Homogeneous variadic function parameters

Document number: P1219R0
Date: 2018-10-08
Project: Programming Language C++, Evolution Working Group
Reply-to: James Touton <[email protected]>

Table of Contents

  1. Table of Contents
  2. Introduction
  3. Definitions
  4. Implementation Experience
  5. Motivation and Scope
  6. Design Decisions
  7. Wording
  8. References
  9. Acknowledgments
  10. References


This paper seeks to expand the usefulness of variadic templates by allowing variadic function parameters to be declared using a single type. This would make the following construct legal:

template <class T>  // T is not a parameter pack...
void foo(T... vs);  // ...but vs is a parameter pack.

At first glance, this seems a simple and natural extension to variadic templates; after all, the following is already legal:

// Legal since C++11: T is not a parameter pack, but vs is.
template <class T, T... vs>
void foo();

In both examples, vs is a parameter pack, with each element having the type T. The meaning follows naturally from the rules for variadic templates, so it is a bit surprising that one is legal and the other is not. This paper explores the design space around making the first example legal.


Throughout this paper, the term homogeneous parameter pack (or homogeneous pack) will be used to refer to a parameter pack containing values, all of the same type, where the pack's declaration does not expand a pack of types. A parameter pack containing values that are permitted to be of different types is referred to as a heterogeneous parameter pack (or heterogeneous pack). The term homogeneous function parameter pack refers to a homogeneous pack of function parameters, and the term homogeneous template parameter pack refers to a homogeneous pack of template parameters. The terms heterogeneous function parameter pack and heterogeneous template parameter pack refer to heterogeneous packs of function and template parameters, respectively.

Implementation Experience

An implementation of this proposal based on Clang can be found at https://github.com/Bekenn/clang/tree/func-parm-packs. It is believed to be very nearly both complete and correct, with only minor deviations in behavior from the wording provided in this paper. The remaining issues are expected to be resolved before the San Diego meeting.

Motivation and Scope

Meeting user expectations

This table showcases the current lack of symmetry between function parameter packs and function parameter packs:

Template parameter packFunction parameter pack
// OK:
template <class... TypePack, TypePack... vs>
void f();
// OK:
template <class... TypePack>
void f(TypePack... vs);
// OK:
template <class Type, Type... vs>
void f();
// Ill-formed:
template <class Type>
void f(Type... vs);

The absence of homogeneous function parameter packs is a source of confusion among programmers. A cursory search of Stack Overflow turned up several questions ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]) that basically amount to asking how to write a function with a homogeneous parameter pack. Some work-arounds are suggested:

Recursionstd::initializer_listHomogeneous pack (this proposal)
template <class T>
T min(T v)
    return v;

template <class T, class... Args>
T min(T v1, Args... vs)
    T v2 = min(vs...);
    return v2 < v1 ? v2 : v1;
template <class T>
T min(std::initializer_list<T> vs)
    [[expects: vs.size() > 0]]
    auto i = vs.begin();
    T v = *i++;
    for (; i != vs.end(); ++i)
        if (*i < v)
            v = *i;

    return v;
template <class T>
T min(T v1, T... vs)
    return (v1, ..., (v1 = vs < v1 ? vs : v1));

The work-arounds suffer from a lack of clarity in the interface. The recursion approach advertises a function that can take variadic arguments of any type, but any attempt to call the function with a non-T will either cause the program to fail to compile, or lead to potentially unwanted implicit conversions. The std::initializer_list approach correctly advertises the accepted type, but is inflexible with mutability and requires the user to enclose its arguments in braces. In the min example above, the contract precondition could be removed if an explicit argument preceded the std::initializer_list, but the syntactic separation remains, resulting in calls such as min(a, { b, c, d }).

These patterns can also be found in the Library Fundamentals TS in the form of make_array, and even in the standard for std::min and std::max. All of these could arguably be written more naturally with homogeneous parameter packs.

