C++ Coroutine TS Issues

Doc. no. P0664R0
Date: Revised 2017-06-18 at 14:25:00 UTC
Project: Programming Language C++
Reference: ISO/IEC PDTS 22277, C++ Extensions for Coroutines
Audience: EWG, CWG, LWG
Reply to: Gor Nishanov <[email protected]>


All proposed resolutions wording is relative to N4663 (ISO/IEC PDTS 22277).

Table of content

Core Issues (with proposed wording)

2. Change to italics await-resume in 5.3.8/4

Section: 5.3.8 [expr.await] Status: Has wording Submitter: US002 Opened: 2017-06-05 Last modified: 2017-06-05

Proposed resolution:

Modify 5.3.8/4

The await-expression has the same type and value category as the await-resumeawait-resume expression.

6. Remove or update stateful allocator example in 8.4.4/12

Section: 8.4.4 [dcl.fct.def.coroutine] Status: Has wording Submitter: US006 Opened: 2017-06-05 Last modified: 2017-06-05


Stateful allocators (pmr) do not work this way, there's no mechanism for allocator propagation to the captured state.

Strike section 12, or provide mechanism for holding allocator.

Proposed resolution:

Remove example 8.4.4/12

7. Fix generator example in 8.4.4/11

Section: 8.4.4/11 [dcl.fct.def.coroutine] Status: Has wording Submitter: US007 Opened: 2017-06-05 Last modified: 2017-06-05


Is unhandled_exception() a requirement for a promise_type?

a) Call std::terminate if not present
b) Add unhandled_exception() to the complete example of promise_type in 8.4.4 paragraph 11, the generator example.


unhandled_exception() is required to be present in a promise_type. There are more mistakes in the example that are fixed in the proposed resolution. Also, required includes are added to make the example self contained and runnable in online compilers.

Proposed resolution:

Modify the example in 8.4.4/11 as follows:
#include <iostream>
#include <experimental/coroutine>

// ::operator new(size_t, nothrow_t) will be used if allocation is needed
struct generator {
  struct promise_type;
  using handle = std::experimental::coroutine_handle<promise_type>;
  struct promise_type {
    int current_value;
    static auto get_return_object_on_allocation_failure() { return generator{nullptr}; }
    auto get_return_object() { return generator{handle::from_promise(*this)}; }
    auto initial_suspend() { return std::experimental::suspend_always{}; }
    auto final_suspend() { return std::experimental::suspend_always{}; }
    void unhandled_exception() { std::terminate(); }
    void return_void() {}
    auto yield_value(int value) {
      current_value = value;
      return std::experimental::suspend_always{};
  bool move_next() { return coro ? (coro.resume(), !coro.done()) : false; }
  int current_value() { return coro.promise().current_value; }
  generator(generator const&) = delete;
  generator(generator && rhs) : coro(rhs.coro) { rhs.coro = nullptr; }
  ~generator() { if (coro) coro.destroy(); }
  generator(handle h) : coro(h) {}
  handle coro;
generator f() { co_yield 1; co_yield 2; }
int main() {
  auto g = f();
  while (g.move_next()) std::cout << g.current_value() << std::endl;

8. Note about possibly undefined behaviour

Section: 8.4.4/11 [dcl.fct.def.coroutine] Status: Has wording Submitter: US008 Opened: 2017-06-05 Last modified: 2017-06-05

Proposed change:

Modify note in 8.4.4/11:

If a coroutine has a parameter passed by reference, resuming the coroutine after the lifetime of the entity referred to by that parameter has ended is likely to result in undefined behavior.

Proposed resolution:

No change. If after resumption a coroutine does not touch that parameter, there is no undefined behavior.

18. In intro.refs use required text from ISO directive part2

Section: 2 [intro.refs] Status: Has wording Submitter: CA018 Opened: 2017-06-05 Last modified: 2017-06-05


The form required by ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, 2016 subclause 15.5.1 is not followed.

Use the text provided by the Directives.

Proposed resolution:

Modify [intro.refs] paragraph 1 as follows:

The following referenced document is indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies.
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

21. Wording of 'co_return <expr>;' statement for expressions of type void implies that <expr> is not evaluated

Section: [stmt.return.coroutine] Status: Has wording Submitter: Lewis Baker Opened: 2017-03-11 Last modified: 2017-06-19


This wording seems to indicate that expr is not evaluated in co_return expr if the expression has type void, since expr does not occur in the translation. I assume this was not the intention here.

Perhaps there needs to be an extra case here to explicitly state what co_return expr; translates to if the type of expr is void?

