C++ Standard Library Issues Resolved Directly In Kona

Doc. no. P0625R0

Revised 2017-03-03 at 22:03:08 UTC

Project: Programming Language C++
Reply to: Marshall Clow <[email protected]>

Immediate Issues

2788. basic_string range mutators unintentionally require a default constructible allocator

Section: [string.append], [string.assign], [string.insert], [string.replace] Status: Immediate Submitter: Billy O'Neal III Opened: 2016-10-25 Last modified: 2017-03-03

Priority: 2

View all issues with Immediate status.


Email discussion occurred on the lib reflector.

basic_string's mutation functions show construction of temporary basic_string instances, without passing an allocator parameter. This says that basic_string needs to use a default-initialized allocator, which is clearly unintentional. The temporary needs to use the same allocator the current basic_string instance uses, if an implmentation needs to create a temporary at all.

libc++ already does this; I believe libstdc++ does as well (due to the bug report we got from a user that brought this to our attention), but have not verified there. I implemented this in MSVC++'s STL and this change is scheduled to ship in VS "15" RTW.

[2016-11-12, Issaquah]

Sat AM: Priority 2

Alisdair to investigate and (possibly) provide an alternate P/R

[2017-02-13 Alisdair responds:]

Looks good to me - no suggested alternative

[Kona 2017-02-28]

Accepted as Immediate.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4606.

  1. In [string.append], add the allocator parameter to the range overload temporary:

    template<class InputIterator>
      basic_string& append(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);

    -19- Requires: [first, last) is a valid range.

    -20- Effects: Equivalent to append(basic_string(first, last, get_allocator())).

    -21- Returns: *this.

  2. In [string.assign], add the allocator parameter to the range overload temporary:

    template<class InputIterator>
      basic_string& assign(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);

    -23- Effects: Equivalent to assign(basic_string(first, last, get_allocator())).

    -24- Returns: *this.

  3. In [string.insert], add the allocator parameter to the range overload temporary:

    template<class InputIterator>
      iterator insert(const_iterator p, InputIterator first, InputIterator last);

    -23- Requires: p is a valid iterator on *this. [first, last) is a valid range.

    -24- Effects: Equivalent to insert(p - begin(), basic_string(first, last, get_allocator())).

    -25- Returns: An iterator which refers to the copy of the first inserted character, or p if first == last.

  4. In [string.replace], add the allocator parameter to the range overload temporary:

    template<class InputIterator>
      basic_string& replace(const_iterator i1, const_iterator i2,
                            InputIterator j1, InputIterator j2);

    -32- Requires: [begin(), i1), [i1, i2) and [j1, j2) are valid ranges.

    -33- Effects: Calls replace(i1 - begin(), i2 - i1, basic_string(j1, j2, get_allocator())).

    -34- Returns: *this.

2801. Default-constructibility of unique_ptr

Section: [unique.ptr.single.ctor] Status: Immediate Submitter: United States Opened: 2016-11-09 Last modified: 2017-03-03

Priority: 2

View other active issues in [unique.ptr.single.ctor].

View all other issues in [unique.ptr.single.ctor].

View all issues with Immediate status.


Addresses US 122

unique_ptr should not satisfy is_constructible_v<unique_ptr<T, D>> unless D is DefaultConstructible and not a pointer type. This is important for interactions with pair, tuple, and variant constructors that rely on the is_default_constructible trait.

Suggested resolution:

Add a Remarks: clause to constrain the default constructor to not exist unless the Requires clause is satisfied.

[Issues Telecon 16-Dec-2016]

Priority 2; Howard and Ville to provide wording.

[2016-12-24: Howard and Ville provided wording.]

[2017-03-02, Kona, STL comments and tweaks the wording]

LWG discussed this issue, and we liked it, but we wanted to tweak the PR. I ran this past Ville (who drafted the PR with Howard), and he was in favor of tweaking this.

[Kona 2017-03-02]

Accepted as Immediate to resolve NB comment.

Proposed resolution:

  1. Modify the synopsis in [unique.ptr.single] as follows:

    constexpr unique_ptr(nullptr_t) noexcept;
        : unique_ptr() { }
  2. Modify [unique.ptr.single.ctor] as follows:

    constexpr unique_ptr() noexcept;
    constexpr unique_ptr(nullptr_t) noexcept;

    -1- Requires: D shall satisfy the requirements of DefaultConstructible (Table 22), and that construction shall not throw an exception.

    -2- Effects: Constructs a unique_ptr object that owns nothing, value-initializing the stored pointer and the stored deleter.

    -3- Postconditions: get() == nullptr. get_deleter() returns a reference to the stored deleter.

    -4- Remarks: If this constructor is instantiated with a pointer type or reference type for the template argument D, the program is ill-formed. If is_pointer_v<deleter_type> is true or is_default_constructible_v<deleter_type> is false, this constructor shall not participate in overload resolution.

    explicit unique_ptr(pointer p) noexcept;


    -8- Remarks: If this constructor is instantiated with a pointer type or reference type for the template argument D, the program is ill-formed. If is_pointer_v<deleter_type> is true or is_default_constructible_v<deleter_type> is false, this constructor shall not participate in overload resolution.

  3. Modify the synopsis in [unique.ptr.runtime] as follows:

    constexpr unique_ptr(nullptr_t) noexcept; : unique_ptr() { }
  4. Modify [unique.ptr.runtime.ctor] as follows:

    template <class U> explicit unique_ptr(U p) noexcept;

    This constructor behaves the same as the constructor that takes a pointer parameter in the primary template except that the following constraints are added for it to participate in overload resolution

    • U is the same type as pointer, or

    • pointer is the same type as element_type*, U is a pointer type V*, and V(*)[] is convertible to element_type(*)[].

    template <class U> unique_ptr(U p, see below d) noexcept;
    template <class U> unique_ptr(U p, see below d) noexcept;

    1 These constructors behave the same as the constructors that take a pointer parameter in the primary template except that they shall not participate in overload resolution unless either

2802. shared_ptr constructor requirements for a deleter

Section: [util.smartptr.shared.const] Status: Immediate Submitter: United States Opened: 2016-11-09 Last modified: 2017-03-03

Priority: 2

View other active issues in [util.smartptr.shared.const].

View all other issues in [util.smartptr.shared.const].

View all issues with Immediate status.


Addresses US 127

It should suffice for the deleter D to be nothrow move-constructible. However, to avoid potentially leaking the pointer p if D is also copy-constructible when copying the argument by-value, we should continue to require the copy constructor does not throw if D is CopyConstructible.

Proposed change:

Relax the requirement the D be CopyConstructible to simply require that D be MoveConstructible. Clarify the requirement that construction of any of the arguments passed by-value shall not throw exceptions. Note that we have library-wide wording in clause 17 that says any type supported by the library, not just this delete, shall not throw exceptions from its destructor, so that wording could be editorially removed. Similarly, the requirements that A shall be an allocator satisfy that neither constructor nor destructor for A can throw.

[2016-12-16, Issues Telecon]

Priority 3; Jonathan to provide wording.

[2017-02-23, Jonathan comments and suggests wording]

I don't think the Clause 17 wording in [res.on.functions] is sufficient to require that the delete expression is well-formed. A class-specific deallocation function ([class.free]) would not be covered by [res.on.functions] and so could throw:

struct Y { void operator delete(void*) noexcept(false) { throw 1; } };

[Kona 2017-02-27]

Accepted as Immediate to resolve NB comment.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4640.

