Document Number: P0653r1
Date: 2017-07-21
Project: Programming Language C++
Audience: Library Evolution Working Group
Author: Glen Joseph Fernandes ([email protected])

Utility to convert a pointer to a raw pointer

This paper proposes adding a new function to_address to obtain a raw pointer from an object of a pointer-like type, and an optional customization point in class template pointer_traits via a member function of the same name.

Changes in Revision 1

Provide a free function that uses a pointer_traits member function only if it exists. This preserves compatibility for any user specializations of pointer_traits that do not define a to_address member function.


It is often necessary to obtain a raw pointer from an object of any pointer-like type. One common use is writing allocator-aware code where an allocator's pointer member type is not a raw pointer type.

Typically the expression addressof(*p) is used but this is not well-defined when p does not reference storage that has an object constructed in it. This means that using this expression to obtain a raw pointer for the purpose of constructing an object (e.g. via a placement new-expression or via an allocator) is incorrect.

A common example of such code:

auto p = a.allocate(1);
std::allocator_traits<A>::construct(a, std::addressof(*p), v);

The correct code now looks like:

auto p = a.allocate(1);
std::allocator_traits<A>::construct(a, std::to_address(p), v);

To customize the behavior of this function for a pointer-like type, users can specialize pointer_traits for that type and define member function to_address accordingly.

Existing practice

Typically implementors work around this problem by defining a utility like the following:

template <class Ptr>
auto to_address(const Ptr& p) noexcept
  return to_address(p.operator->());

template <class T>
T* to_address(T* p) noexcept
  return p;

This proposal provides a standard library solution, with an optional customization point.

Why pointer_traits?

The C++ standard library already provides pointer_traits for supporting pointer-like types and this to_address is the natural inverse of its pointer_to member function.


The Boost C++ library collection now contains an implementation of an earlier revision of this proposal in the Core library. That boost::pointer_traits implementation is used by several Boost libraries, starting with the 1.65 release.

Proposed Wording

All changes are relative to N4640.

1. Insert into 20.10.2 [memory.syn] as follows:

// 20.10.3, pointer traits
template <class Ptr> struct pointer_traits;
template <class T> struct pointer_traits<T*>;

// 20.10.4, pointer conversion
template <class Ptr> see below to_address(const Ptr& p) noexcept;
template <class T> T* to_address(T* p) noexcept;

2. Insert after 20.10.3 [pointer.traits] as follows:

20.10.4 Pointer conversion [pointer.conversion]
template <class Ptr> see below to_address(const Ptr& p) noexcept;
Returns: std::pointer_traits<Ptr>::to_address(p) if it is a valid expression, otherwise std::to_address(p.operator->()).
template <class T> T* to_address(T* p) noexcept;
Returns: p.

2. Add to [pointer.traits.functions] as follows:

static element_type* to_address(pointer p) noexcept;
Remarks: User specializations of class template pointer_traits can define this member function as a customization point for std::to_address.
Returns: A pointer of type element_type* that references the same location as the argument p.
[Note: This function should be the inverse of pointer_to. — end note]


Peter Dimov, Jonathan Wakely, and Howard Hinnant helped shape the revised proposal. Peter Dimov suggested the better design as well as reviewed the implementation and tests of the Boost version. Jonathan Wakely pointed out the issue that motivated this proposal. Michael Spencer and Joel Falcou reviewed this paper.
