Document number: P00433R0
Date: 2016-10-16
   Mike Spertus, Symantec ([email protected])
   Walter E. Brown ([email protected])
Audience: {Library Evolution, Library, Core} Working Group

Toward a resolution of US7 and US14: Integrating template deduction for class templates into the standard library


National body comments US7 and US14 request analysis of the standard library to determine what changes might be desirable in light of the C++17 adoption of P0091R3 (Template argument deduction for class templates (rev. 6)). In this paper, we perform such an analysis and recommend wording changes for clauses 17 through 23 and also propose some refinements to the wording of P0091R3. If the committee agrees with the approach taken here, we will perform a similar analysis for the remaining library clauses.

Core language assumptions

There are some areas where the wording around template deduction for constructors in the draft standard seems unclear. In this paper, we make the following assumptions about the core language.

We make these precise in the following wording changes:

Change §13.3.18 [class.template.deduction] as follows:     Class Template Deduction     [class.template.deduction]
The overload set consists of:
Modify the end of §14.9p1 [] as follows:
    explicitopt template-name ( parameter-declaration-clause ) -> simple-template-id ;

Library changes

The remainder of this paper walks through clauses 17 through 23 of the standard and proposes wording changes to take advantage of template deduction for class templates. Even where no wording changes are required, we often call out classes that benefit from implicitly generated deduction guides as library vendors may choose to add explicit deduction guides according to the “as-if” rule. See §21 below for an example of this.

§17 [library]

This clause requires no changes because it specifies only C libraries and so no class templates are involved.

§18 []

No changes are required to §18 [].

Rationale: All of the headers in §18 are listed in “Table 30 — Language support library summary” in §18.1 [support.general]:

18.2Common definitions<cstddef>
18.3Implementation properties<limits>
18.4Integer types<cstdint>
18.5Start and termination<cstdlib>
18.6Dynamic memory management<new>
18.7Type identification<typeinfo>
18.8Exception handling<exception>
18.9Initializer lists<initializer_list>
18.10Other runtime support<csignal>


The only class template in <limits> is numeric_limits. It has no non-default constructors (and only static members), so no changes are needed.


The <initializer_list> class template has only a default constructor and “magic” construction (from braced initializer lists) that already does template constructor deduction, so no changes are required.

Remaining headers in this clause

None of the <c…> headers or <new>, <typeinfo>, or <exception> define class templates, so they are unaffected by template constructor deduction.

§19 [diagnostics]

No changes are required to §19 [diagnostics].

Rationale: All of the headers in §19 are listed in “Table 31 — Diagnostics library summary” in §19.1:

19.2Exception classes<stdexcept>
19.4Error numbers<cerrno>
19.5System error support<system_error>

<stdexcept>, <cassert>, <cerrno>

None of these define any class templates, so they are unaffected by template constructor deduction.


This header defines the class templates is_error_code_enum, is_error_condition_enum, and specializations of std::hash, all of which have only default constructors.

§20 [utilities]

No changes are required to §19 [diagnostics].

Rationale: All of the headers in §20 are listed in “Table 32 — General utilities library summary” in §20.1:

20.2Utilities components<utility>
20.3Compile-time integer sequences<utility>
20.6Optional objects<optional>
20.8Storage for any type<any>
20.9Fixed-size sequences of bits<bitset>
20.11Smart pointers<memory>
20.12Memory resources<memory_resource>
20.13Scoped allocators<scoped_allocator>
20.14Function objects<functional>
20.15Type traits<type_traits>
20.16Compile-time rational arithmetic<ratio>
20.17Time utilities<chrono>
20.18Type indexes<typeindex>
20.19Execution policies<execution>

§20.2 [utility]

No changes are required in this subclause as it specifies no class templates.

§20.3 [intseq]

No changes are required in §20.3. Although integer_sequence is a class template, it has no non-default constructors. Interestingly, while the name make_integer_sequence “looks like” a make function, which is what the paper is trying to replace, it is actually a type and therefore a different beast altogether.

