Document number: P1485R0
Project: Programming Language C++
Audience: Evolution Working group
Antony Polukhin <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>
Date: 2019-02-17

Better keywords for the Coroutines TS

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain

way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”

― Thomas A. Edison

I. Quick Introduction

At the moment Coroutines TS use keywords co_await, co_yield, and co_return. Those keywords were carefully chosen to be "ugly", so that nobody uses them in their code bases and no code break could happen with the Coroutines TS adoption.

This paper revises an approach that allows non "ugly" keywords usage without introducing any breaking change to existing code bases.

II. The idea

Introduce a new context sensitive keyword async. All the coroutine definitions must be marked with it. If a function is marked with async, then any usage of yield, await and return relate to the coroutines world.

struct y‌ield{};
struct a‌wait{};

template <class T>
future<int> some_coro() async {
    await something;     // Equivalent to co_await from Coroutines TS
    yield something2;    // Equivalent to co_yield from Coroutines TS
    return something3;   // Equivalent to co_return from Coroutines TS

template <class T>
T not_a_coro() {
    a‌wait something;     // `something` is an instance of `struct await`
    y‌ield something2;    // `something2` is an instance of `struct yield`
    return something3;   // returning a variable `something3`

III. Disadvantages

IV. Advantages

Coroutines TS This proposal
template <class T>
T function(string s) {
    if (s.empty()) {
        return {}; // ill formed

    co_await query(s);
    co_yield s;
    co_return {"Done: " + s};
template <class T>
T function(string s) async {
    if (s.empty()) {
        return {}; // OK

    await query(s);
    yield s;
    return {"Done: " + s};
// 3rd paty code
struct y‌ield{};
struct a‌wait{};

template <class T>
T not_a_coro() {
    a‌wait something;     // `something` is a `struct await`
    y‌ield something2;    // `something2` is a `struct yield`
    return something3;   // returning a variable `something3`
// 3rd paty code
struct y‌ield{};
struct a‌wait{};

template <class T>
T not_a_coro() { // OK, no `async`, nothing is broken
    a‌wait something;
    y‌ield something2;
    return something3;
future<int> f(stream str)
  vector<char> buf = ...;
  int count = co_await, buf);
  co_await str.write(512, buf);
  co_return count + 11;
future<int> f(stream str) async
  vector<char> buf = ...;
  int count = await, buf);
  await str.write(512, buf);
  return count + 11;
// Is it a coroutine?
template <class T>
T function(string s);
// This is a coroutine
template <class T>
T function(string s) async ;
  y‌ield x{1, 2, 3}; // new variable of type `y‌ield`
  // ...
  y‌ield x; // new variable of type `y‌ield`
  // ...
  co_yield x;
  y‌ield x{1, 2, 3};
  // ...
  y‌ield x;
  // ...
  yield x;
  auto x = []() noexcept -> future { co_await z; };
  co_await x();
  auto x = []() async noexcept -> future { await z; };
  await x();

If the new async keyword is not acceptable, the following input could change it be used to preview the above table with other keywords (coro,nonlin,await,gap):

V. History of the problem

Early versions of the coroutines (N3722 for example) were using a special keyword resumable to highlight that the function is a coroutine:

future<int> f(stream str) resumable
  shared_ptr<vector<char>> buf = ...;
  int count = await, buf);
  return count + 11;

That keyword was dropped somewhere around the N4286 while keeping the await and yield:

std::future<void> tcp_reader(int total)
  char buf[64 * 1024];
  auto conn = await Tcp::Connect("", 1337);
    auto bytesRead = await, sizeof(buf));
    total -= bytesRead;
  while (total > 0);

After N4402, the await and yield were changed to keyword-placeholders [discussion]: `the reason "yield" wasn't used was afraid about breaking code in finance and agriculture`. Later, the "ugly" versions of the keywords were introduced [discussion].

Gor Nishanov explained the resumable keyword removal:

    1) compiler knows that a function is a coroutine
    2) it forces you to write some kind of tag on a function anyway

Gor also noted, that during the keywords discussion in Lexena 2015 he proposed to bring some tag back, but that idea was shouted down at that moment.

Nowadays, 4 years later, people on the reflector and probably outside the WG21 find the solution with async like keywords tempting. Because of that and because the "ugly" keywords and the resumable keyword did not met, we propose to revise the idea based on the lessons learned on ~4 years of experience with co_*.

