Date: 2018-06-25

Thomas Köppe <[email protected]>

ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG21 P1142R0

To: EWG (informative only)

Thoughts on a conservative terse syntax for constraints

Compatible. Principled. Useful.

This document is not a proposal for a change. It merely serves as a record of ideas that the author has considered while many of us were developing a terse concepts syntax ahead of the San Diego meeting. The author endorses the resulting joint proposal, Yet another approach for constrained declarations (YAACD), which should be our first and foremost concentrated effort. Where YAACD strives for a minimal extension that avoids invention as much as possible, this paper describes a larger design that retains more of the features from the Concepts TS. If we come to revisit that design space in the future, it might be nice to be able to refer to these past thoughts.


  1. Summary
  2. In a nutshell, by example
  3. Scope, features, limitations
  4. Definitions
  5. Terse syntaxes
  6. Rationale
  7. Alternatives
  8. Final words
  9. References


This paper describes a compromise design for a terse concept syntax, informed by the discussions around several past attempts. As a result, this design…

The central design decisions are a response to previous discussions, notably those following P0745R1 and P1079R0. They are:

Breaking changes: Only the last point constitutes a breaking change with respect to the post-Toronto working paper and the Concepts TS. In those, C is allowed to be a non-type or template concept, making T respectively a non-type or template template-parameter. In the design of this paper, a mandatory noun must be inserted. Non-type and template template-parameters are comparatively rare, so we consider this breakage to be minor.

In a nutshell, by example

Short syntaxEquivalent requires-clause
auto gcd(Integer auto a, Integer auto b); template<typename T1, typename T2> requires Integer<T1> && Integer<T2>
auto gcd(T1 a, T2 b);
template<Iterator I>
void sort(I first, I last);
template<typename I> requires Iterator<I>
void sort(I first, I last);
template<Even int N>
void AddConsecutivePairs(const auto (&arr)[N], OutputIterator auto it);
template<int N, typename T, typename Out> requires Even<N> && OutputIterator<Out>
void AddConsecutivePairs(const T (&arr)[N], Out it);
template<ContainerLike template Tmpl, typename T>
struct MyAdaptor;
template<template<typename> typename Tmpl, typename T> requires ContainerLike<Tmpl>
struct MyAdaptor;
Constrained variable and return type declarations
[Note: Only type concepts can be applied to constrained declarations (variables, function return types, function parameters). – end note]
Sortable auto x = f(); Type of x is deduced, ill-formed if it does not satisfy the type concept.
Roughly equivalent to static_assert(Sortable<decltype(x)>).
Sortable auto f() { /* ... */ } Return type of f is deduced from the body, ill-formed if it does not satisfy the type concept.

Scope, features, limitations

This paper describes a set of “terse concept syntaxes” based on the adjective syntax that has been developed in P0807. It consists of the core proposal of P0807, plus the future extensions for constrained function parameters, function return types and variable declarations discussed therein, and the modification to make typename/class optional.

They key design points of the resulting proposal are:

The upside of the proposed approach is that it is a minimal extension that retains many of the familiar properties of template syntax. The major downside is that it can only handle unary concepts. There is no short syntax for complex concepts whatsoever. Whether this is a problem depends on how important we consider unary concepts relative to all uses of concepts, i.e. whether we can help a large fraction of the use cases.

Details appertaining to partial-concept-ids are not spelled out in this paper. P0807 contains full examples.

Details around constraining auto declarations that are part of structured bindings, trailing return types or decltype(auto) are not discussed here, but should follow the conclusions of YAACD.


A concept is a unary concept in the context where it is used if its prototype parameter (or parameter pack) is the only free parameter (or pack), and all further parameters (if any) have been bound to a fixed set of arguments (via a partial-concept-id). The kind of the prototype parameter (pack) determines the kind of the unary concept (names following P0807):

Four kinds of concept
Kind of conceptExample
Type concepttemplate<typename T>
concept Integral = /* ... */;
Value concepttemplate<int N>
concept Even = N % 2 == 0;
Auto concepttemplate<auto N>
concept EvenIntegral = Integral<decltype(N)> && N % 2 == 0;
Template concepttemplate<template<typename> typename Tmpl>
concept Foo = /* ... */;

Concepts that are not unary in a particular context are called complex concepts. A constraint that uses a complex concept or that uses multiple concepts (or both) is called a complex constraint. [Example: template<typename X, typename Y, typename Z> requires C1<X, Y> && C2<Z> && C3<Z> is a complex constraint. — end example]

Terse syntaxes

Constrained parameters

This is the content of P0807. Adjective syntax can be applied to a constrained-parameter of all kinds. Note in particular that value, type and auto concepts can be applied to value, type and auto parameters in various combinations.

