{}":
This requirement is not strong enough since it still allows non-dereferenceable iterators to invoke these methods. For example:
recursive_directory_iterator it("."); recursive_directory_iterator it_copy(it); assert(it_copy.depth() == 0); // OK ++it; assert(it_copy.depth() == ???); // Not OK auto x = *it_copy; // Is this OK?
I believe these should instead require that *this is dereferenceable, however the current specification seems to say that all previous copies of it are still dereferenceable although not what they dereference to.
[class.directory_iterator] p4:The result of operator* on an end iterator is undefined behavior. For any other iterator value a const recursive_directory_entry& is returned. The result of operator-> on an end iterator is undefined behavior. For any other iterator value a const directory_entry* is returned.
Is the intention of this clause to make all non-end iterators dereferenceable?
One further complication with these methods comes from the specification of recursive_directory_iterator's copy/move constructors and assignment operators which specify the following post conditions:this->options() == rhs.options()
this->depth() == rhs.depth()
this->recursion_pending() == rhs.recursion_pending()
If rhs is the end iterator these post conditions are poorly stated.
[2016-06, Oulu — Daniel comments]
The loss of information caused by bullet three of the suggested wording below is corrected by 2726's wording.
Voted to Ready 7-0 Monday morning in Oulu
Proposed resolution:
This wording is relative to N4582.
[Drafting note: I have not attempted to fix the specification of the copy/move constructors and assignment operators for recursive_directory_iterator]
[Drafting note: increment directly specifies "Effects: As specified by Input iterators (24.2.3)", so no additional specification is needed.]
Change 27.10.13 [class.directory_iterator] p4 as indicated:
The result of operator* on an end iterator is undefined behavior. For any other iterator value a const directory_entry& is returned. The result of operator-> on an end iterator is undefined behavior. For any other iterator value a const directory_entry* is returnedThe end iterator is not dereferenceable.
Add a new bullet after the class synopsis in 27.10.14 [class.rec.dir.itr]:
-?- Callingoptions
on an iterator that is not dereferencable results in undefined behavior.
Change [rec.dir.itr.members] as indicated:
directory_options options() const;-17-
[…]Requires: *this != recursive_directory_iterator().int depth() const;-20-
[…]Requires: *this != recursive_directory_iterator().bool recursion_pending() const;-23-
[…]Requires: *this != recursive_directory_iterator().recursive_directory_iterator& operator++(); recursive_directory_iterator& increment(error_code& ec) noexcept;-26-
[…]Requires: *this != recursive_directory_iterator().void pop();-30-
[…]Requires: *this != recursive_directory_iterator().void disable_recursion_pending();-32-
[…]Requires: *this != recursive_directory_iterator().
Section: [path.construct] Status: Immediate Submitter: Tim Song Opened: 2016-05-10 Last modified: 2016-06-24
Priority: 1
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The unconstrained template<class Source> path(const Source& source); constructor defines an implicit conversion from pretty much everything to path. This can lead to surprising ambiguities in overload resolution.
For example, given LWG 2676's proposed resolution, the following code appears to be ambiguous:struct meow { operator const char *() const; }; std::ifstream purr(meow{});
because a meow can be converted to either a path or a const char* by a user-defined conversion, even though part of the stated goal of LWG 2676's P/R is to avoid "break[ing] user code depending on user-defined automatic conversions to the existing argument types".
Previous resolution [SUPERSEDED]:
This wording is relative to N4582.
[Drafting note: decay_t<Source> handles both the input iterator case ( [path.req]/1.2) and the array case ( [path.req]/1.3). The level of constraints required is debatable; the following wording limits the constraint to "is a basic_string or an iterator", but perhaps stronger constraints (e.g., an iterator_category check in the second case, and/or a value_type check for both cases) would be desirable.]
Change [path.construct] as indicated:
template <class Source> path(const Source& source); template <class InputIterator> path(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);-4- Effects: Constructs an object of class path, storing the effective range of source ( or the range [first, last) in pathname, converting format and encoding if required (
-?- Remarks: The first overload shall not participate in overload resolution unless either Source is a specialization of basic_string or the qualified-id iterator_traits<decay_t<Source>>::value_type is valid and denotes a type (14.8.2 [temp.deduct]).
[2016-05-28, Eric Fiselier comments suggests alternative wording]
Functions taking EcharT or Source parameter types often provide additional overloads with the same arity and concrete types. In order to allow conversions to these concrete types in the interface we need to explicitly disable the EcharT and Source overloads.
[2016-06-19, Eric and Tim improve the wording]
[2016-06, Oulu]
Voted to Ready 8-0 Monday morning in Oulu
Proposed resolution:
This wording is relative to N4594.
[Drafting note: Functions taking EcharT or Source parameter types often provide additional overloads with the same arity and concrete types. In order to allow conversions to these concrete types in the interface we need to explicitly disable the EcharT and Source overloads.]
Change 27.10.5 [fs.req] as indicated:
Template parameters named EcharT shall beFunctions with template parameters named EcharT shall not participate in overload resolution unless EcharT is one of the encoded character types.
Insert a new paragraph between [path.req] p1 and p2 as indicated:
-?- Functions taking template parameters named Source shall not participate in overload resolution unless either Source is a specialization of basic_string or the qualified-id iterator_traits<decay_t<Source>>::value_type is valid and denotes a possibly const encoded character type (14.8.2 [temp.deduct]).
Section: [fs.op.exists] Status: Immediate Submitter: Jonathan Wakely Opened: 2016-06-06 Last modified: 2016-06-24
Priority: 1
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The filesystem::exists(const path&) function does not throw an exception if the file doesn't exist, but the corresponding function taking an error_code& argument does set it to indicate an error.
It seems sensible for filesystem::exists(const path&, error_code&) to call ec.clear() if status(p, ec).type() == file_type::not_found.[2016-06, Oulu — Jonathan comments and provides wording]
The sentence "The signature with argument ec returns false if an error occurs." means that given a file such that status(p).type() == file_type::unknown, exists(p) is true but exists(p, ec) is false.
I believe we should make the behaviour of exists(p) and exists(p, ec) consistent, so that the latter clears ec except when the former would throw an exception, which is only for the file_type::none case.[2016-06, Oulu]
Prioritized as P1
Voted to Ready 7-0 Tuesday evening in Oulu
Proposed resolution:
This wording is relative to N4594.
Insert a new paragraph before [fs.op.exists] p2 and edit it as shown:
bool exists(const path& p); bool exists(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept;-?- Let s be a file_status, determined as if by status(p) or status(p, ec), respectively.
-?- Effects: The signature with argument ec calls ec.clear() if status_known(s). -2- Returns:exists(status(p)) or exists(status(p, ec)), respectivelyexists(s).The signature with argument ec returns false if an error occurs.