ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG21 P0666R0
Reply-to: Alasdair Mackintosh [email protected]
Audience: WG21

C++ Latches and Barriers






This paper has been taken from Section 3 of P0159R0, which describes proposed extensions for concurrency. We propose the section numbered 33.7 below for inclusion in the C++ standard, after 33.6 [futures]. As P0159R0 has been available since 2015 without any recorded objections, and since it represents commonly used concurrency features, we believe it is suitable for inclusion as-is.

A previous version of this paper was published as N4392




The following changes have been made to P0159R0.

The main section has been renumbered to reflect its proposed position in the standard.

All functions and classes have been moved into the std namespace.


Additional Proposed Changes


We propose the following additional wording beyond P0159R0 that clarifies some ambiguities in the original wording. This has been added in the paragraph below so that the committee has the option of accepting P0159R0 as written without any additions, or of including this change.

The wording for arrive_and_drop in Section 33.7.6 is ambiguous, as it implies that the first action is to remove the thread from the set of participating threads. Because the completion phase is defined to run in one of the participating threads, this wording would imply that the phase cannot run in any thread that calls arrive_and_drop.

We propose the following wording to replace paragraph 13 in Section 33.7.6.

Removes the current thread from the set of participating threads. If this causes the set to become empty, the barrier type's completion phase is executed. It is unspecified whether the function blocks until the completion phase is ended. [ Note: If no other thread is blocked in this function, the completion phase executes in the calling thread. end note ]

Main Proposal


We propose to add the following clause from the Concurrency TS to the C++20 working draft, as described below.


Latches and Barriers




This section describes various concepts related to thread coordination, and defines the latch, barrier and flex_barrier classes.




In this subclause, a synchronization point represents a point at which a thread may block until a given condition has been reached.




Latches are a thread coordination mechanism that allow one or more threads to block until an operation is completed. An individual latch is a single-use object; once the operation has been completed, the latch cannot be reused.


Header <latch> synopsis


namespace std {
  class latch {
    explicit latch(ptrdiff_t count);
    latch(const latch&) = delete;

    latch& operator=(const latch&) = delete;

    void count_down_and_wait();
    void count_down(ptrdiff_t n = 1);

    bool is_ready() const noexcept;
    void wait() const;

    ptrdiff_t counter_; // exposition only
} // namespace std

Class latch


A latch maintains an internal counter_ that is initialized when the latch is created. Threads may block at a synchronization point waiting for counter_ to be decremented to 0. When counter_ reaches 0, all such blocked threads are released.

Calls to count_down_and_wait(), count_down(), wait(), and is_ready() behave as atomic operations.

explicit latch(ptrdiff_t count);
count >= 0.
counter_ == count.
No threads are blocked at the synchronization point.
May be called even if some threads have not yet returned from wait() or count_down_and_wait() provided that counter_ is 0. [ Note: The destructor might not return until all threads have exited wait() or count_down_and_wait(). end note ]
void count_down_and_wait();
counter_ > 0.
Decrements counter_ by 1. Blocks at the synchronization point until counter_ reaches 0.
Synchronizes with all calls that block on this latch and with all is_ready calls on this latch that return true.
void count_down(ptrdiff_t n = 1);
counter_ >= n and n >= 0.
Decrements counter_ by n. Does not block.
Synchronizes with all calls that block on this latch and with all is_ready calls on this latch that return true.
void wait() const;
If counter_ is 0, returns immediately. Otherwise, blocks the calling thread at the synchronization point until counter_ reaches 0.
is_ready() const noexcept;
counter_ == 0. Does not block.

Barrier types


Barriers are a thread coordination mechanism that allow a set of participating threads to block until an operation is completed. Unlike a latch, a barrier is reusable: once the participating threads are released from a barrier's synchronization point, they can re-use the same barrier. It is thus useful for managing repeated tasks, or phases of a larger task, that are handled by multiple threads.

The barrier types are the standard library types barrier and flex_barrier. They shall meet the requirements set out in this subclause. In this description, b denotes an object of a barrier type.

