Document number: P0880R1
Project: Programming Language C++
Audience: SG6 Numerics, Library Evolution
Igor Klevanets <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>
Antony Polukhin <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>
Date: 2018-05-04

Numbers interaction

Green lines are notes for the editor or for the SG6/LEWG that must not be treated as part of the wording.

I. Introduction and Motivation

SG6/LEWG currently works on multiple new classes that represent numbers (see P0539R2 and P0037R4 for examples). However, those new classes do not interract well with each other.

This paper attempts to solve the problem in a generic way on a library level and provide wording for interactions of different new numeric types, including user defined numeric types.

A proof of concept implementation available at:

II. Changelog

III. Design

Imagine that we have numeric classes A, B and C and wish to provide wording for all the interactions of those types. In that case we'll have to describe 126 functions ((A, B, C) x (*, /, -, +, %, &, |, ^, <, >, <=, >=, ==, !=) x (A, B, C)). Such description tends to be error prone and scales badly. Addition of one more numeric class will force us to describe 224 functions.

To avoid that issue the proposal:

using the above approach we can define a all the operations for numeric classes like this:

template<typename Arithmetic1, typename Arithmetic2>
  common_type_t<Arithmetic1, Arithmetic2>
  constexpr operator*(const Arithmetic1& lhs, const Arithmetic2& rhs);
Returns: common_type_t<Arithmetic1, Arithmetic2>(lhs) * common_type_t<Arithmetic1, Arithmetic2>(rhs).

Each paper that proposes new numeric type has to specialize numeric_limits and common_type to get the interactions.

IV. Examples and concerns

Concern:Who decides of what are the common types? If we have overflow_integer, elastic_integer, fixed_point where the common_type will be defined?

Response: Definition of the common_type is actually out of scope of this paper. This paper does not attempt to solve the complexities of commmon_type definitions.

But let's take some examples to make sure that relying on common_type helps to reduce the burden of operation definitions. Let's split the problem into two parts and take wide_integer and safe_integer as an example. First problem here is to define the common_type_t for the new numeric type instantiated with different template parameters. This is easy to solve in the paper that proposes the new numeric type.

In wide_integer paper we define the common type:

template<size_t Bits, typename S, size_t Bits2, typename S2>
struct common_type<wide_integer<Bits, S>, wide_integer<Bits2, S2>> {
  using type = wide_integer<max(Bits, Bits2), see below>;

The signed template parameter indicated by this specialization is following:

In safe_integer paper we define the common type:

template<class T1, class T2>
struct common_type<safe_integer<T1>, safe_integer<T2>> {
  using type = safe_integer<common_type_t<T1, T2>>;

Here comes the hard part - interactions between arbitrary Arithmetic types and new numeric type. Let's assume that wide_integer accepted first and has common_type defined in the following way:

template<size_t Bits, typename S, typename Arithmetic>
struct common_type<wide_integer<Bits, S>, Arithmetic> {
  using type = a lot of complex expressions;
template<typename Arithmetic, size_t Bits, typename S>
struct common_type<Arithmetic, wide_integer<Bits, S>>
  : common_type<wide_integer<Bits, S>, Arithmetic>;

Because the wide_integer paper already accepted, the safe_integer must take that into account while defining the common type and adjust the rules for wide_integer:

template<size_t Bits, typename S, typename Arithmetic>
struct common_type<wide_integer<Bits, S>, Arithmetic> {
  using type = a lot of complex expressions;
    Shuld SFINAE if Arithmetic is safe_integer.

... and define specialization for safe_integers:

template<class T, class Arithmetic>
struct common_type<safe_integer<T>, Arithmetic> {
  using type = safe_integer<common_type_t<T, Arithmetic>>;

template<typename Arithmetic, class T>
struct common_type<Arithmetic, safe_integer<T>>
  : common_type<safe_integer<T>, Arithmetic>;

Done. Now if this paper (P0880) is accepted then the operations for the above types would be available out of the box. Note that all the above manipulations are required even without this paper (P0880).

Above manipulations for defining the common type will work well with fixed_point, dyninteger, wide_integer, safe_integer, dynfloat... But fail for elastic_integer that must define the operations in some other way, uncommon to other new numeric types.

Concern:If we have overflow_integer, elastic_integer, fixed_point where the common_type will be defined?

Response: This is up to the Standard Library implementors. Probably the specializations would be all located in a single header file along with forward declarations of numeric types or some of the specialization will go into the headers of a particular numeric types directly.

Concern:Do we really wish to rely on std::numeric_limits and on std::common_type that could be specialized by user?

Response: It depends on the goals we are trying to achieve. If we also wish to provide means for simple integration of user defined types and standard library typrs - then yes, we have to rely on them. Otherwise we could define Arithmetic and Integral in terms of is_arithmetic_v<T> and is_integral_v<T> (just like Concepts TS does).

