Document number: | P0579R0 |
Date: | 2017-01-23 |
Project: | C++ Extensions for Ranges, Library Working Group |
Reply-to: |
Casey Carter <[email protected]> |
This paper proposes changes to the specification of components declared in the Ranges TS header <experimental/ranges/iterator>
to enable them to be used in a constexpr context. These changes resolve Ranges TS issue 256 “Add constexpr
to advance
, distance
, next
and prev
” (, and issue 322 “ranges::exchange
should be constexpr
and conditionally noexcept
” (
During review of P0370R2 “Ranges TS Design Updates Omnibus” at Issaquah, LWG directed that functions declared in the header <experimental/ranges/iterator>
should be constexpr
if they are so in the C++ WP header <iterator>
. It was suggested that the new iterator adaptors added in the Ranges TS, counted_iterator
and common_iterator
, should also be “as constexpr
as possible” in the spirit of e.g. reverse_iterator
and move_iterator
. We’ve enlarged the scope slightly to include some utilities (tagged
, dangling
, and exchange
) to enable the use of the iterator tools to implement constexpr algorithms.
This paper proposes changes to the specification of:
, next
, prev
, and distance
, move_iterator
, counted_iterator
, and common_iterator
wrapper class templatetagged
to enable those components to be used in the implementation of constexpr
The design intent of common_iterator<I, S>
, for some iterator type I
and sentinel type S
, is that it be implementable in terms of a C++17 std::variant<I, S>
. Unfortunately the limitations of constexpr
in C++17 make it impossible to implement the assignment operators of std::variant
so as to be generally usable in a constexpr
context. Consequently, common_iterator
’s assignment operators cannot in general be usable in constexpr
Similarly, if either I
or S
has a nontrivial destructor, common_iterator<I, S>
must also have a nontrivial destructor, disqualifying it from being a literal type.
Since an iterator that cannot be assigned is of extremely limited utility, we do not propose to apply constexpr
to all member functions of common_iterator
at this time; we propose only that the constructors of common_iterator
be constexpr
All of the suggested changes have been implemented in CMCSTL2 ( as a sanity check.
Change the synopsis of header <experimental/ranges/utility>
in [utility]/2 as follows:
// 5.2.1, swap:
namespace {
constexpr unspecified swap = unspecified;
}// 5.2.2, exchange:
template <MoveConstructible T, class U=T>
requires Assignable<T&, U>()
constexpr T exchange(T& obj, U&& new_val) noexcept(see below);// 5.5.2, struct with named accessors
template <class T>
concept bool TagSpecifier() {
return see below;
Change the declaration of exchange
in [] to agree, and add a new paragraph after paragraph 1:
template <MoveConstructible T, class U=T>
requires Assignable<T&, U>()
constexpr T exchange(T& obj, U&& new_val) noexcept(see below);1 Effects: Equivalent to:
T old_val = std::move(obj);
obj = std::forward<U>(new_val);
return old_val;2 Remarks: The expression in the
is equivalent to:is_nothrow_move_constructible<T>::value &&
is_nothrow_assignable<T&, U>::value
Change the synopsis of class templated tagged
in [taggedtup.tagged]/2 as follows:
template <class Base, TagSpecifier... Tags>
requires sizeof...(Tags) <= tuple_size<Base>::value
struct tagged :
Base, TAGGET(tagged<Base, Tags...>, Ti, i)... { // see below
using Base::Base;
tagged() = default;
tagged(tagged&&) = default;
tagged(const tagged&) = default;
tagged& operator=(tagged&&) = default;
tagged& operator=(const tagged&) = default;
template <class Other>
requires Constructible<Base, Other>()
constexpr tagged(tagged<Other, Tags...>&& that) noexcept(see below);
template <class Other>
requires Constructible()
constexpr tagged(const tagged<Other, Tags...>& that);
template <class Other>
requires Assignable<Base&, Other>()
constexpr tagged& operator=(tagged<Other, Tags...>&& that) noexcept(see below);
template <class Other>
requires Assignable<Base&, const Other&>()
constexpr tagged& operator=(const tagged<Other, Tags...>& that);
template <class U>
requires Assignable<Base&, U>() && !Same<decay_t<U>, tagged>()
constexpr tagged& operator=(U&& u) noexcept(see below);
constexpr void swap(tagged& that) noexcept(see below)
requires Swappable<Base&>();
constexpr friend void swap(tagged&, tagged&) noexcept(see below)
requires Swappable<Base&>();
Update the specifications of the functions in [taggedtup.tagged] to agree with the synopsis.