  1. Modify [util.smartptr.shared.const] as indicated:

    template<class Y, class D> shared_ptr(Y* p, D d);
    template<class Y, class D, class A> shared_ptr(Y* p, D d, A a);
    template <class D> shared_ptr(nullptr_t p, D d);
    template <class D, class A> shared_ptr(nullptr_t p, D d, A a);

    -8- Requires: D shall be CopyMoveConstructible and such construction of d and a deleter of type D initialized with std::move(d) shall not throw exceptions. The destructor of D shall not throw exceptions. The expression d(p) shall be well formed, shall have well -defined behavior, and shall not throw exceptions. A shall be an allocator ( The copy constructor and destructor of A shall not throw exceptions. When T is […].

2806. Base class of bad_optional_access

Section: 20.6.5 [optional.bad.access] Status: Immediate Submitter: Great Britain Opened: 2016-11-09 Last modified: 2017-03-03

Priority: 1

View all issues with Immediate status.


Addresses GB 49

LEWG 72 suggests changing the base class of std::bad_optional_access, but the issue appears to have been forgotten.

Proposed change:

Address LEWG issue 72, either changing it for C++17 or closing the issue.

[Issues Telecon 16-Dec-2016]

Priority 1; Marshall provides wording

Not the most important bug in the world, but we can't change it after we ship C++17, hence the P1.

[Kona 2017-03-01]

Accepted as Immediate to resolve NB comment.

Proposed resolution:

Changes are relative to N4604.

In the class synopsis in 20.6.5 [optional.bad_optional_access] change:

    class bad_optional_access : public exceptionlogic_error {

2807. std::invoke should use std::is_nothrow_callable

Section: 20.14.4 [func.invoke] Status: Immediate Submitter: Great Britain Opened: 2016-11-09 Last modified: 2017-03-03

Priority: 3

View other active issues in [func.invoke].

View all other issues in [func.invoke].

View all issues with Immediate status.


Addresses GB 53

std::invoke can be made trivially noexcept using the new std::is_nothrow_callable trait:

Proposed change:

Add the exception specifier noexcept(is_nothrow_callable_v<F&&(Args&&...)>) to std::invoke.

[Issues Telecon 16-Dec-2016]

Priority 3

[2017-02-28, Daniel comments and provides wording]

The following wording assumes that D0604R0 would be accepted, therefore uses is_nothrow_invocable_v instead of the suggested current trait is_nothrow_callable_v

[Kona 2017-03-01]

Accepted as Immediate to resolve NB comment.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4640.

  1. Change 20.14.1 [functional.syn], header <functional> synopsis, as indicated:

    // 20.14.4, invoke
    template <class F, class... Args>
      invoke_result_t<F, Args...>result_of_t<F&&(Args&&...)> invoke(F&& f, Args&&... args) noexcept(is_nothrow_invocable_v<F, Args...>);
  2. Change 20.14.4 [func.invoke] as indicated:

    template <class F, class... Args>
      invoke_result_t<F, Args...>result_of_t<F&&(Args&&...)> invoke(F&& f, Args&&... args) noexcept(is_nothrow_invocable_v<F, Args...>);

2857. {variant,optional,any}::emplace should return the constructed value

Section: 20.6 [optional], 20.7 [variant], 20.8 [any] Status: Immediate Submitter: Zhihao Yuan Opened: 2017-01-25 Last modified: 2017-03-03

Priority: 1

View all other issues in [optional].

View all issues with Immediate status.


When you want to continue operate on the new contained object constructed by emplace, you probably don't want to go through the type-safe machinery again.

[2017-01-27 Telecon]

Priority 1; send to LEWG.

[Kona 2017-03-02]

Accepted as Immediate because P1.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4618.

  1. Update the following signatures in 20.6.3 [optional.optional], class template optional synopsis, as indicated:

    // [optional.assign], assignment
    template <class... Args> voidT& emplace(Args&&...);
    template <class U, class... Args>
      voidT& emplace(initializer_list<U>, Args&&...);
  2. Modify [optional.assign] as indicated:

    template <class... Args> voidT& emplace(Args&&... args);


    -27- Postconditions: *this contains a value.

    -?- Returns: A reference to the new contained value.

    -28- Throws: Any exception thrown by the selected constructor of T.

    template <class U, class... Args> voidT& emplace(initializer_list<U> il, Args&&... args);


    -31- Postconditions: *this contains a value.

    -?- Returns: A reference to the new contained value.

    -32- Throws: Any exception thrown by the selected constructor of T.

  3. Modify the following signatures in 20.7.3 [variant.variant], class template variant synopsis, as indicated:

    // [variant.mod], modifiers
    template <class T, class... Args> voidT& emplace(Args&&...);
    template <class T, class U, class... Args>
      voidT& emplace(initializer_list<U>, Args&&...);
    template <size_t I, class... Args> voidvariant_alternative_t<I, variant<Types...>>& emplace(Args&&...);
    template <size_t I, class U, class... Args>
      voidvariant_alternative_t<I, variant<Types...>>& emplace(initializer_list<U>, Args&&...);
  4. Modify [variant.mod] as indicated:

    template <class T, class... Args> voidT& emplace(Args&&... args);

    -1- Effects: Equivalent to return emplace<I>(std::forward<Args>(args)...); where I is the zero-based index of T in Types....


    template <class T, class U, class... Args>
      voidT& emplace(initializer_list<U> il, Args&&... args);

    -3- Effects: Equivalent to return emplace<I>(il, std::forward<Args>(args)...); where I is the zero-based index of T in Types....


    template <size_t I, class... Args> voidvariant_alternative_t<I, variant<Types...>>& emplace(Args&&... args);


    -7- Postconditions: index() is I.

    -?- Returns: A reference to the new contained value.

    -8- Throws: Any exception thrown during the initialization of the contained value.


    template <size_t I, class U, class... Args>
      voidvariant_alternative_t<I, variant<Types...>>& emplace(initializer_list<U> il, Args&&... args);


    -12- Postconditions: index() is I.

    -?- Returns: A reference to the new contained value.

    -13- Throws: Any exception thrown during the initialization of the contained value.


  5. Modify the following signatures in 20.8.3 [any.class], class any synopsis, as indicated:

    // [any.modifiers], modifiers
    template <class ValueType, class... Args>
      voiddecay_t<ValueType>& emplace(Args&& ...);
    template <class ValueType, class U, class... Args>
      voiddecay_t<ValueType>& emplace(initializer_list<U>, Args&&...);
  6. Modify [any.modifiers] as indicated:

    template <class ValueType, class... Args>
      voiddecay_t<ValueType>& emplace(Args&&... args);


    -4- Postconditions: *this contains a value.

    -?- Returns: A reference to the new contained value.

    -5- Throws: Any exception thrown by the selected constructor of T.


    template <class ValueType, class U, class... Args>
      voiddecay_t<ValueType>& emplace(initializer_list<U> il, Args&&... args);


    -10- Postconditions: *this contains a value.

    -?- Returns: A reference to the new contained value.

    -11- Throws: Any exception thrown by the selected constructor of T.


2861. basic_string should require that charT match traits::char_type

Section: [string.require] Status: Immediate Submitter: United States Opened: 2017-02-02 Last modified: 2017-03-03

Priority: Not Prioritized

View other active issues in [string.require].

View all other issues in [string.require].

View all issues with Immediate status.


Addresses US 145

There is no requirement that traits::char_type is charT, although there is a requirement that allocator::value_type is charT. This means that it might be difficult to honour both methods returning reference (such as operator[]) and charT& (like front/back) when traits has a surprising char_type. It seems that the allocator should not rebind in such cases, making the reference-returning signatures the problematic ones.

Suggested resolution: Add a requirement that is_same_v<typename traits::char_type, charT> is true, and simplify so that value_type is just an alias for charT.

[2017-02-02 Marshall adds]

In [string.require]/3, there's already a note that the types shall be the same. In [string.view.template]/1, it says "In every specialization basic_string_view<charT, traits, Allocator>, the type traits shall satisfy the character traits requirements (21.2), and the type traits::char_type shall name the same type as charT".

