Make strong_order a Customization Point!

Published Proposal,

This version:
Gašper Ažman <[email protected]>
Jeff Snyder <[email protected]>
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 14882: Programming Language — C++


The specification of ordering algorithms at the end of [P0768R1] does not provide the ability to provide a default order for user-defined types (since they are specified in such a way that they are not intended to be customisation points), and yet mixes in such a customisation for IEC559 floating point types. This paper suggests providing the functionality of both in a composable and principled way.

1. Revision History

1.1. R1: Incorporated feedback from LEWG meeting in Rappersville.

The feedback was:

1.2. R2: Incorporated feedback from LEWG meeting in San Diego, merged with [P0863R1]

Feedback in San Diego was:

2. Status of this paper

R2 of this paper is a merge of its R1 and Jeff Snyder’s [P0863R1], and is synchronized with Barry Revzin’s [D1186R1]. It incorporates all feedback for R0 and R1, and presents a coherent design for the library components of <=>.

3. Problem Description

This paper is a proposal to amend the comparison algorithms that have been voted into the working draft as part of [P0768R1].

As worded, the strong_order comparison algorithm provides:

However, the authors of this paper and the author of [P0515R3] intended for strong_order to be a customisation point, and it is not currently usable as such.

In the standard, we need to provide the ability to customize strong_order and a way to fall back to == and <. This paper argues that these are fundamentally incompatible, and cannot be served by the same function.

[P0891R0] and [P0891R1] of this paper presented the case for having a customisation point for ordering in the language. This paper only summarizes the currently relevant bits of that discussion. For wider context, the reader should refer to the previous revisions, as well as to [P0863R1].

4. Principles

To arrive at the final design of this paper, we used the following principles:

From these principles, these corollaries follow:

In addition, we have made the following observations:

5. Discussion

5.1. Discussion of the Customisation principle

The arguments around whether strong_order should be a customisation point have centered around the following questions:

There are many algorithms and data strucutres that do not care about ordering per se, but do require some arbitrary order. Examples of these include set, map, and fast implementations of set algorithms (union, intersection, difference, etc), which are typically based on ordered sequences.

There also exist types for which there is no natural strong ordering, such as float and complex. Even though these types do not have a natural strong ordering, it is nevertheless very useful to provide an arbitrary strong ordering for them, e.g. so that they can be used in containers such as set and map. Having an arbitrary strong ordering is in fact so useful that Stepanov and Mc Jones included it it in their definition of Regular in Elements of Programming.

In order to make it possible to use IEC559 floating-point types in sets and maps, the existing strong_order comparison algorithm includes a special rule for IEC559 floating point types. This works well for simple sets of floating point numbers, but it breaks down quickly when we try more complicated examples such as set<optional<float>> or set<pair<float,int>>. To make these examples work, we need to customise strong_order for optional, pair and other container types, and for that to be permitted strong_order must be a customisation point.

Having an agreed-upon customisation point for an arbitrary order is long overdue. It is time to define what that customisation point is, so it can be provided and used consistently across C++ libraries and applications. That name should be strong_order, since default_order as a distinct customisation point was rejected by LEWG in San Diego in favor of the design in R0 of this paper.

5.1.2. Given that it is viral, is it worth the implementation effort?

Given that any customisation point we designate has to potentially be overloaded for all the generic wrappers in the standard library, is it worth the effort of defining them?

This paper does not propose any such wrappers, because the standard library does not even support operator <=> for such wrapper types yet. This paper only proposes that strong_order be established as a customisation point.

5.1.3. How can I teach this?

For types that endeavour to be Regular or something like it (as in, have sane value semantics), do the following. Writing new types:
strong_ordering strong_order(T x, T y) {
  if (auto ord = strong_order(x.a, y.a); is_neq(ord)) { return ord; }
  if (auto ord = strong_order(x.b, y.b); is_neq(ord)) { return ord; }
  // ... for all members
  return strong_ordering::equal;
} Using orderings:

Generic algorithms should require and call strong_order(x, y), weak_order(x, y) or partial_order(x, y) (depending on the ordering requirements of the algorithm) after a using namsepace std;. These will find the most appropriate ordering available, or SFINAE away if no suitable ordering is available. For example, if an algorithm calls weak_order on a type which has <=> returning partial_order, does not provide an overload of weak_order, but does overload strong_order, then strong_order will end up being called. The intent is that these "always do the right thing".

5.2. Discussion of the Fallback principle

The arguments on whether we need to provide the fallback functions for legacy types center around a few questions:

[D1186R1] makes the first of these trivial, and defines the algorithms necessary to make use of the legacy type’s == and < operators. Helpfully, it defines the 3WAY<>(X, Y) specification macro, which contains the core of its fallback logic.