Each barrier type defines a completion phase as a (possibly empty) set of effects. When the member functions defined in this subclause arrive at the barrier's synchronization point, they have the following effects:

  1. When all threads in the barrier's set of participating threads are blocked at its synchronization point, one participating thread is unblocked and executes the barrier type's completion phase.
  2. When the completion phase is completed, all other participating threads are unblocked. The end of the completion phase synchronizes with the returns from all calls unblocked by its completion.

The expression b.arrive_and_wait() shall be well-formed and have the following semantics:

void arrive_and_wait();
The current thread is a member of the set of participating threads.
Blocks and arrives at the barrier's synchronization point. [ Note: It is safe for a thread to call arrive_and_wait() or arrive_and_drop() again immediately. It is not necessary to ensure that all blocked threads have exited arrive_and_wait() before one thread calls it again. end note ]
The call to arrive_and_wait() synchronizes with the start of the completion phase.

The expression b.arrive_and_drop() shall be well-formed and have the following semantics:

void arrive_and_drop();
The current thread is a member of the set of participating threads.
Removes the current thread from the set of participating threads. Arrives at the barrier's synchronization point. It is unspecified whether the function blocks until the completion phase has ended. [ Note: If the function blocks, the calling thread may be chosen to execute the completion phase. end note ]
The call to arrive_and_drop() synchronizes with the start of the completion phase.
If all participating threads call arrive_and_drop(), any further operations on the barrier are undefined, apart from calling the destructor. If a thread that has called arrive_and_drop() calls another method on the same barrier, other than the destructor, the results are undefined.

Calls to arrive_and_wait() and arrive_and_drop() never introduce data races with themselves or each other.


Header <barrier> synopsis


namespace std {
  class barrier;
  class flex_barrier;
} // namespace std

Class barrier


barrier is a barrier type whose completion phase has no effects. Its constructor takes a parameter representing the initial size of its set of participating threads.

class barrier {
  explicit barrier(ptrdiff_t num_threads);
  barrier(const barrier&) = delete;

  barrier& operator=(const barrier&) = delete;

  void arrive_and_wait();
  void arrive_and_drop();
explicit barrier(ptrdiff_t num_threads);
num_threads >= 0. [ Note: If num_threads is zero, the barrier may only be destroyed. end note ]
Initializes the barrier for num_threads participating threads. [ Note: The set of participating threads is the first num_threads threads to arrive at the synchronization point. end note ]
No threads are blocked at the synchronization point.
Destroys the barrier.

Class flex_barrier


flex_barrier is a barrier type whose completion phase can be controlled by a function object.

class flex_barrier {
  template <class F>
    flex_barrier(ptrdiff_t num_threads, F completion);
  explicit flex_barrier(ptrdiff_t num_threads);
  flex_barrier(const flex_barrier&) = delete;
  flex_barrier& operator=(const flex_barrier&) = delete;


  void arrive_and_wait();
  void arrive_and_drop();

  function<ptrdiff_t()> completion_;  // exposition only

The completion phase calls completion_(). If this returns -1, then the set of participating threads is unchanged. Otherwise, the set of participating threads becomes a new set with a size equal to the returned value. [ Note: If completion_() returns 0 then the set of participating threads becomes empty, and this object may only be destroyed. end note ]

template <class F>
flex_barrier(ptrdiff_t num_threads, F completion);
  • num_threads >= 0.
  • F shall be CopyConstructible.
  • completion shall be Callable (C++14 §[func.wrap.func]) with no arguments and return type ptrdiff_t.
  • Invoking completion shall return a value greater than or equal to -1 and shall not exit via an exception.
Initializes the flex_barrier for num_threads participating threads, and initializes completion_ with std::move(completion). [ Note: The set of participating threads consists of the first num_threads threads to arrive at the synchronization point. end note ] [ Note: If num_threads is 0 the set of participating threads is empty, and this object may only be destroyed. end note ]
explicit flex_barrier(ptrdiff_t num_threads);
num_threads >= 0.
Has the same effect as creating a flex_barrier with num_threads and with a callable object whose invocation returns -1 and has no side effects.
No threads are blocked at the synchronization point.
Destroys the barrier.