VI. Using y‌ield and a‌wait functions/classes in coroutines

For an already written code with functions/classes named y‌ield or a‌wait nothing gets broken with this paper.

Writing a new code with coroutines and with functions/classes named y‌ield or a‌wait may require some workarounds.

void y‌ield();
struct a‌wait{};

template <class T>
future<int> some_coro() async {
    await something;     // co_await, not a class. Compile time error
    yield();             // co_yield, not a function call. Compile time error
The workarounds for the above code are quite simple, and require either renaming the function and class, or adding a type alias and a function with other name:
void y‌ield();
struct a‌wait{};

// workarounds
void corn_y‌ield() { y‌ield(); }
using corn_a‌wait = a‌wait;

template <class T>
future<int> some_coro() async {
    corn_a‌wait something;     // OK
    corn_y‌ield();             // OK

Note that such workarounds do not prevent ADL or templates usage:

struct a‌wait{};
struct foo{};
struct tst{ void y‌ield() };

void y‌ield(a‌wait aw);
void y‌ield(foo f);

// workarounds
template <class T> void adl_y‌ield(T v) { y‌ield(v); }
void adl_y‌ield(tst v) { v.y‌ield(); }

template <class T>
future<int> some_coro(T val) async {
    adl_y‌ield(val);             // OK

auto res = some_coro(a‌wait{});  // OK

VII. Distinguishability

A concern of distinguishability was raised on reflector during the proposal discussion. Here's a few examples on border cases when we see "only a single line of code in function":

Coroutines TS This proposal
  y‌ield x{1, 2, 3};
  y‌ield x{1, 2, 3};
  y‌ield x;
  y‌ield x;
  co_yield x;
  yield x;
  co_yield (x == 0);
  yield (x == 0);
  y‌ield(x == 0);
  y‌ield(x == 0);

Note that the above problem only arises if we do not see the beginning of the function. Otherwise it's obvious:

Coroutines TS This proposal
type foo() {
  y‌ield x{1, 2, 3};
type foo() {
  y‌ield x{1, 2, 3};
type foo() {
  y‌ield x;
type foo() {
  y‌ield x;
type foo() {
  co_yield x;
type foo() async {
  yield x;
type foo() {
  co_yield (x == 0);
type foo() async {
  yield (x == 0);
type foo() {
  y‌ield(x == 0);
type foo() {
  y‌ield(x == 0);

VIII. Wording, relative to N4775

  1. Remove [lex] and [lex.key]
  2. Change [dcl.fct.def.coroutine]:

    A function is a coroutine if it contains a coroutine-return-statement (, an await-expression (8.3.8), a yield-expression (8.21), or a range-based for (9.5.4) with co_awaitits definition marked with async.

  3. Change [expr.await]:

    The co_await expression appears only in coroutines and is used to suspend evaluation of a coroutine (11.4.4) while awaiting completion of the computation represented by the operand expression.

  4. Change [stmt.return.coroutine]: The co_routine return statement [stmt.return.coroutine]


    A coroutine returns to its caller or resumer (11.4.4) by the co_return statement or when suspended (8.3.8). A coroutine shall not return to its caller or resumer by a return statement(9.6.3).

  5. Remove all the co_ prefixes from all the occurrences of co_await, co_yield, and co_return.
  6. Add to the [dcl.fct] p1 and p2 respectively:
    D1 ( parameter-declaration-clause ) cv-qualifier-seqopt
    	ref-qualifieropt asyncopt noexcept-specifieropt attribute-specifier-seqopt
    D1 ( parameter-declaration-clause ) cv-qualifier-seqopt
    	ref-qualifieropt asyncopt noexcept-specifieropt attribute-specifier-seqopt trailing-return-type
  7. Add to the [dcl.decl] p5 grammar:
    	( parameter-declaration-clause ) cv-qualifier-seqopt
    		ref-qualifieropt asyncopt noexcept-specifieropt attribute-specifier-seqopt

IX. Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Gor Nishanov, for exploring the coroutines design space, for TS implementations, for teaching people about the coroutines, and for an insane amount of interesting coroutines related measurements/talks/presentations.

Thanks to Ville Voutilainen and Bjarne Stroustrup for pointing me to the previous discussions of the problem and to some concerns.