DRAFT C++ Synchronized Buffered Ostream

ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG21 d0053r4 - 2017-03-02

Lawrence Crowl, [email protected]
Peter Sommerlad, [email protected]
Nicolai Josuttis
Pablo Halpern

    Feature Test
    Headers [headers]
    General [input.output.general]
    Forward declarations [iostream.forward]
    Synchronized output stream [syncstream]
        Overview [syncstream.overview]
        Class template basic_syncbuf [syncstream.syncbuf]
        basic_syncbuf constructors [syncstream.syncbuf.ctor]
        basic_syncbuf destructor [syncstream.syncbuf.dtor]
        basic_syncbuf assign and swap [syncstream.syncbuf.assign]
        basic_syncbuf member functions [syncstream.syncbuf.mfun]
        basic_syncbuf overridden virtual functions [syncstream.syncbuf.virtuals]
    Class template basic_osyncstream [syncstream.osyncstream]
        osyncstream Constructor [syncstream.osyncstream.ctor]
        osyncstream Destructor [synstream.osyncstream.dtor]
        osyncstream Assignment [synstream.osyncstream.assign]
        osyncstream Member Functions [syncstream.osyncstream.mfun]


At present, some stream output operations guarantee that they will not produce race conditions, but do not guarantee that the effect will be sensible. Some form of external synchronization is required. Unfortunately, without a standard mechanism for synchronizing, independently developed software will be unable to synchronize.

N3535 C++ Stream Mutexes proposed a standard mechanism for finding and sharing a mutex on streams. At the Spring 2013 standards meeting, the Concurrency Study Group requested a change away from a full mutex definition to a definition that also enabled buffering.

N3678 C++ Stream Guards proposed a standard mechanism for batching operations on a stream. That batching may be implemented as mutexes, as buffering, or some combination of both. It was the response to the Concurrency Study Group. A draft of that paper was reviewed in the Library Working Group, who found too many open issues on what was reasonably exposed to the 'buffering' part.

N3665 Uninterleaved Sring Output Streaming proposed making streaming of strings of length less than BUFSIZ appear uninterleaved in the output. It was a "minimal" functionality change to the existing standard to address the problem. The full Committee chose not to adopt that minimal solution.

N3750 C++ Ostream Buffers proposed an explicit buffering, at the direction of the general consensus in the July 2013 meeting of the Concurrency Study Group. In November 2014 a further updated version N4187 was discussed in Library Evolution in Urbana and it was consensus to work with a library expert to get the naming and wording better suited to LWG expectations. Nico Josuttis volunteered to help the original authors. More information on the discussion is available at LEWG wiki and the corresponding LEWG bug tracker entry (20). This paper address issues raised with N4187. This paper has a change of title to reflect a change in class name, but contains the same fundamental approach.


We propose a basic_osyncstream, that buffers output operations for a wrapped stream. The basic_osyncstream will atomically transfer the contents of an internal stream buffer to a basic_ostream's stream buffer on destruction of the basic_osyncstream.

The transfer on destruction simplifies the code and ensures at least some output in the presence of an exception.

The intent is that the basic_osyncstream is an automatic-duration variable with a relatively small scope which constructs the text to appear uninterleaved. For example,

  osyncstream bout(cout);
  bout << "Hello, " << "World!" << '\n';


Here we list a set of objection to our proposal in the form of questions. We then give our reasons why other potential solutions do not work as well as our proposed solution.

Why can I not just use cout? It should be thread-safe.

You will nott get data races for cout, but that is not true for most other streams. In addition there is no guarantee that output from different threads appears in any sensible order. Coherent output order is the main reason for this proposal.

Why must osyncstream be an ostream? Could a simple proxy wrapper work?

To support all existing and user-defined output operators, osyncstream must be an ostream subclass.

Can you make a flush of the osyncstream mean transfer the characters and flush the underlying stream?

No, because the point of the osyncstream is to collect text into an atomic unit. Flushes are often emitted in calls where the body is not visible, and hence unintentionally break up the text. Furthermore, there may be more than one flush within the lifetime of an osyncstream, which would impose a performance loss when an atomic unit of text needs only one flush. The design decision is only to flush the underlying stream, if the osyncstream was flushed, and only once per atomic transfer of the character sequence.

Can you flush just transfer the characters and not flush the underlying stream?

The flush intends an effect on visible to the user. So, we should preserve at least one flush. The flush may not be visible to the code around the osyncstream, and so its programmer cannot do a manual flush, because attempting to flush the underlying stream that is shared among threads will introduce a data race.

Why do you specify basic_synbuf? LWG and LEWG thought you wouldn't need it.

