Document number: P1069R0
Date: 2018-10-08
Mike Spertus, Symantec ([email protected])
Walter E. Brown ( [email protected])
Stephan T. Lavavej ([email protected])
Audience: {Library Evolution, Library} Working Group
In this paper, we describe the changes to library support for class template argument deduction that we believe are appropriate for C++20.
optional o(5); // OK. Static duration. optional<int>
// Try to create dynamic duration object.
auto o1 = new optional(5); // Already violates both Core Guidelines R.3 and R.11
auto o2 = unique_ptr(o1); // Oops, ill-formed. Can't deduce unique_ptr from raw ptr
We propose simply making dynamic object creation with make_unique and make_shared
work just like the normal way one would translate a static and automatic declaration to a dynamic
int i1(5); // Static
auto i2 = make_unique<int>(5); // Make dynamic by moving decl-specifier to make_unique template argument
option o1(5);
auto o2 = make_unique<optional>(5); // Again, make dynamic by moving decl-specifier to make_unique template argument
Implementing this can be as simple as the following code, which can be seen working on Wandbox
template<template <typename ...U> typename T, typename ...A>
auto make_unique(A&& ...a) {
return std::unique_ptr<decltype(T(std::forward<A>(a)...))>(new T(std::forward<A>(a)...));
A number of associative container guides were removed in the late stages of the Kona meeting for the following reasons
We propose restoring guides so that containers deduce consistently from all of their constructors
not because we disagree with any of the above, but because P1021R1's support
for partial specialization in class template argument deduction, if accepted, adds a very important
and useful new use case for them.
vector<int> v{MyAlloc{}}; // Want vector<int, MyAlloc>
set<string> caseInsensitiveStrings([](string const &a, string const &b) { /* ... */ });
Speaking “conceptually”, we also suggest that deducing correctly
from all constructors is valuable because the reason that STL containers need a lot of deduction guides in the first place is because they are not conceptized (See the bottom of for a demonstration
of some current deduction guides becoming unnecessary in a conceptized STL). If we ever have a concept-enabled STL, then the example in use case 1 above will work even without a deduction guide, so this is not only useful now but better prepares us for the future concepts vision.
The new deduction guides are similar to the previously removed deduction guides with the following changes, which incidentally greatly simplify their original versions:
In P0433R0, it was proposed that deduction guides for pair and tuple unwrap reference_wrapper like make_pair and make_tuple do. Such unwrapping was removed from later revisions of the paper and not adopted in C++17. According to both the minutes and the mailing list, unwrapping was suppressed in order to increase applicability to fully generic programming. However, as the following code available at shows, the possibility of picking up stray constructors suggests that fully generic programming should fully specialize template parameters anyway (note that this best practice is not limited to CTAD) rather than relying on tuple CTAD.
template<typename ...T> // CTAD: Intends tuple<T...> but stray constructors make unreliable
using ctad = decltype(tuple{declval<T>()...});
template<typename ...T> // Explicit: Produces tuple<T...> as intended
using expl = decltype(tuple<T...>{declval<T>()...});
int main()
print_type<ctad<tuple<lt;int>>>(); // std::tuple<int>
print_type<expl<tuple<int>>>(); // std::tuple<std::tuple<int>>
print_type<ctad<allocator_arg_t, allocator<int>, int>>(); // std::tuple<int>
print_type<expl<allocator_arg_t, allocator<int>, int>>(); // std::tuple<std::allocator_arg_t, std::allocator<int>, int>
return 0;
However, with the C++17 behavior, not only does pair/tuple deduction not support generic metaprogramming, its inability to deduce references limits its ability to replace make_tuple or make_pair even though many expositions (E.g., [1], [2], and [3]) give make_pair replacement as their motivating use case. As library vocabulary vocabulary types whose pre-CTAD factory functions unwrap reference_wrapper, we suggest that behavior preserved in CTAD.
