Document number: P0881R0
Project: Programming Language C++
Audience: Library Evolution
Alexey Gorgurov <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>
Antony Polukhin <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>
Date: 2018-01-23

A Proposal to add stack trace library

I. Motivation

In the current working draft [N4713] there is no way to get,store and decode the current call sequence. Such call sequences are useful for debugging and post mortem debugging. They are popular in other programming languages (like Java, C#, Python).

Pretty often assertions can't describe the whole picture of a bug and do not provide enough information to locate the problem. For example, you can see the following message on out-of-range access:

boost/array.hpp:123: T& boost::array<T, N>::operator[](boost::array<T, N>::size_type): Assertion '(i < N)&&("out of range")' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)

That's not enough information in the assert message to locate the problem without debugger.

This paper proposes classes that could simplify debugging and may change the assertion meassage into the following:

Expression 'i < N' is false in function 'T& boost::array<T, N>::operator[](boost::array<T, N>::size_type) [with T = int; long unsigned int N = 5ul; boost::array<T, N>::reference = int&; boost::array<T, N>::size_type = long unsigned int]': out of range.
 0# boost::assertion_failed_msg(char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*, long) at ../example/assert_handler.cpp:39
 1# boost::array<int, 5ul>::operator[](unsigned long) at ../../../boost/array.hpp:124
 2# bar(int) at ../example/assert_handler.cpp:17
 3# foo(int) at ../example/assert_handler.cpp:25
 4# bar(int) at ../example/assert_handler.cpp:17
 5# foo(int) at ../example/assert_handler.cpp:25
 6# main at ../example/assert_handler.cpp:54
 7# 0x00007F991FD69F45 in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
 8# 0x0000000000401139

II. Impact on the Standard

This proposal is a pure library extension and it does not break the existing code and does not degrade performance. It does not require any changes in the core language and could be implemented in the standard C++.

III. Design Decisions

The design is based on the Boost.Stacktrace library, a popular library that does not depend on any non-standard library components.

Note about signal safety: this proposal does not attempt to provide a signal-safe solution for capturing and decoding stacktraces. Such functionality currently is not implementable on some of the popular platforms. However, the paper attempts to provide extendable solution, that may be made signal safe some day.

Note on performance: during Boost.Stacktrace development phase many users requested a fast way to store stack trace, without decoding the function names. This functionality is preserved in the paper.

IV. Proposed Interface

Header <stacktrace> synopsis

namespace std {

  class stack_frame;

  template<typename Allocator>
  class basic_stacktrace;

  // free functions

  // This is the alias to use unless you'd like to provide a specific allocator to basic_stacktrace.
  using stacktrace = basic_stacktrace<allocator<stack_frame>>;

  // Outputs stacktrace in a human readable format to output stream.
  template<typename CharT, typename TraitsT, typename Allocator>
  basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT > & operator<<(basic_ostream<CharT, TraitsT>& os, const basic_stacktrace<Allocator>& bt);

  // Outputs stacktrace in a human readable format to string.
  template<typename Allocator>
  string to_string(const basic_stacktrace<Allocator>& f);

  // Outputs frame in a human readable format to string.
  string to_string(const stack_frame& f);

  // Outputs frame in a human readable format to output stream.
  template<typename CharT, typename TraitsT>
  basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT >& operator<<(basic_ostream<CharT, TraitsT>& os, const stack_frame& f);

Class stack_frame

The stack_frame class stores a pointer to function and allows querying information about that function.

namespace std {
  class stack_frame {
    using native_frame_ptr_t = unspecified;

    // construct/copy/destruct
    constexpr stack_frame() noexcept;
    constexpr stack_frame(const stack_frame&) noexcept = default;
    constexpr stack_frame& operator=(const stack_frame&) = default;

    constexpr explicit stack_frame(native_frame_ptr_t f) noexcept;
    template<typename T> explicit stack_frame(T* address) noexcept;

    constexpr native_frame_ptr_t address() const noexcept;
    constexpr explicit operator bool() const noexcept;

    constexpr strong_ordering operator <=>(const stack_frame& rhs) = default;

    // functions that querying information about stored address
    string name() const;
    string source_file() const;
    size_t source_line() const;

    native_frame_ptr_t data; // exposition only

stack_frame constructors

stack_frame() noexcept;
Constructs stack_frame that references nullptr address. Calls to source_file() and source_line() will return empty string. Calls to source_line() will return 0.
explicit stack_frame(native_frame_ptr_t addr) noexcept;
template<typename T> explicit stack_frame(T * addr) noexcept;
Constructs stack_frame that references addr and could later generate information about that address using platform specific features.

stack_frame member functions

std::string name() const;
Returns empty string or platform specific name of the function that the stored address is pointing to. Throws std::bad_alloc if not enough memory to construct resulting string.
constexpr native_frame_ptr_t address() const noexcept;
Returns address stored by this.
std::string source_file() const;
Returns empty string or path to the source file, where the function of the frame is defined. Returns empty string if this->source_line() == 0. Throws std::bad_alloc if not enough memory to construct resulting string.
std::string source_line() const;
Returns 0 or code line in the source file, where the function of the stored address is defined. Throws std::bad_alloc if not enough memory to construct resulting string.
explicit operator bool() const noexcept;
Returns true if this stores and address other than NULL.

Class template <basic_stacktrace>

The basic_stacktrace template class stores current call sequence on construction and provides functions for querying information about the call sequence.

namespace std {
  template<typename Allocator>
  class basic_stacktrace {
    using value_type = stack_frame;
    using const_reference = const value_type &;
    using size_type = implementation-defined;
    using const_iterator = implementation-defined;
    using allocaotr_type = Allocator;

    // functions that capture current call sequence
    basic_stacktrace() noexcept;
    explicit basic_stacktrace(const allocator_type& a) noexcept;
    basic_stacktrace(size_type skip, size_type max_depth, const allocator_type& a = allocator_type()) noexcept;

    // construct/copy/destruct
    basic_stacktrace(const basic_stacktrace &);
    basic_stacktrace(basic_stacktrace &&) noexcept;
    basic_stacktrace & operator=(const basic_stacktrace &);
    basic_stacktrace & operator=(basic_stacktrace &&);

    // public member functions
    size_type size() const noexcept;
    const_reference operator[](size_type ) const noexcept;
    const_iterator begin() const noexcept;
    const_iterator end() const noexcept;

    explicit operator bool() const noexcept;

    template <typename Allocator2>
    strong_ordering operator <=>(const basic_stacktrace< Allocator2 >& rhs) = default;

    vector<value_type>    stack_frames; // exposition only


basic_stacktrace constructors

basic_stacktrace() noexcept;
explicit basic_stacktrace(const allocator_type & a) noexcept;
Stores the current call sequence inside *this without querying information about each call.
Any exception raised during this operation is silently ignored. In case of exception (bool)*this is false
basic_stacktrace(size_type skip, size_type max_depth, const allocator_type& a = allocator_type()) noexcept;
Stores [skip; skip + max_depth) of the current function call sequence inside *this without querying information about each call.
Any exception raised during this operation is silently ignored. In case of exception (bool)*this is false

basic_stacktrace member functions

const_reference operator[](size_type frame_no) const noexcept;
Returns frame that references the actual frame info, stored inside *this.
Parameters: frame_no - zero-based index of frame to return. 0 is the function index where stacktrace was constructed and index close to this->size() contains function main().
explicit operator bool() const noexcept;
Returns true if call sequence was successfully stored.

V. Feature-testing macro

For the purposes of SG10 we recommend the feature-testing macro name __cpp_lib_stacktrace.