§20.4 [pairs]

In this case, we would like to avoid unexpected behavior by having the pair constructor behave in the same manner that was deemed desirable for make_pair. To accomplish that, make the following change to the definition of std::pair in §20.4.2 [pairs.pair]:
    void swap(pair& p) noexcept(see below);

  template<class T1, class T2>
  pair(T1&&, T2&&) -> pair<see below>;
At the end of §20.4.2 [pairs.pair], add the following:
template <class T1, class T2>
  pair(T1&&, T2&&) -> pair<V1, V2>;
Remarks: V1 and V2 are determined as follows: Let Ui be decay_t<Ti> for each Ti. Then each Vi is X& if Ui equals reference_wrapper<X>, otherwise Vi is Ui.
In addition, change §20.4.3p9 [pairs.spec] as follows:
template <class T1, class T2>
  constexpr pair<V1, V2>decltype(pair(declval<T1&&>(), declval<T2&&>()) make_pair(T1&& x, T2&& y);
Returns: pair<V1, V2>(std::forward<T1>(x), std::forward<T2>(y));
where V1 and V2 are determined as follows: Let Ui be decay_t<Ti> for each Ti. Then each Vi is X& if Ui equals reference_wrapper<X>, otherwise Vi is Ui.
[ Example: In place of:
return pair<int, double>(5, 3.1415926); // explicit types
a C++ program may containprovide either:
return make_pair(5, 3.1415926); // types are deduced
return pair(5, 3.1415926); // types implicitly deduced by constructor
Note: Although the explicit deduction guide obviates the need for make_pair, we do not propose deprecating make_pair at this time.

§20.5 [tuple]

tuple is handled similary to pair. To accomplish that, make the following change to the definition of std::tuple in §20.5.2 [tuple.tuple]:
    void swap(tuple&) noexcept(see below);

  template<class... UTypes>
  tuple(UTypes...) -> tuple<see below>;
At the end of § [tuples.cnstr], add the following:
template <class... Types>
  tuple(Types...) -> tuple<VTypes...>;
Remarks: The VTypes... are determined as follows: Let Ui be decay_t<Ti> for each Ti in Types. Then each Vi in VTypes is X& if Ui equals reference_wrapper<X>, otherwise Vi is Ui.
In addition, change the start of § [tuple.creation as follows:
In the function descriptions that follow, let i be in the range of [0, sizeof...(TTypes)) in order and let Ti be the ith type in a template parameter pack named TTypes; let j be in the range [0, sizeof...(UTypes)) in order and Uj be the jth type in a template parameter pack named UTypes, where indexing is zero-based.

template <class... Types>
  constexpr tuple<VTypes...>decltype(tuple(declval<Types&&>()...)) make_tuple(Types&&... t);

Let Ui be decay_t<Ti> for each Ti in Types. Then each Vi in VTypes is X& if Ui equals reference_wrapper<X>, otherwise Vi is Ui.

Returns: tuple<VTypes...>(std::forward<Types>(t)...).

§20.6 [optional]

optional exhibits the universal reference interaction described in P0091R3. Although the constructor optional<T>::optional(T&&>) “expects” an rvalue, the corresponding implicit deduction guide takes a universal reference. As pointed out in the paper, without an explicit deduction guide, there would be an ambiguity among the implicit deduction guides for optional, preventing it from benefiting from template argument deduction for constructors. We follow the suggestion in the paper to resolve this by adding the following explicit deduction guide at the end of the class definition for optional in §20.6.3 [optional.object].
  T *val; // exposition only

template<class T> optional(T&& t) -> optional<remove_reference_t<T>>;

§20.7 [variant]

No changes required in this subclause. Note that we do not expect variants to leverage template type deduction for constructors (outside of copy and move constructors) because their raison d'etre is their ability to hold types beyond those they were initialized with.

§20.8 [any]

No changes are required in §20.8 as it defines no class templates.

§20.9 [template.bitset]

No changes required in this subclause. It would be tempting to have bitset("01101"s) deduce bitset<5>. However, we feel this is best left for a future proposal, likely after a clearer consensus around compile-time strings has been achieved.

§20.10 [memory]

No changes required in this subclause. Note that allocator a = allocator<int>(); correctly deduces that a has type allocator<int> as the constructor template<class T> template<class U> allocator<T>::allocator<T>(const allocator<U> &) is not deducible.

