Mike Spertus, Symantec
[email protected]
Audience: Evolution Working Group

How to make Terse Notation soar with Class Template Argument Deduction

Terse concept notation along the lines of P1141R1 has the potential to powerfully make generic programming look more like “regular programming”. As it is important for the initial release of concepts and terse notation to make a good first impression, this paper discusses how Class Template Argument Deduction can pitch in and help make the release of terse notation as successful as possible. as illustrated by the following example (note that Curve is a concept).
C++17 + P1141R1Proposed
auto f(Curve auto &c)
  -> pair<decltype(c), pmr::vector<typename decltype(c.ctrl_pts)::value_type>>
  Point<decltype(c.x_min())> top_left{c.x_min(), c.y_max()};
  screen->line<decltype(p.x)>(p, {c.x_min(), c.y_max()});
  pmr::vector<typename decltype(c.ctrl_pts)::value_type> cp(c.ctrl_pts.begin(), c.ctrl_pts.end(), mem_res);
  return {c, cp };
pair auto f(Curve auto &c, basic_ostream auto logger)
  Point top_left{c.x_min(), c.y_max()};
  screen->line(top_left, {c.x_min(), c.y_max()});
  pmr::vector cp(c.ctrl_pts.begin(), c.ctrl_pts.end(), mem_res);
  return {c, cp};
What is going on here? Since function template arguments in terse notation often do not have named types, the easier it is to create new objects from existing objects without having to explicitly refer to their types, the more natural code will be. Since Class Template Argument Deduction provides inferenced creation of constrained objects just as concepts provide inferenced usage of constrained objects (thereby addressing complementary problems), it can really help in such situations as the above example shows. For a stunning example of how much robust Class Template Argument Deduction can enhance concepts code, see the argument deduction example near the end of this paper.

While C++17 Class Template Argument Deduction can often be used in such situations (e.g., if the pmr::vector above had been an ordinary vector), the example above was crafted to illustrate the value of potential improvements to Class Template Argument Deduction, such as return type deduction below, and aggregate and type alias deduction. Such basic "filling of holes" would help a lot as illustrated in the example, and is covered in P1021R1 and P1167R0. The remainder of this paper focuses specifically on aligning Class Template Argument Deduction Inferencing with Constrained Type Inferencing.

The proposal

Our proposal is simply that wherever P1141R1 allows a Concept-constrained auto, a class template can be used as well with the same rules for independent resolution and forwarding references. Of course, if a different approach from P1141 is adopted for constrained declarations, this proposal should follow that. Likewise, we do not take a position on where auto should be required, simply that the same rules should apply to CTAD inferencing and concept inferencing to best maintain consistency between concepts and types.

Let us look at some particular cases.

Ordinary declarations

In P1141R1, it is mentioned that in
Constraint auto f1();
it should be possible to omit the auto to get
Constraint f1();
As justification, P1141R1 specifically refers to Class Template Argument Deduction allowing
std::tuple x = foo();
By the same reasoning, it makes sense for us to be consistent in the other direction and allow
std::tuple auto x = foo();
Otherwise, the programmer has to remember a bunch of special-cased rules as to which kinds of deduced declarations can accept an auto or not.

Return type deduction

Likewise, just like one can say
Constraint auto f1();
one should also be able to say
tuple auto f1();
to make explicit that constrained type deduction is taking place (In this context, we are using the phrase “constrained type deduction” to refer to the fact that the deduced type is given more specifically than just a lone auto). The example given at the top of this paper of f returning
pair auto
instead of
pair<decltype(c), pmr::vector<typename decltype(c.ctrl_pts)::value_type>>
illustrates just how much this can simplify code.


Argument deduction

As P1141R0 allows us to say
void f1(Constraint auto x);
one should also be able to indicate that a declaration has its arguments deduced by
void f1(tuple auto x);
This is not only more consistent, but we think it can have a huge impact on facilitating terse notation as now almost any function template could be written using natural function notation as shown by the following example (which also demonstrates the value of partially-specialized template argument lists as proposed in P1021R0) extension
C++17 + P1141R1Proposed
// We need an explicit template here because of confusing mix of both class template and concept arguments
template<class CharT, class Traits>
auto f(Curve auto &c, basic_ostream<charT, Traits> logger)
  -> pair<decltype(c), pmr::vector<typename decltype(c.ctrl_pts)::value_type>>
  Point<decltype(c.x_min())> top_left{c.x_min(), c.y_max()};
  screen->line<decltype(p.x)>(p, {c.x_min(), c.y_max()});
  logger << "Drew line\n";
  pmr::vector<typename decltype(c.ctrl_pts)::value_type> cp(c.ctrl_pts.begin(), c.ctrl_pts.end(), mem_res);
  logger << "Got control points: ";
  // Hard to specify ostream_iterator template args
  copy(cp.begin(), cp.end(),
                        typename decltype(logger)::char_type,
                        typename decltype(logger)::traits_type>(logger, ", "));
  return {c, cp };
// “auto” constraints consistently indicate which arguments are deduced
pair auto f(Curve auto &c, basic_ostream auto logger)
  Point auto top_left{c.x_min(), c.y_max()};
  screen->line(top_left, {c.x_min(), c.y_max()});
  logger << "Drew line\n";
  pmr::vector cp(c.ctrl_pts.begin(), c.ctrl_pts.end(), mem_res);
  logger << "Got control points: ";
  // See P1021R1 for partially-specializing ostream_iterator
  copy(cp.begin(), cp.end(),
       ostream_iterator<decltype(cp[0])>(logger, ", "));
  return {c, cp};
We think things like the above example will be very common, and, without this proposal, terse notation will not be applicable to many function templates.


As Zhihao Yuan notes, the partially template argument list support proposed in P1167R0 naturally supports the useful alignment
tuple<Copyable> t(1);