The second two questions boil down to the same thing: if we have a type that implements == and <, and we know it has a particular ordering, how do we convert that into a value of the appropriate X_ordering type? We expect this to become a common problem, and therefore the standard should provide convenience functions that call == and < and return an X_ordering value representing the result. In specifying these functions, we can re-use the 3WAY<>(X, Y) from [D1186R1], both for convenience and consistency.

However, as C++ applications and libraries are updated to implement operator <=> for their types, the need for these fallback functions should diminish. On the other hand, the customisation points are a feature with permenant utility. Due to customziation points having a longer term utility, they should get the X_order names, and we should find new names for fallback functions.

6. Questions for LEWG:

  1. Is there consensus that the Customisation premise (as above) is correct and should be adopted?

    • If not, then should the IEC559 exception bullet in the current working draft be removed?

  2. Is there consensus that the Fallback premise (as above) is correct and should be adopted?

    • Rejecting this means that we are rejecting the rationale for their inclusion in the current working draft and that they should be removed.

(The Consistency, Weakening and Ambiguity of Legacy are true from a good design, mathematical, and empirical point of view, respectively, so they are not subject to poll).

7. Proposal

7.1. Remove the strong_equal and weak_equal comparison algorithms

If we accept [P1185R0]'s rationale for not calling <=> when the user only needs equality (as EWG did in San Diego), we should also avoid doing so in the library. However, without making assumptions about the behaviour of ==, there is no way to implement strong_equal and weak_equal without calling <=>.

Therefore, we propose removing the strong_equal and weak_equal algorithms.

7.2. Make strong_order and friends customisation points

For the functions strong_order, weak_order and partial_order we propose to:

7.3. Replace the IEC559 rule in strong_order with separate overloads

Since strong_order is a customisation point, the strong order for floating point types should be provided as overloads of strong_order rather than being baked into the generic strong_order function.

We propose that the bullet point regarding IEC559 be removed from the strong_order algorithm, and that the following three overloads for strong_order are added:

These overloads should implement the totalOrder operation as specified in ISO/IEC/IEEE 60559, and should not participate in overload resolution if numeric_limts<T>::is_iec559 is false for the type of their arguments.

7.4. Make the weaker customisation points call stronger customizatoin points

To handle cases such as where a type provides a partial_ordering from <=> and a strong_order overload, if a customisation point cannot get an appropriate result from calling <=>, it should try to call a customisation point for an order stronger than its own. Specifically:

7.5. Add fallback functions

To avoid losing the functionality of the existing comparison algorithms, we propose to keep them under new names, with the following changes to their behaviour:

As per the original comparison algorithms, they will be defined as deleted if neither the corresponding customisation point nor the == and < operators are available.

Following the same reasoning as in §7.1 Remove the strong_equal and weak_equal comparison algorithms, there will be no fallback functions for strong_equality and weak_equality.

We propose naming the fallback functions assumed_strong_order, assumed_weak_order and assumed_partial_order.

Other options to consider:

See the fallback discussion on why the X_order names should be given to the customisation points.

8. Proposed Wording

Change the current strong_order to assumed_strong_order (but see bikeshedding section):

template<class T> constexpr strong_ordering assumed_strong_order(const T& a, const T& b);

Change the current weak_order to assumed_weak_order (but see bikeshedding section):

template<class T> constexpr weak_ordering assumed_weak_order(const T& a, const T& b);

Change the current partial_order to assumed_partial_order (but see bikeshedding section):

template<class T> constexpr partial_ordering assumed_partial_order(const T& a, const T& b);

From section 24.x.4, Comparison Algorithms [cmp.alg], remove strong_equal and weak_equal:

template<class T> constexpr strong_equality strong_equal(const T& a, const T& b);

template<class T> constexpr weak_equality weak_equal(const T& a, const T& b);

  • 5 Effects: Compares two values and produces a result of type weak_equality:
    • (5.1) Returns a <=> b if that expression is well-formed and convertible to weak_equality.
    • (5.2) Otherwise, if the expression a <=> b is well-formed, then the function is defined as deleted.
    • (5.3) Otherwise, if the expression a == b is well-formed and convertible to bool, then
      • (5.3.1) if a == b is true, returns weak_equality::equivalent;
      • (5.3.2) otherwise, returns weak_equality::nonequivalent.
    • (5.4) Otherwise, the function is defined as deleted.
  • Then add the strong_order customisation point object:

    (#) The name strong_order denotes a customisation point object. The expression std::strong_order(E, F) for some subexpressions E and F with type T is expression-equivalent to: [Note: Whenever std::strong_order is a valid expression, its type is convertible to strong_ordering. --end note]

    Add overloads for IEC559 types:

    (#) strong_order(T, T) when T is a type for which std::numeric_limits<T>::is_iec559 is true shall be a valid expression, whose value shall be consistent with the totalOrder operation as specified in ISO/IEC/IEEE 60559.

