ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG21 P0857R0

Date: 2017-11-10


Thomas Köppe <[email protected]>

Wording for “functionality gaps in constraints”

This paper contains formal wording for the two extensions proposed in P0766r1: Fixing small-ish functionality gaps in constraints that concern requires-clauses.

Proposed wording for constrained lambdas

Modify the grammar in [expr.prim.lambda, 8.1.5] as follows.

    lambda-introducer compound-statement
    lambda-introducer lambda-declaratoropt requires-clauseopt compound-statement
    lambda-introducer < template-parameter-list > requires-clauseopt compound-statement
    lambda-introducer < template-parameter-list > requires-clauseopt lambda-declaratoropt requires-clauseopt compound-statement

Modify [expr.prim.lambda, 8.1.5] paragraph 3 as follows.

In the decl-specifier-seq of the lambda-declarator, each decl-specifier shall either be mutable or constexpr. [Note: The trailing requires-clause is described in Clause [dcl.decl, 11]. – end note]

Modify [expr.prim.lambda,] paragraph 3 as follows.

The closure type for a non-generic lambda-expression has a public inline function call operator (16.5.4) whose parameters and return type are described by the lambda-expression’s parameter-declaration-clause and trailing-return-type respectively. For a generic lambda, the closure type has a public inline function call operator member template (17.6.2) whose template-parameter-list consists of the specified template-parameter-list, if any, to which is appended one invented type template-parameter for each occurrence of auto in the lambda’s parameter-declaration-clause, in order of appearance. The invented type template-parameter is a parameter pack if the corresponding parameter-declaration declares a function parameter pack (11.3.5). The return type and function parameters of the function call operator template are derived from the lambda-expression’s trailing-return-type and parameter-declaration-clause by replacing each occurrence of auto in the decl-specifiers of the parameter-declaration-clause with the name of the corresponding invented template-parameter. The requires-clause of the function call operator template is the requires-clause immediately following < template-parameter-list >, if any. The trailing requires-clause of the function call operator or operator template is the requires-clause following the lambda-declarator, if any. [Example: […]

Modify [expr.prim.lambda,] paragraph 6 as follows.

The closure type for a non-generic lambda-expression with no lambda-capture whose constraints (if any) are satisfied has a conversion function to pointer to function with C++ language linkage (10.5) having the same parameter and return types as the closure type’s function call operator. The conversion is to “pointer to noexcept function” if the function call operator has a non-throwing exception specification. The value returned by this conversion function is the address of a function F that, when invoked, has the same effect as […]

Insert a new paragraph between paragraphs 5 and 6 of [expr.prim.lambda.closure,].

[…] – end example]

The function call operator or operator template may be constrained ([temp.constr.decl, 17.4.2]) by a constrained-parameter ([temp.param, 17.1]), a requires-clause (Clause [temp, 17]), or a trailing requires-clause (Clause [dcl.decl, 11]). [Example:

template <typename T> concept C1 = /* ... */; template <std::size_t N> concept C2 = /* ... */; template <typename A, typename B> concept C3 = /* ... */; auto f = []<typename T1, C1 T2> requires C2<sizeof(T1) + sizeof(T2)>          (T1 a1, T1 b1, T2 a2, auto a3, auto a4) requires C3<decltype(a4), T2> {   // T2 is a constrained parameter,   // T1 and T2 are constrained by a requires-clause, and   // T2 and the type of a4 are constrained by a trailing requires-clause. };

end example]

The closure type for a non-generic lambda-expression […]

Proposed wording for constrained template template-parameters

Modify the grammar in [temp.param, 17.1] as follows.


    type-parameter-key ...opt identifieropt
    type-parameter-key identifieropt = type-id
    template < template-parameter-list >template-head type-parameter-key ...opt identifieropt
    template < template-parameter-list >template-head type-parameter-key identifieropt = id-expression


Modify [temp.arg.template, 17.3.3], paragraph 3 as follows.

A template-argument matches a template template-parameter P when P is at least as specialized as the template-argument A. If P contains a parameter pack, then A also matches P if each of A’s template parameters matches the corresponding template parameter in the template-parameter-listtemplate-head of P. Two template parameters match if they are of the same kind (type, non-type, template), for non-type template-parameters, their types are equivalent (, and for template template-parameters, each of their corresponding template-parameters matches, recursively. When P’s template-parameter-listtemplate-head contains a template parameter pack (17.6.3), the template parameter pack will match zero or more template parameters or template parameter packs in the template-parameter-listtemplate-head of A with the same type and form as the template parameter pack in P (ignoring whether those template parameters are template parameter packs). [Example: […]

Modify [temp.arg.template, 17.3.3], paragraph 4 as follows.

A template template-parameter P is at least as specialized as a template template-argument A if, given the following rewrite to two function templates, the function template corresponding to P is at least as specialized as the function template corresponding to A according to the partial ordering rules for function templates ( Given an invented class template X with the template parameter listtemplate-head of A (including default arguments and requires-clause, if any):

If the rewrite produces an invalid type, then P is not at least as specialized as A.