Document number: P1194
Date: 2018-10-08
Title: The Compromise Executors Proposal: A lazy simplification of P0443
Audience: SG1 & LEWG
Reply-to: Lee Howes <[email protected]>
Eric Niebler <[email protected]>
Kirk Shoop <[email protected]>
Bryce Lelbach <[email protected]>
David S. Hollman <[email protected]>

1 Summary

This paper seeks to add support for lazy task creation and deferred execution to P0443, while also simplifying the fundamental concepts involved in asynchronous execution. It seeks to do this as a minimal set of diffs to P0443. It achieves this by replacing P0443’s six Executor::*execute member functions with two lazy task constructors that each return a (potentially) lazy Future-like type known as a “Sender”. Work may then be submitted to the underlying execution context lazily when submit is called on a Sender or eagerly at task creation time, as long as the semantic constraints of the task are satisfied.

2 Background

P0443 presents a unified abstraction for agents of asynchronous execution. It is the result of a long collaboration between experts from many subdomains of concurrent and parallel execution, and achieved consensus within SG1 and, to some degree, LEWG. Although there were known gaps in the abstraction (e.g., reliance on an unspecified Future concept), there were papers in flight to address them, and for all intents and purposes P0443 seemed on-target for a TS or, possibly even C++20.

At the Spring 2018 meeting in Rapperswil, a significant design problem was identified: poor support for lazy execution, whereby executors participate in the efficient construction and optimal composition of tasks prior to those tasks being enqueued for execution. A solution was put forward by P1055: “senders” (called “deferred” in that paper) and “receivers”. Senders and receivers could be freely composed into richer senders and receivers, and only when a receiver was “submitted” to a sender would that task be passed to an execution context for actual execution.

P1055 represented a radical departure from the P0443 design. LEWG deferred the decision to merge P0443 until the alternative had been explored. There are, however, good reasons to be circumspect: a significant redesign now would almost certainly push Executors, and the Networking TS which depends on it, out past C++20. Also, the authors of P1055 had not yet proved to the satisfaction of the experts in SG1 that senders and receivers could efficiently address all the use cases that shaped the design of P0443.

This paper seeks a middle way: a small set of changes to P0443 that improve its support for lazy execution. The changes are limited to such a degree that no functionality has been lost.

In the ad hoc Executors meeting in Bellevue, WA on Sept 22-23 2018, some polls were taken regarding overall direction of the Executors design with regards to how best to support the lazy execution scenario. The design presented in this paper (Senders and Reeivers) was endorsed by the experts there.

For the long-term direction for executors we like senders/receivers.

9 10 6 2 0

Note: This paper only seeks to add support for lazy task composition and execution to P0443 while maintaining feature parity with P0443. Companion papers will fill in additional gaps in P0443.

3 Summary of high-level changes

3.1 Parity with P0443

In the interest of maintaining feature parity with P0443 while also adding support for a lazy asynchronous execution model, we suggest the following changes, which are described in more detail below.

  1. The placeholder Future concept is renamed “Sender”. A sender may begin executing immediately when the sender is created, or it may defer execution until a continuation is attached.
  2. The API for attaching a continuation to a task, which was then on the Future concept in P0443, is renamed “submit” on the Sender concept.
  3. The submit API accepts a Promise-like object as a continuation called a Receiver. Like std::promise, it has separate APIs for setting an error or a value.
  4. The submit API, unlike Future.then, returns void.
  5. The then_execute API on the Executor concept is renamed make_value_task, and bulk_then_execute is renamed bulk_make_value_task. (They both return Senders.)
  6. The following Executor APIs are removed: execute, twoway_execute, bulk_execute, and bulk_twoway_execute.

These changes and the rationale for each are described here.

3.2 Extensions to P0443

  1. In addition to set_error and set_value APIs, the Receiver concept gets a set_done API by which a sender can notify a receiver that computation is finished and it will not receive either an error or a value. Rationale
  2. In addition to make_value_task and make_bulk_value_task APIs, the Executor concept gets a submit API that takes a Receiver and that passes the executor or a sub-executor to the receiver. That is, an Executor is a Sender of an executor. Rationale
  3. Additionally, the Sender concept gets a get_executor API for fetching the executor associated with the sender. Rationale

4 Before and After

In the table below, where a future is returned this is represented by the promise end of a future/promise pair in the compromise version. Any necessary synchronization or storage is under the control of that promise/future pair, rather than the executor, which will often allow an entirely synchronization-free structure.