CurrentWith homogeneous packs
template <class T>
constexpr T min(initializer_list<T> t);

template <class T, class Compare>
constexpr T min(initializer_list<T> t, Compare comp);
template <class T>
constexpr T min(T v1, T... vs);

template <class Compare, class T>
constexpr T min(Compare comp, T v1, T... vs);
template <class D = void, class... Types>
constexpr array<conditional_t<is_void_v<D>,
                              common_type_t<Types...>, D>,
    make_array(Types&&... t);
template <class T>
constexpr auto make_array(T&&... t)
    -> array<decay_t<T>, sizeof...(t)>;

Compared to std::initializer_list

This table shows some of the differences between homogeneous packs and std::initializer_list.

std::initializer_listhomogeneous packs
Can be used outside of a template?YesNo
Can mutate elements?NoYes
Can appear before other arguments?YesNo
Get the number of elementsx.size()sizeof...(x)
Iterate over the elementsRange-based forFold expressions

Homogeneous function parameter packs are not intended as a replacement for std::initializer_list. Although there are certainly areas of overlap ([9]), each has its place. Whereas a std::initializer_list forms a range over its component elements and is passed as a single argument, the elements of a parameter pack are passed as distinct arguments. This can render a constructor taking a parameter pack uninvocable if another constructor is deemed a better match. Consider the case of container initialization:

template <class T>
class MyContainer
    MyContainer(std::initializer_list<T> elems);
    // ...

The std::initializer_list constructor allows an instance of MyContainer to be constructed using list-initialization from a list of element values:

MyContainer<int> cont = { 5, 10 };  // invokes MyContainer<int>::MyContainer(std::initializer_list<int>)

Under the rules governing uniform initialization, this syntax continues to work with homogeneous parameter packs:

template <class T>
class MyContainer
    template <> MyContainer(const T&... elems);
    // ...

MyContainer<int> cont = { 5, 10 };  // invokes MyContainer<int>::MyContainer(const int&, const int&)

...unless there is a competing constructor that is a better match:

template <class T>
class MyContainer
    template <> MyContainer(const T&... elems);
    explicit MyContainer(const T& min, const T& max);
    // ...

MyContainer<int> cont = { 5, 10 };  // error: MyContainer<int>::MyContainer(const int&, const int&) is explicit

With the additional constructor, it is now impossible to invoke the constructor containing the homogeneous parameter pack when there are exactly two elements, regardless of the initialization syntax chosen. In contrast, the constructor with std::initializer_list is always chosen when using list-initialization, and can be unambiguously selected (or not) when using direct non-list initialization.

DeclarationWith std::initializer_listWith homogeneous packs
template <class T>
class MyContainer
    MyContainer(std::initializer_list<T> elems);
    explicit MyContainer(const T& min, const T& max);
    // ...
template <class T>
class MyContainer
    template <> MyContainer(const T&... elems);
    explicit MyContainer(const T& min, const T& max);
    // ...
MyContainer<int> cont{1, 2, 3}; Selects std::initializer_list constructor Selects homogeneous pack constructor
MyContainer<int> cont = { 1, 2, 3 }; Selects std::initializer_list constructor Selects homogeneous pack constructor
MyContainer<int> cont(1, 2, 3); Error: no matching constructor Selects homogeneous pack constructor
MyContainer<int> cont({ 1, 2, 3 }); Selects std::initializer_list constructor Error: no matching constructor
MyContainer<int> cont{1, 2}; Selects std::initializer_list constructor Selects explicit constructor
MyContainer<int> cont = { 1, 2 }; Selects std::initializer_list constructor Error: selects explicit constructor
MyContainer<int> cont(1, 2); Selects explicit constructor Selects explicit constructor
MyContainer<int> cont({ 1, 2 }); Selects std::initializer_list constructor Error: no matching constructor

For this reason, homogeneous packs are likely inappropriate for constructors. Outside of constructors, where initializer lists must be separately enclosed in curly braces, homogeneous packs are likely a better option. One possible exception to this is when the API designer wishes to move or forward variadic constructor arguments rather than copy them. Frustratingly, the std::initializer_list template permits access to its elements only via references to const, whereas packs do not have this limitation.