Users use the streambuf interface. Without access to the basic_syncbuf they would not be able call emit() on the underlying streambuf responsible the synchronization. Ask Pablo Halpern if you need more to be convinced.

Where will the required lock/mutex be put? Will it be in every streambuf object changing the ABI?

That is one of the reasons, why this must be put into the standard library. It is possible to implement with a global map from streambuf* to mutexes as the example code does, however, existing standard library implementations might have already a space for the mutexes (not breaking their ABI), because cout/cerr seem to require one and those might be the most important ones to wrap.

While it has been pointed out that the implementation should actually reside in the used stream buffer object, we believe the specification should hide that effect, because such a stream buffer is not intended to be ever be used standalone. Therefore, the specification here only provides the basic_osyncstream class template and not any details on the underlying stream buffer implementing the mechanics. We have an implementation, where the basic_osyncstream is more or less just a shell to the real meat in the stream buffer but that stream buffer is not meant to be exchanged or shared or anything.

We follow typical stream conventions of basic_ prefixes and typedefs.

The constructor for osyncstream takes a non-const reference to a basic_ostream obtaining its stream buffer or a basic_streambuf. This stream buffer indicates that the destruction of the osyncstream may write to the stream buffer obtained with the constructor argument.

The wording below permits implementation of basic_osyncstream with either a stream_mutex from N3535 or with implementations suitable for N3665, e.g. with Posix file locks [PSL]

Feature Test

No header called <syncstream> exists; testing for this header's existence is thus sufficient for testing existence of the feature.


This wording is relative to the current C++(17) working draft, but doesn't use section numbers. This allows its integration into the Concurrency TS 2 accordingly.

Headers [headers]

Add a new entry to table — C++ library headers :


General [input.output.general]

Add a new row to table — Input/output library summary.

xx.12 Synchronized output streams <syncstream>

Forward declarations [iostream.forward]

Add the following forward declarations to the synopsis of <iosfwd> in the namespace std.

template <class charT,
          class traits = char_traits<charT>,
          class Allocator = allocator<charT>>
  class basic_syncbuf;
using syncbuf  = basic_syncbuf<char>;
using wsyncbuf = basic_syncbuf<wchar_t>;

template <class charT,
          class traits = char_traits<charT>,
          class Allocator = allocator<charT> >
  class basic_osyncstream;
typedef basic_osyncstream<char> osyncstream;
typedef basic_osyncstream<wchar_t> wosyncstream;

Synchronized output stream [syncstream]

Add a new section with the following subsections.

Overview [syncstream.overview]

The header <syncstream> provides a mechanism to synchronize execution agents writing to the same stream. It defines a class template basic_osyncstream to buffer output and transfer the buffered content into an object of type basic_streambuf<charT,traits> atomically with respect to such transfers by other basic_osyncstream<charT,traits,Allocator> objects referring to the same basic_streambuf<charT,traits> object. The transfer occurs when emit() is called and when the basic_osyncstream<chart,traits,Allocator> object is destroyed.

Add a synopsis for header <syncstream>.

template <class charT,
          class traits = char_traits<charT>,
          class Allocator = allocator<charT>>
  class basic_syncbuf;
template <class charT,
          class traits,
          class Allocator>
  class basic_osyncstream;

Class template basic_syncbuf [syncstream.syncbuf]

template <class charT,
          class traits = char_traits<charT>,
          class Allocator = allocator<charT>>
class basic_syncbuf
  : public std::basic_streambuf<charT, traits, Allocator> {

  using char_type      = charT;
  using int_type       = typename traits::int_type;
  using pos_type       = typename traits::pos_type;
  using off_type       = typename traits::off_type;
  using traits_type    = traits;
  using allocator_type = Allocator;

  using streambuf_type = basic_streambuf<charT,traits>;

  basic_syncbuf(streambuf_type* obuf = nullptr)
  : basic_syncbuf(obuf,Allocator{});
  basic_syncbuf(streambuf_type* obuf,
                Allocator const &allocator);
  basic_syncbuf(basic_syncbuf&& other);

  basic_syncbuf& operator=(basic_syncbuf&& rhs);
  void swap(basic_syncbuf &other);

  bool emit();
  streambuf_type* get_wrapped()   const noexcept;
  allocator_type  get_allocator() const noexcept;

  int sync() override;

  streambuf_type *wrapped;  // exposition only

template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>
inline void swap(basic_syncbuf<charT,traits,Allocator>& a,
                 basic_syncbuf<charT,traits,Allocator>& b);

basic_syncbuf constructors [syncstream.syncbuf.ctor]

explicit basic_syncbuf(streambuf_type* obuf = nullptr, Allocator const &allocator = Allocator());

Effects: Constructs the basic_syncbuf object and sets wrapped to obuf which will be the final destination of characters inserted into the stream.

