Date: 2017-10-12

Thomas Köppe <[email protected]>

ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG21 P0807r0


An Adjective Syntax for Concepts


  1. Revision history
  2. Summary
  3. Motivation
  4. Details
  5. What about auto?
  6. And what about lambdas?
  7. Recap
  8. Future directions
  9. Alternatives
  10. Questions
  11. Acknowledgements

Revision history


We propose to change the constrained-parameter syntax for concepts to be more general, more explicit and more expressive by using the grammatical structure of “attributive adjective, subject noun, predicate noun”:

template < Sortable  typename  T > void f(T& collection);
template < Even  int  N > void g(Foo (&pairs)[N]);
attr. adjective subj. noun pred. noun

This idea is not original; to my best knowledge it was first proposed by Richard Smith in Issaquah 2016, and I have since heard it restated as Richard’s idea by several others, including members of the BSI and on the std-proposals mailing list.


In the present C++ working paper (N4687), the “Concepts” feature consists of the core mechanics of template constraints ([temp.constr]), as well as a “convenience syntax” in the form of constrained-parameters, which offer a short-hand access to a limited subset of constraints. Specifically, a constrained template like template <Sortable T> is syntactic sugar for template <typename T> requires Sortable<T> when Sortable is a type concept, and more generally the kind of T is deduced from the prototype parameter of the concept.

This syntax is superficially convenient, but it suffers from the problem that it creates an ambiguity: Does template <Foo X> have an unconstrained non-type parameter or a constrained (type or template) parameter? This ambiguity may not be an immediate concern, but it presents a kind of dead end for the design space: Additional syntactic shorthands, such as the terse function syntax from the Concepts TS, bring their own set of new ambiguities. (For example, is f(Foo x, Foo y) a function or a function template? Does it have one or two template parameters?)

We propose to improve the situation by revising the constrained-parameter syntax. (The core Concepts engine will remain unaffected.) The proposed changes establish a consistent set of syntactical rules and markers that resolve the present ambiguities and will also work well with future additional syntactic sugar for function and variable declarations.


There are three kinds of entities in C++ that one can parametrise over:

KindDisambiguatorDeclaration exampleTemplate parameter example
1. things that have a type nothing int a = x; (x is a value) template <int N>
2. things that are a type typename using T = typename foo::x; (x is a type) template <typename T>
3. templates template using A = typename foo::template x<T> (x is a template) template <template </* ... */> typename Tmpl>

Templates can be specialised to form all three of these kinds (variable/function templates for (1), class templates for (2), and alias templates for (3)). Let us call the three kinds values, types and templates for short, just for the sake of brevity and for the scope of this proposal (so functions are values for now). When we need to be explicit about the kind of an entity, either because a name is dependent, or because we are specifying template parameters, we distinguish the three kinds with the disambiguator shown in the table above.

If we examine the template parameter grammar in C++ from the perspective of natural language, an analogy suggests itself: In int N, typename T, template ... Tmpl, the name of the parameter that is being declared is naturally a predicate noun, and the word that precedes it is the subject: “The integer is N.”, “A type called T.”, etc. The disambiguator is a noun making up that subject, and for the value case, the actual type name of the parameter is the noun. Where does this leave concept constraints? Constraints constrain something, so they are a kind of qualification, an attribute. The simplest kind of attribute is the attributive adjective: A red door, an even number. Constraint names can often be read as adjectives (or perhaps as some more complex attributive).

This little excursion into natural language suggests a modification to the C++ grammar that makes the language more expressive and that resolves the current problems. The solution is to retain both the attributive adjective and the subject noun in the parameter declaration:

  1. template <Even int N> for template <int N> requires Even<N> (unary non-type constraint).
  2. template <Sortable typename T> for template <typename T> requires Sortable<T> (unary type constraint).
  3. template <Rebindable template <typename> typename Tmpl> for template <typename> typename Tmpl> requires Rebindable<Tmpl> (unary template constraint); but see below.

Both the adjective and the predicate are optional, of course: A parameter can be unconstrained and need not be named. But the general template parameter now consists of three parts, and there is now no ambiguity: If typename is present, it is a type parameter, if template is present, it is a template parameter, and if neither is present, it is a non-type parameter.