§20.11 [smartptr]

We add a deduction guide to enable code such as int *ip = new int(); unique_ptr uip{ip}; // Deduce unique_ptr<int> Note that the template parameter still needs to be given explicitly for arrays. int *ip = new int[5]; unique_ptr uip{ip}; // Error. Deduces unique_ptr<int> unique_ptr aip<int[]>{ip}; // Ok At the end of the unique_ptr class definition in § [unique.ptr.single], add the following:
    // disable copy from lvalue
    unique_ptr(const unique_ptr&) = delete;
	unique_ptr& operator=(const unique_ptr&) = delete;
  template<class T> unique_ptr(T*) -> unique_ptr<T, default_delete<T>;
  template<class T, class V> unique_ptr(T*, V) -> unique_ptr<T, default_delete<T, V>;   // If V::pointer is not valid
  template<class U, class V> unique_ptr(U, V) -> unique_ptr<pointer_traits<V::pointer>element_type, V>;  // If V::pointer is valid
Note that analogous changes are necessary for shared_ptr, etc. as they do not include the deleter type as a template parameter.

§20.12 [memory.resource]

No changes are required in this subclause as the polymorphic_allocator<Tp> constructors do not contain any information about Tp (except when constructed from other polymorphic_allocator objects, in which case deduction is properly done without any changes required)

§20.13 [allocator.adaptor]

We supply an explicit deduction guide so that scoped_allocator_adaptor can deduce its outer allocator. At the end of the definition of class scoped_allocator_adaptor in §20.13.1 [allocator.adaptor.syn], add
    scoped_allocator_adaptor select_on_container_copy_construction() const;
 template<class OuterAlloc, class... InnerAllocs> scoped_allocator_adaptor(OuterAlloc&&, const InnerAllocs&& -> scoped_allocator_adaptor<remove_reference_t<OuterAlloc>, remove_reference_t<InnerAllocs>...>;
If a different outer allocator is desired, then it can still be specified explicitly.

§20.14 [function.objects]

reference_wrapper benefits from template deduction for constructors with no wording changes. We suggest allowing function to deduce its template argument when initialized by a function or member pointer. Add the following deduction guides at the end of the class definition for function in § [func.wrap.func]
    template<class T> const T* target() const noexcept;

  template<class R, class... ArgTypes> 
    function(R(*)(ArgTypes...)) -> function<R(ArgTypes...)>;
  template<class R, class C, class... ArgTypes>
    function(R(C::*)(ArgTypes...)) -> function<R(C &, ArgTypes...)>;
  template<class R, class C, class... ArgTypes> 
    function(R(C::*)(ArgTypes...) const) -> function<R(C const &, ArgTypes...)>;
  template<class R, class C, class... ArgTypes>
    function(R(C::*)(ArgTypes...) volatile) -> function<R(C volatile &, ArgTypes...)>;
  template<class R, class C, class... ArgTypes>
    function(R(C::*)(ArgTypes...) const volatile) -> function<R(C const volatile &, ArgTypes...)>
  template<class R, class C> function(R C::*)) ->
    function<R&(C &)>
  template<class R, class C>
    function(const R C::*)) -> function<const R&(C const &)>
  template<class R, class C>
    function(volatile R C::*)) -> function<volatile R&(volatile C &)>
  template<class R, class C>
    function(const volatile R C::*)) -> function<const volatile R&(const volatile C &)>
Note: There are some arbitrary choices in the deductions for member pointers. We would be interested to see if the comittee agrees with having deduction guides for member pointers in addition to function pointers, and if so, whether these are the right choices.

Since template constructor deduction can be used to construct objects of type default_searcher, boyer_moore_searcher, and boyer_moore_horspool_searcher, we propose getting rid of the searcher creation functions by modifying §20.14p2 as follows:

  // 20.14.13 searchers:
  template<class ForwardIterator, class BinaryPredicate = equal_to<>>
    class default_searcher;
  template<class RandomAccessIterator,
              class Hash = hash<typename iterator_traits<RandomAccessIterator>::value_type>,
			  class BinaryPredicate = equal_to<>>
    class boyer_moore_searcher;
  template<class RandomAccessIterator,
              class Hash = hash<typename iterator_traits<RandomAccessIterator>::value_type>,
			  class BinaryPredicate = equal_to<>>
    class boyer_moore_horspool_searcher;
  template<class ForwardIterator, class BinaryPredicate = equal_to<>>
  default_searcher<ForwardIterator, BinaryPredicate>
  make_default_searcher(ForwardIterator pat_first, ForwardIterator pat_last,
	                      BinaryPredicate pred = BinaryPredicate());
  template<class RandomAccessIterator,
              class Hash = hash<typename iterator_traits<RandomAccessIterator>::value_type>,
	          class BinaryPredicate = equal_to<>>
  boyer_moore_searcher<RandomAccessIterator, Hash, BinaryPredicate>
    RandomAccessIterator pat_first, RandomAccessIterator pat_last,
	  Hash hf = Hash(), BinaryPredicate pred = BinaryPredicate());
  template<class RandomAccessIterator,
              class Hash = hash<typename iterator_traits<RandomAccessIterator>::value_type>,
	          class BinaryPredicate = equal_to<>>
  boyer_moore_searcher<RandomAccessIterator, Hash, BinaryPredicate>
      RandomAccessIterator pat_first, RandomAccessIterator pat_last,
	  Hash hf = Hash(), BinaryPredicate pred = BinaryPredicate());
  // 20.14.14, hash function primary template:
Delete § [func.searchers.default.creation]
2014.13.2.1 boyer_moore_searcher creation functions [func.searcher.boyer_moore.creation]
  template<class ForwardIterator, class BinaryPredicate = equal_to<>>
  default_searcher<ForwardIterator, BinaryPredicate>
  make_default_searcher(ForwardIterator pat_first, RandomAccessIterator pat_last,
	                    BinaryPredicate pred = BinaryPredicate());
Effects: Equivalent to:

  return default_searcher<ForwardIterator, BinaryPredicate>(pat_first, pat_last, pred);
Delete § [func.searchers.boyer_moore.creation]
2014.13.2.1 boyer_moore_searcher creation functions [func.searcher.boyer_moore.creation]
  template<class RandomAccessIterator,
           class Hash = hash<typename iterator_traits<RandomAccessIterator>::value_type>,
           class BinaryPredicate = equal_to<>>
  boyer_moore_searcher<RandomAccessIterator, Hash, BinaryPredicate>
    RandomAccessIterator pat_first, RandomAccessIterator pat_last,
	  Hash hf = Hash(), BinaryPredicate pred = BinaryPredicate());
Effects: Equivalent to:

  return boyer_moore_searcher<RandomAccessIterator, Hash, BinaryPredicate>(
           pat_first, pat_last, hf, pred);
Delete § [func.searchers.boyer_moore_horspool.creation]
2014.13.2.1 boyer_moore_searcher creation functions [func.searcher.boyer_moore.creation]
  template<class RandomAccessIterator,
           class Hash = hash<typename iterator_traits<RandomAccessIterator>::value_type>,
           class BinaryPredicate = equal_to<>>
  boyer_moore_horspool_searcher<RandomAccessIterator, Hash, BinaryPredicate>
    RandomAccessIterator pat_first, RandomAccessIterator pat_last,
	  Hash hf = Hash(), BinaryPredicate pred = BinaryPredicate());
Effects: Equivalent to:

  return boyer_moore_searcher<RandomAccessIterator, Hash, BinaryPredicate>(
           pat_first, pat_last, hf, pred);

§20.15 [meta]

Since the classes in this subclause are designed primarily for compile-time metaprogramming, they do not have constructors that require special treatment as a result of template deduction for constructors.

§20.16 [ratio]

Since the classes in this subclause are designed primarily for compile-time metaprogramming, they do not have constructors that require special treatment as a result of template deduction for constructors.

§20.17 [time]

No wording changes necessary for §20.17 to leverage template deduction for constructors. Constructs like duration(5L) behave as expected from the compiler-generated implicit deduction guides..

§20.18 [type.index]

There are no class templates defined in this subclause, so nothing to do.

§20.19 [execpol]

The only class template in this subclause is the type trait is_execution_policy, so no changes are required as described in §20.15 above.

§21 [strings]

The string library can take advantage of template argument deduction for constructors with no wording changes. For example, basic_string_view("foo") correctly deduces that charT is char.

It is worth noting that, while no wording changes are required, a library vendor may choose to make code changes in accordance with the “as-if” rule (§1.9 footnote 5) as illustrated by the following example. Suppose a vendor has previously leveraged the “as-if” rule to implement the constructor basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>::basic_string(const charT* str, const Allocator& a = Allocator()); using the equivalent but non-deducible type value_type in place of charT as follows: basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>::basic_string(const value_type* str, const Allocator& a = Allocator()); The vendor could maintain this convention while continuing to satisfy the “as-if” rule in C++17 by adding the following deduction-guide template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>, class Allocator = allocator<charT>> basic_string(const charT*, const Allocator& = Allocator()) -> basic_string<charT, Allocator>; Similar considerations apply to basic_string_view.