Design Decisions

Declaring a homogeneous function parameter pack

A homogeneous function parameter pack is declared in exactly the same way as any other function parameter pack; the only difference is that the parameter declaration does not mention a template parameter pack:

template <class... T> void f(T... v);   // heterogeneous function parameter pack
template <class T>    void f(T... v);   // homogeneous function parameter pack

The size of a homogeneous function parameter pack is deduced from function arguments at the call site. This requires the pack to be placed in a deduced context, which means that a function can have at most one homogeneous function parameter pack, and the pack must appear at the end of the function parameter list. In all other respects, a homogeneous function parameter pack behaves no differently from any other parameter pack.


auto a = [](int... v) { return (1 * ... * v); };

The syntax for declaring a homogeneous function parameter pack in a lambda expression follows naturally from the syntax used for a function template. Just as packs can only be declared in templates, adding a homogeneous pack declaration to a lambda expression will cause it to become a generic lambda.

The template introducer

Function parameter packs can only appear in templates, and this proposal does nothing to change that. Under the current rules, function templates must be introduced using the template keyword, followed by the template parameter list in angle brackets. This requirement may change, depending on the outcome of ongoing discussions surrounding a terse syntax for concepts; this proposal is intended to work naturally with whatever outcome emerges.

Under the proposed rules, any function declaration that includes a parameter pack must be a template, and requires a template-head. If the parameter pack is the only part of the function declaration requiring it to be a template, and the pattern of the parameter pack does not contain any dependent names, then the template parameter list may be omitted. In this case, the angle brackets are still required. At first glance, this may appear to conflict with the syntax used for explicit specializations, but the compiler can disambiguate based on the presence of a parameter pack:

template <class T> void foo(T... v);        // #1 OK
template <> void foo(int... v);             // #2 OK, declares a template with an empty template parameter list
template <> void foo(int a);                // OK, declares an explicit specialization of #2
template <> void foo<>(int a, int b);       // OK, declares an explicit specialization of #2
template <> void foo(float a);              // OK, declares an explicit specialization of #1
template <> void foo<int>(int a, int b);    // OK, declares an explicit specialization of #1
void bar(int... v);                         // Error: parameter pack without template
template <> void baz();                     // Error: no template parameters or packs, and does not specialize an existing template

Alternative: Allow the angle brackets to be omitted when no template parameters are needed.

template void foo(int... v);

This removes the apparent conflict with explicit specialization syntax, but introduces the same apparent conflict with the syntax for explicit instantiations. In both cases, there is no actual conflict; the compiler can tell that the function is a template by the presence of the parameter pack. This approach was considered and rejected because it introduces an irregularity into the grammar. Currently, all templates are introduced with a parameter list enclosed in angle brackets; removing them would be akin to removing the parentheses on a parameterless function declaration. The only declaration that uses the template keyword without angle brackets is the explicit instantiation declaration, and those do not declare templates.

Alternative: Allow the entire template-head to be omitted when no template parameters are needed.

void foo(int... v);

This idea is certainly attractive, but it has already been discussed extensively in relation to a terse syntax for concepts, and this paper has nothing new to add to that discussion. All of the concerns brought up when discussing concepts are equally applicable here. If a terse syntax for concepts can be agreed upon, homogeneous function parameter packs will likely fit into that syntax without any problems.

Alternative: Allow or require a template parameter for the size of the pack.

template <size_t Len> void foo(int...[Len] v);

This would allow the size of the homogeneous pack to be explicitly specified, which could be useful in some situations. Making the length of the pack a parameter would also make clear in the syntax that the length is an axis of specialization; under the currently proposed rules, this is still true, but the fact is hidden from the user, and the length can only be deduced rather than specified.