A concept that can be used as an adjective in this way is required to be unary, i.e. to constrain only one template parameter, and it has to have the appropriate kind of prototype parameter: value concepts must have a non-type parameter of the correct type, type concepts must have a type parameter, and template concepts must have a template parameter of a compatible signature (allowing for ... to match non-variadic templates, etc.). Additional template parameters are allowed, just as they are in the status quo, and are filled in after the first parameter: template <VeryEven<A, B, C> int N> becomes template <int N> requires VeryEven<N, A, B, C>.

For constrained template template parameters, we may wish to use the simpler form template <Rebindable template Tmpl> and leave the template signature entirely to be determined by the concept. On the other hand, using the full template signature allows the user to request a template of a specific signature that is also constrained by a (possibly more generic) concept. We could also allow both a short form (without typename and class) that deduces the template signature from the concept, as well as a long form (with typename or class). If the long form is used, the user-provided signature must be compatible with the concept’s prototype parameter.

What about auto?

An auto parameter is a non-type parameter whose type is deduced. As such, we may wish to constrain both its value and also its permissible types.

The most conservative solution is to continue the same logic as above, and require the concept to have an exactly matching prototype parameter, namely an auto parameter. For example, template <EvenInteger auto N> becomes template <auto N> requires EvenInteger<N>, and the concept could be something like:

template <auto N>   concept EvenInteger = (std::is_integer_v<decltype(N)>) && (N % 2 == 0);

However, we can imagine different directions or generalisations:

Let us call a concept whose prototype parameter is auto an auto concept. Naturally, auto concepts constrain auto parameters. But we may also allow auto concepts to constrain typed non-type parameters: template <EvenInteger long N> becomes template <long N> requires EvenInteger<N> and deduces the type of N as long. The adjective syntax allows us to write specific templates (e.g. using long) constrained by generic, reusable concepts (e.g. EvenInteger).

And what about lambdas?

A C++14-style generic lambda contains a function template that does not use a template introducer, and instead declares a parameter with type specifier auto, where (auto x) stands for a function template of the form template <typename T> (T x). To allow constrained generic lambdas, only type constraints may be applied to the (implied) template parameter. The natural syntax that suggests itself here is to perform “decltype unwrapping” and admit type-constraining concepts of the form

[](Sortable auto x) { /* ... */ }

to stand for

[]<Sortable typename T>(T x) { /* ... */ } // which is, behind the scenes: template <Sortable typename T> auto operator()(T x) const { /* ... */ } // or in full: template <typename T> requires Sortable<T> auto operator()(T x) const { /* ... */ }


hide params/args examples
Constraint kindConcept exampleExample usage
Unary non-type template constraint
template <int N, /*params*/>   concept NonTypeFoo = /* ... */;
template <NonTypeFoo</*args*/> int V>   struct X; // requires NonTypeFoo<V, /*args*/>
Unary type template constraint
template <typename T, /*params*/>   concept TypeBar = /* ... */;
template <TypeBar</*args*/> typename T>   struct Y; // requires TypeBar<T, /*args*/>
Unary template template constraint
template <template <typename, int, typename...> typename Tmpl, /*params*/>   concept TemplateQuz = /* ... */;
template <TemplateQuz</*args*/> template <     typename, int, bool, char> typename Tmpl>   struct Z; // long form // requires TemplateQuz<Tmpl, /*args*/> template <TemplateQuz</*args*/> template Tmpl>   struct Z; // short form, Tmpl is <typename, int, typename...> // requires TemplateQuz<Tmpl, /*args*/>
Unary auto template constraints
  • on auto non-type parameters
  • on typed non-type parameters
template <auto N, /*params*/>   concept VeryEvenInteger =     std::is_integer_v<decltype(N)> && (N % 2 == 0) && OtherReqs</*params*/>;
template <VeryEvenInteger</*args*/> auto N>   struct W1; // requires VeryEvenInteger<N, /*args*/> template <VeryEvenInteger</*args*/> std::size_t N>   struct W2; // requires VeryEvenInteger<N, /*args*/>, deducing std::size_t
Unary type and non-type constraints
on auto parameters
  • decltype-unwrapping
  • value-constraining
template <typename T, /*params*/>   concept VeryIntegral = std::is_integer_v<T> && OtherReqs</*params*/>; template <int N, /*params*/>   concept VeryEven = (N % 2 == 0) && OtherReqs</*params*/>;
template <VeryIntegral</*args*/> auto N>   struct W3; // requires VeryIntegral<decltype(N), /*args*/> template <VeryEven</*args*/> auto N>   struct W4; // requires VeryEven<N, /*args*/>, and decltype(N) must be int
Function template constraints
on generic lambdas
(type constraints only)
[](TypeBar</*args*/> auto x)                          // equivalent to: []<TypeBar</*args*/> typename T>(T x)                 // equivalent to: []<typename T> requires TypeBar<T, /*args*/> (T x)    // (hypothetical)