Before After
executor.execute(f) executor.execute(f)
executor.execute(f) executor.make_value_task(sender{}, f).submit(receiver{})
fut = executor.twoway_execute(f) executor.make_value_task(sender{}, f).submit(futPromise)
fut' = executor.then_execute(f, fut) executor.make_value_task(fut, f).submit(fut'Promise)
executor.bulk_execute(f, n, sf) executor.make_bulk_value_task(sender{}, f, n, sf, []{}).submit(receiver{})
fut = executor.bulk_twoway_execute(f, n, sf, rf) executor.make_bulk_value_task(sender{}, f, n, sf, rf).submit(futPromise{})
fut' = executor.bulk_then_execute(f, n, sf, rf, fut') executor.make_bulk_value_task(fut, f, n, sf, rf).submit(fut'Promise{})

Although the “after” here is more verbose, this is a natural side-effect of choosing primitives that are fewer and lowerer-level. It goes without saying that higher-level abstractions can and should be provided to simplify the usage of these primitives.

If a constructed task is type erased, then it may benefit from custom overloads for known trivial receiver types to optimize. If a constructed task is not type erased then the outgoing receiver will trivially inline. That goes likewise for any noop-sender.

We do not expect any performance difference between the two forms of the one way execute definition. The task factory-based design gives the opportunity for the application to provide a well-defined output channel for exceptions. For example, the provided output receiver could be an interface to a lock-free exception list if per-request exceptions are not required.

5 Terminology

This paper describes “task construction” and “task submission”. By the former, we mean creating task dependencies. By the latter, we mean handing the task off to an execution context for execution. We sometimes use the terms “enqueue” or “submit” as synonyms for “task submission.”

A particular executor may decide to perform both task creation and task submission in its make_value_task. This would be eager. Another may decide to only do task creation in its make_value_task and do task submission in the submit method of the returned Sender. That would be lazy.

Generic code that uses executors must assume the lazy case and call submit on the sender, even though it may do nothing more than attach a (possibly empty) continuation. It must also assume that the work associated with a task may start as eagerly as the call to make_value_task itself.

6 Rationale for design changes

6.1 Rationale of Changes to Executor and Future Concepts

The fundamental change suggested by this paper, the one that precipitates all the other changes, is to define the Future concept — which was left undefined in P0443 — such that it is a handle to either an eager or lazy asynchronous result. Every other change suggested in this paper falls out neatly from that, and most of the changes are simply renames to avoid confusion.

The following describes the changes to the Executors proposal necessitated by the new, weaker semantics of the Future concept.

Case 1: Eagerly queued work
If Future is eager, it’s basically std::experimental::future (or a non-type-erased equivalent) and everything is as in P0443.
Case 2: Lazily queued work
If Future is lazy, then tasks are enqueued for execution only when fut.then is called with a continuation. Why do this? Because a lazy Future can be zero overhead. Since there is never a logical race when accessing the continuation, there is no need for synchronization and no need for a dynamically allocated shared state between the promise and future.
  1. Use promises as continuations:
P1053 makes a strong case that the object passed to a Future’s then API should look like a promise, not like a callable. When chaining operations, a preceding operation may end with an error. Likewise, scheduling work on an execution context may also fail. (Consider the case where then successfully schedules work on a threadpool that dequeues work that doesn’t execute within a timeout window.) Those errors need somewhere to go. A promise has an error channel, so it gives us a logical way to chain tasks that propagate both values and errors.
  1. Make then return void:
To stay “eager/lazy agnostic”, then shouldn’t be required to return an eager future; return void instead, and leave task chaining to then_execute on the Executor concept.
  1. Rename then to submit:
The name “then” doesn’t suggest the possibility that it may in fact submit the task for execution. Rename it to “submit”.
  1. Drop execute and bulk_execute from the Executor concept.
Since then_execute is no longer required to return an expensive handle to a continuable, eager task, oneway execution can be efficiently built on top of then_execute/submit by passing a null sender to then_execute and a sink receiver to submit. We can drop oneway execute as a required part of the Executor concept and instead provide standard null sender and sink receiver types against which implementations are free to optimize. (The same logic lets us drop bulk_execute from the concept.)
  1. Drop twoway_execute and bulk_twoway_execute:
Similarly, twoway_execute can be efficiently built on top of then_execute/submit by passing a null sender to then_execute and the promise of an eager future to submit, so we can drop twoway_execute as a required part of the Executor concept (and by extension, bulk_twoway_execute).
  1. Rename then_execute on the Executor concept to make_value_task.
Since “then_execute” really just builds a link in a task chain without necessarily enqueueing it for execution, rename it to “make_value_task”.