§22 [localization]

Add the following to the end of the definition of class wstring_convert in § [conversions.string]
    size_t cvtcount;      // exposition only
  template<class Codecvt,>
    wstring_convert(Codecvt *, typename Codecvt::state_type) 
      -> wstring_convert<Codecvt, std::allocator<wchar_t>, std::allocator<char>>;
In addition to the above explicit deduction guide, wstring_convert and wbuffer_convert (§ benefit from additional implicit deduction guides.

§23 [containers]

All of the headers in §23 are listed in “Table 102 — Containers library summary” in §23.1:

23.3Sequence containers<array>
23.4Associative containers<map>
23.5Unordered associative containers<unordered_map>
23.6Container adaptors<queue>
The only wording change in §23 is to add deduction guides for constructing containers from iterators as described in “Explicitly specified Deduction Guides” in P0091R3, but we have to make that change many times as follows:

§23.2 [container.requirements]

Modify §23.2.3p14 [sequence.reqmts] as follows:
For every sequence container defined in this clause and in clause 21:

§23.3 [sequences]

At the end of the definition of class deque in § [deque.overview], add the following deduction-guide:
    void clear() noexcept;
  template <class InputIterator, class Allocator = allocator<typename InputIterator::value_type>>
  deque(InputIterator, InputIterator,
        const Allocator& = Allocator())
    -> deque<typename InputIterator::value_type, Allocator>;
At the end of the definition of class forward_list in § [forwardlist.overview], add the following deduction-guide:
    void reverse() noexcept;
  template <class InputIterator, class Allocator = allocator<typename InputIterator::value_type>>
  forward_list(InputIterator, InputIterator,
               const Allocator& = Allocator())
    -> forward_list<typename InputIterator::value_type, Allocator>;
At the end of the definition of class list in § [list.overview], add the following deduction-guides:
    void reverse() noexcept;
  template <class InputIterator, class Allocator = allocator<typename InputIterator::value_type>>
  list(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
       const Allocator& = Allocator())
    -> list<typename InputIterator::value_type, Allocator>;
At the end of the definition of class vector in § [vector.overview], add the following deduction-guide:
    void clear() noexcept;
  template <class InputIterator, class Allocator = allocator<typename InputIterator::value_type>>
  vector(InputIterator, InputIterator,
         const Allocator& = Allocator())
    -> vector<typename InputIterator::value_type, Allocator>;

§23.4 [associative]

At the end of the definition of class map in § [map.overview], add the following deduction-guides:
    template <class K>
      pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range(const K& x) const;
  template <class InputIterator, 
        class Compare = default_order_t<typename InputIterator::value_type::first_type>,
        class Allocator = allocator<pair<typename InputIterator::value_type>>
  map(InputIterator, InputIterator, 
      const Compare& = Compare(), const Allocator& = Allocator())
    -> map<typename InputIterator::value_type::first_type,
           typename InputIterator::value_type::second_type,
           Compare, Allocator>;

  template <class InputIterator, 
        class Allocator = allocator<pair<typename InputIterator::value_type>>
  map(InputIterator, InputIterator, const Allocator& = Allocator())
    -> map<typename InputIterator::value_type::first_type,
           typename InputIterator::value_type::second_type,
           default_order_t<typename InputIterator::value_type::first_type>, Allocator>;
Note that this always deduces const keys. We would like feedback from the committee as to whether this is the right choice.

At the end of the definition of class multimap in § [multimap.overview], add the following deduction-guides:

    template <class K>
      pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range(const K& x) const;
  template <class InputIterator, 
        class Compare = default_order_t<typename InputIterator::value_type::first_type>,
        class Allocator = allocator<pair<typename InputIterator::value_type>>
  multimap(InputIterator, InputIterator, 
      const Compare& = Compare(), const Allocator& = Allocator())
    -> multimap<typename InputIterator::value_type::first_type,
           typename InputIterator::value_type::second_type,
           Compare, Allocator>;