V. Proposed wording

26.2 Definitions[numerics.defns]

[Note to editor: Add the following paragraph to the end of [numerics.defns] - end note]

Define CT as common_type_t<A, B>, where A and B are the types of the two function arguments.

26.3 Numeric type requirements[numeric.requirements]

[Note to editor: Add the following paragraphs to the end of [numeric.requirements] - end note]

Functions that accept template parameters starting with Arithmetic shall not participate in overload resolution unless std::numeric_limits<Arithmetic>::is_specialized is true.

Functions that accept template parameters starting with Integral shall not participate in overload resolution unless std::numeric_limits<Integral>::is_integer is true.

26.4 Numeric types interoperability[numeric.interop]

Following operators are defined for types T and U if T and U have a defined common_type_t<T, U> and satisfy the Arithmetic or Integral requirements from [numeric.requirements] [Note: Implementations are encouraged to provide optimized specializations of the following operators - end note]:

[Note to SG6/LEWG: We may add to Arithmetic and Integral concepts additional requirement that std::numeric_limits<Integral-or-Arithmetic>::is_interoprable shall be true. In that case no user code will be broken even if user already added following operators. However this seems to be an overkill. - end note]

template<typename Arithmetic1, typename Arithmetic2>
  common_type_t<Arithmetic1, Arithmetic2>
  constexpr operator*(const Arithmetic1& lhs, const Arithmetic2& rhs);
Returns: CT(lhs) * CT(rhs).
template<typename Arithmetic1, typename Arithmetic2>
  common_type_t<Arithmetic1, Arithmetic2>
  constexpr operator/(const Arithmetic1& lhs, const Arithmetic2& rhs);
Returns: CT(lhs) / CT(rhs).
template<typename Arithmetic1, typename Arithmetic2>
  common_type_t<Arithmetic1, Arithmetic2>
  constexpr operator+(const Arithmetic1& lhs, const Arithmetic2& rhs);
Returns: CT(lhs) + CT(rhs).
template<typename Arithmetic1, typename Arithmetic2>
  common_type_t<Arithmetic1, Arithmetic2>
  constexpr operator-(const Arithmetic1& lhs, const Arithmetic2& rhs);
Returns: CT(lhs) - CT(rhs).
template<typename Integral1, typename Integral2>
  common_type_t<Integral1, Integral2>
  constexpr operator%(const Integral1& lhs, const Integral2& rhs);
Returns: CT(lhs) % CT(rhs).
template<typename Integral1, typename Integral2>
  common_type_t<Integral1, Integral2>
  constexpr operator&(const Integral1& lhs, const Integral2& rhs);
Returns: CT(lhs) & CT(rhs).
template<typename Integral1, typename Integral2>
  common_type_t<Integral1, Integral2>
  constexpr operator|(const Integral1& lhs, const Integral2& rhs);
Returns: CT(lhs) | CT(rhs).
template<typename Integral1, typename Integral2>
  common_type_t<Integral1, Integral2>
  constexpr operator^(const Integral1& lhs, const Integral2& rhs);
Returns: CT(lhs) ^ CT(rhs).
template<typename Integral1, typename Integral2>
  common_type_t<Integral1, size_t>
  constexpr operator<<(const Integral1& lhs, const Integral2& rhs);
Returns: common_type_t<Integral1, size_t>(lhs) << static_cast<size_t>(rhs).
template<typename Integral1, typename Integral2>
  common_type_t<Integral1, size_t>
  constexpr operator>>(const Integral1& lhs, const Integral2& rhs);
Returns: common_type_t<Integral1, size_t>(lhs) >> static_cast<size_t>(rhs).
template<typename Arithmetic1, typename Arithmetic2>
  constexpr bool operator<(const Arithmetic1& lhs, const Arithmetic2& rhs);
Returns: CT(lhs) < CT(rhs).
template<typename Arithmetic1, typename Arithmetic2>
  constexpr bool operator>(const Arithmetic1& lhs, const Arithmetic2& rhs);
Returns: CT(lhs) > CT(rhs).
template<typename Arithmetic1, typename Arithmetic2>
  constexpr bool operator<=(const Arithmetic1& lhs, const Arithmetic2& rhs);
Returns: CT(lhs) <= CT(rhs).
template<typename Arithmetic1, typename Arithmetic2>
  constexpr bool operator>=(const Arithmetic1& lhs, const Arithmetic2& rhs);
Returns: CT(lhs) >= CT(rhs).
template<typename Arithmetic1, typename Arithmetic2>
  constexpr bool operator==(const Arithmetic1& lhs, const Arithmetic2& rhs);
Returns: CT(lhs) == CT(rhs).
template<typename Arithmetic1, typename Arithmetic2>
  constexpr bool operator!=(const Arithmetic1& lhs, const Arithmetic2& rhs);
Returns: !(lhs == rhs).

VI. Feature-testing macro

For the purposes of SG10 we recommend the feature-testing macro name __cpp_lib_num_interop.