The drawback to this approach is a matter of regularity. While the language allows the user to query the size of a pack using the sizeof... operator, it does not currently allow the size to be explicitly specified. If this facility were added, it could reasonably be applied to homogeneous template parameter packs as well as homogeneous function paremeter packs. It would make little sense to try to apply this to heterogeneous packs, since the size must match the number of arguments passed to the template parameter pack. Since this facility would necessarily be optional for homogeneous template parameter packs, consistency demands that it should also be optional for homogeneous function parameter packs.

Alternative: Allow empty angle brackets even when there is no homogeneous parameter pack.

template <> void foo(int n);

The proposed rules the template-parameter-list optional in a template-head in order to permit homogeneous packs with non-dependent types. The proposed rules also add semantic constraints requiring at least one template parameter whenever there is no homogeneous pack. The semantic constraints could be relaxed, allowing trivial templates that only permit vacuous specialization. This would not be very useful; these trivial templates would behave like normal non-template entities in almost every way imaginable, aside from syntactic minutiae (for instance, a trivial function template would be implicitly inline).

Apart from minor simplifications in the language specification, about the only "benefit" of this approach would be to make well-formed the token sequence []<>(){} for the amusement of language nerds.

The Oxford variadic comma

In the C programming language, the appearance of an ellipsis in the parameter-type-list of a function declarator indicates that the function accepts a variable number of arguments of varying types following the last formal parameter in the list. Such an ellipsis will henceforth be referred to as a varargs ellipsis to distinguish it from the ellipsis used in the declaration of a parameter pack. To be syntactically valid in C, a varargs ellipsis must be preceded by at least one parameter declaration and an intervening comma:

parameter-list , ...

C++ inherits this behavior, but expands the syntax, no longer requiring either the preceding parameter declaration or the intervening comma:

parameter-declaration-listopt ...opt
parameter-declaration-list , ...

When paired with function parameter packs, this creates a syntactic ambiguity that is currently resolved via a disambiguation rule: When an ellipsis that appears in a function parameter list might be part of an abstract (nameless) declarator, it is treated as such if the parameter's type names an unexpanded parameter pack or contains auto; otherwise, it is a varargs ellipsis. At present, this rule effectively disambiguates in favor of a parameter pack whenever doing so produces a well-formed result.

Example (status quo):

template <class... T>
void f(T...); // declares a function with a variadic parameter pack

template <class T>
void f(T...); // same as void f(T, ...)

With homogeneous function parameter packs, this disambiguation rule needs to be revisited. It would be very natural to interpret the second declaration above as a function template with a homogeneous parameter pack, and that is the resolution proposed here. By requiring a comma between a parameter list and a varargs ellipsis, the disambiguation rule can be dropped entirely, simplifying the language without losing any functionality or degrading compatibility with C.

This is a breaking change, but likely not a very impactful one. In the parlance of P0684R2, this would be a "Very Good Change": Compilers can issue warnings in C++17 mode (or earlier) whenever the disambiguation rule is resolved in favor of a varargs ellipsis, and the warning can be resolved without any change in meaning by the addition of a single character. Moreover, the number of instances should be vanishingly small. In modern C++ code, the varargs ellipsis has largely been superseded by function parameter packs. Today, apart from SFINAE uses where the disambiguation rule doesn't apply, the varargs ellipsis can mainly be found in header files that are intended to be consumed by both C and C++ code, in order to facilitate interoperability between the two languages. In these cases, the declarations must conform to the rules imposed by C syntax, and so they will already conform to the rules proposed here. Lastly, personal experience suggests that the vast majority of C++ users aren't even aware that the comma preceding a varargs ellipsis is optional.


All modifications are presented relative to N4762. "[...]" indicates elided content that is to remain unchanged.