template <Integral typename T> struct X; // type concept, type parameter template <Integral class T> struct X; // synonym for the above template <Integral T> struct X; // same as above, "typename"/"class" is optional template <Even int N> struct X; // value concept, value parameter template <EvenIntegral auto N> struct X; // auto concept, auto parameter template <EvenIntegral int N> struct X; // auto concept, value parameter, deduce "auto" as "int" template <Even auto N> struct X; // value concept, auto parameter, ill-formed unless decltype(N) == int template <Integral auto N> struct X; // type concept, auto parameters, means "requires Integral<decltype(N)>"

Note that constraints can be relaxed by dropping the concept name (except that an omitted “typename” needs to be reintroduced).

Complex concepts cannot be used with this syntax and instead need the full requires-clause syntax.

Terse function templates

The goal of a terse function template syntax is to use the function parameters to turn the function into a function template. The only part of the template that can be parameterised in this context is the function parameter type, and thus we only need to consider type concepts here.

The proposed terse syntax does not allow the deduced types to be named. If a named template parameter is required, the traditional template head should be used instead.

void f(MyInt n); // not a template because no "auto" or "template" void f(Integral auto n); // template because "auto" void f(Integral auto n1, Integral auto n2); // two separately deduced types template<Integral typename T> void f(T n1, T n2); // one type void f(MyInt n1, Integral auto n2); // function template, n1 is converted, n2 is deduced void f(auto n1, MyInt n2, auto n3); // function template, two unconstrained template parameters template<typename I, typename S> requires Iterator<I, S> void f(I iter, S sentinel); // template constrained by complex concept (no short syntax available) // mix and match (constrained parameters and terse function syntax) dispatch_sort(v, []<Integral typename T>(T begin, T end, const Predicate auto& p) { /* ... */ });

Constrained declarations

This part of the syntax allows constrained forms of deduced types for variable and function return type declarations.

Integral auto f(int n, double x) { return x * n; } auto x = f(); // unconstrained Integral auto y = g(); // constrained type


How did we get here? The short syntax forms that appear in the Concepts TS are appealingly short, but suffer from ambiguities: constrained template parameters do not syntactically show whether they are of type, non-type or template kind, and function parameters do not syntactically signal whether the function is in fact a function template. When the bulk of the concepts extensions were adopted in the IS working paper in Toronto 2017, the short syntax forms other than constrained parameters were excluded, as the committee did not feel confident about the syntax.

A number of proposals for short syntax forms have been made since Toronto. Many of them involved new syntax to introduce names for the types that were being constrained, and in the process addressing the aforementioned ambiguities to varying degrees. However, two main questions kept coming back:

None of the proposals were entirely satisfying:

At the same time, proposals had been made for an “adjective” syntax, which adds the concept name as an additional, whitespace separated token in the declaration. This syntax is often more verbose, but it can be made very regular without ambiguities. While previous proposals did not gain traction, one particular adjective-based approach is being considered now to resolve the above problems:

Once we allow a value to have its (deduced) type constrained by a concept adjective, it is only a short jump to allow the same for deduced non-type template parameters: template<Number auto N>. But in this position, Number need not just be a type-concept, but it can also reasonably be an auto-concept (i.e. a concept that constrains the value): template<EvenIntegral auto N>. Once we have value-concept adjectives, we should allow them not just on auto, but on concrete types, too: template<Even int N>.

This gives us an inroad for an adjective syntax for constrained parameters. When non-type parameters take their constraint as adjectives, we are closer to avoiding ambiguities. We can take this further and move the constraints into adjective position for the other parameter kinds. For template template-parameters, this means saying template<ContainerLike template Tmpl>. (We can even allow the full template head here to make Tmpl a specific template.) This only leaves type parameters. For consistency, they should also support an adjective style: template<Iterator class T> (or typename). However, since this kind of parameter is by far the most widely used kind, the typename/class noun is optional.

When all is said and done, we end up with mandatory adjective syntax for constrained function parameters, function return types and variable declarations as a new feature (where the noun is always auto and the constraint is always via type-concept). We also make the noun mandatory for non-type and template template-parameters, which is a breaking change, but those kinds of parameters are relatively rare. The result is a coherent syntax that works predictably and is largely free from ambiguities. And it can be made fully unambiguous if the typename/class noun is used.


Comparison with YAACD: The main difference between the present design and that proposed for San Diego is that the present design allows the use of constrained parameters for template template-parameters (using the mandatory noun template), it allows non-type parameters to have non-type constraints (auto- and value-concepts), and it allows optionally to specify the typename/class noun.

Final words
