P1820r0: Recommendations for a compromise on handling errors and cancellations in executors

Date: 2019-10-07

Audience: SG1, LEWG

Authors: Gordon Brown

Emails: [email protected]

Reply to: [email protected]


Thanks to Chris Kohlhoff, Jamie Allsop, David Hollman, Eric Niebler, Kirk Shoop, Lewis Baker, Lee Howes, Jared Hoberock, Michał Dominiak and Christopher Di Bella for their helpful feedback.


This paper was originally written with the aim of resolving two conflicting positions on how to handle errors and cancellations in executors presented in P1660 and P1791 at the Cologne 2019 meeting. However, many of the recommended changes have now been applied in P0443r11.

1. Motivation

P1660 proposes a mechanism for handling errors and cancellations by which work items are represented by a callback which in addition to being an invocable also provides the error and done member functions for signalling errors and cancellations respectively. This approach has the benefit of allowing errors and cancellations to be propagated back via a separate channel from the value channel, even through different execution contexts. However it requires these channels to be provided every time a work item is enqueued.

P1791 proposes an alternative mechanism for handling errors by which errors are handled by a callback associated with the executor via the on_error_t property, allowing the callback that handles errors to be specified only does not require work items to be defined as a callback. This approach is also useful for when you want errors to be handled by the execution context and maps closer to execution contexts such as OpenCL or CUDA which cannot always identify which work item triggered the error.

P1660 provides a way to couple tasks with error and cancellation handling via the callback concept, however there exists domains where it’s desireable to invoke functions which simply model invocable and handle errors and cancellations via some out-of-band mechanism such as calling std::terminate, propagating to some back-channel (provided either by the user or by the execution context) or even leaving the errors unhandled. The approach suggested in P1660 does allow errors to be handled via alternative mechanisms however those mechanisms are currently entirely implementation defined, leaving error handling in the domains described above as unsupported in this model, which subsequently leaves these domains as unsupported.

Furthermore, there are some domains, such as GPU compute, where arbitrary callbacks to the host from a GPU driver would be detrimental to performance. However, there are algorithms expected to be defined with the callbackconcept as a basis operation such as those which define arbitrary error and cancellation handling channels which would require exactly this kind of arbitrary host callbacks. For execution contexts in such domains the only solution is to either ignore the semantic expectations of the algorithm or use a completely alternate set of algorithms, both of which are not acceptable solutions for a general executor solution.

In the case of a domain that would prefer to implement error and cancellation handling via an alternative mechanism to callbacks, if a callback based approach was required by the basis operations this would introduce an unavoidable burden on implementation overhead to handling error in cases where it is necessary to type-erase the tasks, even if errors could be handled in an alternate mechanism.

Another consideration on code share-ability, is that since senders (as described by P1660) are required to be specialized per execution context in order to be implemented efficiently, any algorithms which are defined with the callback concept as their basis operation cannot support executors which cannot or choose not to handle errors via callbacks. This will ultimately mean codebases written to such algorithms may have to be re-written when being ported to run on different execution contexts, which is a concern for generic programming.

2. Summary

Throughout the discussion on this topic a number of recommendations have been identified:

Recommendation Status in P0443r11
1. The invocable and callback concepts are independent and not part of a subsumption hierarchy. Adopted as invocable and receiver concepts.
2. An algorithm or control structure can be constrained on invocable, and not be expected to support types which model callback. Adopted via executor-based algorithms.
3. An algorithm or control structure can be constrained on callback and must honour the callback type’s error an done channels. Adopted via sender-based algorithms.
4. An executor can opt to support only an execution function which accepts invocable. Adopted as executor concept.
5. An executor can opt to support only an execution function which accepts callback. Adopted as sender concept.
6. The error and cancellation handling behavior of an execution function which accepts invocable should be well-defined via properties. Not adopted.

3. Suggested change: executor properties for error handling and cancellation

To allow an executor to specify alternative error and cancellation mechanisms this paper proposes that P0443 adopt two new groups of behavioral properties (as defined by P0443), execution::invocable_error_channel_t and execution::invocable_cancellation_channel_t, which can be used to specify to an executor how to handle errors when a work item is specified with an invocable rather than a callback.

This paper currently proposes a limited number of properties for execution::invocable_error_channel_t and execution::invocable_cancellation_channel_t, however it is expected that these property groups be extended to incorporate other error and cancellation mechanism in the future as requirements for them arise.


The execution::invocable_error_channel_t properties is a group of mutually exclusive behavioral properties that specify the guarantee which an Executor makes as to how it responds to an error of a work item being executed.

For some Executor type E, when a work item being executed by an execution agent created by E results in an error err, E must:

Property type Property object Description
execution::invocable_error_channel_t::terminate_t execution::invocable_error_channel.terminate The error channel of the default constructed callback will invoke std::terminate.
execution::invocable_error_channel_t::back_channel_t execution::invocable_error_channel.back_channel(i) The error channel of the default constructed callback behaves as-if calling bk(err), where bk is an invocable that is used as a back-channel for E.
execution::invocable_error_channel.back_channel takes a parameter bk, where bk is an invocable<Error>.