Add the following deduction guide to the definition of class basic_string in §24.3.2 [basic.string]:
int compare(size_type pos1, size_type n1,
const charT* s, size_type n2) const;
template<class T, class Traits = char_traits<T>, class Allocator>
basic_string(Allocator) -> basic_string<T, Traits, Allocator>;
In § [string.cons], insert the following:
At the end of the definition of class deque in § [deque.overview], add the following deduction guides:template<class T, class Traits = char_traits<T>, class Allocator> basic_string(Allocator) -> basic_string<T, Traits, Allocator>;
Remarks: Shall not participate in overload resolution if Allocator is a type that does not qualify as an allocator [sequence.reqmts].
void clear() noexcept;
template<class T, class Allocator>
explicit deque(Allocator) -> deque<T, Allocator>;
template<class T, class Allocator> explicit deque(size_t, Allocator) -> deque<T, Allocator>;
At the end of the definition of class forward_list in § [forwardlist.overview],
add the following deduction guides:
void reverse() noexcept;
template<class T, class Allocator>
explicit forward_list(Allocator) -> forward_list<T, Allocator>;
template<class T, class Allocator>
explicit forward_list(size_t, Allocator) -> forward_list<T, Allocator>;
At the end of the definition of class list in § [list.overview],
add the following deduction guides:
void reverse() noexcept;
template<class T, class Allocator>
explicit list(Allocator) -> list<T, Allocator>;
template<class T, class Allocator>
explicit list(size_t, Allocator) -> list<T, Allocator>;
At the end of the definition of class vector in § [vector.overview],
add the following deduction-guide:
void clear() noexcept;
template<class T, class Allocator>
explicit vector(Allocator) -> vector<T, Allocator>;
template<class T, class Allocator>
explicit vector(size_t, Allocator)
-> vector<T, Allocator>;
At the end of the definition of class map in § [map.overview],
add the following deduction guides:
At the end of the definition of class multimap in § [multimap.overview], add the following deduction guides:pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range(const K& x) const; }; template<class Key, class T, class Compare, class Allocator = allocator<pair<Key, T>>> explicit map(Compare, Allocator = Allocator()) -> map<Key, T, Compare, Allocator>; template<class Key, class T, class Compare = less<Key>, class Allocator> explicit map(Allocator) -> map<Key, T, Compare, Allocator>;
At the end of the definition of class set in § [set.overview], add the following deduction-guides:pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range(const K& x) const; }; template<class Key, class T, class Compare, class Allocator = allocator<pair<Key, T>>> explicit multimap(Compare, Allocator = Allocator()) -> multimap<Key, T, Compare, Allocator>; template<class Key, class T, class Compare = less<Key>, class Allocator> explicit multimap(Allocator) -> multimap<Key, T, Compare, Allocator>;
At the end of the definition of class multiset in § [multiset.overview], add the following deduction guides:template <class K> pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range(const K& x) const; }; template<class T, class Compare, class Allocator> explicit set(Compare, Allocator = allocator<T>) -> set<T, Compare, Allocator>; template<class T, class Compare = less<T>, class Allocator> explicit set(Allocator) -> set<T, Compare, Allocator>;
Modify § [], add the following deduction-guides:template <class K> pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range(const K& x) const; }; template<class T, class Compare, class Allocator> explicit multiset(Compare, Allocator = allocator<T>) -> multiset<T, Compare, Allocator>; template<class T, class Compare = less<T>, class Allocator> explicit multiset(Allocator) -> multiset<T, Compare, Allocator>;