Proposed resolution:

Insert new bullet in [stmt.return.coroutine] after 2.2 as follows:

(2.1) — S is p.return_value(braced-init-list), if the operand is a braced-init-list;
(2.2) — S is p.return_value(expression), if the operand is an expression of non-void type;
(2.3) — S is expression,return_void(), if the operand is an expression of void type;
(2.34) — S is p.return_void(), otherwise;

Core comments requesting rebase to C++17

3. Update range based for statement after C++17

Section: 6.5.4/1 [stmt.ranged]Status: Comment Submitter: US003 Opened: 2017-06-05 Last modified: 2017-06-05


Update range based for statement after C++17

5. Modify co_return grammar to match C++17

Section: [stmt.return.coroutine]Status: Comment Submitter: US005 Opened: 2017-06-05 Last modified: 2017-06-05


Simplify the grammar for

   co_return expression_opt_;
   co_return braced-init-list;
   co_return co_return expr-or-braced-init-list opt;

17. Rebase entire TS on C++17

Section: Status: Comment Submitter: US017 Opened: 2017-06-05 Last modified: 2017-06-05


We are in the process of balloting the final text of the next C++ standard, provisionally ISO/IEC 14882:2017. We should hold back publishing this TS long enough to rebase on the text of the new standard.

Other than updating this reference, the change is almost entirely updating section numbers and crossreferences. The normative changes would be

Core comments (no action)

4. It would be good to minimize undefined behaviour

Section: 6.6.3 8.4.4 18.10 Status: Comment Submitter: US004 Opened: 2017-06-05 Last modified: 2017-06-05


There are many new cases of undefined behaviour introduced by the TS which are somewhat easily triggered by independent parts of the mechanisms, e.g., the result type of the coroutine interacting through the promise_type to allow flow of control to run off the end of a coroutine. In general it would be good to minimize undefined behaviour.

No action for now. However, experience with TS implementation may allow reducing UB. This should form part of any review for integrating coroutines as part of a future standard.

LWG Issues (with proposed wording)

9. Move row in the language support table

Section: 18.1 [support.general] Table 30 Status: Has wording Submitter: CA009 Opened: 2017-06-05 Last modified: 2017-06-05


The entry for subclause 18.11 appears before the entry for subclause 18.10.

Proposed resolution:

Move the insertion of the entry for subclause 18.11 to appear after the entry for subclause 18.10.

10. Specify the exact behaviour of user-customization of coroutine_traits.

Section: 18.11.1 [coroutine.traits] Status: Has wording Submitter: US010 Opened: 2017-06-05 Last modified: 2017-06-05


Is the template coroutines_traits intended to be a user-extension point? If so, spell out the contract for users to customize this trait. Otherwise, restrict user specialization with the wording for all type traits in the header. 18.11.1p2 suggests the former, while the latter is much simpler to specify for the initial TS.

Proposed resolution:

  1. Remove paragraph 2 of 18.11.1 [coroutine.traits]
    2. Users may specialize coroutine_traits to customize the semantics of coroutines.
  2. In [coroutine.traits.primary] add paragraph:
    2. A program may specialize this template. Such specialization shall define publicly accessible nested type named promise_type.
  3. In 18.11.2 [coroutine.handle] add paragraph:
    2. The behavior of a program that adds specializations for coroutine_handle is undefined.

22. Rename [coroutine.handle.import.export] to [coroutine.handle.export.import] for consistency

Section: 18.11 [support.coroutine] Status: Has wording Submitter: Bryce Lelbach Opened: 2017-03-10 Last modified: 2017-06-19


In the class synopsis for coroutine_handle<> in [coroutine.handle], this section is referred to as "export/import", and the export function (address) is listed before the import function (from_address). Likewise, in the definitions for these two methods in [coroutine.handle.import.export], the section is titled "Export/import" and address appears first. Since from_address mentions address, this seems like the correct order to list things in as it avoids adding forward references to the spec. I'd like to rename this stable tag from [coroutine.handle.import.export] to [coroutine.handle.export.import] as an editorial change before PTDS.

Pull request.

Proposed resolution:


23. coroutine_handle::from_address - consolidate duplicate definitions, add missing constexpr and replace address() with address in precondition wording

Section: 18.11.2 [coroutine.handle] Status: Has wording Submitter: Bryce Lelbach Opened: 2017-03-10 Last modified: 2017-06-19


There are currently two definitions of the from_address: one in [coroutine.handle.import.export] and one in [coroutine.handle.import]. In the class synopses in [coroutine.handle], the coroutine_handle<> specialization references [coroutine.handle.import.export] while primary definition for coroutine_handle references [corouinte.handle.import]. They are nearly identical in wording. although the definition in [coroutine.handle.import.export] is written as if it was out of line (e.g. coroutine_handle<>::from_address). Even though the primary template of coroutine_handle inherits from coroutine_handle<> it is necessary to define from_address in the primary template, since, from_address returns coroutine_handle, which is a different type in the primary template than it is in coroutine_handle.

from_address's Requires: paragraph in [coroutine.handle.import.export] states the pre-condition that "addr was obtained via a prior call to address()". It should be address, not address(), since address() is an expression not a method

from_address is declared constexpr in the class synopsis ([coroutine.handle], in both the primary template and the specialization for coroutine_handle<>) but is not constexpr in the definition. The design intent, I believe, is for from_address to be constexpr.

Pull request.