  template <class InputIterator, 
        class Allocator = allocator<pair<typename InputIterator::value_type>>
  multimap(InputIterator, InputIterator, const Allocator& = Allocator())
    -> multimap<typename InputIterator::value_type::first_type,
           typename InputIterator::value_type::second_type,
           default_order_t<typename InputIterator::value_type::first_type>, Allocator>;
At the end of the definition of class set in § [set.overview], add the following deduction-guide:
    template <class K>
      pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range(const K& x) const;
  template <class InputIterator, 
        class Compare = default_order_t<typename InputIterator::value_type>,
        class Allocator = allocator<pair<typename InputIterator::value_type>>
  set(InputIterator, InputIterator, 
      const Compare& = Compare(), const Allocator& = Allocator())
    -> set<typename InputIterator::value_type, Compare, Allocator>;

  template <class InputIterator, 
        class Allocator = allocator<pair<typename InputIterator::value_type>>
  set(InputIterator, InputIterator, const Allocator& = Allocator())
    -> set<typename InputIterator::value_type,
           default_order_t<typename InputIterator::value_type>, Allocator>;
At the end of the definition of class multiset in § [multiset.overview], add the following deduction-guide:
    template <class K>
      pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range(const K& x) const;
  template <class InputIterator, 
        class Compare = default_order_t<typename InputIterator::value_type>,
        class Allocator = allocator<pair<typename InputIterator::value_type>>
  multiset(InputIterator, InputIterator, 
      const Compare& = Compare(), const Allocator& = Allocator())
    -> multiset<typename InputIterator::value_type, Compare, Allocator>;

  template <class InputIterator, 
        class Allocator = allocator<pair<typename InputIterator::value_type>>
  multiset(InputIterator, InputIterator, const Allocator& = Allocator())
    -> multiset<typename InputIterator::value_type,
           default_order_t<typename InputIterator::value_type>, Allocator>;

§23.5 [unord]

At the end of the definition of class unordered_map in § [], add the following deduction-guides:
    void reserve(size_type n);
  template <class InputIterator, 
        class Hash = hash<typename InputIterator::value_type::first_type>,
        class Pred = std::equal_to<typename InputIterator::value_type::first_type>,
        class Allocator = allocator<pair<typename InputIterator::value_type>>
  unordered_map(InputIterator, InputIterator,
      size_type = see_below,
      const Hash& = Hash(), const Pred& = Pred(), const Allocator& = Allocator())
    -> unordered_map<typename InputIterator::value_type::first_type,
           typename InputIterator::value_type::second_type,
           Hash, Pred, Allocator>;

  template <class InputIterator, 
        class Allocator = allocator<pair<typename InputIterator::value_type>>
  unordered_map(InputIterator, InputIterator, size_type, const Allocator& = Allocator())
    -> unordered_map<typename InputIterator::value_type::first_type,
           typename InputIterator::value_type::second_type,
           hash<typename InputIterator::value_type::first_type>,
           std::equal_to<typename InputIterator::value_type::first_type>,

  template <class InputIterator, 
        class Hash = hash<typename InputIterator::value_type::first_type>,
        class Allocator = allocator<pair<typename InputIterator::value_type>>
  unordered_map(InputIterator, InputIterator, size_type,
       const Hash& = Hash(), const Allocator& = Allocator())
    -> unordered_map<typename InputIterator::value_type::first_type,
           typename InputIterator::value_type::second_type, Hash,
           std::equal_to<typename InputIterator::value_type::first_type>, Allocator>;
Note that this always deduces const keys. We would like feedback from the committee as to whether this is the right choice.

At the end of the definition of class unordered_multimap in § [unord.multimap.overview], add the following deduction-guide:s

    void reserve(size_type n);
  template <class InputIterator, 
        class Hash = hash<typename InputIterator::value_type::first_type>,
        class Pred = std::equal_to<typename InputIterator::value_type::first_type>,
        class Allocator = allocator<pair<typename InputIterator::value_type>>
  unordered_multimap(InputIterator, InputIterator,
      size_type = see_below,
      const Hash& = Hash(), const Pred& = Pred(), const Allocator& = Allocator())
    -> unordered_multimap<typename InputIterator::value_type::first_type,
           typename InputIterator::value_type::second_type,
           Hash, Pred, Allocator>;

  template <class InputIterator, 
        class Allocator = allocator<pair<typename InputIterator::value_type>>
  unordered_multimap(InputIterator, InputIterator, size_type,
                     const Allocator& = Allocator())
    -> unordered_multimap<typename InputIterator::value_type::first_type,
           typename InputIterator::value_type::second_type,
           hash<typename InputIterator::value_type::first_type>,
           std::equal_to<typename InputIterator::value_type::first_type>,