[Kona 2017-02-28]

Accepted as Immediate to resolve NB comment.

Proposed resolution:

Changes are based off of N4618

  1. Modify [basic.string] as indicated (in the synopsis):

    class basic_string {
    // types:
      using traits_type      = traits;
      using value_type       = charTtypename traits::char_type;
      using allocator_type   = Allocator
  2. Change [string.require]/3 as indicated:

    -3- In every specialization basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>, the type allocator_traits<Allocator>::value_type shall name the same type as charT. Every object of type basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator> shall use an object of type Allocator to allocate and free storage for the contained charT objects as needed. The Allocator object used shall be obtained as described in 23.2.1. [ Note: In every specialization basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>, the type traits shall satisfy the character traits requirements (21.2), and the type traits::char_type shall namebe the same type as charT; see 21.2. — end note ]

2866. Incorrect derived classes constraints

Section: [derivation] Status: Immediate Submitter: Great Britain Opened: 2017-02-03 Last modified: 2017-03-03

Priority: Not Prioritized

View all issues with Immediate status.


Addresses GB 36

For bullet (3.2), no base classes are described as non-virtual. Rather, base classes are not specified as virtual, a subtly different negative.

Proposed change:

Rewrite bullet 3.2:

Every base class not specified as virtual shall not be virtual;

[Kona 2017-03-01]

Accepted as Immediate to resolve NB comment.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4640.

  1. Modify [derivation] paragraph 3.2 as indicated:

    Every base class described as non-virtual shall not be virtual; Every base class not specified as virtual shall not be virtual;

2868. Missing specification of bad_any_cast::what()

Section: 20.8.2 [any.bad_any_cast] Status: Immediate Submitter: Great Britain Opened: 2017-02-03 Last modified: 2017-03-03

Priority: Not Prioritized

View all issues with Immediate status.


Addresses GB 54

There is no specification for bad_any_cast.what.

Proposed change:

Add a paragraphs:

const char* what() const noexcept override;

Returns: An implementation-defined NTBS.

Remarks: The message may be a null-terminated multibyte string (, suitable for conversion and display as a wstring (21.3,

[Kona 2017-03-01]

Accepted as Immediate to resolve NB comment.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4618.

  1. Insert the following series of paragraphs to 20.8.2 [any.bad_any_cast] as indicated:

    const char* what() const noexcept override;

    -?- Returns: An implementation-defined NTBS.

    -?- Remarks: The message may be a null-terminated multibyte string ( [multibyte.strings]), suitable for conversion and display as a wstring (21.3 [string.classes], [locale.codecvt]).

2872. Add definition for direct-non-list-initialization

Section: 17.3 [definitions] Status: Immediate Submitter: United States Opened: 2017-02-03 Last modified: 2017-03-03

Priority: Not Prioritized

View all issues with Immediate status.


Addresses US 107

The term 'direct non-list initialization' needs to be incorporated from the Library Fundamentals TS, as several components added to C++17 rely on this definition.

Proposed change:


17.3.X direct-non-list-initialization [defns.direct-non-list-init]

A direct-initialization that is not list-initialization.

[Kona 2017-02-27]

Accepted as Immediate to resolve NB comment.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4618.

  1. Add the following to 17.3 [definitions] as indicated:

    17.3.? direct-non-list-initialization [defns.direct-non-list-init]

    A direct-initialization that is not list-initialization.

2873. Add noexcept to several shared_ptr related functions

Section: [util.smartptr.shared] Status: Immediate Submitter: United States Opened: 2017-02-03 Last modified: 2017-03-03

Priority: Not Prioritized

View other active issues in [util.smartptr.shared].

View all other issues in [util.smartptr.shared].

View all issues with Immediate status.


Addresses US 124

Several shared_ptr related functions have wide contracts and cannot throw, so should be marked unconditionally noexcept.

Proposed change:

Add noexcept to:

template<class U> 
shared_ptr::owner_before(shared_ptr<U> const& b) const noexcept;
template<class U> 
shared_ptr::owner_before(weak_ptr<U> const& b) const noexcept;

template<class U> 
weak_ptr::owner_before(shared_ptr<U> const& b) const noexcept; 

template<class U> 
weak_ptr::owner_before(weak_ptr<U> const& b) const noexcept;
bool owner_less::operator()(A,B) const noexcept; // all versions

[2017-02-20, Marshall adds wording]

[Kona 2017-02-27]

Accepted as Immediate to resolve NB comment.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4640.

  1. Modify [util.smartptr.shared] as indicated:

      template<class U> bool owner_before(const shared_ptr<U>& b) const noexcept;
      template<class U> bool owner_before(const weak_ptr<U>& b) const noexcept;
  2. Modify [util.smartptr.shared.obs] as indicated:

    template<class U> bool owner_before(const shared_ptr<U>& b) const noexcept;
    template<class U> bool owner_before(const weak_ptr<U>& b) const noexcept;
  3. Modify [util.smartptr.ownerless] as indicated:

    template<class T> struct owner_less<shared_ptr<T>> {
       bool operator()(const shared_ptr<T>&, const shared_ptr<T>&) const noexcept;
       bool operator()(const shared_ptr<T>&, const weak_ptr<T>&) const noexcept;
       bool operator()(const weak_ptr<T>&, const shared_ptr<T>&) const noexcept;
    template<class T> struct owner_less<weak_ptr<T>> {
       bool operator()(const weak_ptr<T>&, const weak_ptr<T>&) const noexcept;
       bool operator()(const shared_ptr<T>&, const weak_ptr<T>&) const noexcept;
       bool operator()(const weak_ptr<T>&, const shared_ptr<T>&) const noexcept;
    template<> struct owner_less<void> {
       template<class T, class U>
          bool operator()(const shared_ptr<T>&, const shared_ptr<U>&) const noexcept;
       template<class T, class U>
          bool operator()(const shared_ptr<T>&, const weak_ptr<U>&) const noexcept;
       template<class T, class U>
          bool operator()(const weak_ptr<T>&, const shared_ptr<U>&) const noexcept;
       template<class T, class U>
          bool operator()(const weak_ptr<T>&, const weak_ptr<U>&) const noexcept;
       using is_transparent = unspecified;

2874. Constructor shared_ptr::shared_ptr(Y*) should be constrained

Section: [util.smartptr.shared.const] Status: Immediate Submitter: United States Opened: 2017-02-03 Last modified: 2017-03-03

Priority: Not Prioritized

View other active issues in [util.smartptr.shared.const].

View all other issues in [util.smartptr.shared.const].

View all issues with Immediate status.


Addresses US 125

Paragraph 4: This constructor should not participate in overload resolution unless the Requires clause is satisfied. Note that this would therefore apply to some assignment operator and reset overloads, via Effects: equivalent to some code wording.

Proposed change:

Add a Remarks: clause to constrain this constructor not to participate in overload resolution unless the Requires clause is satisfied.

[2017-02-23, Jonathan provides wording]

Previous resolution [SUPERSEDED]:

This wording is relative to N4640.

  1. Modify [util.smartptr.shared.const] as indicated:

    [Drafting note: This also adds a hyphen to "well defined"]

    template<class Y> explicit shared_ptr(Y* p);

    -4- Requires: Y shall be a complete type. The expression delete[] p, when T is an array type, or delete p, when T is not an array type, shall be well formed, shall have well -defined behavior, and shall not throw exceptions. When T is U[N], Y(*)[N] shall be convertible to T*; when T is U[], Y(*)[] shall be convertible to T*; otherwise, Y* shall be convertible to T*.

    -5- Effects: […]

    -6- Postconditions: […]

    -7- Throws: […]

    -?- Remarks: When T is an array type, this constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless the expression delete[] p is well-formed and either T is U[N] and Y(*)[N] is convertible to T*, or Y(*)[] is convertible to T*. When T is not an array type, this constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless the expression delete p is well-formed and Y* is convertible to T*.

