Document number: P0738R2
Date: 2019-02-21
Project: C++ Programming Language, Library Working Group
Reply-to: Casey Carter <[email protected]>


The specification and design of istream_iterator have some problems. First, the specification in the Standard begins with two paragraphs ([istream.iterator]/1 and /2) that intermix semi-normative description with actual normative requirements. This results in requirements that are either redundant, or are far from the entity whose behavior they are intended to describe. These normative requirements should be in the specification of the individual member functions. The current situation is both confusing and inconsistent with the specification of other library components.

Second, the semantics of exactly when an istream_iterator performs a read from its underlying input stream are unclear. The specification purports to allow an implementation to delay reading the initial value from the stream, which has been a source of confusion in the past (LWG 245 “Which operations on istream_iterator trigger input operations?”). This program, for example:


is specified to read between zero and five integers from the standard input. We argue that an implementation that delays reading the initial value from the stream cannot, in fact, conform to the input iterator requirements.

While correcting these two specification problems we also propose some cleanup and modernization of the specification of istream_iterator in passing.

Revision History

Revision 2

Revision 1


istream_iterator’s jumbled introduction

The presentation of many Standard Library classes follows a common structure:

istream_iterator does not follow that structure, despite appearing to do so. Its introductory paragraphs are not brief, and verge on tutorial: “It is impossible to store things into istream iterators.” It contains normative requirements that in some cases duplicate requirements in the specification of the individual member functions (“Two end-of-stream iterators are always equal”), and in other cases are the only occurrence of a requirement that should appear in the specification of a member function (“If the iterator fails to read and store a value of T (fail() on the stream returns true), the iterator becomes equal to the end-of-stream iterator value”). Removing duplicate requirements and relocating non-duplicate requirements to the specification of the entity to which they apply would improve the quality and consistency of the specification.

Confused postcondition

The specification of istream_iterator’s constructor from istream_type& ([istream.iterator.cons] para 3 and 4):

  istream_iterator(istream_type& s);

3 Effects: Initializes in_stream with std::addressof(s). value may be initialized during construction or the first time it is referenced.

4 Postcondition: in_stream == &s.

The postcondition in para 4 is (a) redundant with the effect “initializes in_stream with …”, and (b) flat out wrong if the implementation tries to read the first value from the stream and immediately hits end-of-stream. We propose simply removing this postcondition paragraph.

Delayed-initialization semantics

istream_iterator purports to allow implementations that delay reading the first value from the stream until it is needed ([istream.iterator.cons]/3 “value may be initialized during construction or the first time it is referenced”). Consider this program fragment:

istream_iterator<int> i1(cin);
auto i2 = i1;
assert(*i1 == *i2);

We claim that this program does not assert. In the Ranges TS, iterator copies must be equal - meaning they can be substituted into expressions designated as equality-preserving - and *i is exactly such an expression. Since there are no intervening modifications between the copy construction of i2 and the assertion, it must be the case that *i1 == *i2. For Standard C++, the semantics are less clear: copies are required to be equivalent (Table 24 CopyConstructible requirements), although the the meaning of the term “equivalent” in this context is not clearly defined. It’s not unreasonable to interpret “equivalent” in this context to mean something similar to the more concrete semantics given in the Ranges TS. One of the primary goals of the Ranges TS is to more clearly specify the semantics of the standard library for cases such as this, and presumably the TS WP reflects WG21’s intent for iterators and algorithms fairly well.

An implementation of istream_iterator that reads the initial value on construction and never delays initialization obviously satisfies the preceding requirements: the value stored in i1 is copied into i2, those copies are obviously equal in the assertion. Can an implementation that delays initialization meet that bar?

For an implementation that delays initialization to work it must read the initial value from the stream sometime between the construction of i1 and the dereference of i1 in the assertion. That leaves two possible points for the delayed init to occur:

On the basis of this argument that a conforming implementation cannot delay initialization, we propose to remove the allowance to do so thereby simplifying the specification and clarifying the semantics of istream_iterator.

Technical Specifications

All wording relative to the post-San Diego C++ working draft.

Strike all but the first sentence of [istream.iterator]/1, and the text of paragraph 2:

1 The class template istream_iterator is an input iterator ([input.iterators]) that reads (using operator>>) successive elements from the input stream for which it was constructed. After it is constructed, and every time ++ is used, the iterator reads and stores a value of T. If the iterator fails to read and store a value of T (fail() on the stream returns true), the iterator becomes equal to the end-of-stream iterator value. The constructor with no arguments istream_iterator() always constructs an end-of-stream input iterator object, which is the only legitimate iterator to be used for the end condition. The result of operator* on an end-of-stream iterator is not defined. For any other iterator value a const T& is returned. The result of operator-> on an end-of-stream iterator is not defined. For any other iterator value a const T* is returned. The behavior of a program that applies operator++() to an end-of-stream iterator is undefined. It is impossible to store things into istream iterators. The type T shall satisfy the Cpp17DefaultConstructible, Cpp17CopyConstructible, and Cpp17CopyAssignable requirements.

2 Two end-of-stream iterators are always equal. An end-of-stream iterator is not equal to a non-end-of-stream iterator. Two non-end-of-stream iterators are equal when they are constructed from the same stream.

Add a new paragraph to the end of [istream.iterator], after the class synopsis:

-?- The type T shall meet the Cpp17DefaultConstructible, Cpp17CopyConstructible, and Cpp17CopyAssignable requirements.

Modify [istream.iterator.cons] as follows:

  constexpr istream_iterator();
  constexpr istream_iterator(default_sentinel_t);

1 Effects: Constructs the end-of-stream iterator, value-initializing value. If is_trivially_default_constructible_v<T> is true, then these constructors are constexpr constructors.

2 Ensures: in_stream == 0nullptr is true.

-?- Remarks: If the initializer T() in the declaration auto x = T(); is a constant initializer ([expr.const]), then these constructors are constexpr constructors.

  istream_iterator(istream_type& s);

3 Effects: Initializes in_stream with addressof(s), value-initializes value, and then calls operator++(). value may be initialized during construction or the first time it is referenced.

4 Ensures: in_stream == addressof(s).

  istream_iterator(const istream_iterator& x) = default;

5 Effects: Constructs a copy of x. If is_trivially_copy_constructible_v<T> is true, then this constructor is a trivial copy constructor.

6 Ensures: in_stream == x.in_stream is true.

-?- Remarks: If is_trivially_copy_constructible_v<T> is true, then this constructor is trivial.

  ~istream_iterator() = default;

7 Effects: The iterator is destroyed. Remarks: If is_trivially_destructible_v<T> is true, then this destructor is trivial.

Modify [istream.iterator.ops] as follows:

  const T& operator*() const;

-?- Expects: in_stream != nullptr is true.

1 Returns: value.

  const T* operator->() const;

-?- Expects: in_stream != nullptr is true.

2 Returns: addressof(operator*()value).

  istream_iterator& operator++();

3 RequiresExpects: in_stream != 0nullptr is true.

4 Effects: As if by: *in_stream >> value;Equivalent to:

    if (!(*in_stream >> value))
      in_stream = nullptr;

5 Returns: *this.

  istream_iterator operator++(int);

6 Requires: in_stream != 0.

7 Effects: As if by:Equivalent to:

    istream_iterator tmp = *this;
    *in_stream >> value;
    return (tmp);



I would like to thank Tim Song for pointing out to me that istream_iterator::operator* requires the iterator to not be an end-of-stream iterator, and that this requirement is squirreled away in [istream.iterator]/1 and NOT in [istream.iterator.ops] with the specification of operator* where a sane person would expect it to be.