Richard Smith
[email protected]

Recursive lambdas


Lambdas are a useful tool for local code refactoring. However, we sometimes want to use the lambda from within itself, either to permit direct recursion or to allow the closure to be registered as a continuation. This is surprisingly difficult to accomplish well in current C++.


void read(Socket sock, OutputBuffer buff) {
  sock.readsome([&] (Data data) {
    sock.readsome(/*current lambda*/);

One natural attempt to reference a lambda from itself is to store it in a variable and capture that variable by reference:

auto on_read = [&] (Data data) {
However, this is not possible due to a semantic circularity: the type of the auto variable is not deduced until after the lambda-expression is processed, which means the lambda-expression cannot reference the variable.

Another natural approach is to use a std::function:

std::function on_read = [&] (Data data) {
This approach compiles, but typically introduces an abstraction penalty: the std::function may incur a memory allocation and the invocation of the lambda will typically require an indirect call.

For a zero-overhead solution, there is often no better approach than defining a local class type explicitly.


This paper proposes allowing a lambda to refer to itself within its own definition. Specifically, a lambda will be permitted to provide a name prior to its parameter list (mirroring the syntax for a regular function), and within the body of the lambda, that name will be an lvalue denoting the *this of the closure object.

auto visit_tree = [&] visit(Tree *node) -> void { // self parameter visit names lambda object
  if (node->left) visit(node->left);              // and can be used to make recursive calls
  out << node->value;
  if (node->right) visit(node->right);
// the name visit is not in scope here

The name of the lambda can be used to refer to the lambda for any purpose, including making copies of the lambda or capturing it within a nested lambda.

sock.readsome([&sock, &buff] on_read(Data data) {
  sock.readsome(on_read); // make a copy of the lambda
  // ...
If the lambda does not specify an explicit return type, recursive calls will not be possible until the first return statement has been seen, as a consequence of the usual auto return type deduction rules applied to the lambda's operator() function.
auto bad_fib = [] fib(int n) {
  // error, return type for closure's operator() not yet deduced
  return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);
auto less_bad_fib = [] fib(int n) {
  if (n == 0 || n == 1) return 1;
  return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2); // ok

Implicit captures

When a lambda has a capture-default ([&] or [=]), we do not know the semantic properties of the closure type until we reach the end of the lambda's body, because we do not know which local variables it captures. We propose to handle this by treating the closure type as an incomplete type within the body of the lambda if the lambda has a capture-default. In that case, the self parameter of the lambda can still have its call operator invoked and it can be captured by reference in nested lambdas, but it cannot be copied.

auto copy = [&] copysome() {
  // ok, captures self parameter of lambda 'copysome'
  // by reference
  sock1.readsome([&] on_read(Data data) {
    // ok, can call copysome even though type is incomplete
For uses where the lambda needs to be copied, the user code will need to explicitly specify a list of captures.

Proposed wording

Change in grammar in 8.1.5 [expr.prim.lambda]:


identifieropt ( parameter-declaration-clause ) decl-specifier-seqopt noexcept-specifieropt attribute-specifier-seqopt trailing-return-typeopt

Add a new paragraph at the end of 8.1.5 [expr.prim.lambda]:

If the optional identifier within the lambda-declarator is present, it declares the lambda's self parameter, which is a variable whose declarative region is the lambda-expression's compound-statement. For a lambda with closure type T, the self parameter is a variable of type cv T& initialized with the closure object, where cv is empty if mutable appears within the decl-specifier-seq and is const otherwise. [ Example:
auto fib = [] self(int n) {
  if (n < 2) return n;
  return self(n-1) + self(n-2);
end example ]

Add a new paragraph before [expr.prim.lambda.closure] paragraph 10 ("The lambda-expression's compound-statement yields the function-body of the function call operator […]":

The closure type is an incomplete type until the end of the compound-statement if the lambda-expression has a lambda-capture that includes a capture-default. Otherwise, the closure type becomes a complete type at the beginning of the compound-statement. The point of declaration of the function call operator or function call operator template for the closure type precedes the compound-statement ([basic.scope.class]). [ Example:
void f(int n) {
  auto a = [&] g(int k) -> int {
    return k ? g(k - 1) + n : 0;   // OK, lookup into incomplete closure type finds member operator()
  auto b = [&] h(int k) {
    [h] { h(0); } ();              // error: cannot capture parameter h with incomplete type
end example ]

Change in [expr.prim.lambda.closure] paragraph 6:

[…] The value returned by this conversion function is the address of a function F that, when invoked, has the same effect as invoking the closure type's function call operator on an unspecified object of the closure type. […]
