Document number: P0757R0
Date: 2017-09-10
Project: ISO JTC1/SC22/WG21, Programming Language C++
Audience: Library Evolution Working Group
Reply to: Arthur O'Dwyer <[email protected]>

regex_iterator should be iterable

1. Introduction and motivation
2. Member begin() versus nonmember begin()
3. Alternative syntax ideas
4. Proposed wording for C++20
    28.4 Header <regex> synopsis [re.syn]
    28.12 Regular expression iterators [re.iter]
5. References

1. Introduction and motivation

The C++17 filesystem library introduces a directory_iterator that can be used as follows: [directory_iterator]

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <filesystem>
namespace fs = std::filesystem;

int main()
    for (auto& p : fs::directory_iterator("sandbox")) {
        std::cout << p << '\n';

The directory_iterator object is both an iterator and an iterable, by the simple mechanism of providing an overload of begin() that returns *this and an overload of end() that returns {}.

Since C++11, the standard library has also provided a regex_iterator without this convenience feature. Its example usage on [regex_iterator] is:

#include <iostream>
#include <regex>
#include <string>

int main()
    const std::string s = "Quick brown fox.";

    std::regex words_regex("[^\\s]+");
    auto words_begin =
        std::sregex_iterator(s.begin(), s.end(), words_regex);
    auto words_end = std::sregex_iterator();

    for (std::sregex_iterator i = words_begin; i != words_end; ++i) {
        std::smatch match = *i;
        std::string match_str = match.str();
        std::cout << match_str << '\n';
} also includes a warning note:

It is the programmer's responsibility to ensure that the std::basic_regex object passed to the iterator's constructor outlives the iterator. Because the iterator stores a pointer to the regex, incrementing the iterator after the regex was destroyed accesses a dangling pointer.
This warning is apparently necessary in the case of regex_iterator, even though the same reasoning ought to apply to e.g. std::istream_iterator (it must not outlive its istream) and even std::list::iterator (it must not outlive its list). The reason we don't feel the need to warn people about lifetime bugs with list is that we don't often keep std::list::iterator objects alive outside of their natural (for-loop) scope. The "iterable iterator" idiom as seen in directory_iterator can help to keep iterators localized into tight scopes.

I propose that the following code should be well-formed:

#include <iostream>
#include <regex>
#include <string>

int main()
    const std::string s = "Quick brown fox.";

    std::regex words_regex("[^\\s]+");

    for (auto& match : std::sregex_iterator(s.begin(), s.end(), words_regex)) {
        std::string match_str = match.str();
        std::cout << match_str << '\n';

2. Member begin() versus nonmember begin()

Why does directory_iterator provide begin() and end() as free functions instead of member functions? It's a mystery to me. But I'm content to follow its precedent, rather than propose member begin() and end() functions for regex_iterator.

Incidentally, although it's too late to change it now, I personally believe that both of these iterators would have benefited from a different structure; that is, rather than the syntax

    for (auto& p : fs::directory_iterator("sandbox")) { ... }
    for (auto& m : regex_iterator(begin(s), end(s), r)) { ... }
I would have preferred a syntax that split up the "iterable range" object from the "iterator" object, like this:
    for (auto& p : fs::walk_directory("sandbox")) { ... }
    for (auto& m : regex_iterate(s, r)) { ... }

3. Alternative syntax ideas

cppreference uses this style for its loop:

    auto B = std::sregex_iterator(b, e, rx);
    auto E = std::sregex_iterator();
    for (auto it = B; it != E; ++it) {
        auto m = *it;
        // use m[0]
This can be expressed more compactly today as:
    for (std::sregex_iterator it(b, e, rx); it != std::sregex_iterator{}; ++it) {
        auto m = *it;
        // use m[0]
The infelicity with that loop is the repetition of the name std::sregex_iterator, which would be avoidable even without the present proposal if we were to standardize an operator bool for regex_iterator. Thus:
    // Assuming that regex_iterator were convertible to bool with the obvious semantics
    for (std::sregex_iterator it(b, e, rx); it; ++it) {
        auto m = *it;
        // use m[0]
Another alternative today is:
    auto it = std::sregex_iterator(b, e, rx);
    while (it != std::sregex_iterator{}) {
        auto m = *it++;
        // use m[0]
This feels more palatable than the for-loop above, because even though it has the same number of repetitions of sregex_iterator, at least they're not both on the same line of code! However, practical experience shows that it is far too easy to write *it instead of *it++, which leads to an infinite loop. We should try to channel programmers into the common looping idioms where possible. Therefore I propose that regex_iterator should be made iterable with the ranged for-loop.