Proposed resolution:

  1. Modify 18.11.2 [coroutine.handle] primary template synopsis:
        // import
        // import
        constexpr static coroutine_handle from_address(void* addr);
  2. Modify [coroutine.handle.import.export] as follows:
        constexpr static coroutine_handle<> coroutine_handle<>::from_address(void* addr);
        constexpr static coroutine_handle<Promise> coroutine_handle<Promise<::from_address(void* addr);
        Requires: addr was obtained via a prior call to address().

LWG Issues (no wording)

11. coroutine_handle: Unclear where specification refer to specialization or primary template

Section: 18.1.2 [coroutine.handle] Status: Comment Submitter: US011 Opened: 2017-06-05 Last modified: 2017-06-05


The specification of each operation is not explicitly clear whether it applied to the specialization of coroutine_handle<void>, or the primary coroutine_handle template.

Break this section into two, to clearly provide definitions for both versions of the template.

Proposed resolution:

Use resolution for 23

12. Should there be a coroutine_handle type with ownership semantic?

Section: 18.1.2 [coroutine.handle] Status: Comment Submitter: US012 Opened: 2017-06-05 Last modified: 2017-06-05


Coroutine handles have essentially raw pointer semantics. Should there be a library type as part of the TS that does destroy / set to nullptr?

If a library type is needed, please add it.


coroutine handle is a low level type. Ownership semantic is introduced by higher level types such as a generator or task. Note that not every use of coroutine_handle requires ownership semantic. An iterator does not own the coroutine nor a coroutine_handle captured by a lambda passed as a callback parameter to an asynchronous API owns the coroutine it refers to.

Proposed resolution:

No action

14. Comment about: a concurrent resumption of a coroutine by multiple threads may result in a data race

Section: Status: Comment Submitter: US014 Opened: 2017-06-05 Last modified: 2017-06-05


a concurrent resumption of a coroutine by multiple threads may result in a data race

Possibly means concurrent destruction here, in the destroy method.


Yes. Any combination of resumptions may result in a data race: resume/resume, resume/destroy or destroy/destroy.

Proposed resolution:

No action

15. Make coroutine_handle comparison constexpr

Section: Status: Comment Submitter: US015 Opened: 2017-06-05 Last modified: 2017-06-05


As coroutine_handle<void> is a literal type, should the comparison operators be constexpr?

Add constexpr to the declaration/definition of operator==, operator !=, operator<, operator<=, operator>=, and operator> for arguments of type coroutine_handle<>.


The only literal coroutine_handle is the default constructed one. Not sure if we need constexpr on comparisons.

Proposed resolution:

No action

16. Rename suspend_always to suspend_always_t and suspend_never to suspend_never_t

Section: 18.11.3 Status: Comment Submitter: US016 Opened: 2017-06-05 Last modified: 2017-06-05


The names suspend_never and suspend_always should be (inline) constexpr variables of type suspend_never_t and suspend_always_t respectively.

Change suspend_never and suspend_always as appropriate.


Most common pattern observed in the wild for these types are:
  struct promise_type {
    suspend_never initial_suspend() { return {}; }
    suspend_always yield_value(int value) { ...; return {}; }
Suggested change makes the common case more verbose.

Proposed resolution:

No action

19. Add higher-level coroutine types

Section: Status: Comment Submitter: US019 Opened: 2017-06-05 Last modified: 2017-06-05


The TS presents only low level mechanisms to implement coroutines. For final release in a C++ standard, standard library implementations of generators, futures from coroutines, guard types for handles, etc. should also ship.

Please consider adding standard library implementations of generators, futures from Coroutines, guard types for handles and any others that may be needed when Coroutines are incorporated into the C++ Standard.


Yes. We plan to add generator and adapters for network TS and concurrency TS.

Proposed resolution:

No immediate action for PDTS

20. Disallow storing coroutines in std::function objects that discard their result.

Section: Status: Comment Submitter: US020 Opened: 2017-06-05 Last modified: 2017-06-05


Coroutines are invokable types, can they be stored by a std::function? What about a std::function<void()> that discards the result on invocation?

Disallow storing coroutines in std::function objects that discard their result.


Yes, coroutines are functions and they can be stored in a std::function. Storing a coroutine in a std::function objects that discard their result is no different than storing a function with the same signature as coroutine in std::function.

Proposed resolution:

No action

Evolution Issues (no wording)

1. Support stackful coroutines

Section: Status: Comment Submitter: CH001 Opened: 2017-06-05 Last modified: 2017-06-05


This TS disallows stackful coroutines. This is too restrictive and stackful coroutines should be allowed as well.

Allow as suspension context functions that were called from a top-level coroutine.

13. Allow both return_void and return_value

Section: Status: Comment Submitter: US013 Opened: 2017-06-05 Last modified: 2017-06-05


Promise types are required to implement either return_value() or return_void(), but not both, and it is undefined behaviour for a coroutine to run off the end, where return_void would be called.

Consider implementing both either_return() and return_value() for promise types, and eliminate the undefined behaviour.


The design intent of having one or the other to make sure that co_return behavior in a coroutine is similar to that of return in a regular function. Allowing both would allow this code to compile:
  coro f(bool cond) {
    if (cond)
      co_return 42;
which we would like to avoid.

Proposed Resolution:

No change