Modify the grammar synopsis in §7.5.5 expr.prim.lambda:

lambda-introducer compound-statement
lambda-introducer lambda-declarator requires-clauseopt compound-statement
lambda-introducer < template-parameter-listopt > requires-clauseopt compound-statement
lambda-introducer < template-parameter-listopt > requires-clauseopt lambda-declarator requires-clauseopt compound-statement

Modify §7.5.5 expr.prim.lambda paragraph 5:

A lambda is a generic lambda if the auto type-specifier appears as one of the decl-specifiers in the decl-specifier-seq of a parameter-declaration of the lambda-expression, or if the lambda has a template-parameter-list.
  • the auto type-specifier appears as one of the decl-specifiers in the decl-specifier-seq of a parameter-declaration of the lambda-expression,
  • the lambda has a template-parameter-list, or
  • the lambda has a lambda-declarator and any parameter-declaration declares a parameter pack (temp.variadic).
int i = [](int i, auto a) { return i; }(3, 4);          // OK: a generic lambda
int j = []<class T>(T t, int i) { return i; }(3, 4);    // OK: a generic lambda
int k = [](int... i) { return (0 + ... + i); }(3, 4);   // OK: a generic lambda

Modify § dcl.fct paragraph 3:

A type of either form is a function type.
parameter-declaration-listopt ...opt
parameter-declaration-list , ...

Modify § dcl.fct paragraph 4:

[...] If the parameter-declaration-clause terminates with an ellipsis or a function parameter pack (temp.variadic), the number of arguments shall be equal to or greater than the number of parameters that do not have a default argument and are not function parameter packs. Where syntactically correct and where ... is not part of an abstract-declarator, , ... is synonymous with ....
The declaration
int printf(const char*, ...);
declares a function that can be called with varying numbers and types of arguments.
printf("hello world");
printf("a=%d b=%d", a, b);
However, the first argument must be of a type that can be converted to a const char*
The standard header <cstdarg> contains a mechanism for accessing arguments passed using the ellipsis (see expr.call and support.runtime).

Modify § dcl.fct paragraph 17:

A declarator-id or abstract-declarator containing an ellipsis shall only be used in a parameter-declaration. When it is part of a parameter-declaration-clause, the parameter-declaration declares a function parameter pack (temp.variadic). Otherwise, the parameter-declaration is part of a template-parameter-list and declares a template parameter pack; see temp.param. A function parameter pack is a pack expansion (temp.variadic) when the type of the parameter contains one or more template parameter packs that have not otherwise been expanded.
template<typename... T> void f(T (* ...t)(int, int));

int add(int, int);
float subtract(int, int);

void g() {
  f(add, subtract);

Delete § dcl.fct paragraph 18 and the accompanying footnote:

There is a syntactic ambiguity when an ellipsis occurs at the end of a parameter-declaration-clause without a preceding comma. In this case, the ellipsis is parsed as part of the abstract-declarator if the type of the parameter either names a template parameter pack that has not been expanded or contains auto; otherwise, it is parsed as part of the parameter-declaration-clause.

Modify §11.4 over.over paragraph 2:

If the name is a function template, template argument deduction is done (temp.deduct.funcaddr), and if the argument deduction succeeds, the resulting template argument list is used to generate a single function template specialization, which is generated using the resulting template argument list and the deduced number of elements for the trailing homogeneous function parameter pack (if present). The generated function template specialization is then added to the set of overloaded functions considered.
As described in temp.arg.explicit, if deduction fails and the function template name is followed by an explicit template argument list, the template-id is then examined to see whether it identifies a single function template specialization. If it does, the template-id is considered to be an lvalue for that function template specialization. The target type is not used in that determination.

Modify §12 temp paragraph 1:

A template defines a family of classes, functions, or variables, an alias for a family of types, or a concept.
template-head declaration
template-head concept-definition
template < template-parameter-listopt > requires-clauseopt
template-parameter-list , template-parameter

Modify §12.3 temp.arg paragraph 4:

When a template declares no template-paremeters, or when template argument packs or default template-arguments are used, a template-argument list can be empty. In that case the empty <> brackets shall still be used as the template-argument-list.
template<class T = char> class String;
String<>* p;                    // OK: String<char>
String* q;                      // syntax error
template<class ... Elements> class Tuple;
Tuple<>* t;                     // OK: Elements is empty
Tuple* u;                       // syntax error

Delete §12.6 temp.decls paragraph 3 (redundant, moved to temp.alias):

Because an alias-declaration cannot declare a template-id, it is not possible to partially or explicitly specialize an alias template.