Delete § []:void reserve(size_type n); }; template<class Key, class T, class Hash = hash<Key>, class Pred = equal_to<Key>, class Allocator> explicit unordered_map(size_t, Hash, Pred = Pred(), Allocator = Allocator()) -> unordered_map<Key, T, Hash, Pred, Allocator>; template<class Key, class T, class Hash = hash<Key>, class Pred = equal_to<Key>, class Allocator> explicit unordered_map(Allocator) -> unordered_map<Key, T, Hash, Pred, Allocator>; template<class Key, class T, class Hash = hash<Key>, class Pred = equal_to<Key>, class Allocator> explicit unordered_map(size_t, Allocator) -> unordered_map<Key, T, Hash, Pred, Allocator>; template<class Key, class T, class Hash, class Pred = equal_to<Key>, class Allocator> explicit unordered_map(size_t, Hash, Allocator) -> unordered_map<Key, T, Hash, Pred, Allocator>;
A size_type parameter type in an unordered_map deduction guide refers to the size_type member type of the type deduced by the deduction guide.Modify § [unord.multimap.overview], add the following deduction-guides:
Delete § [unord.multimap.overview]:void reserve(size_type n); }; template<class Key, class T, class Hash = hash<Key>, class Pred = equal_to<Key>, class Allocator> explicit unordered_multimap(size_t, Hash, Pred = Pred(), Allocator = Allocator()) -> unordered_multimap<Key, T, Hash, Pred, Allocator>; template<class Key, class T, class Hash = hash<Key>, class Pred = equal_to<Key>, class Allocator> explicit unordered_multimap(Allocator) -> unordered_multimap<Key, T, Hash, Pred, Allocator>; template<class Key, class T, class Hash = hash<Key>, class Pred = equal_to<Key>, class Allocator> explicit unordered_multimap(size_t, Allocator) -> unordered_multimap<Key, T, Hash, Pred, Allocator>; template<class Key, class T, class Hash, class Pred = equal_to<Key>, class Allocator> explicit unordered_multimap(size_t, Hash, Allocator) -> unordered_multimap<Key, T, Hash, Pred, Allocator>;
A size_type parameter type in an unordered_multimap deduction guide refers to the size_type member type of the type deduced by the deduction guide.Modify § [unord.set.overview] as follows:
Delete § [unord.set.overview]:void reserve(size_type n); }; template<class T, class Hash, class Pred = equal_to<T>, class Allocator = allocator<T>> explicit unordered_set(size_t, Hash, Pred = Pred(), Allocator = Allocator()) -> unordered_set<T, Hash, Pred, Allocator>; template<class T, class Hash = hash<T>, Pred = equal_to<T>, class Allocator> explicit unordered_set(size_t, Allocator) -> unordered_set<T, Hash, Pred, Allocator>; template<class T, class Hash, Pred = equal_to<T>, class Allocator> explicit unordered_set(size_t, Hash, Allocator) -> unordered_set<T, Hash, Pred, Allocator>;
A size_type parameter type in an unordered_set deduction guide refers to the size_type member type of the primary unordered_set template.Modify § [unord.multiset.overview] as follows:
Delete § [unord.multiset.overview]:void reserve(size_type n); }; template<class T, class Hash, class Pred = equal_to<T>, class Allocator = allocator<T>> explicit unordered_multiset(size_t, Hash, Pred = Pred(), Allocator = Allocator()) -> unordered_multiset<T, Hash, Pred, Allocator>; template<class T, class Hash = hash<T>, Pred = equal_to<T>, class Allocator> explicit unordered_multiset(size_t, Allocator) -> unordered_multiset<T, Hash, Pred, Allocator>; template<class T, class Hash, Pred = equal_to<T>, class Allocator> explicit unordered_multiset(size_t, Hash, Allocator) -> unordered_multiset<T, Hash, Pred, Allocator>;
A size_type parameter type in an unordered_multiset deduction guide refers to the size_type member type of the primary unordered_multiset template.At the end of the definition of class promise in §33.6.6 [futures.promise], insert the following:
// setting the result with deferred notification void set_value_at_thread_exit(see below); void set_exception_at_thread_exit(exception_ptr p); }; template <class T, class Alloc> promise(allocator_arg_t, Alloc) -> promise<T>; template <class R> void swap(promise<R>& x, promise<R>& y) noexcept;