The changes in a nutshell:

Future directions

Function templates

We already demonstrated how the adjective syntax may be reused to allow constrained generic lambdas. Since lambdas share many characteristics with ordinary functions, it is natural to allow ordinary function templates to use the same parameter declaration syntax as generic lambdas. Putting the constraint in attributive position leaves the auto keyword as an unmistakable signifier that the declaration is a function template. (The alternative syntactic shorthand that was present in the Concepts TS omits the auto keyword when a constraint is present, which leaves it unclear at a glance whether a function or a function template is being declared.)

void f(Foo auto x, Bar auto y); // short for: template <typename T, typename U> requires Foo<T> && Bar<U>   f(T x, U y);

A side note: the syntax in the Concepts TS left it visually unclear whether a repeated constraint in the parameter list refers to one single or several distinct template parameters, e.g. whether void f(Foo x, Foo y) is template <typename T> void foo(T, T) or template <typename T1, typename T2> void foo(T1, T2). (The TS does have a definite rule, but the point is that a reader needs to know and remember (or look up) that rule.) With the proposed adjective style, the function template might be spelled void f(Foo auto x, Foo auto y), which, by analogy with existing uses of auto in C++17, makes it reasonably obvious that two distinct template parameters are being declared.

Variables and return types

Another kind of type that may be decorated with constraints is the type of a variable or the return type of a function. At present, auto is allowed for both; adding a constraint attribute may conceivably be useful. Moreover, deduction could be allowed for template parameters.

template <typename T> void f(T t) {   Sortable auto x = t.GetAll();  // ill-formed unless “requires Sortable<decltype(x)>”   std::vector<Desirable typename> v = t.RetrieveEvery();  // not “Desirable auto”; type, not value } Sortable auto g(auto y) {  // maybe ill-formed, maybe SFINAE-friendly   return y.GetAll(); }

Multiple concepts

Finally, we might consider allowing more than one concept name to appear before the noun, interpreted as “and”, as in template <Sortable Movable typename C>. The presence of the noun (here typename) makes it clear that Sortable and Movable are concepts.


The obvious alternative to the proposed change is to retain the status quo. The current constrained-parameter syntax is shorter. Type parameters occur much more often than value and template parameters, and so the loss of information about the parameter kind may be an acceptable trade-off. (After all, the purpose of syntactic sugar is to make common constructions convenient.)

We see the value of this proposal only partly in its increased generality and explicitness. The other part lies in the future directions for other kinds of syntactic shorthands. Reusing the syntax of the status quo is problematic, since for even shorter kinds of abbreviations it is prone to ambiguities. By contrast, this proposal offers a simple principle by which the keywords auto, typename, and template are consistently present to signal that a kind of template argument deduction is in place. Additionally, they offer a natural place for constraints on those arguments.

Another alternative is to place the concept adjective in predicative rather than attributive position (The door is red. vs. the red door). This would perhaps require some additional punctuators, e.g. typename T : Sortable. This idea seems overly inventive, and even though it is not substantially different from the proposed attributive position, it would perhaps not play as nicely with future directions (e.g. vector<Sortable typename> vs. vector<typename : Sortable>), or Sortable auto x vs. auto : Sortable x (or even auto x : Sortable).


  1. Do we want an “adjective” style for constrained parameters (i.e. the subject is mandatory)?
  2. Where should the adjective go: Attributive (Sortable typename T) vs. predicative (typename T : Sortable)
  3. Support for auto parameters: a) Only auto concepts, b) allow decltype-unwrapping use of type concepts, c) allow value concepts (subject to matching types), d) allow both?
  4. Do we want constrained generic lambdas now, or defer to future proposals?


Many thanks to Tom Honermann for valuable feedback.