Done. We have now arrived at the executors design suggested by this paper. As we hope the above shows, Sender and Receiver are really just a minor reformulation of concepts that already appear in P0443 and related papers.

6.1.1 Senders are Futures

Four of the the six execute functions from P0443 return a type that satisfies the as-yet-unspecified Future concept. A Future in the latest draft of P0443, which references the Concurrency TS, is a handle to an already-queued work item to which additional work can be chained by passing it back to an executor’s (bulk_)?then_execute function, along wih a continuation that will execute when the queued work completes.

A sender is a generalization of a future. It may be a handle to already queued work, or it may represent work that will be queued when a continuation has been attached, which is accomplished by passing a “continuation” to the sender’s submit member function. This is akin to a future that launches work in its then API.

6.1.2 Receivers are Continuations

In P0443, a continuation was a simple callable, but that didn’t give a convenient place for errors to go if the preceding computation failed. This shortcoming had already been recognized, and was a subject of P1053, which recommended promises — which have both a value and an error channel — as a useful abstraction for continuations. A Receiver is little more than a promise, with the addition of a channel for a “done” signal.

In short, if you squint at P0443 and P1053, the sender and receiver concepts are already there. They just weren’t fully spelled out.

6.1.3 Task Construction is Separate From Submission

The effect of the changes suggested by this proposal is to break the execute functions up into two steps:

  • Task creation (s = ex.make_(bulk_)?value_task(...)), and
  • Work submission (s.submit(...)).

It is not hard to see how the reformulation is isometric with the original:

maps cleanly to:

… where p2 is possibly a promise corresponding to fut2 from above, though it need not be.

Four of the P0443 execute functions return a future. The type of the future is under the executor’s control. By splitting execute into lazy task construction and a (void-returning) work submission API, we enable lazy futures because the code returning the future can rely on the fact that submit will be called later by the caller. With that knowledge, the lazy future is safe to return because we can rely on it being submitted separately.

We optionally lose the ability to block on completion of the task at task construction time. As submit is to be called anyway (except for the pure oneway executor case where submit is implicit) it is cleaner to apply the blocking semantic to the invocation of submit. In particular, this approach allows us to build executors that return senders that block on completion but are still lazy.

Weakening the Future Concept

Permitting a Future to have either eager or lazy submission semantics is a weakening of the concept. Before permitting lazy semantics, the semantics of the Future concept were very strong: it was possible to say exactly when work would be enqueued. That strength came at a cost: creating dependent execution chains was expensive, and complexity was needed in the executors to avoid the expense in some limited situations.

Weakening the Future concept permits more types to satisfy the concept without the overhead needed to meet the strong semantics. This in turn lets us drop the compexity in executors, which no longer needs to worry about how to magically and efficiently stitch together dependent chains of execution.

6.2 Rationale of Done Signal

In addition to a set_error and set_value API, the Receiver concept gets a set_done API by which a sender can notify a receiver that computation is finished and it will not receive either an error or a value.

In acknowlegement of the fact that some tasks will want to support cancellation (by some unspecified means), this paper suggests a mechanism by with a Sender can notify a Receiver that the task is completing without either an error or a value. This is with a done API as part of the Receiver concept. This is not a cancellation mechanism; rather, it is a means by which a cancellation mechanism can notify downstream computations that they will not execute.