[Kona 2017-02-27: Jonathan updates wording after LWG review]

[Kona 2017-02-27]

Accepted as Immediate to resolve NB comment.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4640.

  1. Modify [util.smartptr.shared.const] as indicated:

    [Drafting note: This also adds a hyphen to "well defined"]

    template<class Y> explicit shared_ptr(Y* p);

    -4- Requires: Y shall be a complete type. The expression delete[] p, when T is an array type, or delete p, when T is not an array type, shall be well formed, shall have well -defined behavior, and shall not throw exceptions. When T is U[N], Y(*)[N] shall be convertible to T*; when T is U[], Y(*)[] shall be convertible to T*; otherwise, Y* shall be convertible to T*.

    -5- Effects: […]

    -6- Postconditions: […]

    -7- Throws: […]

    -?- Remarks: When T is an array type, this constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless the expression delete[] p is well-formed and either T is U[N] and Y(*)[N] is convertible to T*, or T is U[] and Y(*)[] is convertible to T*. When T is not an array type, this constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless the expression delete p is well-formed and Y* is convertible to T*.

2875. shared_ptr::shared_ptr(Y*, D, […]) constructors should be constrained

Section: [util.smartptr.shared.const] Status: Immediate Submitter: United States Opened: 2017-02-03 Last modified: 2017-03-03

Priority: Not Prioritized

View other active issues in [util.smartptr.shared.const].

View all other issues in [util.smartptr.shared.const].

View all issues with Immediate status.


Addresses US 126

Paragraph 8: This constructor should not participate in overload resolution unless the Requires clause is satisfied. Note that this would therefore apply to some assignment operator and reset overloads, via Effects: equivalent to some code wording.

Proposed change:

Add a Remarks: clause to constrain this constructor not to participate in overload resolution unless the Requires clause is satisfied.

[2017-02 pre-Kona]

See US 125: LWG 2874.

[2017-02-23, Jonathan provides wording]

This wording is relative to N4640.

  1. Modify [util.smartptr.shared.const] as indicated:

    1. If the proposed resolution of LWG 2802 has been accepted modify p8 as shown:

      template<class Y, class D> shared_ptr(Y* p, D d);
      template<class Y, class D, class A> shared_ptr(Y* p, D d, A a);
      template <class D> shared_ptr(nullptr_t p, D d);
      template <class D, class A> shared_ptr(nullptr_t p, D d, A a);

      -8- Requires: D shall be MoveConstructible and cConstruction of d and a deleter of type D initialized with std::move(d) shall not throw exceptions. The expression d(p) shall be well formed, shall have well-defined behavior, and shall not throw exceptions. A shall be an allocator ( When T is U[N], Y(*)[N] shall be convertible to T*; when T is U[], Y(*)[] shall be convertible to T*; otherwise, Y* shall be convertible to T*.

    2. If the proposed resolution of LWG 2802 has not been accepted modify p8 as shown:

      template<class Y, class D> shared_ptr(Y* p, D d);
      template<class Y, class D, class A> shared_ptr(Y* p, D d, A a);
      template <class D> shared_ptr(nullptr_t p, D d);
      template <class D, class A> shared_ptr(nullptr_t p, D d, A a);

      -8- Requires: D shall be CopyConstructible and such cConstruction of d and a copy of d shall not throw exceptions. The destructor of D shall not throw exceptions. The expression d(p) shall be well formed, shall have well defined behavior, and shall not throw exceptions. A shall be an allocator ( The copy constructor and destructor of A shall not throw exceptions. When T is U[N], Y(*)[N] shall be convertible to T*; when T is U[], Y(*)[] shall be convertible to T*; otherwise, Y* shall be convertible to T*.

  1. In either case, add a Remarks paragraph after p11:

    [Drafting note: If LWG 2802 is not accepted, replace is_move_constructible_v with is_copy_constructible_v.]

    template<class Y, class D> shared_ptr(Y* p, D d);
    template<class Y, class D, class A> shared_ptr(Y* p, D d, A a);
    template <class D> shared_ptr(nullptr_t p, D d);
    template <class D, class A> shared_ptr(nullptr_t p, D d, A a);

    -8- Requires: […]


    -11- Throws: […]

    -?- Remarks: When T is an array type, this constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless is_move_constructible_v<D> is true, the expression d(p) is well-formed, and either T is U[N] and Y(*)[N] is convertible to T*, or Y(*)[] is convertible to T*. When T is not an array type, this constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless is_move_constructible_v<D> is true, the expression d(p) is well-formed, and Y* is convertible to T*.

[Kona 2017-02-27: Jonathan updates wording after LWG review]

[Kona 2017-02-27]

Accepted as Immediate to resolve NB comment.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4640 as modified by the proposed resolution of LWG 2802.

  1. Modify [util.smartptr.shared.const] as indicated:

    template<class Y, class D> shared_ptr(Y* p, D d);
    template<class Y, class D, class A> shared_ptr(Y* p, D d, A a);
    template <class D> shared_ptr(nullptr_t p, D d);
    template <class D, class A> shared_ptr(nullptr_t p, D d, A a);

    -8- Requires: D shall be MoveConstructible and cConstruction of d and a deleter of type D initialized with std::move(d) shall not throw exceptions. The expression d(p) shall be well formed, shall have well-defined behavior, and shall not throw exceptions. A shall be an allocator ( When T is U[N], Y(*)[N] shall be convertible to T*; when T is U[], Y(*)[] shall be convertible to T*; otherwise, Y* shall be convertible to T*.

  2. Add a Remarks paragraph after p11:

    template<class Y, class D> shared_ptr(Y* p, D d);
    template<class Y, class D, class A> shared_ptr(Y* p, D d, A a);
    template <class D> shared_ptr(nullptr_t p, D d);
    template <class D, class A> shared_ptr(nullptr_t p, D d, A a);

    -8- Requires: […]


    -11- Throws: […]

    -?- Remarks: When T is an array type, this constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless is_move_constructible_v<D> is true, the expression d(p) is well-formed, and either T is U[N] and Y(*)[N] is convertible to T*, or T is U[] and Y(*)[] is convertible to T*. When T is not an array type, this constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless is_move_constructible_v<D> is true, the expression d(p) is well-formed, and Y* is convertible to T*.

2876. shared_ptr::shared_ptr(const weak_ptr<Y>&) constructor should be constrained

Section: [util.smartptr.shared.const] Status: Immediate Submitter: United States Opened: 2017-02-03 Last modified: 2017-03-03

Priority: Not Prioritized

View other active issues in [util.smartptr.shared.const].

View all other issues in [util.smartptr.shared.const].

View all issues with Immediate status.


Addresses US 129

Paragraph 22: This constructor should not participate in overload resolution unless the requirements are satisfied, in order to give correct results from the is_constructible trait.

Proposed change:

Add a Remarks: clause to constrain this constructor not to participate in overload resolution unless the Requires clause is satisfied.

[2017-02-23, Jonathan provides wording]

[Kona 2017-02-27]

Accepted as Immediate to resolve NB comment.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4640.

  1. Modify [util.smartptr.shared.const] as indicated:

    template<class Y> explicit shared_ptr(const weak_ptr<Y>& r);

    -22- Requires: Y* shall be compatible with T*.


    -25- Throws: […]

    -?- Remarks: This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless Y* is compatible with T*.

2878. Missing DefaultConstructible requirement for istream_iterator default constructor

Section: [istream.iterator.cons] Status: Immediate Submitter: United States Opened: 2017-02-03 Last modified: 2017-03-03

Priority: Not Prioritized

View other active issues in [istream.iterator.cons].

View all other issues in [istream.iterator.cons].

View all issues with Immediate status.


