Doc. no. P0913R1
Revises P0913R0
Date: 2018-03-15
Reference: ISO/IEC TS 22277, C++ Extensions for Coroutines
Audience: EWG
Reply to: Gor Nishanov <[email protected]>

Add symmetric coroutine control transfer


Currently Coroutines TS only supports asymmetric control transfer where suspend always returns control back to the current coroutine caller or resumer. In order to emulate symmetric coroutine to coroutine control transfer, one needs to build a queue and a scheduler: prior to suspension, a coroutine enqueues the next-to-resume coroutine into a scheduler queue and then returns control to its caller. At some point, control will transfer to a scheduler loop that dequeues and resumes coroutines.

Recursive generators, zero-overhead futures and other facilities require efficient coroutine to coroutine control transfer. Involving a queue and a scheduler makes coroutine to coroutine control transfer inefficient. Coroutines need direct and efficient way of expressing the desired behavior.

Proposed resolution:

  1. Allow await_suspend to designate a coroutine to perform a symmetric control transfer to.
  2. Add library function noop_coroutine that returns a handle to a coroutine that has no observable side effects when resumed. Having such a coroutine handle allows library writer to perform either symmetric or asymmetric control transfer based on runtime considerations.
Before After
  thread_local queue<coroutine_handle<>> resume_queue; 

  void scheduler_loop() {
    while (!resume_queue.empty()) {

  struct Awaiter {
    void await_suspend(coroutine_handle<> h) {
      if (cond)
 struct Awaiter {
   auto await_suspend(coroutine_handle<> h) {
     return cond ? next_coro : noop_coroutine(); 

Implementation and usage experience:

Language changes implement in clang 5.1. Adopted by open source coroutine class library cppcoro.


[All proposed wording is relative to N4723].

Core wording:

Modify paragraph 5.3.8/3 as follows

(3.7) — await-suspend is the expression e.await_suspend(h), which shall be a prvalue of type void, or bool, or std::experimental::coroutine_handle<Z> for some type Z.

Modify paragraph 5.3.8/5 as follows:

5 The await-expression evaluates the await-ready expression, then:

(5.1) — If the result is false, the coroutine is considered suspended. Then, the await-suspend expression is evaluated. If that expression has type std::experimental::coroutine_handle<Z> and evaluates to a value s, the coroutine referred to by s is resumed as if by a call s.resume(). [Note: Any number of coroutines may be successively resumed in this fashion, eventually returning control flow to the current coroutine caller or resumer (8.4.4) -- end note] If that expression has type bool and evaluates to false, the coroutine is resumed. If that expression exits via an exception, the exception is caught, the coroutine is resumed, and the exception is immediately re-thrown (15.1). Otherwise, control flow returns to the current coroutine caller or resumer (8.4.4) without exiting any scopes (6.6).

Library Wording:

Add the following to <experimental/coroutine> synopsis in [support.coroutine]/1:

namespace std {
namespace experimental {
inline namespace coroutines_v1 {

// class noop_coroutine_promise 18.11.4
struct noop_coroutine_promise;

// 18.11.1 coroutine traits
template <typename R, typename... ArgTypes>
struct coroutine_traits;

// 18.11.2 coroutine handle
template <typename Promise = void>
struct coroutine_handle;

template <>
struct coroutine_handle<noop_coroutine_promise>;

// noop coroutine handle
using noop_coroutine_handle = coroutine_handle<noop_coroutine_promise>;

// noop coroutine 18.11.5
noop_coroutine_handle noop_coroutine() noexcept;


Add the following to coroutine_handle synopsis in [coroutine.handle]:

template <> struct coroutine_handle<noop_coroutine_promise> : coroutine_handle<>
// noop observers
constexpr explicit operator bool() const noexcept;
constexpr bool done() const noexcept;

// noop resumption
constexpr void operator()() const noexcept;
constexpr void resume() const noexcept;
constexpr void destroy() const noexcept;

// noop promise access
noop_coroutine_promise& promise() const noexcept;

// noop address
constexpr void* address() const noexcept;


Add subclause [coroutine.handle.noop.observers]: noop_coroutine_handle observers [coroutine.handle.noop.observers]:

constexpr explicit operator bool() const noexcept;

1 Returns: true

constexpr bool done() const noexcept;

2 Returns: false

Add subclause [coroutine.handle.noop.resumption]: noop_coroutine_handle resumption [coroutine.handle.noop.resumption]:

constexpr void operator()() const noexcept;
constexpr void resume() const noexcept;
constexpr void destroy() const noexcept; 

1 Effects: None.
2 Remarks: If noop_coroutine_handle is converted to coroutine_handle<>, calls to operator(), resume and destroy on that handle will also have no observable effects.

Add subclause [coroutine.handle.noop.promise]: noop_coroutine_handle promise access [coroutine.handle.noop.promise]:

noop_coroutine_promise& promise() const noexcept;

1 Returns: a reference to the promise object associated with this coroutine handle.

Add subclause [coroutine.handle.noop.address]: noop_coroutine_handle address [coroutine.handle.noop.address]

constexpr void* address() const noexcept;

1 Returns: ptr.
2 Remarks: A noop coroutine's ptr always contains a non-null pointer value.

Add subclause 18.11.4 [coroutine.promise.noop]:

18.11.4 Class noop_coroutine_promise [coroutine.promise.noop]

struct noop_coroutine_promise{};

1 The class noop_coroutine_promise defines the promise type for the coroutine referred to by noop_coroutine_handle (18.11.5).

Add subclause 18.11.5 [coroutine.noop]:

18.11.5 Function noop_coroutine [coroutine.noop]

noop_coroutine_handle noop_coroutine() noexcept;

1 Returns: A handle to a coroutine that has no observable effects when resumed or destroyed.

2 Remarks: A handle returned from noop_coroutine may or may not compare equal to a handle returned from another invocation of noop_coroutine.