The name done is chosen for two reasons: 1. Calling it cancel will obviously lead to confusion since this is not a way to cancel an asynchronous task. 2. The Sender and Receiver concepts naturally extend to multi-value asynchronous computations, also knows as streams (not to be confused with C++98 iostreams). In the stream case, a Sender calls the receiver’s value API multiple times, terminating the stream by calling done on the Receiver to let it know that no additional values are forthcoming. [Editor’s note: Streams are a planned extension, but are not a part of this proposal. — end note]

6.3 Rationale of Executors as Senders of Sub-executors

In a great many interesting scenarios, a launched task needs to know something about the execution agent on which it is executing. Perhaps the task needs to submit nested work to be run on a similar agent, for instance. The exact characteristics of the agent an executor decides to schedule the work on (beyond those explicitly guaranteed by the executor) can be entirely runtime dependent. For instance, a thread pool executor doesn’t know a priori on which thread it will schedule a task, and that information could be critical for efficient scheduling of nested tasks or correct use of thread-specific state.

In order to keep this information in-band, an Executor is a Sender whose submit(...) API passes itself or some sub-executor through the value channel. In practice, a Sender returned from make_value_task(...) could work like this:

  1. ex.make_value_task(s1, fn) returns s2 that knows about ex, s1, and fn.
  2. s2.submit(r1) creates a new receiver r2 that knows about ex, fn, and r1 and passes that to s1.submit(r2).
  3. If s1 completes with a value, it calls r2.set_value(v1).
  4. r2.set_value(v1) builds a new receiver r3 that captures fn, v1, and r1 and passes that to ex.submit(r3).
  5. ex.submit(r3) makes a decision about where and how to execute r3 and calls r3.set_value(subex), where subex is an executor that encapsulates that decision. (subex is possibly a copy of ex itself.)
  6. r3.set_value(subex) now has (a) the value v1 produced by s1, (b) the function fn passed to make_value_task, and (c) a handle to the execution context on which it is currently running. In the simple case, it simply calls r1.set_value(fn(v1)), but it may do anything it pleases including submitting more work to the execution context to which subex is a handle.

With this structure, eager executors have the flexibility to create r2 eagerly but defer the creation of r3 until the decision about where and how to run the task is made. This is a natural fit for how, for instance, many modern work-stealing schedulers interact with eager dependency expression.

6.4 Rationale for Requiring All Senders to Have Associated Executors

In the executor worldview (even in P0443), all work is carried out on one or more execution agents. While the association of execution agents with work need not happen when that work is created, the association with an entity responsible for the creation of those agents always happens as the work is created. This has not changed from P0443. In this proposal, we represent this association by saying that all Senders have executors. Since Senders are a representation of (potentially deferred) work, their association with an entity responsible for creation of agents to execute that work happens when the Sender is constructed; this is semantically evident from the fact that make_value_task, which returns a Sender, is a part of the interface of the executor type.

7 Suggested Design

[Editorial note: The discussed compromise is that we should replace the enqueue functions (ex.*execute) with a limited set of (potentially lazy) task factories. Any syntactic cost of providing a trivial output receiver (i.e., a sink) to these operations can be hidden in wrapper functions. We do not expect a runtime cost assuming we also provide a trivial parameter-dropping receiver in the standard library against which an implementation can optimize.

By passing a full set of parameters to task construction functions, any task we place in a task graph may be type erased with no loss of efficiency. There may still be some loss of efficiency if the executor is type erased before task construction because the compiler may no longer be able to see from the actual executor into the passed functions. The earlier we perform this operation, however, the more chance there is of making this work effectively. — end note]

7.1 Receiver Concepts


  • Receiver<To>: A type that declares itself to be a receiver by responding to the receiver_t property query.
  • ReceiverOf<To, E, T...>: A receiver that accepts an error of type E and the (possibly empty) set of values T.... (This concept is useful for constraining a Sender’s submit member function.)

7.1.1 Customization points

Receiver is defined in terms of the following global customization point objects (shown as free functions for the purpose of exposition). These customization points are defined in terms of an exposition-only _ReceiverLike concept that checks only that a type responds to the receiver_t property query. These customization point objects are all declared in the std::execution namespace.

Signature Semantics
template < _ReceiverLike To >
void set_done(To& to);
Cancellation channel:
Dispatches to to.set_done if that expression is well-formed; otherwise, dispatches to (unqualified) set_done(to) in a context that doesn’t contain the execution::set_done customization point object.
template < _ReceiverLike To, class E >
void set_error(To& to, E&& e);
Error channel:
Dispatches to to.set_error((E&&) e) if that expression is well-formed; otherwise, dispatches to (unqualified) set_error(to, (E&&) e) in a context that doesn’t contain the execution::set_error customization point object.
template < _ReceiverLike To, class... Vs >
void set_value(To& to, Vs&&... vs);
Value channel:
Dispatches to to.set_value((Vs&&) vs...) if that expression is well-formed; otherwise, dispatches to (unqualified) set_value(to, (Vs&&) vs...) in a context that doesn’t contain the execution::set_value customization point object.

