String View Conversion for Function Arguments

ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG21 P0994R0

ADAM David Alan Martin  ([email protected])
                        ([email protected])
                        ([email protected])
Jason Carey             ([email protected])


Code wishing to call a function with a std::string_view parameter is unable to do so presently with a type that has a user-defined conversion to std::string or const char *. This was discussed in EWG at Jacksonville during a session discussing pain points in modern C++. (P0922r0) I (ADAM Martin) proposed that this is an easy to solve problem with current C++ library design techniques, and it does not require any new features be added to the language. This paper codifies that proposal.

We propose adding a new implicit conversion constructor to std::basic_string_view< CharT > which facilitates user defined conversions from any type to std::basic_string< CharT >, const CharT *, and const std::basic_string< CharT > &. This constructor will be invoked as an implicit conversion construction of std::basic_string_view< CharT >, adapting to any user defined object with a user defined "classical" string conversion operator. This constructor also includes a facility to extend the lifetime of any ephemeral std::basic_string< CharT > object created in the process of adapting a std::basic_string_view< CharT >, in a manner similar to builtin lifetime extension.


We propose to add a new constructor to the std::basic_string_view family which solves this problem. This constructor must be an implicit constructor which is templatized and controlled with std::enable_if.

This constructor uses a technique similar to the "forwarding constructor" technique used in C++17's std::optional< T > conversion constructors. Essentially the technique uses an implicit conversion constructor which is controlled by an std::enable_if gate which prevents the instantiation of the function in certain circumstances. In the case of std::optional< T >, there exists a ctor, template< typename U, ... > optional< T >::optional( U &&u ). The elided code in elipses is a std::enable_if expression which, as described earlier, prevents the consideration of this ctor when the specified U type is not implicitly convertible to T.

For the case of the constructor we propose adding to std::basic_string_view< CharT >, it should have a similar enable_if constructor, template< typename CharT > template< typename U, ... > basic_string_view< CharT >::basic_string_view( U &&u ) which is considered only when the type U is convertible to one of the "classical" string types -- std::string, const char *, const std::string &.

Some commonly expected use cases are:

Example 1

namespace UserCode
    struct Case1
        std::string s= "Hello";
        operator const char *() const { return s.c_str(); }

void function( std::string_view view ) {}

    using namespace UserCode;

    // Ephemeral usage
    function( Case1() );
    // Local usage
    Case1 c1;
    function( c1 );

In this case, the object Case1 is responsible for the storage of the string being returned, so an anonymous temporary string view object has no issue with respect to the lifetime of the string storage returned by Case1's conversion operator.

Example 2

Things become a bit more complicated in the case when a const std::basic_string< CharT > & is returned by the conversion operator of a type, but not significantly so:

namespace UserCode
    struct Case2
        std::string s= "Hello";
        operator const std::string &() const { return s; }

void function( std::string_view view ) {}

    using namespace UserCode;

    // Ephemeral usage
    function( Case2() );
    // Local usage
    Case2 c2;
    function( c2 );

In this case, a user-defined conversion involves a type which has lifetime extension issues, but the type returned by the user-defined conversion is a reference, thus indicating that the user defined type is responsible for the lifetime of the string data storage. A std::basic_string_view< CharT > constructor which accepts types with user-defined const std::string & operators must also decline to be eligible to convert from a temporary std::string, as the string's storage is ephemeral.

Example 3

Care needs to be taken when implementing some kind of magical conversion operator between a user defined type and a reference-like type (pointers, string_view, etc) when there is an intermediate step through a type which owns the resources being referenced. The C++ language has some intrinsic forms of lifetime extension, but for this kind of case, there is no facility for transitive propagation of a requirement for lifetime extension.