Addresses US 153

istream_iterator default constructor requires a DefaultConstructible T.

Proposed change:

Add a new p1:

Requires: T is DefaultConstructible.

Previous resolution [SUPERSEDED]:

This wording is relative to N4618.

  1. Modify [istream.iterator.cons] as indicated:

    see below istream_iterator();

    -?- Requires: T is DefaultConstructible.

    -1- Effects: Constructs the end-of-stream iterator. If is_trivially_default_constructible_v<T> is true, then this constructor is a constexpr constructor.

    -2- Postconditions: in_stream == 0.

[Kona 2017-02-28: Jonathan provides updated wording as requested by LWG.]

[Kona 2017-03-02]

Accepted as Immediate to resolve NB comment.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4618.

  1. Modify 24.6.1 [istream.iterator] as indicated:

    -1- The class template istream_iterator is an input iterator (24.2.3) that reads (using operator>>) successive elements from the input stream for which it was constructed. After it is constructed, and every time ++ is used, the iterator reads and stores a value of T. If the iterator fails to read and store a value of T (fail() on the stream returns true), the iterator becomes equal to the end-of-stream iterator value. The constructor with no arguments istream_iterator() always constructs an end-of-stream input iterator object, which is the only legitimate iterator to be used for the end condition. The result of operator* on an end-of-stream iterator is not defined. For any other iterator value a const T& is returned. The result of operator-> on an end-of-stream iterator is not defined. For any other iterator value a const T* is returned. The behavior of a program that applies operator++() to an end-of-stream iterator is undefined. It is impossible to store things into istream iterators. The type T shall meet the DefaultConstructible, CopyConstructible, and CopyAssignable requirements.

2890. The definition of 'object state' applies only to class types

Section: 17.3.16 [defns.obj.state] Status: Immediate Submitter: Great Britain Opened: 2017-02-03 Last modified: 2017-03-03

Priority: Not Prioritized

View all other issues in [defns.obj.state].

View all issues with Immediate status.


Addresses GB 30

The definition of 'object state' applies only to class types, implying that fundamental types and arrays do not have this property.

Proposed change: Replacing "an object state" with "a value of an object" in 17.3.25 [defns.valid] and dropping the definition of "object state" in 17.3.16 [defns.obj.state].

[2017-02-26, Scott Schurr provides wording]

[Kona 2017-03-01]

Accepted as Immediate to resolve NB comment.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4640.

  1. Modify 17.3.16 [defns.obj.state] as indicated:

    17.3.16 [defns.obj.state]

    object state

    the current value of all non-static class members of an object (9.2) [Note: The state of an object can be obtained by using one or more observer functions. — end note]

  2. Modify 17.3.25 [defns.valid] as indicated:

    17.3.25 [defns.valid]

    valid but unspecified state

    an object statea value of an object that is not specified except that the object's invariants are met and operations on the object behave as specified for its type

2894. The function template std::apply() is required to be constexpr, but std::invoke() isn't

Section: 20.14.4 [func.invoke] Status: Immediate Submitter: Great Britain Opened: 2017-02-03 Last modified: 2017-03-03

Priority: Not Prioritized

View other active issues in [func.invoke].

View all other issues in [func.invoke].

View all issues with Immediate status.


Addresses GB 51

The function template std::apply() in [tuple.apply] is required to be constexpr, but std::invoke() in 20.14.4 [func.invoke] isn't. The most sensible implementation of apply_impl() is exactly equivalent to std::invoke(), so this requires implementations to have a constexpr version of invoke() for internal use, and the public API std::invoke, which must not be constexpr even though it is probably implemented in terms of the internal version.

Proposed change: Add constexpr to std::invoke.

[2017-02-20, Marshall adds wording]

[Kona 2017-03-01]

We think this needs CWG 1581 to work; accepted as Immediate to resolve NB comment.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4640.

  1. Modify 20.14.4 [func.invoke] as indicated:

    template <class F, class... Args>
         constexpr result_of_t<F&&(Args&&...)> invoke(F&& f, Args&&... args);

2900. The copy and move constructors of optional are not constexpr

Section: 20.6.3 [optional.optional] Status: Immediate Submitter: United States Opened: 2017-02-03 Last modified: 2017-03-03

Priority: Not Prioritized

View other active issues in [optional.optional].

View all other issues in [optional.optional].

View all issues with Immediate status.


Addresses US 111

The copy and move constructors of optional are not constexpr. However, the constructors taking a const T& or T&& are constexpr, and there is a precedent for having a constexpr copy constructor in 26.5.2 [complex]. The defaulted copy and move constructors of pair and tuple are also conditionally constexpr (see 20.4.2 [pairs.pair] p2 and [tuple.cnstr] p2).

A strong motivating use-case is constexpr functions returning optional values. This issue was discovered while working on a library making heavy use of such.

Proposed change: Add constexpr to:

optional(const optional &);
optional(optional &&) noexcept(see below);

[2017-02-23, Casey comments and suggests wording]

This issue corresponds to NB comment US 111, which requests that the move and copy constructors of std::optional be declared constexpr. The PR simply suggests adding the constexpr specifier to the declarations of the constructors. The PR fails to specify the most important thing — and this has been a failing of Library in general — under what conditions is the thing that we've declared constexpr actually expected to be usable in constant expression context? (I think the proper standardese here is "under what conditions is the full expression of an initialization that would invoke these constructors a constant subexpression?")

It is, I believe, well-known that conforming implementations of optional<T> must store a T in a union to provide constexpr constructors that either do [optional(T const&)] or do not [optional()] initialize the contained T. A general implementation of optional's copy/move constructors must statically choose which union member, if any, to activate in each constructor. Since there is no way to change the active member of a union in a constant expression, and a constructor must statically choose a union member to activate (i.e., without being affected by the runtime state of the copy/move constructor's argument) it's not possible to implement a general constexpr copy/move constructor for optional.

It is, however, possible to copy/move construct a trivially copy constructible/trivially move constructible union in constexpr context, which effectively copies the union's object representation, resulting in a union whose active member is the same as the source union's. Indeed, at least two major implementations of optional (MSVC and libc++) already provide that behavior as a conforming optimization when T is a trivially copyable type. If we are to declare optional<T>'s copy and move constructors constexpr, we should additionally specify that those constructors are only required to have the "constexpr mojo" when T is trivially copyable. (Note that I suggest "trivially copyable" here rather than "trivially copy constructible or trivially move constructible" since the simpler requirement is simpler to implement, and I don't believe the more complicated requirement provides any additional benefit: I've never seen a trivially copy constructible or trivially move constructible type outside of a test suite that was not also trivially copyable.)

Previous resolution [SUPERSEDED]:

This wording is relative to N4618.

  1. Edit 20.6.3 [optional.optional] as indicated:

    	constexpr optional(const optional &);
    	constexpr optional(optional &&) noexcept(see below);
  2. Edit [optional.ctor] paragraph as indicated:

    	constexpr optional(const optional &);


    	constexpr optional(optional &&) noexcept(see below);

[2017-02-23, Marshall comments]

This is related to LWG 2745.

[2017-02-28, Kona, Casey comments and improves wording]

Amended PR per LWG discussion in Kona: replace the "is trivially copyable" requirement with the more specific is_trivially_copy/move_constructible<T>. LWG was concerned that tuple is a counter-example to the assumption that all three traits are equivalent for real-world types.

Previous resolution [SUPERSEDED]:

This wording is relative to N4640.