7.1.2 Concept Receiver

7.1.3 Concept ReceiverOf

7.2 Sender Concepts


  • Sender<From>: A type that declares itself to be a sender by responding to the sender_t property query and that has a get_executor API for accessing the sender’s executor.
  • TypedSender<From>: A Sender that returns a sender_desc<E, T...> descriptor from the sender_t property query that declares what types are to be passed through the receiver’s error and value channels.
  • SenderTo<From, To>: A Sender and Receiver that are compatible.
  • TransformedSender<From, Fun>: A TypedSender and an Invocable that are compatible.

7.2.1 Customization points

These customization-points are defined in terms of an exposition-only _SenderLike<From> concept that checks only that a type responds to the sender_t property query; and _Executor<Ex> represents a refinement of TypedSender that is a light-weight handle to an execution context, and that sends a single value through the value channel representing another executor (or itself). _SenderOf<From, T...> is a TypedSender that sends T... to its receiver through the value channel. These customization point objects are all declared in the std::execution namespace.

Signature Semantics
template < _SenderLike From >
_Executor&& get_executor(From& from);
Executor access:
asks a sender for its associated executor. Dispatches to from.get_executor() if that expression is well-formed and returns a _SenderLike; otherwise, dispatches to (unqualified) get_executor(from) in a context that doesn’t include the execution::get_executor customization point object and that does include the following function:

  template< _Executor Exec >
  Exec get_executor(Exec exec) {
      return (Exec&&) exec;

Receivers passed to this sender’s submit function (see below) will be executed by an agent “owned” by the executor returned by the get_executor accessor.
template < _Executor Exec, Sender Fut, class Fun >
  requires !TypedSender<Fut> || TransformedSender<Fut, Fun>
Sender make_value_task(
    Exec& exec,
    Fut fut,
    Fun fun);
Task construction (w/optional eager submission):
Dispatches to exec.make_value_task((Fut&&)fut, (Fun&&)fun) if that expression is well-formed and returns a Sender; otherwise, dispatches to (unqualified) make_value_task(exec, (Fut&&)fut, (Fun&&)fun) in a context that doesn’t include the execution::make_value_task customization point object.

Let T... be the types that From will pass to its receiver through the value channel. The returned sender S satisfies _SenderOf<S, invoke_result_t<Fun, T...>>, or _SenderOf<S> if invoke_result_t<Fun, T...> is void.

Logically, make_value_task constructs a new sender S that, when submitted with a particular receiver R, effects a transition to the execution context represented by Exec. In particular:
  • submit(S,R) constructs a new receiver R' that wraps R and Exec, and calls submit(fut, R').
  • If fut completes with a done signal by calling set_done(R'), then R'’s set_done method effects a transition to exec’s execution context and propagates the signal by calling set_done(R).
  • Otherwise, if fut completes with an error signal by calling set_error(R', E), then R'’s set_error method attempts a transition to exec’s execution context and propagates the signal by calling set_error(R, E). (The attempt to transition execution contexts in the error channel may or may not succeed. A particular executor may make stronger guarantees about the execution context used for the error signal.)
  • Otherwise, if fut completes with a value signal by calling set_value(R', Vs...), then R'’s set_value method effects a transition to exec’s execution context and propagates the signal by calling set_value(R, fun(Vs...)) — or, if the type of fun(Vs...) is void, by calling fun(Vs...) followed by set_value(R).

Eager submission:
make_value_task may return a lazy sender, or it may eagerly queue work for submission. In the latter case, the task is executed by passing to submit an eager receiver such as a promise of a continuable future so that the returned sender may still have work chained to it.