    Add the weak_order customisation point object:

    (#) The name weak_order denotes a customisation point object. The expression std::weak_order(E, F) for some subexpressions E and F with type T is expression-equivalent to: [Note: Whenever std::weak_order is a valid expression, its type is convertible to weak_ordering. --end note]

    Add the partial_order customisation point object:

    (#) The name partial_order denotes a customisation point object. The expression std::partial_order(E, F) for some subexpressions E and F with type T is expression-equivalent to: [Note: Whenever std::partial_order is a valid expression, its type is convertible to partial_ordering. --end note]

    9. Acknowledgments

    We would like to thank

    And, again, a special thank-you to Walter Brown, who, with his final lightning talk in Bellevue, reminded us to remember whose shoulders we are standing on.

    Thank you all!

    Appendix A: Proof strong_order is not a valid customisation point

    Say we have a template struct representing the Gaussian integers, with a natural order defined by the Manhattan distance from 0+0i. This struct still defines a std::strong_order to model Regular.

    Note: The Regular above refers to the Elements of Programming concept, not the ISO C++ Regular, which is weaker.

    Note: There is no natural order on Gaussian integers, but humor this example, please.

    namespace user {
      template <typename T>
      struct gaussian {
        T re;
        T im;
        constexpr std::strong_equality operator==(gassian const& other) const {
          return re == other.re && im == other.im;
        constexpr std::weak_ordering operator<=>(gaussian const& other) const {
          return (*this == other) ? std::weak_ordering::equal
                                  : (abs(*this) == abs(other)) ? std::weak_ordering::equivalent
                                                               : abs(*this) <=> abs(other);
        friend constexpr T abs(gaussian const&) {
          using std::abs;
          return abs(re) + abs(im);
        friend constexpr std::strong_ordering strong_order(gaussian const& x,
                                                           gaussian const& y) {
          // compare lexicographically
          return std::tie(x.re, x.im) <=> std::tie(y.re, y.im);

    Consider a transparent ordering operator for map:

    struct strong_less
      template <typename T, typename U>
      bool operator()(T const& x, U const& y) {
        using std::strong_order;  // use ADL
        return strong_order(x, y) < 0;
      using is_transparent = std::true_type;

    Also say we had a type with an implicit conversion to our gaussian:

    template <typename T>
    struct lazy {
      std::function<T()> make;
      operator T() const { return make(); }

    This function now fails to compile, because the chosen std::strong_order is deleted.

    bool exists(lazy<gaussian<int>> const& x,
                std::set<gaussian<int>, strong_less> const& in) {
      /* imagine this being a template in both parameters - it’s pretty normal */
      return in.count(x);

    The std-provided std::strong_order is deleted because it cannot be synthesized from gaussian's operator<=>. The reason it is chosen over the friend function, however, is because the standard template matches better than the friend which would require an implicit conversion.

    If the std-provided std::strong_order did not participate in overload resolution, however, this example would work just fine.


    Terms defined by this specification


    Normative References

    (Untitled). URL: https://wg21.link/d1186r1
    Walter E. Brown. Thou Shalt Not Specialize std Function Templates!. 16 March 2018. URL: https://wg21.link/p0551r3

    Informative References

    Lawrence Crowl. Comparison in C++. 27 November 2016. URL: https://wg21.link/p0100r2
    Herb Sutter, Jens Maurer, Walter E. Brown. Consistent comparison. 10 November 2017. URL: https://wg21.link/p0515r3
    Walter E. Brown. Library Support for the Spaceship (Comparison) Operator. 10 November 2017. URL: https://wg21.link/p0768r1
    Jeff Snyder. Fixing the partial_order comparison algorithm. 8 October 2018. URL: https://wg21.link/p0863r1
    Gašper Ažman. Let strong_order Truly Be a Customization Point!. 10 February 2018. URL: https://wg21.link/p0891r0
    Gašper Ažman. Everyone Deserves a Little Order. 27 October 2018. URL: https://wg21.link/p0891r1
    Barry Revzin. <=> != ==. 7 October 2018. URL: https://wg21.link/p1185r0