  1. Change the synopsis of class template optional in 20.6.3 [optional.optional] as follows:

    //, constructors
    constexpr optional() noexcept;
    constexpr optional(nullopt_t) noexcept;
    constexpr optional(const optional&);
    constexpr optional(optional&&) noexcept(see below);
  2. Modify [optional.ctor] as indicated:

    constexpr optional(const optional& rhs);


    -6- Remarks: This constructor shall be defined as deleted unless is_copy_constructible_v<T> is true. If T is a trivially copyable type, this constructor shall be a constexpr constructor.

    constexpr optional(optional&& rhs) noexcept(see below);


    -10- Remarks: The expression inside noexcept is equivalent to is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<T>. This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless is_move_constructible_v<T> is true. If T is a trivially copyable type, this constructor shall be a constexpr constructor.

[Kona 2017-02-27]

Accepted as Immediate to resolve NB comment.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4640.

  1. Change the synopsis of class template optional in 20.6.3 [optional.optional] as follows:

    //, constructors
    constexpr optional() noexcept;
    constexpr optional(nullopt_t) noexcept;
    constexpr optional(const optional&);
    constexpr optional(optional&&) noexcept(see below);
  2. Modify [optional.ctor] as indicated:

    constexpr optional(const optional& rhs);


    -6- Remarks: This constructor shall be defined as deleted unless is_copy_constructible_v<T> is true. If is_trivially_copy_constructible_v<T> is true, this constructor shall be a constexpr constructor.

    constexpr optional(optional&& rhs) noexcept(see below);


    -10- Remarks: The expression inside noexcept is equivalent to is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<T>. This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless is_move_constructible_v<T> is true. If is_trivially_move_constructible_v<T> is true, this constructor shall be a constexpr constructor.

2903. The form of initialization for the emplace-constructors is not specified

Section: [variant.ctor] Status: Immediate Submitter: United States Opened: 2017-02-03 Last modified: 2017-03-03

Priority: Not Prioritized

View other active issues in [variant.ctor].

View all other issues in [variant.ctor].

View all issues with Immediate status.


Addresses US 118

The form of initialization for the emplace-constructors is not specified. We are very clear to mandate "as if by direct non-list initialization" for each constructor in optional, so there is no ambiguity regarding parens vs. braces. That wording idiom should be followed by variant.

Proposed change: Insert the phrase "as if direct-non-list-initializing" at appropriate locations in paragraphs 19, 23, 27, and 31

[2017-02-20, Marshall adds wording]

[2017-02-27, Marshall adds wording to cover two more cases]

Previous resolution [SUPERSEDED]:

This wording is relative to N4640.

  1. Modify [variant.ctor] paragraph 19 as indicated:

    Effects: Initializes the contained value as if direct-non-list-initializing an object of type T with the arguments std::forward<Args>(args)....
  2. Modify [variant.ctor] paragraph 23 as indicated:

    Effects: Initializes the contained value as if direct-non-list-initializingconstructing an object of type T with the arguments il, std::forward<Args>(args)....
  3. Modify [variant.ctor] paragraph 27 as indicated:

    Effects: Initializes the contained value as if direct-non-list-initializingconstructing an object of type TI with the arguments std::forward<Args>(args)....
  4. Modify [variant.ctor] paragraph 31 as indicated:

    Effects: Initializes the contained value as if direct-non-list-initializingconstructing an object of type TI with the arguments il, std::forward(args)....

[Kona 2017-02-28]

Accepted as Immediate to resolve NB comment.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4640.

  1. Modify [variant.ctor] paragraph 19 as indicated:

    Effects: Initializes the contained value as if direct-non-list-initializing an object of type T with the arguments std::forward<Args>(args)....
  2. Modify [variant.ctor] paragraph 23 as indicated:

    Effects: Initializes the contained value as if direct-non-list-initializingconstructing an object of type T with the arguments il, std::forward<Args>(args)....
  3. Modify [variant.ctor] paragraph 27 as indicated:

    Effects: Initializes the contained value as if direct-non-list-initializingconstructing an object of type TI with the arguments std::forward<Args>(args)....
  4. Modify [variant.ctor] paragraph 31 as indicated:

    Effects: Initializes the contained value as if direct-non-list-initializingconstructing an object of type TI with the arguments il, std::forward(args)....
  5. Modify [variant.mod] paragraph 6 as indicated:

    Effects: Destroys the currently contained value if valueless_by_exception() is false. Then direct-initializes the contained value as if direct-non-list-initializingconstructing a value of type TI with the arguments std::forward<Args>(args)....
  6. Modify [variant.mod] paragraph 11 as indicated:

    Effects: Destroys the currently contained value if valueless_by_exception() is false. Then direct-initializes the contained value as if direct-non-list-initializingconstructing a value of type TI with the arguments il, std::forward<Args>(args)....

2904. Make variant move-assignment more exception safe

Section: [variant.assign] Status: Immediate Submitter: United States Opened: 2017-02-03 Last modified: 2017-03-03

Priority: Not Prioritized

View all issues with Immediate status.


Addresses US 119 and CH 7

The copy-assignment operator is very careful to not destroy the contained element until after a temporary has been constructed, which can be safely moved from.

This makes the valueless_by_exception state extremely rare, by design.

However, the same care and attention is not paid to the move-assignment operator, nor the assignment-from-deduced-value assignment template. This concern should be similarly important in these cases, especially the latter.

Proposed change: —

[2017-03-02, Kona, Casey comments and suggests wording]

The wording below has been developed with much input from Tomasz.

[Kona 2017-03-02]

Accepted as Immediate to resolve NB comment.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4640.

  1. Modify [variant.assign] as indicated:

    [Drafting note: Presentation of para 9 immediately below has been split into individual bullets.]

    variant& operator=(const variant& rhs);

    Let j be rhs.index().

    -1- Effects:

    1. (1.1) — If neither *this nor rhs holds a value, there is no effect. Otherwise,

    2. (1.2) — if *this holds a value but rhs does not, destroys the value contained in *this and sets *this to not hold a value. Otherwise,

    3. (1.3) — if index() == jrhs.index(), assigns the value contained in rhs to the value contained in *this. Otherwise,

    4. (1.?) — if is_nothrow_copy_constructible_v<Tj> || !is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<Tj> is true, equivalent to emplace<j>(get<j>(rhs)). Otherwise,

    5. (1.4) — equivalent to operator=(variant(rhs))copies the value contained in rhs to a temporary, then destroys any value contained in *this. Sets *this to hold the same alternative index as rhs and initializes the value contained in *this as if direct-non-list-initializing an object of type Tj with std::forward<Tj>(TMP), with TMP being the temporary and j being rhs.index().

    -2- Returns: *this.

    -3- Postconditions: index() == rhs.index().

    -4- Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution unless is_copy_constructible_v<Ti> && is_move_constructible_v<Ti> && is_copy_assignable_v<Ti> is true for all i.

    1. (4.1) — If an exception is thrown during the call […]

    2. (4.2) — If an exception is thrown during the call […]

    3. (4.3) — If an exception is thrown during the call […]

    variant& operator=(variant&& rhs) noexcept(see below);

    Let j be rhs.index().

    -5- Effects:

    1. (5.1) — If neither *this nor rhs holds a value, there is no effect. Otherwise,

    2. (5.2) — if *this holds a value but rhs does not, destroys the value contained in *this and sets *this to not hold a value. Otherwise,

    3. (5.3) — if index() == jrhs.index(), assigns get<j>(std::move(rhs)) to the value contained in *this, with j being index(). Otherwise,

    4. (5.4) — equivalent to emplace<j>(get<j>(std::move(rhs)))destroys any value contained in *this. Sets *this to hold the same alternative index as rhs and initializes the value contained in *this as if direct-non-list-initializing an object of type Tj with get<j>(std::move(rhs)) with j being rhs.index().



    template <class T> variant& operator=(T&& t) noexcept(see below);

    -8- […]

    -9- Effects:

    1. (9.1) — If *this holds a Tj, assigns std::forward<T>(t) to the value contained in *this. Otherwise,

    2. (9.?) — if is_nothrow_constructible_v<Tj, T> || !is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<Tj> is true, equivalent to emplace<j>(std::forward<T>(t)). Otherwise,

    3. (9.3) — equivalent to operator=(variant(std::forward<T>(t)))destroys any value contained in *this, sets *this to hold the alternative type Tj as selected by the imaginary function overload resolution described above, and direct-initializes the contained value as if direct-non-list-initializing it with std::forward<T>(t).