The actual queuing of work happens-after entry to make_value_task and happens-before submit, when called on the resulting sender (see below), returns.
template < _Executor Exec, Sender Fut, class Fun,
            Invocable ShapeFactory, Invocable SharedFactory,
            Invocable ResultFactory >
  requires !TypedSender<Fut> || TransformedSender<Fut, Fun>
Sender make_bulk_value_task(
    Exec& exec,
    Fut fut,
    Fun fun,
    ShapeFactory shf,
    SharedFactory sf,
    ResultFactory rf);
Task construction (w/optional eager submission):
Dispatches to exec.make_bulk_value_task((Fut&&)fut, (Fun&&)fun, shf, sf, rf) if that expression is well-formed and returns a Sender; otherwise, dispatches to (unqualified) make_bulk_value_task(exec, (Fut&&)fut, (Fun&&)fun, shf, sf, rf) in a context that doesn’t include the execution::make_bulk_value_task customization point object.

Let T... be the types that From will pass to its receiver through the value channel. The returned sender S satisfies _SenderOf<S, invoke_result_t<Fun, T...>>, or _SenderOf<S> if invoke_result_t<Fun, T...> is void.

Logically, make_bulk_value_task constructs a new sender S that, when submitted with a particular receiver R, effects a transition to the execution context represented by Exec. In particular:
  • submit(S,R) constructs a new receiver R' that wraps R and Exec, and calls submit(fut, R').
  • If fut completes with a done signal by calling set_done(R'), then R'’s set_done method effects a transition to exec’s execution context and propagates the signal by calling set_done(R).
  • Otherwise, if fut completes with an error signal by calling set_error(R', E), then R'’s set_error method attempts a transition to exec’s execution context and propagates the signal by calling set_error(R, E). (The attempt to transition execution contexts in the error channel may or may not succeed. A particular executor may make stronger guarantees about the execution context used for the error signal.)
  • Otherwise, if fut completes with a value signal by calling set_value(R', Vs...), then R'’s set_value method effects a transition to exec’s execution context and propagates the signal as if by executing the algorithm:

auto shr = sf();
auto res = rf();
for(idx : shf()) {
    fun(idx, t..., sf, rf);
set_value(R, std::move(res));

— or, if the type of RF() is void or no RF is provided, as if by executing:

auto shr = sf();
for(idx : shf()) {
    fun(idx, t..., sf);

Eager submission:
make_bulk_value_task may return a lazy sender, or it may eagerly queue work for submission. In the latter case, the task is executed by passing to submit an eager receiver such as a promise of a continuable future so that the returned sender may still have work chained to it.

The actual queuing of work happens-after entry to make_bulk_value_task and happens-before submit, when called on the resulting sender (see below), returns.
template < _SenderLike From, Receiver To >
void submit(From& from, To to);
Work submission.
Dispatches to from.submit((To&&) to) if that expression is well-formed; otherwise, dispatches to (unqualified) submit(from, (To&&)to) in a context that doesn’t include the execution::submit customization point object.

The actual queuing of any asynchronous work that this sender represents happens-before submit returns.

7.2.2 Concept Sender

7.2.3 Concept TypedSender

7.2.4 Concept SenderTo

7.2.5 Concept TransformedSender

7.3 Executor Concepts

An executor should either be a sender of a sub executor, or a one way fire and forget entity. These can be implemented in terms of each other, and so can be adapted if necessary, potentially with some loss of information.

These executor concepts support P0443 style properties (e.g. require or prefer).

7.3.1 SenderExecutor

A SenderExecutor is a Sender and meets the requirements of Sender. The interface of the passed receiver should be noexcept.

Function Semantics
void submit(ReceiverOf< E, SubExecutorType > r) noexcept; At some future point invokes either:
  • set_value(r, get_executor()) on success, or
  • set_error(r, err) on failure, where err is object of unspecified type representing an error, or
  • set_done(r) otherwise.
Requires: noexcept(set_value(r, get_executor())) && noexcept(set_error(r, err) && noexcept(set_done(r) is true.
SenderExecutor get_executor() noexcept Returns the sub-executor. [ Note: Implementations may return *this ]

submit and get_executor are required on an executor that has task constructors. submit is a fundamental sender operation that may be called by a task at any point.

Invocation of the Receiver customization points caused by submit will execute in an execution agent created by the executor (the creation of an execution agent does not imply the creation of a new thread of execution). The executor should send a sub-executor to set_value to provide information about that context. The sub-executor may be itself. No sub-executor will be passed to set_error, and a call to set_error represents a failed enqueue. A call to set_done indicates that the submission was not accepted (e.g. cancellation).