  template <class InputIterator, 
        class Hash = hash<typename InputIterator::value_type::first_type>,
        class Allocator = allocator<pair<typename InputIterator::value_type>>
  unordered_multimap(InputIterator, InputIterator, size_type,
       const Hash& = Hash(), const Allocator& = Allocator())
    -> unordered_multimap<typename InputIterator::value_type::first_type,
           typename InputIterator::value_type::second_type, Hash,
           std::equal_to<typename InputIterator::value_type::first_type>, Allocator>;
At the end of the definition of class unordered_set in § [unord.set.overview], add the following deduction-guides:
    void reserve(size_type n);
  template <class InputIterator, 
        class Hash = hash<typename InputIterator::value_type>,
        class Pred = std::equal_to<typename InputIterator::value_type>,
        class Allocator = allocator<pair<typename InputIterator::value_type>>
  unordered_set(InputIterator, InputIterator,
      size_type = see_below,
      const Hash& = Hash(), const Pred& = Pred(), const Allocator& = Allocator())
    -> unordered_set<typename InputIterator::value_type::first_type,
           Hash, Pred, Allocator>;

  template <class InputIterator, 
        class Allocator = allocator<pair<typename InputIterator::value_type>>
  unordered_set(InputIterator, InputIterator, size_type,
       const Allocator& = Allocator())
    -> unordered_set<typename InputIterator::value_type,
           hash<typename InputIterator::value_type>,
           std::equal_to<typename InputIterator::value_type>,

  template <class InputIterator, 
        class Hash = hash<typename InputIterator::value_type>,
        class Allocator = allocator<pair<typename InputIterator::value_type>>
  unordered_set(InputIterator, InputIterator, size_type,
       const Hash& = Hash(), const Allocator& = Allocator())
    -> unordered_set<typename InputIterator::value_type, Hash,
           std::equal_to<typename InputIterator::value_type>, Allocator>;
At the end of the definition of class unordered_multiset in § [unord.multiset.overview], add the following deduction-guides:
    void reserve(size_type n);
  template <class InputIterator, 
        class Hash = hash<typename InputIterator::value_type>,
        class Pred = std::equal_to<typename InputIterator::value_type>,
        class Allocator = allocator<pair<typename InputIterator::value_type>>
  unordered_multiset(InputIterator, InputIterator,
      size_type = see_below,
      const Hash& = Hash(), const Pred& = Pred(), const Allocator& = Allocator())
    -> unordered_multiset<typename InputIterator::value_type::first_type,
           Hash, Pred, Allocator>;

  template <class InputIterator, 
        class Allocator = allocator<pair<typename InputIterator::value_type>>
  unordered_multiset(InputIterator, InputIterator, size_type,
       const Allocator& = Allocator())
    -> unordered_multiset<typename InputIterator::value_type,
           hash<typename InputIterator::value_type>,
           std::equal_to<typename InputIterator::value_type>,

  template <class InputIterator, 
        class Hash = hash<typename InputIterator::value_type>,
        class Allocator = allocator<pair<typename InputIterator::value_type>>
  unordered_multiset(InputIterator, InputIterator, size_type,
       const Hash& = Hash(), const Allocator& = Allocator())
    -> unordered_multiset<typename InputIterator::value_type, Hash,
           std::equal_to<typename InputIterator::value_type>, Allocator>;

§23.6 [container.adaptors]

At the end of the definition of class priority_queue in §23.6.5 [priority.queue], add the following deduction-guides:
    void swap(priority_queue& q) noexcept(is_nothrow_swappable_v<Container> &&
      { using std::swap; swap(c, q.c); swap(comp, q.comp); }
  template <class InputIterator, class Container, class Compare>
  priority_queue(InputIterator, InputIterator, const Compare&, const Container&)
    -> priority_queue<typename InputIterator::value_type, Container, Compare>;
  template <class InputIterator,
        class Container = vector<T>,
        class Compare = default_order_t<typename Container::value_type>>
  priority_queue(InputIterator, InputIterator, 
      const Compare& = Compare(), const Container&& = Container())
    -> priority_queue<typename InputIterator::value_type, Container, Compare>;
Note: If a library implementor uses value_type as a constructor parameter type in place of T, they can support template deduction for class templates “as-if” they were using T through explicit deduction guides along the lines of the example in §21 above.