2905. is_constructible_v<unique_ptr<P, D>, P, D const &> should be false when D is not copy constructible

Section: [unique.ptr.single.ctor] Status: Immediate Submitter: United States Opened: 2017-02-03 Last modified: 2017-03-03

Priority: Not Prioritized

View other active issues in [unique.ptr.single.ctor].

View all other issues in [unique.ptr.single.ctor].

View all issues with Immediate status.


Addresses US 123

is_constructible_v<unique_ptr<P, D>, P, D const &> should be false when D is not copy constructible, and similarly for D&& when D is not move constructible. This could be achieved by the traditional 'does not participate in overload resolution' wording, or similar.

Proposed change: Add a Remarks: clause to constrain the appropriate constructors.

[2017-02-28, Jonathan comments and provides concrete wording]

As well as addressing the NB comment, this attempts to make some further improvements to the current wording, which is a little strange. It incorrectly uses "d" to mean the constructor argument that initializes the parameter d, and unnecessarily explains how overload resolution works for lvalues and rvalues. It refers to the copy/move constructor of D, but the constructor that is selected to perform the initialization may not be a copy/move constructor (e.g. initializing a deleter object from an rvalue might use a copy constructor if there is no move constructor). The condition "d shall be reference compatible with one of the constructors" is bogus: reference compatible is a property of two types, not a value and a constructor, and again is trying to talk about the argument not the parameter.

Note that we could replace the "see below" in the signatures and paragraphs 9, 10 and 11 by declaring the constructors as:

unique_ptr(pointer p, const D& d) noexcept;
unique_ptr(pointer p, remove_reference_t<D>&& d) noexcept;

I think this produces the same signatures in all cases. I haven't proposed that here, it could be changed separately if desired.

[Kona 2017-02-27]

Accepted as Immediate to resolve NB comment.

Proposed resolution:

Modify [unique.ptr.single.ctor] paragraphs 9-11 as shown:

unique_ptr(pointer p, see below d1) noexcept;
unique_ptr(pointer p, see below d2) noexcept;

-9- The signature of these constructors depends upon whether D is a reference type. If D is a non-reference type A, then the signatures are

  unique_ptr(pointer p, const A& d) noexcept;
  unique_ptr(pointer p, A&& d) noexcept;

-10- If D is an lvalue reference type A&, then the signatures are:

  unique_ptr(pointer p, A& d) noexcept;
  unique_ptr(pointer p, A&& d) = delete;

-11- If D is an lvalue reference type const A&, then the signatures are:

  unique_ptr(pointer p, const A& d) noexcept;
  unique_ptr(pointer p, const A&& d) = delete;

Remove paragraph 12 entirely:

-12- Requires:

Modify paragraph 13 as shown:

-13- Effects: Constructs a unique_ptr object which owns p, initializing the stored pointer with p and initializing the deleter as described above from std::forward<decltype(d)>(d).

Add a new paragraph after paragraph 14 (Postconditions):

-?- Remarks: These constructors shall not participate in overload resolution unless is_constructible_v<D, decltype(d)> is true.

2908. The less-than operator for shared pointers could do more

Section: [util.smartptr.shared.cmp] Status: Immediate Submitter: United States Opened: 2017-02-03 Last modified: 2017-03-03

Priority: Not Prioritized

View all other issues in [util.smartptr.shared.cmp].

View all issues with Immediate status.


Addresses US 135

The less-than operator for shared pointers compares only those combinations that can form a composite pointer type. With the C++17 wording for the diamond functor, less<>, we should be able to support comparison of a wider range of shared pointers, such that less<>::operator(shared_ptr<A>, shared_ptr<B>) is consistent with less<>::operator(A *, B *).

Proposed change: Replace less<V> with just less<>, and drop the reference to composite pointer types.

[2017-03-02, Kona, STL comments and provides wording]

We talked about this in LWG, and I talked to Alisdair. The status quo is already maximally general (operator less-than in Core always forms a composite pointer type), but we can use diamond-less to significantly simplify the specification. (We can't use less-than directly, due to the total ordering issue, which diamond-less was recently "upgraded" to handle.)

[Kona 2017-03-02]

Accepted as Immediate to resolve NB comment.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4640.

  1. Change [util.smartptr.shared.cmp] as depicted:

    template<class T, class U>
    bool operator<(const shared_ptr<T>& a, const shared_ptr<U>& b) noexcept;

    -2- Returns: less<V>()(a.get(), b.get()), where V is the composite pointer type (Clause 5) of shared_ptr<T>::element_type* and shared_ptr<U>::element_type*.

2911. An is_aggregate type trait is needed

Section: [meta.unary.prop] Status: Immediate Submitter: United States Opened: 2017-02-03 Last modified: 2017-03-03

Priority: Not Prioritized

View other active issues in [meta.unary.prop].

View all other issues in [meta.unary.prop].

View all issues with Immediate status.


Addresses US 143

An is_aggregate type trait is needed. The emplace idiom is now common throughout the library, but typically relies on direct non-list initalization, which does not work for aggregates. With a suitable type trait, we could extend direct non-list-initlaization to perform aggregate-initalization on aggregate types.

Proposed change:

Add a new row to Table 38:

template <class T>
struct is_aggregate;

T is an aggregate type ([dcl.init.aggr])

remove_all_extents_t<T> shall be a complete type, an array type, or (possibly cv-qualified) void.

[2017-02-26, Daniel comments and completes wording]

The proposed wording is incomplete, since it doesn't update the <type_traits> header synopsis, also ensuring that the corresponding is_aggregate_v variable template is defined.

[2017-03-01, Daniel comments and adjusts wording]

There is only one minor change performed, namely to mark the constant in the is_aggregate_v variable template as inline following the LWG preferences for "full inline" bullet list (B2) from P0607R0.

[2017-03-03, Kona, LEWG]

No interest in doing the is-list-initializable instead. No objection to getting that proposal also.

Want this for C++17?

SF | F | N | A | SA

2 | 8 | 1 | 3 | 0

Want this for C++20?

SF | F | N | A | SA

6 | 5 | 2 | 0 | 0

Remember to correct the wording to: "remove_all_extents_t<T> shall be a complete type or cv-void."

[2017-03-03, Daniel updates wording]

In sync with existing writing, this was changed to "remove_all_extents_t<T> shall be a complete type or cv void"

[Kona 2017-03-02]

Accepted as Immediate to resolve NB comment.

This will require a new complier intrinsic; Alisdair checked with Core and they're OK with that

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4640.

  1. Modify 20.15.2 [meta.type.synop], <type_traits> header synopsis, as indicated:

    //, type properties
    template <class T> struct is_final;
    template <class T> struct is_aggregate;
    //, type properties
    template <class T> constexpr bool is_final_v
      = is_final<T>::value;
    template <class T> inline constexpr bool is_aggregate_v
      = is_aggregate<T>::value;
  2. Add a new row to Table 42 — "Type property predicates":

    template <class T> struct is_aggregate;

    T is an aggregate type (8.6.1 [dcl.init.aggr])

    remove_all_extents_t<T> shall be a complete type or cv void.

2921. packaged_task and type-erased allocators

Section: 30.6.10 [futures.task] Status: Immediate Submitter: United States Opened: 2017-02-03 Last modified: 2017-03-03

Priority: Not Prioritized

View all other issues in [futures.task].

View all issues with Immediate status.