Insert a new paragraph after §12.6 temp.decls paragraph 2 (pending a resolution to CWG issue 1711):

The declaration of a primary template for a variable or static data member shall declare at least one template-parameter.

Modify §12.6.3 temp.variadic paragraph 5:

A pack expansion consists of a pattern and an ellipsis, the instantiation of which produces zero or more instantiations of the pattern in a list (described below). The form of the pattern depends on the context in which the expansion occurs. Pack expansions can occur in the following contexts: [...]

Insert a new paragraph after §12.6.3 temp.variadic paragraph 5:

A function parameter pack whose declaration is not a pack expansion is a homogeneous function parameter pack. A homogeneous function parameter pack shall only appear at the end of the parameter-declaration-clause of a function template or a generic lambda. Because a homogeneous function parameter pack has no corresponding template parameter packs, the length of the pack must be deduced at the point of use; therefore, the pack cannot appear in a non-deduced context.

Modify §12.6.3 temp.variadic paragraph 10:

template<typename ...Args>
bool all(Argsbool ...args) { return (... && args); }
bool b = all(true, true, true, false);
Within the instantiation of all, the returned expression expands to ((true && true) && true) && false, which evaluates to false.

Modify §12.6.5 temp.class.spec paragraph 1:

A primary class template declaration is one in which the class template name is an identifier. A template declaration in which the class template name is a simple-template-id is a partial specialization of the class template named in the simple-template-id. A partial specialization of a class template provides an alternative definition of the template that is used instead of the primary definition when the arguments in a specialization match those given in the partial specialization (temp.class.spec.match). The primary template shall be declared before any specializations of that template and shall declare at least one template-parameter. A partial specialization shall be declared before the first use of a class template specialization that would make use of the partial specialization as the result of an implicit or explicit instantiation in every translation unit in which such a use occurs; no diagnostic is required.

Insert a new paragraph after §12.6.6 temp.fct paragraph 2:

A function template declaration shall either declare a homogeneous function paraemeter pack or declare at least one template-parameter.

Modify §12.6.7 temp.alias paragraph 1:

A template-declaration in which the declaration is an alias-declaration (dcl.dcl) declares the identifier to be an alias template. An alias template is a name for a family of types. The name of the alias template is a template-name.
Because an alias-declaration cannot declare a template-id, it is not possible to partially or explicitly specialize an alias template.

Insert a new paragraph after §12.6.7 temp.alias paragraph 1:

An alias template declaration shall declare at least one template-parameter.

Modify §12.6.8 temp.concept paragraph 3:

A concept-definition shall appear at namespace scope (basic.scope.namespace) and shall declare at least one template-parameter.

Modify §12.7.2 temp.dep paragraph 1:

[...] An expression may be type-dependent (that is, its type may depend on a template parameter or the number of elements in a parameter pack) or value-dependent (that is, its value when evaluated as a constant expression (expr.const) may depend on a template parameter) as described in this subclause. [...]

Modify § temp.dep.type paragraph 9:

A type is dependent if it is

Modify §12.9.2 temp.deduct paragraph 1:

When a function template specialization is referenced, all of the template arguments shall have values and the number of elements in each function parameter pack shall be known. The valuestemplate arguments can be explicitly specified or, in some cases, be deduced from the use or obtained from default template-arguments. The number of elements in a homogeneous function parameter pack must be deduced.
If a function template declaration includes a homogeneous function parameter pack, then a template-id is never sufficient to refer to an individual specialization of the template.
template<class T> class Array { /* ... */ };
template<class T> void sort(Array<T>& v);

void f(Array<dcomplex>& cv, Array<int>& ci) {
  sort(cv);                   // calls sort(Array<dcomplex>&)
  sort(ci);                   // calls sort(Array<int>&)
template<class U, class V> U convert(V v);

void g(double d) {
  int i = convert<int>(d);    // calls convert<int,double>(double)
  int c = convert<char>(d);   // calls convert<char,double>(double)

template<> int sum(int... n) { return (0 + ... + n); }

void h(int x, int y, int z) {
  int i = sum(x, y, z);       // calls sum<>(int,int,int)

Modify §12.9.2 temp.deduct paragraph 5:

[...] When all template arguments have been deduced or obtained from default template arguments, all uses of template parameters in the template parameter list of the template and the function type are replaced with the corresponding deduced or default argument values. If the function type has a homogeneous function parameter pack and the number of elements for the pack has been deduced, the pack is replaced with a corresponding number of function parameters, each an instance of the pack's pattern. If the substitution results in an invalid type, as described above, type deduction fails. If the function template has associated constraints (temp.constr.decl), those constraints are checked for satisfaction (temp.constr.constr). If the constraints are not satisfied, type deduction fails.

Modify §12.9.2 temp.deduct paragraph 11:

Type deduction may fail for the following reasons: [...]
  • Attempting to deduce the type of a function template specialization from a template-id when the function template contains a homogeneous function parameter pack.
    template <class T> void f(T... v);
    auto p = &f<int>;   // ambiguous; function parameter pack of unknown size

Modify § temp.deduct.call paragraph 1:

[...] For a function parameter pack that occurs at the end of the parameter-declaration-list, the number of elements in the pack is determined as the number of arguments remaining in the call. dDeduction is performed for each remaining argument of the call, taking the type P of the declarator-id of the function parameter pack as the corresponding function template parameter type. Each deduction deduces template arguments for subsequent positions in the template parameter packs expanded by the function parameter pack (if any). When a function parameter pack appears in a non-deduced context (temp.deduct.type), the type of that pack is never deduced.
template<class ... Types> void f(Types& ...);
template<class T1, class ... Types> void g(T1, Types ...);
template<class T1, class ... Types> void g1(Types ..., T1);
void h(int x, float& y) {
  const int z = x;
  f(x, y, z);                   // Types is deduced to int, float, const int
  g(x, y, z);                   // T1 is deduced to int; Types is deduced to float, int
  g1(x, y, z);                  // error: Types is not deduced
  g1<int, int, int>(x, y, z);   // OK, no deduction occurs

Modify § temp.deduct.partial paragraph 8:

Using the resulting types P and A, the deduction is then done as described in temp.deduct.type. If P is a function parameter pack, the type A of each remaining parameter type of the argument template is compared with the type P of the declarator-id of the function parameter pack. Each comparison deduces template arguments for subsequent positions in the template parameter packs expanded by the function parameter pack (if any). [...]

Modify § temp.deduct.type paragraph 10:

[...] If the parameter-declaration corresponding to Pi is a function parameter pack, then the type of its declarator-id is compared with each remaining parameter type in the parameter-type-list of A. Each comparison deduces template arguments for subsequent positions in the template parameter packs expanded by the function parameter pack (if any). [...]

Insert a new paragraph after §12.10 temp.deduct.guide paragraph 3:

A template-declaration in which the declaration is a deduction-guide shall declare at least one template-parameter.


  1. Specifying one type for all arguments passed to variadic function or variadic template function w/out using array, vector, structs, etc?
  2. C++ parameter pack, constrained to have instances of a single type?
  3. Variadic template parameters of one specific type
  4. C++ parameter pack with single type enforced in arguments
  5. C++11 variable number of arguments, same specific type
  6. Enforce variadic template of certain type
  7. variadic template of a specific type
  8. C++11: Variadic Homogeneous Non-POD Template Function Arguments?
  9. Bjarne Stroustrup, Variadic Templates