Remarks: If obuf == nullptr, output operations on *this will fail. A copy of allocator is used to allocate memory for internal buffers.

Throws: Nothing unless constructing a mutex or allocating memory throws.

[Note: Subsequent calls to emit() might result in member functions being called on the user-provided stream buffer while a lock is held. —end note]

Postconditions: get_wrapped() == obuf && get_allocator() == allocator..

basic_syncbuf(basic_syncbuf&& other);

Effects: If other.get_wrapped() == nullptr, equivalent to basic_syncbuf(nullptr, other.get_allocator()) otherwise the state necessary to perform other.emit() is moved to *this.

Postconditions: The value returned by this->get_wrapped() is the value returned by other.get_wrapped() prior to calling this constructor. Output stored in other prior to calling this constructor will be stored in *this afterwards. other.rdbuf()->pbase() == other.rdbuf()->pptr() and other.get_wrapped() == nullptr

[Note: This constructor disassociates other from its wrapped stream buffer ensuring destruction of other produces no output. —end note]

basic_syncbuf destructor [syncstream.syncbuf.dtor]


Effects: Calls this->emit().

Throws: Nothing. If an exception is thrown while writing to the wrapped buffer, that exception is caught and ignored.

basic_syncbuf assign and swap [syncstream.syncbuf.assign]

basic_syncbuf& operator=(basic_syncbuf&& rhs);

Effects: Calls this->emit(). If rhs.get_wrapped() != nullptr, the state necessary to perform rhs.emit() is moved to *this.

Returns: *this.

Postconditions: other.get_wrapped() == nullptr. If allocator_traits<Allocator>::propagate_on_container_move_assignment::value == true, then this->get_allocator() == other.get_allocator(); otherwise the allocator is unchanged.

[Note: This assignment operator disassociates other from its wrapped stream buffer ensuring destruction of other produces no output. —end note]

void swap(basic_syncbuf& other);

Preconditions: this->get_allocator() == other.get_allocator().

Effects: Exchanges the state of *this and other.

template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>   void swap(basic_syncbuf<charT,traits,Allocator>& a, basic_syncbuf<charT,traits,Allocator>& b);

Effects: As if by a.swap(b).

basic_syncbuf member functions [syncstream.syncbuf.mfun]

bool emit();

Effects: Atomically transfers the contents of the internal buffer to the stream buffer *wrapped, so that they appear in the output stream as a contiguous sequence of characters. If and only if a call was made to this->sync()wrapped->pubsync() is called.

Returns: true if wrapped != nullptr, all of the buffered characters were successfully transferred, and the call to wrapped->pubsync() (if any) succeeded; otherwise false.

Synchronization: All emit() calls transferring characters to the same stream buffer object appear to execute in a total order consistent with happens-before where each emit() call synchronizes-with subsequent emit() calls in that total order.

Remarks: May call member functions of wrapped while holding a lock uniquely associated with wrapped.

streambuf_type* get_wrapped() const noexcept;

Returns: wrapped.

allocator_type get_allocator() const noexcept;

Returns: A copy of the allocator set in the constructor or from assignment.

basic_syncbuf overridden virtual functions [syncstream.syncbuf.virtuals]

int sync() override;

Effects: Record the fact that user desires that the wrapped buffer be flushed. The actual flush is delayed until a call to emit().

Returns: 0.

Class template basic_osyncstream [syncstream.osyncstream]

template <class charT,
          class traits,
          class Allocator>
class basic_osyncstream
  : public basic_ostream<charT,traits>
  using char_type      = charT;
  using int_type       = typename traits::int_type;
  using pos_type       = typename traits::pos_type;
  using off_type       = typename traits::off_type;
  using traits_type    = traits;
  using allocator_type = Allocator;
  using streambuf_type = basic_streambuf<charT,traits>;
  using syncbuf_type   = basic_syncbuf<charT,traits, Allocator>;

  explicit basic_osyncstream(streambuf_type *obuf)
  :basic_osyncstream(obuf, Allocator{});
  explicit basic_osyncstream(basic_ostream<charT,traits> &os)
  basic_osyncstream(streambuf_type *obuf, Allocator const &allocator);
  basic_osyncstream(basic_ostream<charT,traits> &os, Allocator const &allocator);
  basic_osyncstream& operator=(basic_osyncstream&&);
  void emit();
  streambuf_type* get_wrapped() const noexcept;
  syncbuf_type*   rdbuf() const noexcept override { return &sb ; }
  syncbuf_type sb; // exposition only

Allocator shall meet the allocator requirements [allocator.requirements].