The execution::invocable_cancellation_channel_t properties is a group of mutually exclusive behavioral properties that specify the guarantee which an Executor makes as to how it responds to a cancellation of a work item being executed.

For some Executor type E:

Property type Property object Description
execution::invocable_cancellation_channel_t::unhandled_t execution::invocable_cancellation_channel.unhandled When a work item being executed by E is cancelled E does not propagate the cancellation.
execution::invocable_cancellation_channel_t::back_channel_t execution::invocable_cancellation_channel.back_channel(i) When a work item being executed by E is cancelled, E propagates the cancellation by calling bk(), where bk is an invocable that is used as a back-channel for E.
execution::invocable_cancellation_channel.back_channel takes a parameter bk, where bk is an invocable<>.

Status in P0443

This recommendation was not adopted into P0443r11.

4. Suggested change: separate executor concepts for execute(invocable) and execute(callback)

In order to allow executor authors freedom to choose the level of support they want for their executors (i.e. support for types which model callback or types which model invocable), whilst also allowing algorithm authors to specify constraints on the kind of executors required this paper proposes that P0443 introduces a subsumption hierarchy of executor types taking the form of invocable_executor and callback_executor as a refinement of invocable_executor.

[ Note: The names of these concepts are placeholder names and are expected to be bikeshed. ]

invocable_executor concept

The invocable_executor concept requires a type to have a .execute member function which takes an invocable which handles errors and continuations according to the value of the execution::invocable_error_channel_t and execution::invocable_cancellation_channel_t properties for the executor respectively.

template<class T, class F = void(*)()>
concept invocable_executor = invocable<F> &&
   requires (T&& t, F&& f) {

callback_executor concept

The callback_executor concept requires a type to model the invocable_executor concept and to have a further .execute member function which takes a callback which handles errors and cancellations via the error and done channels of the callback as defined in P1660.

template<class T, class C = __callback>
concept callback_executor = invocable_executor<T> ||
  (callback<C> && requires (T&& t, C&& c) {

[ Note: __callback is a type used for exposition purposes only. ]

Status in P0443

This recommendation was adopted into P0443r11 with the concepts executor which is required to provide execute(invocable) and sender which is required to provide submit(callback) as separate types rather than a subsumption hierarchy, and minus the requirement to support on executor to perform error handling according to the execution::invocable_error_channel_t and execution::invocable_cancellation_channel_t properties.

5. Suggested change: customization point execution::execute

In order to allow adaptations between a invocable_executor and a callback_executor this paper recommends that P0443 provide the execution::execute customization point object.

For a given executor e of type E and a given function fof type F, execution:execute(e, f) should behave as follows:

E models invocable_executor E models callback_executor
F models invocable Invokes execute(invocable &&).
Errors and cancellations are handled according to the value of the execution::invocable_error_channel_t and execution::invocable_cancellation_channel_t properties for E respectively.
Invokes execute(invocable &&).
Errors and cancellations are handled according to the value of the execution::invocable_error_channel_t and execution::invocable_cancellation_channel_t properties for E respectively.
F models callback Compile-time error. Invokes execute(callback &&).
Errors and cancellations are handled by F::error and F::done respectively.

The one caveat to the semantic relationship between executor type and function type is that as invocable and callback are a subsumption hierarchy, calling execution:execute with an executor type that models invocable_executor and a function type which models callback will result in the error and done channels of the callback not being used. However if this is a problem for algorithm authors for any particular algorithm this can be avoided by simply constraining the algorithm on callback_executor therefore preventing the user from using a type which only models invocable_executor.

[ Note: The above definitions of invocable_executor and callback_executor are for exposition purposes, and the callback_executor concept can also be implemented as a single overload which handles both cases. ]

Status in P0443

This recommendation was adopted into P0443r11 with the customization points tbd::execute(executor, invocable) which is required to provide the semantics of execute(invocable) and tbd::submit(sender, callback) which is required to provide the semantics of submit(callback), and minus the requirement to support on execute(executor, invocable) to perform error handling according to the execution::invocable_error_channel_t and execution::invocable_cancellation_channel_t properties.

6. Suggested change: Separately constrained algorithms and control structures

By introducing the subsumption hierarchy of executor types; invocable_executor and callback_executor algorithm authors can allow an algorithm to be generic to the executor type or enforce strict requirements on whether only types which model callback can be used.

Algorithm constraints Expected behavior
template <class S, class F> requires invocable_executor<typename S::executor_type> auto transform(S sender, F func); Generic algorithm which can take an executor that models either invocable_executor or callback_executor behaving appropriately to what is passed, returning a sender which may use callback or may use execution::invocable_error_channel_t and execution::invocable_cancellation_channel_t.
template <class S, class F, class E> requires callback_executor<typename S::executor_type> auto transform_error(S sender, F func, E errorFunc); callback specific algorithm which can only take an executor that models either callback_executor and therefore must return a sender that uses callback.

Status in P0443

It is the intended direction of P0443 is to adopt algorithms such as those defined above, however P0443r11 does not yet specify these.