Committee: ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG21 EWG Evolution
Document Number: P0474r0
Title: Comparison in C++ Basic Facilities
Date: 2016-10-15
Authors: Lawrence Crowl
Reply To: Lawrence Crowl, [email protected]
Audience: EWG Evolution
We propose functions that explicitly implement partial, weak and total orders on basic types. This proposal is the first step towards full implementation of explicit order requirements in C++.
?.? Order [order]
?.?.1 General [order.general]
?.?.2 Enumerations [order.enum]
?.?.3 Order Functions [order.function]
?.?.4 Boolean Functions [order.boolean]
?.?.5 Specializations [order.special]
In P0100r1 Comparison in C++, we outlined an approach to ensuring that standard algorithm ordering requirements are routinely met. This paper proposes the first step in that approach, the definition of order functions for basic types.
The wording is as follows.
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Order is defined by arithmetic relations of equivalence and precedence.
All equivalence and precedence relations are transitive (a?b and b?c implies a?c)
All equivalence relations are reflexive (a~a) and symmetric (a~b implies b~a). An equality (or congruence) relation is an equivalence relation that is also substitutable (a = b implies f(a) = f(b)).
Precedence is irreflexive (not a<a), i.e. an element is not less than itself. Precedence is also asymmetric (a<b implies not b<a). These axioms together constitute a partial precedence. A weak precedence also partitions the elements into ordered equivalence classes, that is being unordered with respect to an element is a transitive relation (a<b implies a<c or c<b). A total precedence is trichotomous (exactly one of a<b, a=b, a>b) where equality is defined above.
The precedence and equivalence relations defined above provide for three classes of order, partial, weak and total. A object is less than another when it precedes the other. A object is greater than another when the other precedes it. Otherwise, the objects are unordered, equivalent, or equal according to whether the precedence relation is partial, weak, or total.
A boolean function g refines a boolean function f when for every a and b, f(a,b) implies g(a,b). That is, if a call to f is true, so is the corresponding call to g.
An order is consistent with another order when the its precedence relation refines the other's precedence relation.
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enum class partial_ordering { less, unordered, greater };
enum class weak_ordering { less, equivalent, greater };
enum class total_ordering { less, equal, greater };The enumerations
, andtotal_ordering
describe the order between two objects as defined in [order.general].
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template <typename T>
partial_ordering partial_order(const T& a, const T& b);
- Returns:
The partial order between the two objects.
- Constraints:
The order should be consistent with that implied by the comparison operators, or vice-versa.
template <typename T>
weak_ordering weak_order(const T& a, const T& b);
- Returns:
The weak order between the two objects.
- Constraints:
The order shall be consistent with that provided by
. The order should be consistent with that implied by the comparison operators, or vice-versa.
template <typename T>
total_ordering total_order(const T& a, const T& b);
- Returns:
The total order between the two objects.
- Constraints:
The order shall be consistent with that provided by
. The order should be consistent with that implied by the comparison operators.
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Boolean functions provide potentially more efficient conditional execution.
template <typename T>
bool partial_less(const T& a, const T& b);
- Returns:
as if
partial_ordering::less == partial_order(a, b)
template <typename T>
bool weak_less(const T& a, const T& b);
- Returns:
as if
weak_ordering::less == weak_order(a, b)
template <typename T>
bool total_less(const T& a, const T& b);
- Returns:
as if
total_ordering::less == total_order(a, b)
template <typename T>
bool partial_unordered(const T& a, const T& b);
- Returns:
as if
partial_ordering::unordered == partial_order(a, b)
template <typename T>
bool weak_equivalent(const T& a, const T& b);
- Returns:
as if
weak_ordering::equivalent == weak_order(a, b)
template <typename T>
bool total_equal(const T& a, const T& b);
- Returns:
as if
total_ordering::equal == total_order(a, b)
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The implementation shall provide specializations for all integral, floating-point and pointer types. A negative zero shall be
than a positive zero. If for a typeT
is true, then the correspondingtotal_order
function shall match that of thetotalOrder
function in IEC 60559.