Addresses US 165

The constructor that type-erases an allocator has all of the problems of the similar function constructor that was removed for this CD. This constructor from packaged_task should similarly be removed as well. If we prefer to keep this constructor, the current wording is underspecified, as the Allocator argument is not required to be type satisfying the Allocator requirements, nor is allocator_traits used.

Proposed change:


template <class F, class Allocator>
packaged_task(allocator_arg_t, const Allocator& a, F&& f);

from the class definition in p2, and from [futures.task.members] p2. Strike the last sentence of In p3, revise "These constructors" to "This constructor"

[Kona 2017-03-02]

Accepted as Immediate to resolve NB comment.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4618.

  1. Modify 30.6.10 [futures.task] as follows:


    template <class F, class Allocator>
    packaged_task(allocator_arg_t, const Allocator& a, F&& f);

    from the class definition in p2, and from [futures.task.members] p2.

  2. Modify [futures.task.members]/3:

    Remarks: These constructorsThis constructor shall not participate in overload resolution if decay_t<F> is the same type as packaged_task<R(ArgTypes...)>.
  3. Strike the last sentence of [futures.task.members]/4:

    The constructors that take an Allocator argument use it to allocate memory needed to store the internal data structures.

2934. optional<const T> doesn't compare with T

Section: 20.6.8 [optional.comp_with_t] Status: Immediate Submitter: Ville Voutilainen Opened: 2017-02-17 Last modified: 2017-03-03

Priority: Not Prioritized

View all issues with Immediate status.



optional<const int> x = 42;
int y = 666;
x == y; // ill-formed

The comparison is ill-formed, because in [optional.comp_with_t]/1,

template <class T> constexpr bool operator==(const optional<T>& x, const T& v);

the T is deduced to be both const int and int, which is ill-formed.

Since it became apparent that the root cause of this issue is also causing difficulties with e.g. comparing optional<string> with literals etc., here's a p/r that

  1. adds requirements for optional's comparisons with T

  2. turns optional-optional comparisons into two-template-parameter templates, allowing comparing mixed optionals

  3. turns optional-T comparisons into two-template-parameter templates, allowing comparing optionals with T and types comparable with T

[Kona 2017-02-28]

Accepted as Immediate to avoid having break ABI later.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4640.

  1. Modify 20.6.2 [optional.syn], header <optional> synopsis, as indicated:

    // 20.6.6 [optional.relops], relational operators
    template <class T, class U>
    constexpr bool operator==(const optional<T>&, const optional<TU>&);
    template <class T, class U>
    constexpr bool operator!=(const optional<T>&, const optional<TU>&);
    template <class T, class U>
    constexpr bool operator<(const optional<T>&, const optional<TU>&);
    template <class T, class U>
    constexpr bool operator>(const optional<T>&, const optional<TU>&);
    template <class T, class U>
    constexpr bool operator<=(const optional<T>&, const optional<TU>&);
    template <class T, class U>
    constexpr bool operator>=(const optional<T>&, const optional<TU>&);
    // 20.6.8 [optional.comp_with_t], comparison with T
    template <class T, class U> constexpr bool operator==(const optional<T>&, const TU&);
    template <class T, class U> constexpr bool operator==(const TU&, const optional<T>&);
    template <class T, class U> constexpr bool operator!=(const optional<T>&, const TU&);
    template <class T, class U> constexpr bool operator!=(const TU&, const optional<T>&);
    template <class T, class U> constexpr bool operator<(const optional<T>&, const TU&);
    template <class T, class U> constexpr bool operator<(const TU&, const optional<T>&);
    template <class T, class U> constexpr bool operator<=(const optional<T>&, const TU&);
    template <class T, class U> constexpr bool operator<=(const TU&, const optional<T>&);
    template <class T, class U> constexpr bool operator>(const optional<T>&, const TU&);
    template <class T, class U> constexpr bool operator>(const TU&, const optional<T>&);
    template <class T, class U> constexpr bool operator>=(const optional<T>&, const TU&);
    template <class T, class U> constexpr bool operator>=(const TU&, const optional<T>&);
  2. Modify 20.6.6 [optional.relops] as indicated:

    template <class T, class U> constexpr bool operator==(const optional<T>& x, const optional<TU>& y);


    template <class T, class U> constexpr bool operator!=(const optional<T>& x, const optional<TU>& y);


    template <class T, class U> constexpr bool operator<(const optional<T>& x, const optional<TU>& y);


    template <class T, class U> constexpr bool operator>(const optional<T>& x, const optional<TU>& y);


    template <class T, class U> constexpr bool operator<=(const optional<T>& x, const optional<TU>& y);


    template <class T, class U> constexpr bool operator>=(const optional<T>& x, const optional<TU>& y);


  3. Modify 20.6.8 [optional.comp_with_t] as indicated:

    template <class T, class U> constexpr bool operator==(const optional<T>& x, const TU& v);

    -?- Requires: The expression *x == v shall be well-formed and its result shall be convertible to bool. [Note: T need not be EqualityComparable. — end note]

    -1- Effects: Equivalent to: return bool(x) ? *x == v : false;

    template <class T, class U> constexpr bool operator==(const TU& v, const optional<T>& x);

    -?- Requires: The expression v == *x shall be well-formed and its result shall be convertible to bool.

    -2- Effects: Equivalent to: return bool(x) ? v == *x : false;

    template <class T, class U> constexpr bool operator!=(const optional<T>& x, const TU& v);

    -?- Requires: The expression *x != v shall be well-formed and its result shall be convertible to bool.

    -3- Effects: Equivalent to: return bool(x) ? *x != v : true;

    template <class T, class U> constexpr bool operator!=(const TU& v, const optional<T>& x);

    -?- Requires: The expression v != *x shall be well-formed and its result shall be convertible to bool.

    -4- Effects: Equivalent to: return bool(x) ? v != *x : true;

    template <class T, class U> constexpr bool operator<(const optional<T>& x, const TU& v);

    -?- Requires: The expression *x < v shall be well-formed and its result shall be convertible to bool.

    -5- Effects: Equivalent to: return bool(x) ? *x < v : true;

    template <class T, class U> constexpr bool operator<(const TU& v, const optional<T>& x);

    -?- Requires: The expression v < *x shall be well-formed and its result shall be convertible to bool.

    -6- Effects: Equivalent to: return bool(x) ? v < *x : false;

    template <class T, class U> constexpr bool operator<=(const optional<T>& x, const TU& v);

    -?- Requires: The expression *x <= v shall be well-formed and its result shall be convertible to bool.

    -7- Effects: Equivalent to: return bool(x) ? *x <= v : true;

    template <class T, class U> constexpr bool operator<=(const TU& v, const optional<T>& x);

    -?- Requires: The expression v <= *x shall be well-formed and its result shall be convertible to bool.

    -8- Effects: Equivalent to: return bool(x) ? v <= *x : false;

    template <class T, class U> constexpr bool operator>(const optional<T>& x, const TU& v);

    -?- Requires: The expression *x > v shall be well-formed and its result shall be convertible to bool.

    -9- Effects: Equivalent to: return bool(x) ? *x > v : false;

    template <class T, class U> constexpr bool operator>(const TU& v, const optional<T>& x);

    -?- Requires: The expression v > *x shall be well-formed and its result shall be convertible to bool.

    -10- Effects: Equivalent to: return bool(x) ? v > *x : true;

    template <class T, class U> constexpr bool operator>=(const optional<T>& x, const TU& v);

    -?- Requires: The expression *x >= v shall be well-formed and its result shall be convertible to bool.

    -11- Effects: Equivalent to: return bool(x) ? *x >= v : false;

    template <class T, class U> constexpr bool operator>=(const TU& v, const optional<T>& x);

    -?- Requires: The expression v >= *x shall be well-formed and its result shall be convertible to bool.

    -12- Effects: Equivalent to: return bool(x) ? v >= *x : true;