Should regex_iterator, regex_token_iterator, directory_iterator, istream_iterator, and istreambuf_iterator all be treated in roughly the same way?

Should these iterators be convertible to bool? (Right now none of them is.)

Should these iterators be iterable? (Right now directory_iterator is iterable but the others are not.)

4. Proposed wording for C++20

The wording in this section is relative to WG21 draft N4618 [N4618], that is, the current draft of the C++17 standard. The new wording is modeled on the existing wording in N4618 section [directory_iterator.nonmembers].

28.4 Header <regex> synopsis [re.syn]

Edit paragraph 1 as follows.

// 28.12.1, class template regex_iterator
template <class BidirectionalIterator,
class charT = typename iterator_traits<
class traits = regex_traits<charT>>
class regex_iterator;

using cregex_iterator = regex_iterator<const char*>;
using wcregex_iterator = regex_iterator<const wchar_t*>;
using sregex_iterator = regex_iterator<string::const_iterator>;
using wsregex_iterator = regex_iterator<wstring::const_iterator>;

// 28.12.2, range access for regex_iterator
template<class B, class C, class T>
regex_iterator<B, C, T> begin(regex_iterator<B, C, T>) noexcept;
template<class B, class C, class T>
regex_iterator<B, C, T> end(const regex_iterator<B, C, T>&) noexcept;

// 28.12.2 28.12.3, class template regex_token_iterator
template <class BidirectionalIterator,
class charT = typename iterator_traits<
class traits = regex_traits<charT>>
class regex_token_iterator;

using cregex_token_iterator = regex_token_iterator<const char*>;
using wcregex_token_iterator = regex_token_iterator<const wchar_t*>;
using sregex_token_iterator = regex_token_iterator<string::const_iterator>;
using wsregex_token_iterator = regex_token_iterator<wstring::const_iterator>;

// 28.12.4, range access for regex_token_iterator
template<class B, class C, class T>
regex_token_iterator<B, C, T> begin(regex_token_iterator<B, C, T>) noexcept;
template<class B, class C, class T>
regex_token_iterator<B, C, T> end(const regex_token_iterator<B, C, T>&) noexcept;

28.12 Regular expression iterators [re.iter]

Renumber section 28.12.2 [re.tokiter] to 28.12.3. Insert a new section following section 28.12.1 as follows.

28.12.2 regex_iterator non-member functions [re.iter.nonmember]

1. These functions enable range access for regex_iterator.

    template<class B, class C, class T>
    regex_iterator<B, C, T> begin(regex_iterator<B, C, T> iter) noexcept;

Returns: iter.

    template<class B, class C, class T>
    regex_iterator<B, C, T> end(const regex_iterator<B, C, T>&) noexcept;

Returns: regex_iterator<B, C, T>().

Insert a new section after the renumbered section 28.12.3 [re.tokiter] as follows.

28.12.4 regex_token_iterator non-member functions [re.tokiter.nonmember]

1. These functions enable range access for regex_token_iterator.

    template<class B, class C, class T>
    regex_token_iterator<B, C, T> begin(regex_token_iterator<B, C, T> iter) noexcept;

Returns: iter.

    template<class B, class C, class T>
    regex_token_iterator<B, C, T> end(const regex_token_iterator<B, C, T>&) noexcept;

Returns: regex_token_iterator<B, C, T>().

5. References

"std::filesystem::directory_iterator" on
"Working Draft, Standard for Programming Language C++" (Nov 2016).
"std::regex_iterator" on