Change the synopsis of the header <experimental/ranges/iterator>
in [iterator.synopsis] as follows:
// 6.6.5, iterator operations:
template <Iterator I>
constexpr void advance(I& i, difference_type_t<I> n);
template <Iterator I, Sentinel<I> S>
constexpr void advance(I& i, S bound);
template <Iterator I, Sentinel<I> S>
constexpr difference_type_t<I> advance(I& i, difference_type_t<I> n, S bound);
template <Iterator I, Sentinel<I> S>
constexpr difference_type_t<I> distance(I first, S last);
template <Iterator I>
constexpr I next(I x, difference_type_t<I> n = 1);
template <Iterator I, Sentinel<I> S>
constexpr I next(I x, S bound);
template <Iterator I, Sentinel<I> S>
constexpr I next(I x, difference_type_t<I> n, S bound);
template <BidirectionalIterator I>
constexpr I prev(I x, difference_type_t<I> n = 1);
template <BidirectionalIterator I>
constexpr I prev(I x, difference_type_t<I> n, I bound);[…]
// 6.7, predefined iterators and sentinels:
// 6.7.1, reverse iterators:
template <BidirectionalIterator I> class reverse_iterator;template <class I1, class I2>
requires EqualityComparable<I1, I2>()
constexpr bool operator==(
const reverse_iterator<I1>& x,
const reverse_iterator<I2>& y);
template <class I1, class I2>
requires EqualityComparable<I1, I2>()
constexpr bool operator!=(
const reverse_iterator<I1>& x,
const reverse_iterator<I2>& y);
template <class I1, class I2>
requires StrictTotallyOrdered<I1, I2>()
constexpr bool operator<(
const reverse_iterator<I1>& x,
const reverse_iterator<I2>& y);
template <class I1, class I2>
requires StrictTotallyOrdered<I1, I2>()
constexpr bool operator>(
const reverse_iterator<I1>& x,
const reverse_iterator<I2>& y);
template <class I1, class I2>
requires StrictTotallyOrdered<I1, I2>()
constexpr bool operator>=(
const reverse_iterator<I1>& x,
const reverse_iterator<I2>& y);
template <class I1, class I2>
requires StrictTotallyOrdered<I1, I2>()
constexpr bool operator<=(
const reverse_iterator<I1>& x,
const reverse_iterator<I2>& y);template <class I1, class I2>
requires SizedSentinel<I1, I2>()
constexpr difference_type_t<I2> operator-(
const reverse_iterator<I1>& x,
const reverse_iterator<I2>& y);
template <RandomAccessIterator I>
constexpr reverse_iterator<I> operator+(
difference_type_t<I> n,
const reverse_iterator<I>& x);template <BidirectionalIterator I>
constexpr reverse_iterator<I> make_reverse_iterator(I i);[…]
// 6.7.3, move iterators and sentinels:
template <InputIterator I> class move_iterator;template <class I1, class I2>
requires EqualityComparable<I1, I2>()
constexpr bool operator==(
const move_iterator<I1>& x, const move_iterator<I2>& y);
template <class I1, class I2>
requires EqualityComparable<I1, I2>()
constexpr bool operator!=(
const move_iterator<I1>& x, const move_iterator<I2>& y);
template <class I1, class I2>
requires StrictTotallyOrdered<I1, I2>()
constexpr bool operator<(
const move_iterator<I1>& x, const move_iterator<I2>& y);
template <class I1, class I2>
requires StrictTotallyOrdered<I1, I2>()
constexpr bool operator<=(
const move_iterator<I1>& x, const move_iterator<I2>& y);
template <class I1, class I2>
requires StrictTotallyOrdered<I1, I2>()
constexpr bool operator>(
const move_iterator<I1>& x, const move_iterator<I2>& y);
template <class I1, class I2>
requires StrictTotallyOrdered<I1, I2>()
constexpr bool operator>=(
const move_iterator<I1>& x, const move_iterator<I2>& y);template <class I1, class I2>
requires SizedSentinel<I1, I2>()
constexpr difference_type_t<I2> operator-(
const move_iterator<I1>& x,
const move_iterator<I2>& y);
template <RandomAccessIterator I>
constexpr move_iterator<I> operator+(
difference_type_t<I> n,
const move_iterator<I>& x);
template <InputIterator I>
constexpr move_iterator<I> make_move_iterator(I i);template <Semiregular S> class move_sentinel;
template <class I, Sentinel<I> S>
constexpr bool operator==(
const move_iterator<I>& i,
const move_sentinel<S>& s);
template <class I, Sentinel<I> S>
constexpr bool operator==(
const move_sentinel<S>& s,
const move_iterator<I>& i);
template <class I, Sentinel<I> S>
constexpr bool operator!=(
const move_iterator<I>& i,
const move_sentinel<S>& s);
template <class I, Sentinel<I> S>
constexpr bool operator!=(
const move_sentinel<S>& s,
const move_iterator<I>& i);template <class I, SizedSentinel<I> S>