To avoid deep recursion, a task may post itself directly onto the underlying executor, giving the executor a chance to pass a new sub executor. For example, if a prior task completes on one thread of a thread pool, the next task may re-enqueue rather than running inline, and the thread pool may decide to post that task to a new thread. Hence, at any point in the chain the sub-executor passed out of the executor may be utilized.

7.3.2 OneWayExecutor

The passed function may or may not be noexcept. The behavior on an exception escaping the passed task is executor-defined.

Signature Semantics
void execute(Function fn) At some future point evaluates fn()
Requires: is_invocable_r<void, Function> is true.

7.4 Ordering guarantees

There are two strong guarantees made here, to allow eager execution:

  • Memory operations made before the call to a task constructor happen-before the execution of the task.
  • Completion of the task happens-before a call to set_value on the next receiver in the chain, including the implicit receiver implied by a task constructor.

A task may therefore run at any point between constructing it, and being able to detect that it completed, for example, by seeing side effects in a subsequent task. This allows tasks to run on construction, in an eager fashion, and does not allow a user to rely on laziness.

The definition of the API does, however, allow laziness and as such no sender is guaranteed to run its contained work until a receiver is passed to its submit method (or it is passed to a task constructor that calls submit implicitly).

As an optional extension, we may define properties that define whether tasks are guaranteed, or allowed, to run eagerly on construction, assuming that their inputs are ready.

8 Extensions

A wide range of further customization points should be expected. The above description is the fundamental set that matches the capabilities in P0443. To build a full futures library on top of this we will need, in addition:

  • A blocking operation for use from concurrent execution contexts. For consistency we suggest defining this as an overload of the sync_wait proposal from Lewis Baker, D1171. That paper proposes std::this_thread::sync_wait(Awaitable). We should define a customization point that allows sync_wait(Sender) to be implemented optimally.
  • A share operation that takes a Sender and splits it such that when the input to the Sender is complete, multiple Receivers may be triggered.
  • A join operation that takes multiple Senders and constructs a single Sender out of them that joins the values in some fashion.
  • An unwrap operation that takes a Sender<Sender<T>> and returns a Sender<T>.
  • A task type that supports both value and error handling: make_value_error_task(Value'(Value), Error'(Error)), for example.
  • A task type that handles only errors and bypasses values: make_error_task(Error'(Error)) for example.
  • Potentially a wider range of parallel algorithm customizations.

By defining these as above in terms of a customization point that calls a method on the executor if that method call is well-formed we can relatively easily extend the API piecemeal with these operations as necessary.

The Sender/Receiver model can be extended to types that asynchronously send and receive more than one value; aka reactive streams. That is left as future work.

9 Q&A

9.1 Q: What do lazy execution and eager execution mean?

  • Lazy execution is when a node in a graph of operations is constructed by storing state and does not start any work.
  • Eager execution is when a node in a graph of operations starts working as soon as it is constructed.

These can be demonstrated without adding concurrency using normal functions.

Lazy execution:

Eager execution:

Without concurrency the only difference is the order of execution. This changes when concurrency is introduced.

9.2 Q: How is eager execution more expensive than lazy execution when concurrency is introduced?

Shared state and synchronization

When concurrency is introduced, the result of an operation is sent as a notification. With coroutines that notification is hidden from users, but is still there in the coroutine machinery.

Often the notification is a callback function. As before, the effect of adding callbacks for eager and lazy execution can be demonstrated without adding concurrency using normal functions.

Lazy execution:

Eager execution:

The shared state is required in the eager case because cb1 is not known at the time that f0 is called. In the lazy case cb1 is known at the time that f0 is called and no shared state is needed.

The shared state in the eager case is already more expensive, but when concurrency is added to the eager case there is also a need to synchronize the f0 setting sv0 and the f1 accessing sv0. This increases the complexity and expense dramatically.

When composing concurrent operations, sometimes eager execution is required. Any design for execution must support eager execution. Lazy execution is almost always the better choice and since lazy execution is also more efficient, lazy execution is the right default.