An example which could be at risk of this issue is:

namespace UserCode
    struct Case3
        operator std::string () const { return "Hello"; }

void function( std::string_view view ) {}

    using namespace UserCode;

    // Ephemeral usage
    function( Case3() );
    // Local usage
    Case3 c3;
    function( c3 );

Issues with any implementation attempt

In the final example above, the ephemeral std::string object would have its lifetime expire in a "forwarding constructor" using the template< typename T > template< typename U > std::optional< T >::optional( U &&u ) case. The forwarding constructor's scope would end, thus ending the lifetime of the ephemeral string. A naive constructor with an implementation as detailed below would cause dangling pointers to expired storage:

namespace std
    template< typename CharT >
    class basic_string_view
            template< typename U >
            basic_string_view( const U &u )
                : basic_string_view( static_cast< const std::basic_string< CharT > & >( u ) ) {}

The temporary std::string would be created in the scope of the ctor for basic_string_view rather than in the calling scope, and therefore its lifetime would end before the ctor returns. We require a mechanism to extend the lifetime of temporaries created in the course of making invisible multi-stage conversions. Although this mechanism could be a language mechanism, it is actually possible to make such lifetime-preserving constructors in C++ today:

Introducing a trick to provide some user-controlled lifetime extension in the present C++ language.

namespace std
    template< typename CharT >
    class basic_string_view
            template< typename U >
            basic_string_view( const U &u, std::string &&storage= {} )
                storage= u;
                *this= basic_string_view( u );

In the above technique, the lifetime of storage, if relying upon the default argument initialization, is until the end of the line which invoked the constructor. This is because the temporary object std::string created at the calling site is going to live that long, and the storage name is a reference to that object. Because of this, the lifetime of the string that we assign to storage is equivalent to the necessary lifetime. The lambda in the constructor invocation captures the storage variable which permits us to gain access to modify the storage for which we wish to extend the lifetime.

Proposed Implementation

namespace std
    template< typename T, typename = void >
    struct is_temp_string_convertible : std::false_type {};

    template< typename T >
    struct is_temp_string_convertible< T, std::void_t< decltype( std::declval< T >().operator std::string () ) > >
            : std::true_type {};

    template< typename T >
    struct is_temp_string_convertible< T, std::void_t< decltype( std::as_const( std::declval< T >() ).operator std::string () ) > >
            : std::true_type {};

    template< typename CharT >
    class basic_string_view
            // ...
            class prevent_abuse { friend basic_string_view; abuse()= default; };

                typename AlienType
                typename= std::enable_if
                    std::is_convertible< AlienType, const char * >::value
                    || std::is_convertible< AlienType, std::string >::value
                    || std::is_convertible< AlienType, const std::string & >::value,
            basic_string_view( const AlienType &a, prevent_abuse= {}, std::string &&lifetime_extension= "" )
                    : basic_string_view
                            [&a, &lifetime_extension] () -> basic_string_view
                                if constexpr( is_temp_string_convertible< AlienType >::value )
                                    // The assignment to `lifetime_extension` preserves the storage
                                    // of the string we will reference.
                                    lifetime_extension= a.operator std::string();
                                    return lifetime_extension;
                                else if constexpr( std::is_convertible< AlienType, const char * >::value )
                                    return static_cast< const char * >( a );
                                    return static_cast< const std::string & >( a );
            // ...

The above multiply-constrained template constructor is able to work as a conversion constructor only when the AlienType has a conversion to at least one of the "classical" string types. If-constexpr is used to select among 3 possible implementations, where each variation is used to select the correct conversion target type. It is important to use a const char * conversion as preferred over a const std::string & conversion, since the const std::string & would wind up creating a temporary, when used as a conversion target for a const char * targetting conversion. The first variation in the if constexpr uses the earlier discussed lifetime extension trick to preserve the storage for the ephemeral string returned by the user-defined conversion for the AlienType.

The purpose of the prevent_abuse structure as a parameter is to guard this new augmented constructor against direct call by a user. The prevent_abuse ctor is private and thus not callable outside of the class; however, C++ rules dictate that the protection and lookup rules for a default parameter are to use the permissions of the context of the definition of the defaulted parameter. What this means is that the ctor is permitted to construct prevent_abuse as part of its default arguments, but a user cannot directly call that constructor on his or her own. Thus this constructor is ONLY a conversion operation, and it is only accessible if the user has defined a "classical string" conversion.

Avenues for Further Research

There are a few techniques explored in this paper, which may have general applications in the future, and they should be researched more thoroughly:


We have presented a functional constructor for std::string_view implemented in the C++17 language which solves the stated problem. Our implementation experience is presently limited to a standalone limited reimplementation of the C++17 string_view type in a non-std namespace. Several testing types are included in our demonstration, which exercise every if-constexpr branch. We propose that this constructor be considered for inclusion as part of std::basic_string_view in the next C++ standard.