constexpr difference_type_t<I> operator-(
const move_sentinel<S>& s, const move_iterator<I>& i);
template <class I, SizedSentinel<I> S>
constexpr difference_type_t<I> operator-(
const move_iterator<I>& i, const move_sentinel<S>& s);template <Semiregular S>
constexpr move_sentinel<S> make_move_sentinel(S s);[…]
// 6.7.6, counted iterators:
template <Iterator I> class counted_iterator;template <class I1, class I2>
requires Common<I1, I2>()
constexpr bool operator==(
const counted_iterator<I1>& x, const counted_iterator<I2>& y);
constexpr bool operator==(
const counted_iterator<auto>& x, default_sentinel);
constexpr bool operator==(
default_sentinel, const counted_iterator<auto>& x);
template <class I1, class I2>
requires Common<I1, I2>()
constexpr bool operator!=(
const counted_iterator<I1>& x, const counted_iterator<I2>& y);
constexpr bool operator!=(
const counted_iterator<auto>& x, default_sentinel y);
constexpr bool operator!=(
default_sentinel x, const counted_iterator<auto>& y);
template <class I1, class I2>
requires Common<I1, I2>()
constexpr bool operator<(
const counted_iterator<I1>& x, const counted_iterator<I2>& y);
template <class I1, class I2>
requires Common<I1, I2>()
constexpr bool operator<=(
const counted_iterator<I1>& x, const counted_iterator<I2>& y);
template <class I1, class I2>
requires Common<I1, I2>()
constexpr bool operator>(
const counted_iterator<I1>& x, const counted_iterator<I2>& y);
template <class I1, class I2>
requires Common<I1, I2>()
constexpr bool operator>=(
const counted_iterator<I1>& x, const counted_iterator<I2>& y);
template <class I1, class I2>
requires Common<I1, I2>()
constexpr difference_type_t<I2> operator-(
const counted_iterator<I1>& x, const counted_iterator<I2>& y);
template <class I>
constexpr difference_type_t<I> operator-(
const counted_iterator<I>& x, default_sentinel y);
template <class I>
constexpr difference_type_t<I> operator-(
default_sentinel x, const counted_iterator<I>& y);template <RandomAccessIterator I>
constexpr counted_iterator<I> operator+(
difference_type_t<I> n, const counted_iterator<I>& x);
template <Iterator I>
constexpr counted_iterator<I> make_counted_iterator(I i, difference_type_t<I> n);
template <Iterator I>
constexpr void advance(counted_iterator<I>& i, difference_type_t<I> n);[…]
// 6.11, range primitives:
namespace {
constexpr unspecified size = unspecified;
constexpr unspecified empty = unspecified;
constexpr unspecified data = unspecified;
constexpr unspecified cdata = unspecified;
template <Range R>
constexpr difference_type_t<iterator_t<R>> distance(R&& r);
template <SizedRange R>
constexpr difference_type_t<iterator_t<R>> distance(R&& r);
Update the specifications of the functions in [iterator.operations], [reverse.iterator], [iterators.move], [move.sentinel], [iterators.counted], and [range.primitives] to agree with the synopsis.
In [reverse.iterator], change the synopsis of class template reverse_iterator
as follows:
template <BidirectionalIterator I>
class reverse_iterator {
using iterator_type = I;
using difference_type = difference_type_t<I>;
using value_type = value_type_t<I>;
using iterator_category = iterator_category_t<I>;
using reference = reference_t<I>;
using pointer = I;constexpr reverse_iterator();
constexpr explicit reverse_iterator(I x);
constexpr reverse_iterator(const reverse_iterator<ConvertibleTo<I>>& i);
constexpr reverse_iterator& operator=(const reverse_iterator<ConvertibleTo<I>>& i);constexpr I base() const;
constexpr reference operator*() const;
constexpr pointer operator->() const;constexpr reverse_iterator& operator++();
constexpr reverse_iterator operator++(int);
constexpr reverse_iterator& operator--();
constexpr reverse_iterator operator--(int);constexpr reverse_iterator operator+ (difference_type n) const
requires RandomAccessIterator<I>();
constexpr reverse_iterator& operator+=(difference_type n)
requires RandomAccessIterator<I>();
constexpr reverse_iterator operator- (difference_type n) const
requires RandomAccessIterator<I>();
constexpr reverse_iterator& operator-=(difference_type n)
requires RandomAccessIterator<I>();
constexpr reference operator const
requires RandomAccessIterator<I>();
I current; // exposition only
Update the specifications of the member functions in [reverse.iterator] to agree with the class template synopsis.