9.3 Q: In what specific ways was P0443 failing to address the lazy execution scenario?

The Future concept of P0443 was undefined, but the structure of the then_execute customization point, which lacked a separate expression of task submission, impeded lazy construction of task chains. Without a separate expression of task submission, the twoway and then_execute functions were making it awkward to build task chains in an executor-specific way without incurring a synchronization and allocation penalty, and impossible with the specific definition of Future as std::experimental::future in the latest draft. P0443 offered no reasonable way for an executor to participate in the construction and submission of task chains (without, say, resorting to unreasonable measures lake taking advantage of the unspecified behavior of the Future destructor to perform task submission).

9.4 Q: What are Senders and Receivers, and how do they help?

Logically, a “Sender” is a handle to an asynchronous computation that may or may not have been submitted for execution yet.

Since a Sender often represents a suspended asynchronous operation, there must be a mechanism to submit it to an execution context. That operation is called “submit” and accepts a “Receiver”. A Receiver is a channel into which a Sender pushes its results once they are ready. To be precise, a Receiver represents three distinct channels: value, error, and done.

It is the submit operation that allows Senders and Receivers to efficiently support lazy composition. By contrast, the futures from P0443 and the Concurrency TS had no explicit “submit” operation, only a blocking “get” operation and a non-blocking “then” operation for chaining a continuation.

If we imagine that a future’s then operation which potentially submitted the task to an execution context after the continuation is attached, then we have a lazy Sender. Nothing is preventing the Future concept from being defined this way, and that is precisely what this paper suggests.

9.5 Q: What makes std::promise/std::future expensive?

eager execution

When it is possible to call promise::set_value(. . .) before future::get then state must be shared by the future and promise. When concurrent calls are allowed to the promise and future, then the access to the shared state must be synchronized.

std::promise/std::future are expensive because the interface forces an implementation of eager execution.

9.6 Q: How is void sender::submit(receiver) different from future<U> future<T>::then(callable)?


then returns another future. then is not terminal, it always returns another future with another then to call. To implement lazy execution then would have to store the callable and not start the work until then on the returned future was called. Since then on the returned future is also not terminal, it either must implement expensive eager execution or must not start the work, which leaves no way to start the work without using an expensive eager execution implementation of then

submit returns void. Returning void makes submit terminal. When submit is an implementation of lazy execution the work starts when submit is called and was given the continuation function to use when delivering the result of the work. When submit is an implementation of expensive eager execution the work was started before submit is called and synchronization is used to deliver the result of the work to the continuation function.

9.7 Q: How is void sender::submit(receiver) different from void executor::execute(callable)?


execute takes a callable that takes void and returns void. The callable will be invoked in an execution context specified by the executor. Any failure to invoke the callable or any exception thrown by the callable after execute has returned must be handled by the executor. There is no signal to the function on failure or cancellation or rejection. When the callable is a functor the destructor will be run on copy, move, success, failure and rejection with no parameters to distinguish them.

submit takes a receiver that has three methods.

  • value will be invoked in an execution context specified by the executor. value does any work needed.
  • error will be invoked in an execution context specified by the executor. any failure to invoke value or any exception thrown by value after execute has returned is reported to the receiver by invoking error and passing the error as a parameter
  • done will be invoked in an execution context specified by the executor. done handles cases where the work was cancelled (cancellation is not an error).

9.8 Q: What is the difference between std::future<T> and Sender?

A crucial difference is in how Sender and Receiver are composed.

  • std::promise<T> has a future<T> that is returned from std::promise<T>::get_future()
  • A Sender has a submit method that takes a Receiver and returns void

When the promise is the producer and owns the consumer there are two implementation options.

  1. Create shared state and synchronize access to the shared state. This option is the common case as it allows the producer to safely set a value before the consumer asks for the value.
  2. Define std::promise<T>::set_value() and std::promise<T>::set_exception() to have undefined-behaviour when called before the consumer has asked for the value.

When the Sender is the producer and the Receiver is the consumer then they are both created independently and are bound together by the call to submit() on the Sender. This form of composition does not prevent a Sender from creating a shared state with access to the state synchronized so that binding the Receiver later results in the same complexity and behaviour as std::promise<T> does, and it also allows a Sender to allocate nothing and wait for the Receiver to be bound, then call the consumer directly with no synchronization.

10 Acknowledgements

This document arose out of offline discussion largely between Lee, Bryce and David, as promised during the 2018-08-10 executors call.

A great many other people have contrbuted. The authors are grateful to the members of the sg1-exec@ googlegroup for helping to flesh out and vet these ideas.