[Example: Use a named variable within a block statement for streaming across multiple statements.

  osyncstream bout(cout);
  bout << "Hello, ";
  bout << "World!";
  bout << endl; // flush is noted
  bout << "and more!\n";
} // characters are transferred and cout is flushed

—end example]

[Example: Use a temporary object for streaming within a single statement. cout is not flushed.

osyncstream(cout) << "Hello, " << "World!" << '\n';

—end example]

osyncstream Constructor [syncstream.osyncstream.ctor]

basic_osyncstream(streambuf_type *buf, Allocator const &allocator);

Effects: Initializes sb from buf and allocator and initializes the base class with basic_ostream(&sb).

[Note: If wrapped stream buffer pointer refers to a user provided stream buffer then its implementation must be aware that its member functions might be called from emit() while a lock is held. —end note]

Postconditions: get_wrapped() == buf

basic_osyncstream(basic_ostream<charT,traits>& os, Allocator const &allocator);

Effects: basic_osyncstream(os.rdbuf(),a)

basic_osyncstream(basic_osyncstream&& other);

Effects: Move constructs from other. This is accomplished by move constructing the base class, and the contained basic_syncbuf sb. Next basic_ostream<charT, traits>::set_rdbuf(&sb) is called to install the basic_syncbuf sb.

Postconditions: The value returned by this->get_wrapped() is the value returned by os.get_wrapped() prior to calling this constructor. nullptr == os.get_wrapped().-->

osyncstream Destructor [synstream.osyncstream.dtor]


Effects: Calls emit().

osyncstream Assignment [synstream.osyncstream.assign]

basic_osyncstream& operator=(basic_osyncstream&& other);

Effects: First, calls this->emit(). Move assigns sb from other.sb. [Note: This disassociates other from its wrapped stream buffer ensuring destruction of other produces no output. —end note]

Postcondition: Primarily, nullptr == other.get_wrapped(). Also, get_wrapped() returns the value previously returned by other.get_wrapped().

osyncstream Member Functions [syncstream.osyncstream.mfun]

void emit();

Effects: Calls sb.emit(). If this call returns false, calls setstate(ios::badbit).

[Example: A flush on a basic_osyncstream does not flush immediately:
  osyncstream bout(cout);
  bout << "Hello," << '\n'; // no flush
  bout.emit(); // characters transferred; cout not flushed
  bout << "World!" << endl; // flush noted; bout not flushed
  bout.emit(); // characters transferred; cout flushed
  bout << "Greetings." << '\n'; // no flush
} // characters transferred; cout not flushed

—end example]

[Example: The function emit() can be used to catch exceptions from operations on the underlying stream.

  osyncstream bout(cout);
  bout << "Hello, " << "World!" << '\n';
  try {
  } catch ( ... ) {
    // stuff

—end example]

streambuf_type* get_wrapped() const noexcept;

Returns: sb.get_wrapped()

[Example: Obtaining the wrapped stream buffer with get_wrapped() allows wrapping it again with an osyncstream. For example,

  osyncstream bout1(cout);
  bout1 << "Hello, ";
    osyncstream bout2(bout1.get_wrapped());
    bout2 << "Goodbye, " << "Planet!" << '\n';
  bout1 << "World!" << '\n';

produces the uninterleaved output

Goodbye, Planet!
Hello, World!

—end example.]


Two example implementations are available on github.com/PeterSommerlad/SC22WG21_Papers/workspace/Test_basic_osyncstream and https://github.com/PeterSommerlad/SC22WG21_Papers/tree/master/workspace/p0053_basic_osyncstreambuf.

The latter actually implements almost all of the mechanics in a stream buffer as proposed by Pablo Halpern where the first one is my original implementation with most of the mechanics stuck in the basic_osyncstream.


This paper revises P0053R3 C++ Synchronized Buffered Ostream

This paper revises P0053R2 C++ Synchronized Buffered Ostream

P0053R2 revised P0053R1 C++ Synchronized Buffered Ostream

P0053R1 revised P0053R0 C++ Synchronized Buffered Ostream

P0053R0 revised N4187 C++ Ostream Buffers

N4187 revised N4069 C++ Ostream Buffers

N4069 revised N3978 C++ Ostream Buffers

N3978 revised N3892 C++ Ostream Buffers

N3892 revised N3750 C++ Ostream Buffers


The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 6, IEEE Std 1003.1, 2004 Edition, functions, flockfile, http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/functions/flockfile.html