In [move.iterator], change the synopsis of class template move_iterator
as follows:
template <InputIterator I>
class move_iterator {
using iterator_type = I;
using difference_type = difference_type_t<I>;
using value_type = value_type_t<I>;
using iterator_category = input_iterator_tag;
using reference = see below;move_iterator();
constexpr explicit move_iterator(I i);
constexpr move_iterator(const move_iterator<ConvertibleTo<I>>& i);
constexpr move_iterator& operator=(const move_iterator<ConvertibleTo<I>>& i);constexpr I base() const;
constexpr reference operator*() const;constexpr move_iterator& operator++();
constexpr move_iterator operator++(int);
constexpr move_iterator& operator–()
requires BidirectionalIterator<I>();
constexpr move_iterator operator–(int)
requires BidirectionalIterator<I>();constexpr move_iterator operator+(difference_type n) const
requires RandomAccessIterator<I>();
constexpr move_iterator& operator+=(difference_type n)
requires RandomAccessIterator<I>();
constexpr move_iterator operator-(difference_type n) const
requires RandomAccessIterator<I>();
constexpr move_iterator& operator-=(difference_type n)
requires RandomAccessIterator<I>();
constexpr reference operator const
requires RandomAccessIterator<I>();private:
I current; // exposition only
Update the specifications of the member functions in [move.iterator] to agree with the class template synopsis.
In [common.iterator], change the synopsis of class template common_iterator
as follows:
template <Iterator I, Sentinel<I> S>
requires !Same<I, S>()
class common_iterator {
using difference_type = difference_type_t<I>;constexpr common_iterator();
constexpr common_iterator(I i);
constexpr common_iterator(S s);
constexpr common_iterator(const common_iterator<ConvertibleTo<I>, ConvertibleTo<S>>& u);
common_iterator& operator=(const common_iterator<ConvertibleTo<I>, ConvertibleTo<S>>& u);~common_iterator();
see below operator*();
see below operator*() const;
see below operator->() const requires Readable<I>();common_iterator& operator++();
common_iterator operator++(int);private:
bool is_sentinel; // exposition only
I iter; // exposition only
S sentinel; // exposition only
Update the specifications of the member functions in [common.iterator] to agree with the class template synopsis.
In [counted.iterator], change the synopsis of class template counted_iterator
as follows:
template <Iterator I>
class counted_iterator {
using iterator_type = I;
using difference_type = difference_type_t<I>;constexpr counted_iterator();
constexpr counted_iterator(I x, difference_type_t<I> n);
constexpr counted_iterator(const counted_iterator<ConvertibleTo<I>>& i);
constexpr counted_iterator& operator=(const counted_iterator<ConvertibleTo<I>>& i);constexpr I base() const;
constexpr difference_type_t<I> count() const;
constexpr see below operator*();
constexpr see below operator*() const;constexpr counted_iterator& operator++();
constexpr counted_iterator operator++(int);
constexpr counted_iterator& operator--()
requires BidirectionalIterator<I>();
constexpr counted_iterator operator--(int)
requires BidirectionalIterator<I>();constexpr counted_iterator operator+ (difference_type n) const
requires RandomAccessIterator<I>();
constexpr counted_iterator& operator+=(difference_type n)
requires RandomAccessIterator<I>();
constexpr counted_iterator operator- (difference_type n) const
requires RandomAccessIterator<I>();
constexpr counted_iterator& operator-=(difference_type n)
requires RandomAccessIterator<I>();
constexpr see below operator const
requires RandomAccessIterator<I>();
I current; // exposition only
difference_type_t<I> cnt; // exposition only
Update the specifications of the member functions in [counted.iterator] to agree with the class template synopsis.
In [dangling.wrap], change the synopsis of class template dangling
as follows:
template <CopyConstructible T>
class dangling {
constexpr dangling() requires DefaultConstructible<T>();
constexpr dangling(T t);
constexpr T get_unsafe() const;
T value; // exposition only
Update the specifications of the member functions in [dangling.wrap.ops] to agree with the class template synopsis.